Russia cuts European oil supply

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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Glocksman »

Here's an interesting piece I read on the spat.

dKos piece

Yes, it's from the Daily Kos, but this guy at least seems to know what he's talking about.
The battle of the oligarchs behind the gas dispute
By Jérôme Guillet and John Evans

A monolithic, Putin-led Kremlin using the “energy weapon” to browbeat neighbouring Ukraine and beyond threaten the rest of Europe with natural gas shortages: the image has become a commonplace during the “gas spats” of the past few years. Yet those spats have a longer history than is generally appreciated – they began in 1992 – and, what is more, Vladimir Putin and Gazprom cannot win a prolonged gas war, and they know it.

The Soviet gas industry was born in Ukraine in the 1930s and the infrastructure was built from there. Ukraine remained a central part of the gas pipeline network even as the focus of activity moved to western Siberia. Carving up the Soviet Union along along the borders of its former republics made for an often unworkable allocation of physical assets. Vital assets for Gazprom, the Russian gas monopoly, are located in Ukraine and thus no longer under its direct control: the pipelines are an obvious item, but, just as significantly, Ukraine controls most of the storage capacity of the Russian export system. On the other hand, Ukraine, a heavy industry country, has mostly depleted its gas reserves, making it dependent on gas from Siberia.

So this is a situation of mutual dependence. Russia needs Ukrainian infrastructure to honour its export contracts to Europe, and Ukraine needs Russian gas. In case of conflict, withholding gas (from Russia’s side) or shutting down export infrastructure (from Ukraine’s) are tempting options, which have been taken up repeatedly since the demise of the Soviet Union.

Ukraine used to get its gas allocation from Soviet planners and continued to expect the same after independence. When Russia first tried to get payment for its deliveries in the early 1990s, it failed. When it first cut off gas to Ukraine to enforce payments, Ukraine simply tapped the gas sent for export purposes; when European buyers howled, Russia relented and restored gas supplies without having managed to get paid by Ukraine. This has gone on. Yet somehow the gas continues to flow every year.

Russia cannot cut off Ukraine for any lengthy period of time, because that endangers its exports. In practice, giving roughly 20 per cent of its gas shipments to Ukraine as payment for transit is an acceptable deal for both sides. So why the annual charade?

Gazprom understood long ago that Ukraine would never pay for official deliveries. The attempted “solution” was to privatise a portion of the trade. Customers were offered lower rates if they paid them directly to another supplier, formally unrelated to either Ukrainian gas authorities or Gazprom.

The co-operation of senior Gazprom management and Russian and Ukrainian politicians was required to set up the 30bn-cubic-metre-a-year trade. The trade’s enablers are in a position to benefit personally from it – and in effect cut out both Kiev and Gazprom. Political infighting in Ukraine can largely be understood by the struggle to be the Ukrainian counterparty to the trade. (It is no coincidence that Yulia Tymoshenko, the prime minister, made her fortune in gas trading in the 1990s and that Viktor Yanukovich, the pro-Russia opposition leader, represents some of the largest heavy industrial gas buyers in eastern Ukraine.) In Russia, similarly, both the Kremlin and Gazprom are rife with infighting between shifting coalitions.

So while the world focuses on the predictable brinkmanship between Ukraine and Russia, the real fight over the share-out is taking place more discreetly between a few oligarchs in Moscow and Kiev. This is perhaps the whole purpose of the noisy puppet show. Worries about Russia or Gaz prom using the “gas weapon” against Europe are misplaced. In their official capacity, both are keenly aware of their absolute dependency on exports to Europe for a huge share of the country’s income, and on the need for stable, reliable, long-term relationships to finance the in vestments needed in gas infrastructure.

Of far more concern is that governments in Ukraine and Russia tolerate – indeed encourage – use of their upper political echelons and large parts of their infrastructure as instruments in disputes between unknown oligarchs. It suggests how little the rule of law and principles of accountability have penetrated public life in each country. And also, compared with the power of competing factions, how overstated is the strongman reputation of Mr Putin, Russia’s prime minister.

