McC wrote:If I understand the process correctly, then it seems so very wasteful. Some questions, in no particular order:
- Is capturing the heat of the reaction and then using it to make steam that spins turbines really the best way we have of generating electricity?
[*]Are there really no better ways of converting the products of a nuclear reaction into useful electricity?
Nope, none. Because aside from the relatively high efficiency, this method provides a built in feedback stabilizing the reaction rate as power demand varies, allows for easy maintenance, allows for simple pressure control, behavs in a normalized fashio at varying high temperatures and pressures, etc.
[*]Is heat the only product we care about capturing or are there other products that might be converted into useful electricity that we currently ignore?[/list]
Well, I suppose if you did away with the cladding you could get the kinetic energy of the fission fragments themselves instead of just the gammas and neutrons we get now, but the whole "open fission core" thing is regarded as a bad idea for some reason. Other then that, what you are losing are the neutrons that leak out during the neutron life cycle and the gammas that aren't absorbed, and there really isn't a feasible way to turn those into useful work.
We use steam because it is a well understood technology with good efficiency. While there might be other solutions, they are unlikely to provide all the benefits our current water cooling method does on top of being more efficient.
I'm approaching this mostly from a practical POV, but also from a science fictional one. Would this be the same process employed to generate electricity on a capital-scale spacecraft, regardless of initial source? For example, is there any information on how Star Wars ships capture the resultant energy from a hypermatter reaction?
I'd imagine that they apply some kind of shield technology so that the can safely absorb everything. Given the energy levels involved in that scenario, the slight inefficiency posed in our reactors would be enough to destroy the ship at theirs.
Bubble Boy wrote:I'd say the nuclear reactor process isn't that ridiculously complicated, it just takes some understanding in order to do something useful with it.
Edit: Also, water is part of the cooling process, thus I have no doubt there's likely several other very productive uses it contributes to a nuclear reactor.
I love how you declare that this is easy in one sentence and then prove you are a fucking idiot in the next one. Yes, any concept is readily grasped if you oversimplify it so that anyone can understand it. "Hot rock make steam, turbine go roundy-roundy" is about the level of understanding you declare to be not "
that ridiculously complicated". Refusing to acknowledge the oversimplification to arrogantly claim it isn't that tough would be amusing if it weren't the source of so much anti-intellectualism today.
By the way homes, if the water you are using to moderate the core is also being released into the environment so as to cool the core, you are having what we in the biz like to call a "nuclear reactor accident", a term we yell at the top of our lungs as we sprint away as fast as we can to minimize our exposure from everything you just released.
Kanastrous wrote:Is it possible in principle to generate electricity by just dumping the heat into a thermocouple (don't the radioisotope power generators on spacecraft basically work that way..?)
Yes they do
Is it possible to produce thermocouples efficient enough, for use in industrial electrical power generation?
Efficiency of the thermocouple isn't the problem. The problem is that there is a fixed cap on how big you can make it before you hit sufficient mass of the material to have the reaction self perpetuate. AKA "Critical Mass". For this rather important reason RTGs can't be bigger than a few kW. and building a few hundred thousand/million of them to match the output of the regular core will be very inefficient.