Bush and the "mispronouncing" of Nuclear...(RANT)

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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

XaLEv wrote:
Kelly Antilles wrote: Texas has its own fucking accent. Don't bitch because he supposedly "mispronounces" a word.
Watch where you aim that. I'm Texan and I don't know anyone who says it that way.
I don't mean offence to Texans, but you do have a distinct accent. There are several, actually, depending on where you are in the state. Not hard with as big as the state is.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Kelly, switching between a long and short "a" in "tomato" is hardly the same thing as arbitrarily adding an imaginary syllable to a word. And I reiterate: does he pronounce "nucleus" as "nu-cu-leus"? Because if he doesn't, then he is not even being consistent in his pronounciations, and yes, he is WRONG.

Mind you, this is hardly the dumbest thing he's done or said, but that doesn't change the fact that it's stupid.
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Post by Seggybop »

With pecan in all pronounciations it's stil a PE-sound and then a -CAN sound.
Same with tomato, a TO, MA, TO.
But with this nuclear crap, it's like making it PEKYEAN or TOMYATO.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Darth Wong wrote:Kelly, switching between a long and short "a" in "tomato" is hardly the same thing as arbitrarily adding an imaginary syllable to a word. And I reiterate: does he pronounce "nucleus" as "nu-cu-leus"? Because if he doesn't, then he is not even being consistent in his pronounciations, and yes, he is WRONG.

Mind you, this is hardly the dumbest thing he's done or said, but that doesn't change the fact that it's stupid.
Then perhaps he was taught to say it wrong? He does have to deal with people with a thousand different accents every day. You can pick up different pronunciations all the time.

I'm just tired of people picking on someone else's accent.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Pablo Sanchez wrote: This is the same sort of situation as someone pronouncing "toe-may-toe" as "ter-mah-tay." It's quite simply totally wrong.
Same thing with Color. I cringe whenever some loser says colour......Goddammit, it is COLOR, not Colour....

Or Ass. It is Ass, not Arse.....jesus, the world is full of fucking idiots.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Kelly Antilles wrote:Then perhaps he was taught to say it wrong?
Undoubtedly. I just think that if you're going to speak before a national audience, you should rehearse the speech and check your pronounciations first.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Darth Wong wrote:
Kelly Antilles wrote:Then perhaps he was taught to say it wrong?
Undoubtedly. I just think that if you're going to speak before a national audience, you should rehearse the speech and check your pronounciations first.
I'd go back in time and beat Carter with a stick until so that he would say nuclear right, but I don't have a time machine and I'm to lazy.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

MKSheppard wrote:Same thing with Color. I cringe whenever some loser says colour......Goddammit, it is COLOR, not Colour....

Or Ass. It is Ass, not Arse.....jesus, the world is full of fucking idiots.
Even you ought to know the difference between dialect and incorrect speech. When your dealing with a word like Nuclear, there's only one way to say it correctly. Let's say I find a 'Southern' periodic table with extra elements. Oh, it's only a regional deal, nothing wrong with it. :roll:
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Post by MKSheppard »

Pablo Sanchez wrote:Let's say I find a 'Southern' periodic table with extra elements. Oh, it's only a regional deal, nothing wrong with it. :roll:
Actually, ever hear of wolframite?

That's what the germans called Tungsten in WWII.

As for incorrect speech, what about those english? They keep saying
"arse" when everyone knows its "ass"
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

MKSheppard wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote:Let's say I find a 'Southern' periodic table with extra elements. Oh, it's only a regional deal, nothing wrong with it. :roll:
Actually, ever hear of wolframite?

That's what the germans called Tungsten in WWII.
I was speaking more or less in terms of an element with the number 7 1/2 or somesuch.
As for incorrect speech, what about those english? They keep saying
"arse" when everyone knows its "ass"
That's because the English are stupid. And gay.

