Who are your favorite musicians bands ... etc?

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Post by CmdrSweevo »

Good Charlotte
Less Than Jake
The Divine Comedy
Picture House
The Saw Doctors
Jimmy Eat World

And most brass band music...
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Post by salm »

anyone else her like SKA?
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Post by Dalton »


Guns n' Roses
Yoko Kanno/Seatbelts
Led Zeppelin
The Offspring

I listen to a LOT of rock and metal. Mostly older stuff, some newer stuff.
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Post by DocHorror »

Rob Zombie
Tom Waits
Nick Cave
Queens of the Stone Age
Jimmy Eat World

too many more to mention...
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Nine Inch Nails
Faith No More
Foo Fighters
New Order
The Offspring
Tatu (Russian School Girl Lezzers)

All in that Order
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Post by Stormbringer »

Billy Joel
Green Day
Yoko Kano/Seatbelts
Christopher Franke
Rob Zombie
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
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Post by cutecuddlybuny »

I'm sorta into a lot of punk and hippie musiq right now so my favourites would have to be:
The Roots
Keller Williams
The Others
Simon and Garfunkle
Bob Dylan
Neil Young
The Distillers
The Transplants
The Ataris
The Ramones
then i like some stuff from
The Rat Pack
Glen Miller
Ella Fitzgerald
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Post by XaLEv »

Orgy, Tool, Switchblade Symphony, Disturbed, Smashing Pumpkins, Rammstein.

Are there any other Orgy fans here?
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Post by salm »

cutecuddlybuny wrote:I'm sorta into a lot of punk and hippie musiq right now so my favourites would have to be:
into punk AND Hippie...
that´s a fucked up mix, man!
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Post by DocHorror »

Oh & I love that new Johnny Cash single 'Hurt' its brilliant...

Though the original NiN version is better...but you'll have that...
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

In alphabetical order: (Warning: A lot of these are underground metal bands!!)

Alexanderband (extremely funny danish humour band)
Blue Oyster Cult
Bolt Thrower
Electric Wizard
Jethro Tull
Limbonic Art
Pink Floyd
Procol Harum
Red Warszawa
The Summoning
Thoth (REALLY OBSCURE and REALLY WEIRD metal band from Finland)
Uriah Heep

And as a side note, I also listen to film soundtracks of all kinds - from Queen's delightfully silly music for Flash Gordon over Poledouris' very majestic score for Conan the Barbarian to Prokofiev's impressive work for Ivan the Terrible.
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Post by Zaia »

Hyperion wrote:No, I was NOT addressing that age level, I was simply giving the reason I rather strongly dislike jazz.
Well, bringing up children 8 years of age when discussing your own musical preference doesn't make any sense to me, but ok.

