-to make ranged weapons less ridiculously long ranged (pistols standing a decent chance of hitting a target 120 meters away, for instance)
-to make grenades scatter more reasonably
-to bring armor in line with reality, and either stop a shot or not stop it
-to make getting shot considerably more unpleasant
-to drastically reduce the time it takes to look up critical damage.
Comments and suggestions are much desired.
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Follow Dark Heresy rules for determining hits, except for the following:
Normal range is from 1/2 to 1 times the weapon's listed range.
Long Range is from 1 - 2 times.
Extreme Range is from 2 - 3 times.
Weapons may not hit targets more than 3 times their listed range away.
Grenades have a range of 4 times strength bonus. If you miss a grenade throw, roll the following for scatter distance:
For point blank range: 1d2
For short range: 1d2
For normal range: 1d5
For Long Range: 1d5
For Extreme Range: 1d10
If using a grenade launcher, double the rolled distance, as being able to lob the grenade further and faster means precise placement is more difficult.
If an attack hits and the target is wearing armor, compare the armor value with the weapon's penetration value. If the penetration value exceeds or equals the armor value, immediately roll for damage. If the penetration value is less than the armor value, make an opposed throw:
The attacker rolls a number of d10s equal to the number it would usually roll for damage, plus or minus the modifier, plus its penetration value. Do not add strength bonus for melee weapons.
The defender rolls 1d10 plus his armor value, plus the value of any cover the attack hit.
If the defender's roll is equal or greater than the attacker's roll, the armor stops the weapon and there is no damage. Otherwise, roll for damage. Do not subtract any damage for armor points.
A character in melee may spend a fate point to add his strength bonus OR his agility bonus to his penetration rolls. This bonus lasts until the character spends a turn without attempting at least one melee attack against a hostile character.
Do not subtract damage for toughness. In stead, the defender may put up to twice his toughness bonus worth of damage on his remaining wounds. Any damage in excess of this is applied directly to critical damage.
Critical damage is NOT cumulative. For healing, a player always counts as having the number of critical damage as his most severe Condition. When a player takes critical damage, he should consult the following Condition Table.
(1-2) Condition 1: Take 1 level of fatigue.
(3-4) Condition 2: Take 2 levels of fatigue and be stunned for 1 round. The attack will also knock an item out of the player's hand, knock glasses/hat/unsecured helmet off his head, or do major cosmetic damage to any clothing.
(5-6) Condition 3: Take 2 levels of fatigue, be stunned for 1 round, and take 10 points of temporary characteristic damage appropriate to the damage type and body part.
(7-8) Condition 4: Take 2 levels of fatigue, be stunned for 1 round, suffer from blood loss, and take 10 points of permanent characteristic damage appropriate to the damage type and body part OR lose a limb/eye/ear/have a bone splintered/have an organ destroyed/etc.
(9-10) Condition 5: The character is dead.
(11+) Condition 6: The character is dead in a spectacular way.
Headshots do +1 critical damage.
Explosive weapons do +1 critical damage.
Rending weapons inflict blood loss on Condition 3.
Energy weapons compel an agility test to avoid catching fire at condition 4 in stead of inflicting blood loss. If the target is already on fire, they go into shock and collapse unconscious.
Impact weapons stun the target for 2 turns at condition 3 and 4 in stead of 1 turn.