I think he means he's mad because the media's using the space shuttle part to whore it out and make money.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's rather harsh, man.
Well, well...
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"Hal grabs life by the balls and doesn't let you do that [to] hal."
"I hereby declare myself master of the known world."
"Hal grabs life by the balls and doesn't let you do that [to] hal."
"I hereby declare myself master of the known world."
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Well to be honest, fuck the media.Ted wrote:That too.StarshipTitanic wrote:I think he means he's mad because the media's using the space shuttle part to whore it out and make money.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's rather harsh, man.
No death should be overly glorified or ridiculed, I agree, they are getting worse now for this and emotion preying.
- 2000AD
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I'll risk the flames. It was 9/11. I just saw it as another piece of news and don't really understand why people like my parents (Who didn't know anybody there and had no connection to it at all ,6 degrees of seperation withstanding) would just sit in front of the telly all day watching the same footage over and over. You know whats happened, you can make an educated guess what else will happen (ie. the tower(s) will fall down) and you've already got a good idea of who had done it (split between Bin Laden, Saddam and Gaddaffi in our house) so why sit in front of the TV watching it over and over again! It was hardly riveting stuff! They showed the video of the crash every five minutes and basically kept on repeating that at <time it happened> jets crashed into the WTC, Pentagon and Pennsylvania (sp).verilon wrote:9/11? I wasn't phased. My sentiments exactly, though.2000AD wrote:Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
Hammerman! Hammer!
- Col. Crackpot
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so what has jaded you so much that you are able to watch 3000 people perish on live television without so much as batting an eyelash? i'm not flaming, i'm curious. i know i may have more colored judgement being that it happened so close to me, but if i were to turn on the TV and see 3000 people die in a live broadcast in another country thousands of miles awayi would feel sorrow and anger and a desire for justice.2000AD wrote:I'll risk the flames. It was 9/11. I just saw it as another piece of news and don't really understand why people like my parents (Who didn't know anybody there and had no connection to it at all ,6 degrees of seperation withstanding) would just sit in front of the telly all day watching the same footage over and over. You know whats happened, you can make an educated guess what else will happen (ie. the tower(s) will fall down) and you've already got a good idea of who had done it (split between Bin Laden, Saddam and Gaddaffi in our house) so why sit in front of the TV watching it over and over again! It was hardly riveting stuff! They showed the video of the crash every five minutes and basically kept on repeating that at <time it happened> jets crashed into the WTC, Pentagon and Pennsylvania (sp).verilon wrote:9/11? I wasn't phased. My sentiments exactly, though.2000AD wrote:Me too. I just saw it as another part of the news. If someone i knew, or someone my friends knew, had died then i might be a bit more involved. There's been other major things and i haven't been that bothered about them, but i'm not naming those because i know i'll definately get flamed to hell!
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.” -Tom Clancy
- Spanky The Dolphin
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- 2000AD
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I don't know whats jaded me (if anything), all know is that to me it was another piece of news.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
Hammerman! Hammer!
Personally I was more worried that this could mean the end of manned flight into space, something that needs to continue. As a side note I believe that a International consortium of nations should get together and guarentee enough money to ensure that a second generation space Shuttle type craft is produced and maintained.
From a review of the two Towers.... 'As for Gimli being comic relief, what if your comic relief had a huge axe and fells dozens of Orcs? That's a pretty cool comic relief. '
- Spanky The Dolphin
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It probably helps when you're not in the same country that it occurs.2000AD wrote:I don't know whats jaded me (if anything), all know is that to me it was another piece of news.

I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
- 2000AD
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Could be.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:It probably helps when you're not in the same country that it occurs.2000AD wrote:I don't know whats jaded me (if anything), all know is that to me it was another piece of news.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
Hammerman! Hammer!
- Col. Crackpot
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that's a good idea, but also i think private interests should be allowed to build and use manned spacecraft within the boundaries of law and government oversight. no big invention, be it the automobile, airplane or computer was ever able to thrive under the exclusive control of government.Skelron wrote:Personally I was more worried that this could mean the end of manned flight into space, something that needs to continue. As a side note I believe that a International consortium of nations should get together and guarentee enough money to ensure that a second generation space Shuttle type craft is produced and maintained.
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.” -Tom Clancy
It think the Columbia explosion sucked, but I think the main reason it was so emotional for some people was because they were so surprised that it happened at all. All I heard after news broke about it was, "Wow, that sort of thing hasn't happened in a long time." I think it was mostly shock. Some sadness too, obviously, but most just suprise.
I'm personally a little sad for their friends and families, but after 9/11, Columbia seems like next to nothing to me. They chose their jobs; they knew the risks. It's just like how I could die in a school shooting, or my friend Rob could die in Iraq on the battlefield, or my friend Chris could die in an airplane crash on his way to a business meeting. Who knows when that shit's going to happen? Just live your life with no regrets and then you don't have to worry whether you blow up or die of old age; you've made the best of what you have.
I'm personally a little sad for their friends and families, but after 9/11, Columbia seems like next to nothing to me. They chose their jobs; they knew the risks. It's just like how I could die in a school shooting, or my friend Rob could die in Iraq on the battlefield, or my friend Chris could die in an airplane crash on his way to a business meeting. Who knows when that shit's going to happen? Just live your life with no regrets and then you don't have to worry whether you blow up or die of old age; you've made the best of what you have.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
- Spanky The Dolphin
- Mammy Two-Shoes
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I couldn't have said it better myself, Zaia.
I feel a little differently, but not much differently than that.
Sometimes I do worry that I'd come off as a little insensitive, though.
So far, being in my Playwriting I class can make me a little uncomfortable at times...
I feel a little differently, but not much differently than that.
Sometimes I do worry that I'd come off as a little insensitive, though.
So far, being in my Playwriting I class can make me a little uncomfortable at times...
Last edited by Spanky The Dolphin on 2003-02-03 05:17pm, edited 1 time in total.