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Post by Darth Wong »

MKSheppard wrote:Same thing with Color. I cringe whenever some loser says colour......Goddammit, it is COLOR, not Colour....
You must have amazing ears to hear someone pronouncing it the same but spelling it differently :roll:
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Post by Montcalm »

Just because Bush mispronounce nuclear its not a big deal at least its not like that twit who told the kid potato is spelled p-o-t-a-t-o-e. :lol:
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Post by Bartman »

What makes it even worse is that he used to pronounce it correctly. An old speechwriter from his governor days wrote an article about it in the Public Relations Society of America journal a few months back. GWB only began mispronouncing it when he began his presidential campaign. The implication was that he was doing it intentionally to appear more "just folks."
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Post by Macross »

I think a prerequesite for having the authority to deploy nuclear weapons should be the ability to pronounce its name correctly…
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Darth Wong wrote:
MKSheppard wrote:Same thing with Color. I cringe whenever some loser says colour......Goddammit, it is COLOR, not Colour....
You must have amazing ears to hear someone pronouncing it the same but spelling it differently :roll:
However it's pronounced, when I see it spelled "colour" I always think "cuh-loor" Ehh, but I'm an idiot........
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Post by Durandal »

MKSheppard wrote:
Durandal wrote:He didn't misspell it. He mispronounced it. It's not "new-kew-lar." It's "new-klee-ar." It's one of the most infuriating mispronunciations in existence, frankly, because it makes him sound like a fucking idiot. He's one of those people who probably says "irregardless," too.
Carter pronounced it that way too, and he was from Georgia. Like I said, us Southerners don't complain about the way you Midwesterners and New Englanders, and New Yorkers speak, but we are constantly shit upon by you condescending bastards.
And Carter sounded like a moron whenever he said it. Stressing or elongating different syllables in a word is hardly comparable to arbitrarily replacing syllables. I don't care where you come from, but there's no excuse for pronouncing "klee-ar" as "kew-lar." You're mangling two syllables of a three-syllable word. This is not a stellar pronunciation performance record. Tell your fellow Southerners that us Damned Yankees will stop being condescending once you learn to coordinate your eyes with your mouth.

By the way Mike, there are people who say, "new-kew-lus." They sound equally retarded.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I'm suprised when I go to other states and am told that I have an "Iowan accent". Iowans don't have any accents, godsdamnit!

...Or is the abscense of an accent an accent in and of itself?
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Post by Graeme Dice »

Darth Wong wrote:Pronouncing it "nu-cu-lar" is just fine, if your intent is to prove that you're stupid. Do you also pronounce the word "nucleus" as "nu-cu-leus"?
I'm glad you've proved that all of my east Indian professors are idiots for pronouncing zero with a 'j' sound instead of a 'z' sound.
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Post by Dalton »

Goddamn this thread is stupid.
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Post by Dalton »

MKSheppard wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote:Let's say I find a 'Southern' periodic table with extra elements. Oh, it's only a regional deal, nothing wrong with it. :roll:
Actually, ever hear of wolframite?

That's what the germans called Tungsten in WWII.

As for incorrect speech, what about those english? They keep saying "arse" when everyone knows its "ass"
And I assume "everyone" in this case means "Americans" and the Americans are always right?

There can be more than one acceptable spelling for a word (spelt, spelled). There can even be more than one acceptable pronunciation. Not really for "nuclear".

"Usage Note: The pronunciation (nky-lr), which is generally considered incorrect, is an example of how a familiar phonological pattern can influence an unfamiliar one. The usual pronunciation of the final two syllables of this word is (-kl-r), but this sequence of sounds is rare in English. Much more common is the similar sequence (-ky-lr), which occurs in words like particular, circular, spectacular, and in many scientific words like molecular, ocular, and vascular."

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Post by Dahak »

MKSheppard wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote:Let's say I find a 'Southern' periodic table with extra elements. Oh, it's only a regional deal, nothing wrong with it. :roll:
Actually, ever hear of wolframite?

That's what the germans called Tungsten in WWII.
Actually, we Germans call that element "Wolfram".
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Post by Dahak »

MKSheppard wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote: This is the same sort of situation as someone pronouncing "toe-may-toe" as "ter-mah-tay." It's quite simply totally wrong.
Same thing with Color. I cringe whenever some loser says colour......Goddammit, it is COLOR, not Colour....

Or Ass. It is Ass, not Arse.....jesus, the world is full of fucking idiots.
I spell it colour. As is the "British" way.
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong.
Live with it.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Dahak wrote: Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong.
Live with it.

The previous post by me was sarcasm. I really don't give a damn
how the rest of the world spells or says ass. However, some small
minded pinheads (mostly from the northern USA) think that the
way people from the south speak makes them automatically idiots
because they say words in a southern accent as opposed to saying
it the northern style, which is, of course, right :roll:
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Post by MKSheppard »

Dalton wrote:Goddamn this thread is stupid.
About as stupid as the way northerners speak, and then automatically
assume that they are the high exalted authority on english.
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