Nuke my capital city? Are you nuts? Sweet Lady, full on half of my total population resides in San Dorado City, my guess would be it's well in the top ten most densely populated cities in the world, and you would drop nuclear devices on it? If that's your idea of "help", then hell no I don't want any...Karmic Knight wrote:So, Siege, need any assistance with the whole zombie apocalypse destroying your city from the FTO? I'm sure we could nuke them.
The situation is deteriorating alright, but the plague currently still only ranks #5 on the urban unrest alert scale, which goes up to #7. We've seen worse, and the plague is currently contained in some of the poorest areas of the Sprawl (think South Bronx at its worst), so even if we flatten them (which we'll probably do with some of the worst affected bits) it's no big loss. Luckily for us the infected have a tendency to cluster ala Firefly's Reavers, rather than spread out like DotD zombies, so we can still isolate the clusters and take them out with Excessive Force™.
And as long as it looks we can handle this, you can bet we're going to suppress the real cause for the violence. Like Fingolfin said, we don't want our trade to dry up just because some poor bastards in the urban wastelands got infected with Super Rabies...