Jérôme Guillet, an investment banker, and John Evans, a writer, are the editors of the European Tribune, a news and debate website (
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by K. A. Pital »

So while the world focuses on the predictable brinkmanship between Ukraine and Russia, the real fight over the share-out is taking place more discreetly between a few oligarchs in Moscow and Kiev.
Correct. It's mostly a question of people raping the last of a poor nation for the gas profits. And I can't really say who is taking more profits from the deals, or whether Ukraine really "can't pay" the bills, but I've been there and I know Ukraine's economic situation is not far from a meltdown, the recent crisis just kicked them in the guts.

Moreover, the idea that this is a political stunt is not holding much water since Gazprom tried to strongarm Belorussia as well quite recently - Belorussia is in an alliance with Russia and essentially in a "confederacy", and yet... Just shows human greed had no boundaries. :(
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Pelranius »

Gazprom probably has more leeway from the Russian government to go around squeezing its customers now, since I hear that they (Gazprom) are having cashflow problems. I suspect that this wouldn't have been possible a few years ago because contrary to public misconception, Putin did not go around picking fights with the Russian near aboard for fun.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by K. A. Pital »

Yeah, sort of. Everyone's short on cash, and pressing people to give out their last is the generic modus operandi for large companies. Forgiving debts is not what mega-corporations do, at all.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Kane Starkiller »

Gazprom's market value was $348 billion as recent as May but has now been wiped out to as little as $80 billion. With the prospect of further price reduction on the gas market they simply can't afford to sell under priced gas for political reasons as they did with Belarus. In fact I've heard reports that even gas prices for Russia itself will rise.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by K. A. Pital »

Putting people into "freeze or starve" situation. Sometimes people forget that you can't just "wipe out the value" of something like a nationwide fuel network - if you do so, you'll trigger an economic collapse and suffering which will make 1998 seem like a bad joke.

If they do not sell "underpriced" gas to their neighbors, whose people are not much poorer or richer than Russia's citizens themselves, they risk the economic collapse of these nations. And if they press Russia into paying a 5-4 times the price of gas, they are triggering the destruction of our own nation...
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Tiriol »

Stas Bush wrote:Putting people into "freeze or starve" situation. Sometimes people forget that you can't just "wipe out the value" of something like a nationwide fuel network - if you do so, you'll trigger an economic collapse and suffering which will make 1998 seem like a bad joke.

If they do not sell "underpriced" gas to their neighbors, whose people are not much poorer or richer than Russia's citizens themselves, they risk the economic collapse of these nations. And if they press Russia into paying a 5-4 times the price of gas, they are triggering the destruction of our own nation...
I'm just curious, but woudn't the economic collapse of neighbouring nations be a really bad news item for Russia as a nation, since there would be a lot of resentment towards Russians even outside those countries (I can imagine that the EU would take an extremely dim view of Russia - and most specifically Gazprom - afterwards)?

Of course, the men in charge of Gazprom didn't get there by being humanitarian. They get there by ambition, greed and ruthlessness. So long as they are not directly affected they don't care. Which actually makes me long for the idea of Medvejev and Putin simply arresting them and sending them somewhere in Siberia.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by K. A. Pital »

It depends on whether our government is still an oligarchy or finally an independent government. Back in the 1990s no one could ever think of punishing oligarchs for any misdeeds - even outright crimes - ever. Now, the situation is different, but the corruption of the power and the subservience of the government to the oligarchs is still going strong.

