Uraniun235 wrote:Broomstick wrote:Of course, I grew up in a country were people of various (and no) faiths all lived on the same block without killing each other, so it's still a little hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of killing in the name of religion. It just doesn't make any sense to me on an emotional level. I know people do it, it just seems batshit crazy.
I realize that in my instances it's not just religion, but killing your neighbor because he/she is a different nationality or color doesn't make sense to me either. Granted, it's not all sweetness and light in the USA but we generally manage to co-exist with the people in our community even if we hate some of them. Hate, yes, outright violence - no, that's just not justified. And we don't want it to come over here.
The fact that in the US you can have Palestinians and Jews living on the same block, going to the same schools, and yet not have bloodshed just makes the Middle East seem all the more hopeless and crazy.
This used to happen. In Palestine, and in other parts of "the Middle East". Well, not as much the "going to the same schools" part. But Muslims, Jews, Christians, all lived and worked together within communities, without the regular bloodshed that people associate with that part of the world today.
And yet... they didn't educate their children together? How did they feel about intermarriage with others?
Yes, I am aware that at time the Middle East has been much more peaceful. I am also aware that various groups in the Middle East were slaughtering each other while Europeans were illiterate pig farmers (at best).
And then, quite frankly, Europe rolled in and fucked them all over, such that today we have people who shake their heads and wonder just how 'those people' (or 'that area' or 'that region' or 'the middle east') can be such a bloody-minded lot. Do you really think that most of the violence by Iraqis or Palestinians or Lebanese or Afghans or Iranians is truly religiously motivated?
I actually SAID that I knew it was not entirely religious - did you fucking read what I wrote, or just cherry pick what supports your views? I went back and bolded some of it for you.
It fucking DOES break down along religious lines, just like the centuries of bullshit in Ireland broke across religious lines. That, of course, was not nearly the whole of it but to pretend religion plays NO role is just horseshit.
As I said - the historical record of the Middle East had a hefty dose of blood and genocide long before Europe showed up, it's just as racist to blame the current mess entirely on Europe as it is to call Palestinians animals. Europe took advantage of volatility in the region but it's bullshit to lay it all at their doorstep. Other regions of the world that Europe ran roughshod over have their problems but the Middle East is
exceptionally violent.
Maybe there's something you failed to convey, Broomstick.
Maybe there's something you neglected to read.
Or maybe I've clouded over with emotion and I'm not reading very well at the moment.
^ yeah, that one.
But I don't care. That you have no problem with sitting in a country which has practiced some really barbaric acts within both our lifetimes, smarmily prattling about how you're so lucky to live in such a civilized community that you just can't understand what it feels like to live in such a "hopeless and crazy" region (which has itself been the victim of some of our government's barbaric acts!), really deeply offends me.
I'm sorry if you're so fucking offended, but I refuse to buy into collective guilt, which is a toxin that poisons a lot of the world today. I am not personally responsible for what occurred before I was born, I am not responsible for what my government did before I was old enough to vote. You have no clue what causes I have or have not supported during my adult life.
Yes I AM lucky to live in a country not torn by the same violence as the Middle East. Why
shouldn't I be glad about that, and prefer it to living in Gaza? You'd have to be fucking nuts to think otherwise. I only wish the average person in Gaza could live in the same relative safety I enjoy.
But as long as the majority of the populace tolerates and even fosters the "martyr" mindset and the likes of Hamas
not a goddamned thing will change. They refuse to see how their
own actions contribute to the problem. And that goes for Israel, too. Both sides keep pulling the damn lever over and over and over and can't figure out why they have such a headache.
As for barbaric actions of my nation - no, I'm not happy about it. Nor am I deluded enough to believe ANY nation has clean hands. I'm not going to wail "Oh woe is me!" and pretend I can't look at the actions of others. That's horseshit, too. I do what I can to make the world the better place, and if I see endless crap occurring over and over in some part of the world I'm not going to pretty it up.
Until ALL sides in this conflict want peace there will be no peace other than the peace of the grave.