Just to refresh my memory, what episode did Atlantis use a naquada reactor to fire drones? I'm not disputing you, per say, but I don't remember it.NecronLord wrote: Well, the warships have a bigass power-plant (I assume) rather than just a ZPM. the city doesn't seem to have any normal reactors, nor do the outposts (though the latter had some tiny lights on with an exhausted ZPM, so there's some batteries or something). And you can launch some drones with a naquadah reactor, too.
We can debate whether or not the city itself was a threat for a while. We never did hear why Atlantis stopped firing in the same scene, whether they had run out of drones or were trying to compensate for their decaying orbit by that point. (I don't think it was the shields. It's pretty clear the shield generators were tapped out, not the power itself "the city is pretty banged up, even with 3 ZPMs we're not leaving anytime soon" implying that they had some juice left). They may have just run out of drones. Regardless, given the number of times Atlantis has foiled their plans through their determination and some new miracle they think up, I think the Wraith should be very afraid of what, in desperation, they might decide to do.In all fairness, how do we know the city was a serious threat to them? It didn't do so well during the battle.
The team met very limited resistance, true, but I attribute that to the fact that, when they started this growing process, they probably had a standard Hive crew compliment, and since the ship grew to several times the size of Atlantis, itself a city, they just didn't have the bodies to go around to stop a determined boarding party.How's that? The Wraith were stupid enough to let the bastards sit inside their ship with nuclear weapons. If it weren't for that, they'd have won, no?
They punked one 303
304, and which didn't come out swinging.
defeated two more,
Off screen. I am not going to assume, as you would, that they did the absolute best they could either, given their track record.
What does this even mean? Yes, it was out of range of the moon, but when it finally showed up, it wouldn't be.dealt with the chair weapon (if it'd been online, they were out of its range anyway,
These Wraith were in a fucking hurry. It's obvious given the fact that they didn't even stick around long enough to harvest or destroy the Daedalus. They also didn't finish off the Apollo and Sun Tzu. They didn't wait until their ship was fully upgraded with the ZPM before setting off and sitting on Earth's doorstep. Lobbing asteroids at Earth is going to take time, which gives Earth the time to bolster a greater defense. Given the well known history of these annoyingly primitive insects for getting out of jams if you give them enough time to think up something, I doubt they would have wasted time with that tactic.and could, one assumes, once it revealed its location, have gone outsystem and hucked asteroids at it until it died; they've done that before when faced with static defence)
Oh, I'm sure nukes would have been involved at some point. But the humans did not put up as spirited a defense as they could have, and allowed a major defense system to fall with nearly no opposition.Short of the Oddessy, or Earth's allies coming to help, I can't see why they'd not have won if they didn't get ID4-nuked.
I can see the possibility of the exclusion zone being larger, given the increased danger in the fact that this facility has the bulk of Earth's alien technology stored in it. I didn't actually *see* a town anywhere around where they were flying, and we did get several good panoramic views of the area so. But it's just a possibility, not a fact.It's quite a large compound, but it's also got an entire town next to it, catering to the people who go out there to watch for UFOs, who hang out by the exclusion zone day and night (not the same ones, mind you) hoping for this kind of thing.
Unless the stargate version's exclusion zone has been massively extended, (which isn't terribly subtle) people would have seen the darts plough into it.
It was your theory! Give credit where it is due, yes? It wasn't meant for the entire post.You're the one that put 'Necronlord' in his post!
Would that work? The gate usually has a desire to spit things out of the event horizon on the other side. We have Kawalski getting his head taken off when the gate was shut down, but he was being pushed forcibly into the gate. Was there ever an instance of something getting thrown into the gate and not being spat back out? It's not a 2 way wormhole, after all. It would have been better had they ran and tried to take cover, at least showing they know what grenades are.Personally, I wanted, instead of being puzzled, the wraith squaddies to calmly kick the grenades back through the event horizon (it's a natural grenade trap!) and into oblivion. Stargate's used the 'aliens don't know what grenades are' trick far too many times.