The collapse of neighboring nations is very bad (look what the collapse of Georgia brought a decade onwards!), but the problem is that oligarchs generally only care for their profits which, for the most part, they don't invest in Russia or nearby nations anyway.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Big Orange »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:This is why globalisation is a farce. Relying on political powers to supply you for the good of the free market is a surefire way to fuck yourself hard in the future, just as having your major industries outsourced is. No nation should be reliant for essentials on neighbours, especially ones who are less than stable.
Ahhh, but you see the interests of governments, communities, and whole nations always get in the way of the easy profit that can be made from the free market! Ignore the fact that people and countries are the reason there is profit and a economy in the first place!

On that note companies who have the technological and logistical means to bite the hands that feed them through offshoring to make more short term gains do so. You can tell a system is in terminal decline when it causes more harm than good to the majority of people under it and is too drastically overstretched to properly reform itself to cope with crisis.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Phantasee »

I was musing over lunch today that Russia has managed to turn General Winter into an offensive player, and not just a defenceman. Before, it was a passive defence, just back up and let the invaders (Napoleon, Hitler) get in too deep, and then the winter ruins them. Now, by cutting off gas supplies in the winter months, the hypothetical opponent is ruined by winter without leaving their own country! :)
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by folti78 »

Some news for today.

Gasprom to restore supplies to Europe when international monitors placed to Ukrainian stations:
Spiegel Online wrote: Gazprom Pledges to Restore Gas Supplies to Europe

Gazprom said Thursday it would restore supplies to Europe once international monitors were in place to check the flows in Ukraine. The announcement promises an end to the conflict which has cut off supplies to several European countries.
An end to the energy crisis which has cut off gas supplies to several European countries looks in sight after Gazprom said it would restore gas supplies to Europe once Kiev allows international monitors in to check the flows in Ukraine.

Once monitors are in place, "we will immediately resume gas supplies to Europe," Gazprom Chief Executive Alexei Miller said at a news conference Thursday in Brussels. He said Gazprom would hold additional face-to-face talks with the Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz later on Thursday when the heads of the two firms fly to Moscow together from Brussels.

According to European Commission energy expert Heinz Hilbrecht, the Commission is currently holding talks with industry in order to find possible monitors. These talks will be completed by Thursday evening, he said. After that, a plan must be drawn up to determine which Ukrainian pipeline stations are to be monitored. "I hope that this will only be a question of two to three days," Hilbrecht said.

Led by the Czech Republic, which holds the six-month rotating presidency, the European Union proposed to Gazprom and Naftogaz that independent monitors be stationed in Ukraine to monitor pipelines so that Russia would resume the flow of natural gas to the EU.

Gazprom cut supplies to Ukraine last week over a dispute about what the Russian energy giant claims are unpaid bills. Gazprom reported Wednesday that Ukraine had shut off the last of four transit pipelines that carry gas through the country on its way to Western Europe. The Russian company accused Ukraine of stealing gas that was intended for other European customers.

Several central and eastern European countries experienced a total or partial halt in their supplies of Russian gas, which would normally be transported via Ukraine. The EU receives one-quarter of its gas from Russia, with several member states being largely or entirely dependent on Russian gas.

dgs -- with wire reports
Meanwhile in the Balkans:
Budapes Business Journal after Reuters wrote:Gas row leaves thousands shivering in Balkan cold
Thursday 16:10, January 8th, 2009
Thousands of Bulgarians, Bosnians and Serbs were left in the cold and some companies and schools did not operate on Wednesday after Russian gas supplies were halted to southeastern Europe.

The disruption in Bosnia brought back bitter memories of the 1992-95 conflict when heating was often off in winter. The western Balkans and Bulgaria, the poorest European Union nation, were among the worst hit by a cut in Russian gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine over a price row. They have no access to alternative routes and rely almost entirely on Russian gas, which stopped flowing to Europe via Ukraine completely on Wednesday after dwindling since January 1. At least 45,000 households in Bulgaria were without central heating on Wednesday as utilities needed time to switch to alternative fuels, municipal officials said. Dozens of schools and kindergartens were closed in the Balkan country of 7.6 million people. Close to 76,000 households in Bosnia's capital Sarajevo and over 3,000 in the eastern town of Zvornik, were left shivering.

