Stas Bush wrote:Yeah, Stalin is going to attack the US homeland... with what Navy? With paper Sovietsky Soyuz battleships and a trophy German air carrier, not even finished?
They must, to establish the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere! The Super Sino-Stalin Soviet Socialist Spherical States!
The USSR was so much a threat to homeland US... well, almost none exactly to be fair.
I don't know. How did the Evil Russians stack up against the Yellow Peril in terms of scariness?
Frankly, I'd point to UK, and France, developing their own nuclear weapons even as they had the US backing them, and being U.S. allies for many years. Clearly they were deviously plotting to backstab America with nuclear weapons and pull a Pearl Harbor.
Oh, hells yeah on the goddamn Frenchmen. Didn't they continue testing nukes on Pacific islands long after everyone else stopped doing so?
In any case, it's totally fair if America gets to pick who gets nukes and who doesn't to advance its own (beneviolent) interests throughout the world.
But it's mean and unfair and bad and not nice when other people get to do it. It is doubly evil when those other people seek to defend themselves because in the last war, they had a foreign power come over and murder a tenth of their population, leaving their country in total ruin and in no state to survive another war against indomitable powers wielding the most destructive weaponry imaginable to man. Most especially when its the Evil Russians who are doing it. Goddamn Evil Russians. It's all their fault!
It'd be nice if, in the multipolar future, the world's financial transactions will be done on Berlin Wall Street and our greenbacks will be in the petroroubles. Just, y'know, out of spite.