Dumbass newsies

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Dumbass newsies

Post by Perinquus »

I know a lot of reporters and newspeople are scientifically illiterate, but come on!


This is from CNN, by the way.
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Post by Faram »

Damn americans holding out on the secret of FTL travel!

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Shit, now they all know about it, along with our cameras and radar systems, which can track FTL objects.

Quick, activate the United States national repulsorlift system and prep the hyperdrive and superlaser! We can't let the rest of the world inform our Naban alien enemies!
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2003-02-03 06:11am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dalton »

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Post by God Emperor »

Wouldn't you think someone would see the mistake and correct it?
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I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Post by Patrick Degan »

Well, so much for keeping the secret of the NASA Warp Development Project.
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Post by Dalton »

God Emperor wrote:Wouldn't you think someone would see the mistake and correct it?
This is from the same network that accidentially misspelled someone's last name as "nigger".
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Dammit! They've stumbled onto something!

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Post by Stormbringer »

Are you sure that's real? I was watching CNN and I never saw that. Just the Mach 6 stuff.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

If that's real then the average IQ of the US has dropped to minus something.

Stormbringer: What are you betting Mach 6 means jack shit to CNN officials? They probably see it as equivalent to Warp 6.
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Re: Dumbass newsies

Post by ArmorPierce »

LMAO It was just a mistake and the person who typed it up was probably just thinking of light when he typed it and didn't notice it--at least, I hope...
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Post by Stormbringer »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Stormbringer: What are you betting Mach 6 means jack shit to CNN officials? They probably see it as equivalent to Warp 6.
I think it's something that could happen. The thing is I was watching CNN and never saw that so I do have to wonder if it's a hoax.
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Post by David »

I know i know, during the crash the announcer said the plane was traviling at 20,000 miles an hour or somesuch number, then they said that was 5 times the speed of sound. Is it just me or is their math alittle bit screwy.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:If that's real then the average IQ of the US has dropped to minus something.
Unless thirty scientists at NASA actually bring it up by a coupla hundred...
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Post by Ghost Rider »


18 time the speed of LIGHT?!


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Re: Dumbass newsies

Post by Lagmonster »

I watched it for a while, and I don't remember that goof either. It wouldn't be hard to doctor the shot - you'd only have to change the word 'light' and it could make sense.
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Post by XaLEv »

"Light" doesn't quite look right. Seems to have too much white in it, not enough blue. Bit sharp compared to the rest, too.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:If that's real then the average IQ of the US has dropped to minus something.
Oh do shut up. One person makes a fucking typo, and you decide that the whole fucking country is retarded. :evil:

Although, in a few hundred years, a headline like that might be perfectly fine. :wink:
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Admiral Valdemar wrote:If that's real then the average IQ of the US has dropped to minus something.
Oh do shut up. One person makes a fucking typo, and you decide that the whole fucking country is retarded. :evil:
Nah, I base my observation on a lot of American incidents that warrant pruning the IQ points a little. :P
Although, in a few hundred years, a headline like that might be perfectly fine. :wink:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Although, in a few hundred years, a headline like that might be perfectly fine. :wink:
Yeah, and Einstein will go and beat the proverbial shit out of whomever made a drive that screwed with his laws. For he is THE LAW! 8)
*WOOSH!* :roll:
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Post by Vertigo1 »

Spanky, calm the fuck down! He was joking.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Nani? When did I indicate I was pissed off?

I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by Vertigo1 »

Probably the part where you told Vald "Fuck you". :D

Anyway, I'm just watching my friend's back. :)
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Bah, he's just a sissy Limey that thinks all of us Yanks can't think for shit. :P
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, he's just a sissy Limey that thinks all of us Yanks can't think for shit. :P
Hey, now look here Sunny Jim... Oh wait, that is what I think. :P

Naw, Yanks are funny (in a good way). :D
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