Shops in Sarajevo ran out of electric heaters after residents rushed in panic to secure alternatives as temperatures hit minus 15 degrees overnight. In Serbia, officials said they had no more reserves and that tens of thousands of people had lost heating when most were at home to celebrate Orthodox Christmas. Serbia's second largest city Novi Sad, where a third of the more than 200,000 population rely on natural gas for heating, were unable to convert to other fuels, said Milan Budimir, a spokesman for the energy ministry. (Reuters)
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Phantasee wrote:I was musing over lunch today that Russia has managed to turn General Winter into an offensive player, and not just a defenceman. Before, it was a passive defence, just back up and let the invaders (Napoleon, Hitler) get in too deep, and then the winter ruins them. Now, by cutting off gas supplies in the winter months, the hypothetical opponent is ruined by winter without leaving their own country! :)
You find it amusing that they've discovered they can cut off heating supplies to millions of people, causing pointless suffering and possibly even death?
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Serafina »

Well, due to wealth increase in east-european countrys, they propably CAN afford higher gas-prices.

Of course, russia still acts highly aggressive.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by K. A. Pital »

You find it amusing that they've discovered they can cut off heating supplies to millions of people, causing pointless suffering and possibly even death?
To be fair, it's not pointless. It's in the name of profits, therefore, perfectly acceptable. If you can't pay for gas, well, sucks to be you and if you die, that's just too bad you couldn't pay the price :lol:
Well, due to wealth increase in east-european countrys, they propably CAN afford higher gas-prices.
What "wealth increase"? Ukraine's economy is on the brink of default (the mere fact of it being unable to pay 600 000 000 gas debt speaks volumes about it's paying ability). Hell, Latvia's economy almost defaulted. Both nations had to beg the IMF for a bailout. Therefore, I cannot conclude in good faith that Ukraine especially can "afford" the gas prices, when the nation is near an economic collapse, and it's political system is in a dysfunctional state for several years already.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Phantasee »

Ryan Thunder wrote:
Phantasee wrote:I was musing over lunch today that Russia has managed to turn General Winter into an offensive player, and not just a defenceman. Before, it was a passive defence, just back up and let the invaders (Napoleon, Hitler) get in too deep, and then the winter ruins them. Now, by cutting off gas supplies in the winter months, the hypothetical opponent is ruined by winter without leaving their own country! :)
You find it amusing that they've discovered they can cut off heating supplies to millions of people, causing pointless suffering and possibly even death?
When did I say it was amusing? It was just a thought, the sort you have on a University campus where you're sheltered from the realities of the world, and can discuss topics without thinking about the real people involved. When I get home I obviously think it's a Bad Thing. Think of it as a Hypothetical Scenario sort of thing.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Ukraine has blocked the gas. Do they really think that's a good idea?
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by folti78 »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Ukraine has blocked the gas. Do they really think that's a good idea?
I don't know. Probably they hope it's help forcing the EU either to pick up their tab or pressure the russians.
Or it's just a little fuck you to all because gazprom's complint yesterday that they modified the contract with handwritten notes after Gasprom signed it yesterday.

Meanwhile Slovakia plans to re-start it's Bohunice nuclear reactor if the gas transport won't start soon(source). Although the decision delayed due to EU opposition (Bloomberg)
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

What the fuck is going on between Ukrainian and Russian gas companies? Every piece of news is a mad mess, with reversals within hours of an agreement. It's almost as if both sides are staring down on each other to see who plays chicken first, while the EU flaps its hands in dismay.

Then along comes this news report saying EU monitors are blocked in both Ukraine and Russia. Good Lord.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Tiriol »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:What the fuck is going on between Ukrainian and Russian gas companies? Every piece of news is a mad mess, with reversals within hours of an agreement. It's almost as if both sides are staring down on each other to see who plays chicken first, while the EU flaps its hands in dismay.

