KrauserKrauser wrote:
Right, you would have people getting to 99.99 million and staying there, effectively limiting the contribution of each person in the country to 99.99 million worth of possible impact on the economy. You are needlessly limiting the potential of your highest earners for what? So you can say you a better leash on them? You continue to ignore and refuse to answer the question of why this wealth siezure is necessary if the same amount of funds can be had from a 99% tax that does not artifically limit the contribution of the individuals in the society. Once you set a cieling, the people are going to go that far and no further because at that point, what is the benefit to them?
Answer the question or stop posting, I've asked it like three times now.
The very post you are responding to, which you voluntarily chose to completely ignore, lists three explicit reasons why someone would have cause to keep 'working' after reaching the limit.
So at 100 million dollars every person magically stops having to work to get more money?
The post you are responding to explained why that is not the case, which you have ignored.
Sweet, why don't we just give everyone $100 million dollars so no one has to work anymore!
The post you are responding to explained why that is not the case, which you have ignored.
If you limit their wealth, you limit the contribution they will make to society, and yes, before you make the statement that all 100 million+ are simply greedy lazy bastards which I'm sure will follow, there is a difference between the work a person with $100 mill and an hourly worker does. What amount of work do you require for them to justify more than $100 million?
The post you are responding to explained why that is not the case, which you have ignored.
So all of that greedy useless spending will now be even more justified? Having wild parties for millions at a time was something I thought we were trying to eliminate, why would this be something you would be shooting for?
That's what Stas argued for. I actually see some benefit in that sort of expenditure--it keeps lots of people employed, instead of just sitting on unproductive wealth, it's constantly being fed back into the system. The reason for the seizures is so the government can control the
investment of this wealth, into the
dirigisme-type joint government/private corporations that would thus exist, and therefore the government can take the money which is not fed back into the economy through the purchase of goods and services and place it as investments in future development in sectors that it sees fit to support, rather than the individual in question.
Why would it be impossible on less than yearly basis? Why not have a special branch of welath police that investigate every piece of property you own?
Because I am not proposing a police state, as you like to claim, and now you are confused, so you have to ask me why I don't want these things, when the reason is obviously that I don't want a police state.
But You are basically corporatizing each individual with more than 100 million, why is this drastic change to the US government necessary when the same amount of revenue can be gathered without this increased hardship?
Increased hardship. Hah. Someone has 100 million dollars and the failure to make more is "increased hardship". Hah! This is one the funnier things I've heard on my six years on this board. Have you ever been homeless?
What is inherently evil about earning and amassing wealth if the person is paying all of their appropriate taxes when earning the money?
This is just another tax, so the question is specious in the extreme.
Do you believe the economy to be a closed system with a limited amount of wealth that these people are hoarding from all those poor defenseless less fortunates?
No, I think the government should have some control over where large sums of money are invested.
Yes, because the ultra rich have TONS of children! This is a super reason to bring more children into the world with workaholic parents! Children = $$$ Brilliant!
Workaholic parents? Where is this continuing ridiculous idea that the rich "work" coming from? They don't work; they sit on investments which accumulate money no matter what they do. The rich do not "work". All of them could in fact quit being CEOs and so on and continue to be multi-millionaires indefinitely based off of their investments, a fact you seem to not understand at all. And in fact considering the incompetence of the current generation, I would be very pleased if this happened!
Didn't you say there wasn't going to be any joint filing? How would the parents claim the child and the spouse if there is no joint filing? Did you forget that part of your plan?
No, but you have forgotten part of it, of course, the part where I said that wealth transfers between individuals would not be taxed, so a man could give his wife money (after that money had been taxed, of course!) until she also reached 100 million in assets.
Again, why give them the choice? People are naturally going to avoid the limit at all costs, so why bother with this extra charity bullshit huggy feely crap? Just take it for the government as then the money will be redistributed most equitably. You are already fucking them, you don't have to tell them it should feel good because they decide how they are being fucked.
The government is fucking someone over by limiting them to 100 million in assets? This post just takes the cake in terms of sheer hilarity. Can we drop this whole "OMG UNETHICAL!" screaming and start discussing whether or not the idea is a bad one in actual, practical, economic terms? Because there is nothing unethical at all about being stuck as a multi-millionaire when you could be a billionaire. If people actually complained about it, I'd die of excessive laughter at how utterly pathetic that would be, and let me assure you the average person on the street would show no more sympathy than me. Oh, you
poor dear, you can only have a hundred million dollars in assets!
What the hell? I mean, think about how ridiculous what you're saying is. The reason this conversation is going on is because nobody has really supplied a substantiative reason for why the wealth cap is a bad idea (and that the rich would stop working is ridiculous, because the rich already do not need to work--do you think Steve Jobs needs to be the CEO of Apple? Of course not, his Apple stock could keep him worth a hundred mils for all eternity! He chooses to work for Apple because he likes it, or for reasons of prestige), instead just following the ridiculous tack that it's "immoral".
Yes, you have decided to turn any person with $100 mill in assets into a corpration, why not have them report their assests quarterly like a corporation, less room for excessive spending, so why not?
People and corporations are already treated basically the same way in law, so I don't see you stating anything but the obvious here, and actually privately held corporations don't have to do quarterly reporting, just joint-stock corporations.
The "choice" you give them is bullshit and for some reason you are oblivious to reality.
Says the person who thinks it is immoral to keep someone from being a billionaire, and merely limit them to being worth a hundred million dollars instead.
If you set a cap at $100 million, people that can earn $100 million are smart enough to realize it does not benefit them in the slightest to generate anything more than $100 million in assets. They will always be under the cap, so why bother with the touchy feely carebear shit?
But that's exactly what I want--for them to cease generating more wealth, and for their excess to be taken and invested by the government and used by the government to invest in projects.
Also consider the most important part, not raised before, that was part of my considerations:
The wealth cap means that dividends are less important to the mega-rich, and dividends are a bad thing We want to minimize the importance of dividends, and minimize how much in dividends that joint-stock corporations pay out, because
a focus on short-term dividends over long-term investment in the health and prosperity of the company is what has caused the current collapse of modern American industry. The purpose of limiting wealth is also to make the current short-sighted policies of generating as large of dividends as possible irrelevant, since the mega-rich who control the corporates
will not be able to benefit from those dividend payments.
For the last time, everyone that has responded to your plan says your wealth cap is sub-optimal and the same amount of revenues can be obtained through means that would not require a constitutional amendment that will never get passed in your wildest fucking dreams, so why do you believe unlimited wealth ownership to be inherently evil as long as the people earning said wealth are doing so legally?
Because the wealth cap will serve as an indirect method of controlling dividend pay-outs.