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Post by haas mark »

Okay, this is going to sound strange coming from me, but is there anyone else out there completely apathetic towards the whole Columbia space shutle thing? I know it's weird coming from me due to my empathy issues, but i seriously don't feel anything for these people. Don't get me wrong, it's a tragedy the event, but I don't care. Doesn't phase me a bit. And you don't think I have fubar morals...
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Post by XaLEv »

Yeah. It's unfortunate that it happened, but I don't feel bad about it or anything.
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Post by Dalton »

This is just a pre-emptive warning to everyone to keep the flames down (because I KNOW some of you want to flame Ver).
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Post by InnerBrat »

I'll admit that I feel about as bad as I usually do when 7 people die in a disaster...
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Post by God Emperor »

No reaction.
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Post by 2000AD »

Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I was feeling only a little bad about it... but then I saw the pictures of the debris on the ground in Texas and Lousiana. Now I'm really bummed out about it.
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Post by kojikun »

I was pissed more about the space program then the people. Something like 10,000 people died while I typed this sentence, so I'm not going to fret over 7 more. But the entire space program will be set back gods know how long.
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Post by haas mark »

2000AD wrote:Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
9/11? I wasn't phased. My sentiments exactly, though.
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Post by salm »

verilon wrote:
2000AD wrote:Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
9/11? I wasn't phased. My sentiments exactly, though.
wow, i never thought that people would actually start to admit that in public within the next decade.

<edit>duh, spelling. it´s public, not puble</edit>
Last edited by salm on 2003-02-03 01:49pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

salm wrote:
verilon wrote:
2000AD wrote:Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
9/11? I wasn't phased. My sentiments exactly, though.
wow, i never thought that people would actually start to admit that in puble within the next decade.
Well really, if we go by this way of mourning then we would be perpetually sad as many strangers die every day from low birth weight to disease to car accidents to old age etc.

The WTC and Challenger and Columbia tragedies were bad as were Titanic and Hindenberg and the Holocaust etc. But no one I knew was among them so really it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

Not that it didn't hit me like a sledgehammer when I woke to the sound of loss over another shuttle losing it's crew.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I thought it was terrible, yes. But I wasn't broken by it or anything.

Same thing with 9-11. I felt really bad about it for about two days, then completely got over it. Same with Columbine, etc...

I'm just able to detatch myself emotionally from tragedies that don't happen to anyone I know. Don't know why.
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Post by Dahak »

Accidents happen.

No need to overemphasize it.
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Post by Stormbringer »

I feel bad about September 11th. It's not a gone in two days things but I'm not dwelling on it. It's horrible and sad and we need to actually kill Bin LAden but it hasn't changed my life in a major way.

The Shuttle Accident I feel bad about but it's not something I'll be in mourning over.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Yeah, the shuttle blowing away didn't really effected me, maybe because the way I heard it, Breaking News from AOL... yes I was using AOL, my cable hasn't been working for a few days :x .

9-11, however, did effect me. Actually it was more as disbelief than anything else.
Last edited by ArmorPierce on 2003-02-03 01:55pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Might have to do with the fact that most of us are NT personality types; that is, we prefer to think about stuff...

My reaction to such a thing is usually "Holy shit, did I just see that?" then I proceed to think about what might have caused it...
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Post by salm »

Dahak wrote:Accidents happen.

No need to overemphasize it.
i would have expected that anyone who says that he/she wasnt that moved by 9/11 would be flamed to hell, just like 2000ad said. and after 9/11 commenting similar on a tragedy such as the columbia would be a certain death in flames as well.

i actually felt very bad about 9/11 for a long time. there´s still a bad feeling whenever it again on tv. but it wasnt that much because of the people who died. i´m still not completely sure what it was. the notion that the western world is actually attackable, maybe.
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Post by Lagmonster »

It's sad that they died. It's sad that anyone dies, even in horrific ways like 9/11. But mourning, fearing for yourself, or wishing revenge or recompense can't be the measure of your whole life, like it is for some people.

For many of us, unconnected to the tragedies of things like the WTC attack, it's best to acknowledge the fallen, mourn not for the dead but for those who have to go on living with the loss and fear and pain that death brings, and support that which helps people get back on their feet, projects to recover, and life to go on.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

i feel bad that 7 people died in the same way that i would feel about 7 people dying in a car crash. no more no less. However i do find it more depressing that this will be a tremendous setback for the space program and scientific progress. Seriously a 3 billion dollar, damn near irreplaceable space craft was destroyed along with 7 experienced astronauts and now the international space station is in jeopardy of being mothballed.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Well, it was a great tragedy and an unfortunate loss. However I do not feel remorse in anyway. I normally don't. So, I don't see how anyone cannot fault you for being one of those people that stand outside at night with a candle vigilance and weep all the time for people they didn't know existed until now.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I feel bad about it, but it's not The End of the World like my mom's death or 9-11. We need to grow from this tragedy, not stew in it and atrophy. Every human who dies trying to further mankind is all the more reason to push on.

<EDIT> Motherfucking goddamn piece of shit typo!!! <RANT>Next one happens I'm putting a bullet through the keyboard and Mr. Qwerty, and inventing a new way to enter data into a computer.</RANT>
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Post by Ted »

I think the media is fucked about it.

Fine, it was 7 people, but they knew the risks, that that could happen.

Nobody know's about the 7 teens who died in an avalanche just hours later, the same place where 12 days prioir, 7 others died in an avalanche.

Damn media, who gives a shit about the space shuttle.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

That's rather harsh, man.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Ted wrote:I think the media is fucked about it.

Fine, it was 7 people, but they knew the risks, that that could happen.

Nobody know's about the 7 teens who died in an avalanche just hours later, the same place where 12 days prioir, 7 others died in an avalanche.

Damn media, who gives a shit about the space shuttle.
The same could be said of the skiers who were only doing something for fun; why should I give a shit for them either in that case?
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Post by Ted »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's rather harsh, man.
It's harsh, but it's true.

The media is only focusing on insignificant deaths.

Like during the Rawandan Civil War, when 800,000 were killed by machetes, the rivers flowing with limbs and blood, the media didn't report it.

Same thing here, 7 teens, 14-15 years old, die on a school trip, not reported.

7 Air Force pilots on one of the riskiest jobs, die, flashed all over the media. Those astronauts KNEW that they could die during the flight. Knew that it could burn up completely, could explosively decompress, numerous other things.

Those students were on a school trip, a trip in it's fifteenth year.
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