Then along comes this news report saying EU monitors are blocked in both Ukraine and Russia. Good Lord.
Good Lord. Every day, almost every HOUR new update. I hope that this fiasco will force people and EU to at least consider seriously nuclear energy or just about ANYTHING that would increase the energy independence.

Finland is not affected by this scandalous shortage in terms of energy, but it still dominates the headlines and however you cut it, this will also increase the anti-Russian sentiment. There is already ill feelings towards Russia and now the clowns that run Gazprom are increasing it to the detriment of everyone (well, besides some anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner influences, I suppose).

I've almost stopped watching and reading news, it's just too damn gloomy. Nothing positive anywhere.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Tiriol wrote:Good Lord. Every day, almost every HOUR new update. I hope that this fiasco will force people and EU to at least consider seriously nuclear energy or just about ANYTHING that would increase the energy independence.

Finland is not affected by this scandalous shortage in terms of energy, but it still dominates the headlines and however you cut it, this will also increase the anti-Russian sentiment. There is already ill feelings towards Russia and now the clowns that run Gazprom are increasing it to the detriment of everyone (well, besides some anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner influences, I suppose).

I've almost stopped watching and reading news, it's just too damn gloomy. Nothing positive anywhere.
To be fair, some reports have it that Ukraine is determined to get its gas, regardless what happens, to the extent that they are deliberately shutting off pipes to the EU. Remember that a good portion of the infrastructure that delivers gas to the EU is in Ukraine, not Russia.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Tiriol »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:
Tiriol wrote:Good Lord. Every day, almost every HOUR new update. I hope that this fiasco will force people and EU to at least consider seriously nuclear energy or just about ANYTHING that would increase the energy independence.

Finland is not affected by this scandalous shortage in terms of energy, but it still dominates the headlines and however you cut it, this will also increase the anti-Russian sentiment. There is already ill feelings towards Russia and now the clowns that run Gazprom are increasing it to the detriment of everyone (well, besides some anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner influences, I suppose).

I've almost stopped watching and reading news, it's just too damn gloomy. Nothing positive anywhere.
To be fair, some reports have it that Ukraine is determined to get its gas, regardless what happens, to the extent that they are deliberately shutting off pipes to the EU. Remember that a good portion of the infrastructure that delivers gas to the EU is in Ukraine, not Russia.
I know. Ukraine is acting like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. But think for a moment how people will perceive it if they don't pay much attention to the details: Big Bad Russia (tm) is trying to freeze Poor Little Ukraine to death and to give a major middle finger to the rest of Europe. Russia's reputation was hit badly by the Georgian debacle and this will only worsen it, despite the way Ukraine itself acts.

And because these two nations are now having a penis measuring contest, many outsiders suffer because of it.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by ray245 »

I guess concession has to be made on Russia side, given that Russia is the one losing customers.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Tiriol »

ray245 wrote:I guess concession has to be made on Russia side, given that Russia is the one losing customers.
And EU (and Ukraine) the one to have citizens freezing and generally having an energy shortage. I wouldn't count on Gazprom leadership to relent.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by ray245 »

Tiriol wrote:
ray245 wrote:I guess concession has to be made on Russia side, given that Russia is the one losing customers.
And EU (and Ukraine) the one to have citizens freezing and generally having an energy shortage. I wouldn't count on Gazprom leadership to relent.
Someone help us if Ukraine becomes the leader of the EU someday. Well, at the least it is a wake-up call to Europeans that Nuclear should be considered.
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Re: Russia cuts European oil supply

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Nuclear is costly, has hideous lead times, a bad public image and would require overhauling the grid to allow for extra heating from electric induction given gas pipes and their boilers/fires are so much simpler and more efficient. You're really talking about converting a whole continent's energy supply, which is no easier than getting off oil right now.
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