Yay for the Brits! (Suck it, France!)

OT: anything goes!

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Post by MKSheppard »

The Yosemite Bear wrote: 2. Have a damn tough group of soldiers known for scuicidal courage (I think they have a slogan "March or Die", and wear white hats....
French Foreign Legion. Not a frenchman in the group except for officers,
in fact, the french have a law saying no frenchman can be sent to a war
outside of france, so they use the FFL to get around it.
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Post by pezcollectorguy »

You know, I've always asked the question.... What is the Eiffel Tower? Well, the answer to this question deserves an explaination. You see, France has a negative birth rate... so after a few hundred years, we will be ridden of them. But, what does a negative birth rate tell you about a country? That most of the "men" are homosexuals... But, how does this relate to France and the Tower? Simple, the Frenchmen obviously don't have the "equipment" between their legs, or else they would actually put up some kind of resistance whenever their buffer-zone country gets over-run by an invading army (Germany). So it is my theory that they made the Eiffel Tower out of penis envy. Thank you.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Aren't we nice Germans selling more weapons than France?
Yes and no, Germany sells more weapons than France does, but they do it to only a few Countrys, France sells to praticualy everbody just not in large amounts

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Re: France...

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

pezcollectorguy wrote:<SNIP Homophobic France-Bashing>
STFU Asshole!

QUIT with the France-bashing, fuckface! It's their GOVERNMENT that's bad, not their people or any right-wing conspiracy theories that have to do with homosexuals or anything. If you really meant that apology earlier, you wouldn't have posted this shit. Now I see your word is just that: shit. See You In Hell.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Well that's another Troll dead by my hands.

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Post by Nathan F »

hehe, doesn't everyone just not like the French? I mean, they are the country the world loves to hate. They are like second only to the commies...
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Re: France...

Post by Lagmonster »

pezcollectorguy wrote:(deleted rampant idiot-spew)
At this point, I realize that you're just trying to either get a rise out of people like me, or else you're honestly an ignorant asshole. Shut the fuck up, because you're not funny either way.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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