The fundamental premise is pretty simple: Aliens are invading. The world's most powerful governments (plus Nigeria

Fortunately, the aliens are just as incompetent, though vastly more technologically advanced. You shoot down their UFOs, kick them in the balls, take their stuff, and kill them better. Eventually you figure out what they want, where they're coming from, and how to crotchstomp ther invasion FOR THE IMPERI- er, for the sake of humanity.
Currently taking suggestions for the name of our first base. Also, in lieu of specfic weaponry, please choose one of the following specializations for your soldier:
-Assault: Soldiers who will be using automatic weaponry, grenades, and stun prods for room clearing. Have dibs on all the sweet armor. Totally not cannon fodder. >.>
-Weapons: Soldiers with high Strength. Will carry heavy weapons (rocket launcher, autocannon, etc.) Likely to blow themselves up.
-Sniper: Soldiers with very high accuracy. Will carry rifles and provide long-ranged fire. Probably going to be totally misused and die horribly in a fire, the way I play.
So, who wants to join up and die- er, fight for mankind?