Gil Hamilton wrote:Yeah. Even if someone does care, the Crossroads is pretty far out of the way to travel to do anything about it. Back in vanilla WoW, it was less of a problem because in alot of places some level 60s might just happened to be passing through. However, now no one is going to shlep their ass out to the Barrens except if Strand of the Ancients bugs and you end up getting dumped there on a rez turn a team switch. Its a waste of time, because the griefer will just move on and if he's inconvenienced some people to come chase him, well, nothing would make him happier. Level 80s have dailies to grind, mats to farm, and heroics to run, they can't come out to chase a level 62 DK gnome who's decided to troll Tarren Mill.
Of course, there are CITY raids, but that typically has another purpose. It's become in vogue, at least on my server, to put together raids to hit major cities to try and get the Kill All the Leaders achievement, typically by sneaking in late at night while no one is on. Unless you are cool, then you time your attack on alliance cities to happen about 5 minutes after Wintergrasp starts and blitz through them while all the other sides heavies are occupied. That's fun. We actually managed to snake Tyrande and Valen that way.
Lol, even back in the day, a crossroads raid was pussy shit.