Ender wrote:Darth Wong wrote:The level of rampant dishonesty here is breathtaking. Who hasn't seen some asshole cut him off on the highway and thought "I'd love to see that prick get flattened by a semi"? Oh of course, NOBODY here would ever think such thoughts, right? People enter this thread and suddenly rediscover a deep and abiding moral faith in the immense value of human life, no matter who it is!
The difference being, in your case the guy just did something that would bring it about - driving in an unsafe manner.
Except that he didn't cause an accident. He was just a rude asshole. The point, which nobody is willing to admit, is that we think poetic justice is funny when it's someone we have no respect for. That's why we laugh at Darwin Award winners who might be caring, loving human beings for all we know, but who did something really really stupid. And since the last bit is all that we know about the person, we don't respect him and we laugh at his idiotic death. Suppose you found out that a particular Darwin Award winner was a wonderful, giving person: would you find his death much less funny? Of course you would. And yet, nothing about the joke itself has changed.
You can try to pretend that there is some great moral distinction caused by being the actor directly responsible for your own death, but that plays into the moralistic arguments heard earlier, where people question why those actions actually deserve the death penalty. They don't, at least not morally. We simply laugh at the poetic justice because we don't know these people and don't respect them.
The problem in this case is that some part of you is inclined to respect this guy, because even though he's a blowhard idiot, he carried through with his beliefs and in so doing, he showed a certain amount of integrity. The moment you feel some respect for a person, then it cannot be funny for poetic justice to strike him down.
This guy? All he did was cheerlead from the sidelines. Frankly I see this as no different from the people screaming that all soldiers deserve to die because they volunteered. Yet we would dismiss them as loons here. So why is it funny in this case?
What the fuck is this "political activism means nothing" bullshit? You live in a democratic society, do you not? Every time an election rolls around, people talk about how important political activism is, do they not?
In a democratic society, political activists are not mere noisemakers; their leaders are influenced by the apparent popularity of their decisions. George W. Bush would not have invaded Iraq if 80% of Americans opposed it. So people like this
should accept some responsibility for the actions they publically support. Political activists are
not on the sidelines in a democratic process.