I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
- Warlock
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I didnt feel a thing on 9/11. said so at the time, too. I knew no one, it was an act of war, and people die in war. course, I felt sad for the challenger, cuz it was just a construction mistake. they signed up for it, but still, losing your life cuz some glue was off is just sad.

This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
- ArmorPierce
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Wow, I'm suprised, Ted didn't get flamed 

Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
- Col. Crackpot
- That Obnoxious Guy
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so could you sit and watch someone like hitler or pol pot kill by the millions? how many people have to die at the hands of a few lunitics before your brain synapses fire and you say hey, maybe this is bad?Enforcer Talen wrote:I didnt feel a thing on 9/11. said so at the time, too. I knew no one, it was an act of war, and people die in war. course, I felt sad for the challenger, cuz it was just a construction mistake. they signed up for it, but still, losing your life cuz some glue was off is just sad.
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.” -Tom Clancy
- Warlock
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of course it's *bad*, of course it's unfortunate and miserable for all involved. . . but I dont feel any emotion regarding it.

This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
- ArmorPierce
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- Location: Born and raised in Brooklyn, unfornately presently in Jersey
I knew a couple of people that were in the WTC but not anyone that actually got killed so I guess that would qualify me as it not being personalized.
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Until that moment, it was merely one group of people plotting to murder another group; no declaration of war had been given. Those people who were killed on 9/11 were not soldiers falling in battle, they were students, businessmen, tourists, bankers, real estate agents, policemen, firemen, hot dog vendors, etc. They did not volunteer to be involved; my heart still goes out to their friends and families, because I easily could have been one of the ones searching for lost family.Enforcer Talen wrote:I didnt feel a thing on 9/11. said so at the time, too. I knew no one, it was an act of war, and people die in war.
You have a right to your opinion, but shrugging off thousands of civilian deaths like it was nothing in an act that STARTED a war and feeling sorry for a handful of people who died because of faulty equipment that has always been a danger of their job seems a bit juxtaposed to me. But maybe that's just me.course, I felt sad for the challenger, cuz it was just a construction mistake. they signed up for it, but still, losing your life cuz some glue was off is just sad.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
- ArmorPierce
- Rabid Monkey
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- Location: Born and raised in Brooklyn, unfornately presently in Jersey
Col. Crackpot, Zaia, I was thinking the same thing, just didn't want to break this thread's tradition of not flaming anyone for posting their views

Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
- Spanky The Dolphin
- Mammy Two-Shoes
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- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
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I am in another country.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:It probably helps when you're not in the same country that it occurs.2000AD wrote:I don't know whats jaded me (if anything), all know is that to me it was another piece of news.
And when I first saw it in the TV it was, a bit shock, and curious interest.
But after 24+ hours of pics/reports/special shows of a plane crashing into a building, I frankly couldn't care less.
Life goes on.
Call me cynical, or detached, but as long as it isn't related directly to me, it's just news.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- 2000AD
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 6666
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:32pm
- Location: Leeds, wishing i was still in Newcastle
I'm surprised i didn't get flamed!ArmorPierce wrote:Wow, I'm suprised, Ted didn't get flamed
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
Hammerman! Hammer!
- Spanky The Dolphin
- Mammy Two-Shoes
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Dahak: that's kinda what happened with me. My neutral position generally progressed into irritation as the media coveraged progressed.
But my general attitude concerning the actual event remained neutral. It was like I couldn't care about it.
But my general attitude concerning the actual event remained neutral. It was like I couldn't care about it.

I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
- Warlock
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surprise is essential in war. the u.s. has done it's share of civilian slaughter - carpet bombing works quite well. civilians, as a support to a war machine, are a target. it's sad, yes. I know it causes grief. but on a purely emotional level, I felt nothing.Zaia wrote:Until that moment, it was merely one group of people plotting to murder another group; no declaration of war had been given. Those people who were killed on 9/11 were not soldiers falling in battle, they were students, businessmen, tourists, bankers, real estate agents, policemen, firemen, hot dog vendors, etc. They did not volunteer to be involved; my heart still goes out to their friends and families, because I easily could have been one of the ones searching for lost family.Enforcer Talen wrote:I didnt feel a thing on 9/11. said so at the time, too. I knew no one, it was an act of war, and people die in war.
You have a right to your opinion, but shrugging off thousands of civilian deaths like it was nothing in an act that STARTED a war and feeling sorry for a handful of people who died because of faulty equipment that has always been a danger of their job seems a bit juxtaposed to me. But maybe that's just me.course, I felt sad for the challenger, cuz it was just a construction mistake. they signed up for it, but still, losing your life cuz some glue was off is just sad.

This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna