Just so we're clear, you're holding people responsible for shit they do while actively being grabbed. That's all I really need to know, you're a fucking moron.FOG3 wrote:Are you honestly no oblivious to safety protocols, you think "jerked the trigger" puts them in a better light then "freaked out." Where is your trigger finger if you are not ready to shoot, buddy? Here's a hint it's not on the trigger to prevent that exact accidental discharge problem, and if you aren't your training program is seriously lacking.consequences wrote:One of the flamers gets grabbed. He convulsively pulls the trigger, hitting the guy with all the ammo. The ammo explodes, taking out at a rough guess, two additional squad members from the simultaneous flatlining with the explosion. How exactly is this not the xeno's fault?
You remember how Burke didn't back Ripley up at all in her threat assessment, making her seem like a deranged nut? The only thing he actually backstopped her on was preventing the marines from causing a meltdown. Since Weyland Yutani put the mission together without including dedicated engineer support or any kind of technical advice apart from Burke, this failure goes far higher than the squad level where we see the marines operating.That still doesn't get around that only went down that way because:
-They lackidasically went in there with zero forethought or planning of their own iniative. When the woman that has been in a bloody freeze capsule so long she doesn't know jack about any of the equipment is pointing out stuff from a cursory examination that's suddenly news to you, you are pathetic.
-They did the whole lets make a guy carry all the ammo business making him a walking grenade themselves. They set that up all by their lonesomes. Plus what kind of confidence they have in their guys does it speak to that they'd do it that way?
One trustworthy guy to carry the ammo isn't unprecedented. Neither is confiscating magazines(or not issuing ammo in the first place) in situations where a single mistimed burst can kill everyone.
Four total. Grabbed, flamed, two from explosion. And if you honestly think that anyone is going to have fully conscious control of their actions while being yanked towards the ceiling by an armor plated killing machine, then I simply don't have words.Nor does it get around the fact the Xeno only grabbed the guy while that was going down. It's not like it was nibbling on him or anything. You do also realize they only had like 10 guys, so rapidly losing 3 to use your number is not exactly a minor thing.
You mean all four remaining people, two of which are actively laying down pretty much continuous suppressive fire? And the xeno goes for the guy standing still without a weapon at ready, shocker.With most of his squad around him. To bad they were in disarray because the guy with the flamer freaked out and nailed the ammo guy, thereby allowing a opening for the Sargeant to get nailed thereby increasing the chaos. What part of arguably more damaging, got past you? Or are you arguing the Xenos were actually smart enough to know what a Sargeant is?consequences wrote:Then Sergeant Apone gets grabbed while Gorman's distracting him.
The thing you seem to be trying to ignore is that after the immediate clusterfuck, the only additional casualties are caused by acid splash.
Two people, not taking the threat particularly seriously because it's a lone civilian's word on what happened, to a bunch of other unarmed civilians. As I said, the two are fuckoff useless assholes, but the doctrine which kept two people on the bird isn't bad.What's with you and playing the way it would be almost understandable as if it would be the height of incompetance, while playing the height of incompetance if it's not. They were on a landing pad with barren terrain all around aka no real cover/concealment. If they'd locked down the ship and something had managed to get on board while they were off taking a piss or something it would be understandable that they didn't recognize it was there until it was too late. As is they don't really have a excuse.consequences wrote:The two fuck-offs with the dropship weren't doing their job guarding the thing effectively, but it isn't like they left the thing unmanned.
Burke's tactics are undoubtedly shitty(giving an override to Bishop to put the facehuggers in jars on the dropship, taking them up, and nuking the site from orbit then with all the marines and Ripley present to leave no witnesses strikes me as an immediate and practical way to achieve his goals). His inability to properly execute a sudden but inevitable betrayal still doesn't affect how the Marines were hung out to dry.Miss the problem that to get a specimen somebody actually has to come back? Or did you think the Xeno would nicely call a shuttle down and fly the Sulaco back to Company, all by it's lonesome?consequences wrote:Miss the part where the Corporation was willing to let them all get eaten to get a specimen?
Wow, snark is a sure sign that someone will always have a nervous breakdown. That must be why Hudson dropped his weapon and huddled in a corner until the Aliens ate him in the Turbo FOG3 Championship Edition of Aliens with Hyperfighting that none of the rest of us ever saw.When your mental fragility is such you're advertisizng it more or less 24/7 in how you walk and talk it's kind of obvious. The guy that can't shut up because he has to reassure himself every few minutes, and is jumpy enough to do things like empty a mag at Newt ain't exactly hiding it well bud. The DIs and DSs are kind of supposed to spot those types and weed them out, you know?consequences wrote:And how exactly does Hudson scream' I'm gonna be a mental casualty' anyway? Until people have seen combat, you really don't know who's going to fold or not.
Seems as how you don't think he had Neon signs on him, straight from the script:
His first line:
This floor's freezing.
Christ. I never saw such a buncha old women. You want me to fetch your slippers, Hudson?
Would you, Sir?
Scene Two:
Hey, Vasquez...you ever been mistaken for a man?
No. Have you?
So from the get go what do we have? A POS that is incessantly whining and snarking at his comrades and superiors, in a way that's the real Neon sign. Exactly how much more obvious and disfunctional does he need to be before you think maybe this guy should never have been allowed in front line combat arms, consequences?
Newsflash, soldiers will whine and snark exactly as much as they feel like and are allowed to by their superiors, it's not really an indication of how they'll act when the shit actually starts.