In case you don't remember, your exact quote was, "To start with, a 2nd grader is gonna hate that junk right away anyway..." and I still don't understand how that has anything to do with you or your views on it, unless, like I asked, you yourself were in second grade.
Complex? Someone honking away on a sax with trombones and a cello in the background is NOT complex. (to me at least, though I do know that to play such instruments takes tremendous skill)
Yes, jazz is extremely complex. Perhaps your exposure to jazz has been out of the oridinary, since most big band/blues groups/combos don't have any cellos. Just being able to play the instruments takes skill, but if you knew how much music theory, how many chords, scales, modes, and transpositions one needs to know to solo even only for 20 seconds, you would know the basic level of how complicated it is. Trying actually being the one to solo, and you get a better idea.
Teacher had the radio on at all times, you would get detention if you touched it (heaven forbid you change the station), and if you asked him to change it cause it was driving you nuts he'd just put in a tape of jazz or blues, all that did was make the sound quality a wee bit better.
Interesting school. How old were you when this was going on? This went on during academic classes? That's a shitty teacher right there, since obviously kids have different learning styles and some can't concentrate at all with any kind of music playing.
Well that stuff I had to endure for 2 years sure sounds awfully similar to the junk my dad listens to in his hobby room, and that's considered "good" jazz...
What does he listen to?
Needless to say this is one of the key reasons why no matter how hard he tries to get me to join in with his hobby (which is rather interesting, O-scale model trains) I won't.
Out of curiousity, how old are you?
(that, politics, and religion, and the periodic bashing fest based on sexuality).
Yeah there's a reason I'd have to choose between Metallica and jazz, Metallica is actually pleasant to listen to.
Or because people like your dad aren't trying to make you like it?
It is meant to be a representation as to how I respond to having sounds shoved down my throat and not being able to do a damn thing about the source. Remember that things that happen early in life can affect you for your whole life, and your responces to certain stimulus when you're young are a good way to predict your responces to the same/similar stimuli when you're older.
Right. How long did this kid sing 'Old MacDonald' to you again?
Some Beethoven is actually decent, when set to techno/rave music. Otherwise even if it's fast and complex, it tends to lack certain things that make music enjoyable to me, things I actually have yet to figure out...
Right, but you said it was all slow. I'm glad you like Beethoven, since he and his music were rather remarkable, even if you must listen to the cheapened dance mix version which happens to make my skin crawl. I'm not a classical music snob because I listen to techno/hard rock (hell, I was in the mosh pit at a Metallica concert one year)/jazz/folk/alternative/etc. To me, the techno versions of classical music are the dumbed-down versions, for people who refuse to go out of their way for actual culture.
1) It's slow as hell and boring, I don't care how complex it is.
IT'S NOT ALL SLOW!! Man, I hate generalizations. How accurate would it be for me to say that all Metallica songs are loud, thrashy, screaming rock songs with no musical quality whatsoever? Is that the case? No, some songs like "Mama Said," "Low Man's Lyric," or "Nothing Else Matters" disprove that, right?
2) Thanks for the complement on my intellegence, but you could have done that without a smashing attack.
Dude, I'm sorry if this is coming across harshly, but you tried to completely obliterate one of my favourite types of music, of which I have worked VERY hard at which to become proficient, and you did it in a way which was barely intelligible with justifications such as 'seconds graders don't even like that shit.' WTF?! If you're going to put yourself out there with reasons such as that and then make generalizations that are clearly incorrect (such as that all classical music is slow), I in turn am going to generalize about you.
3) I do not dispute that, though classical tends to sound far better to me than jazz/blues, and sounds even better set to modern music as long as the old style instuments are retained in the remix, otherwise the remixes sound like shit (see the "bad techno" category).
This is unclear. What don't you dispute? The "old style" instruments (I assume you mean violins, violas, cellos and the like?) in your techno music don't save it from sounding like shit, but it's better, I suppose, than not having any real instruments in there at all.
4) Puts me to sleep because of the lack of speed,
*deep breath* It. Is. Not. All. Slow.
and a lot of classical tends to have "volume drops",
Dynamics? Yes, real music does have those. See, those musicians actually have excellent control over their instruments and can play them in ways other than just at RFL ('really fucking loud--it's a technical term used in the music world).

Out of curiousity, what did you think of S&M? Were there too many 'old style' instruments in there for you, with too many 'volume drops,' or did you make an exception because it was Metallica? Is that the same deal with Apocalyptica, the cello group that does covers of Metallica songs? Their rendition of "Nothing Else Matters" is simply gorgeous, but it's slow. Do you not listen to it, then?
which due to my hearing issues cause me to need to concentrate much harder than I should have to, which in turn makes me fall asleep.
I see. That is unfortunate.
I would not be talking like this unless I had heard a hell of a lot more than 2 pieces of a given type of music.
How much have you heard? Because, frankly, there are quite a lot of classical pieces out there that wouldn't ever be classified as 'slow.' I spent five years in college studying music theory and music history (among many other music classes), and I have heard hundreds and hundreds of pieces of music. If you don't know any fast ones, you obviously didn't look very hard because they're everywhere.
I don't care how fast it runs, it's VERY easy to overtax any kind of processing system, especially with external inputs, specifically incompatable inputs.
Dude, you can't profess the speed of your brilliant mind and how it's so fast that things bore you oh-so-easily in one paragraph, and then say something about how listening to complicated stuff overworks said brain in the next one. I'm sorry.
On another note, one which may help clear this up slightly. I do have rather fucked up hearing, and that's to put it nicely and mildly. To start with is the hearing range, I've been tested (I can prove this actually) to have a hearing range approximately from 12Hz to 64.7kHz, normal human hearing range is considered to be from 20Hz to 20/22kHz (depends on the source). Yes that means I can and do hear dogwhistles...

Zaia, I hope this sheds some light on my taste in music.
So, you like loud sounds that drown out all the other things your sensitive ears pick up? That to me makes sense. It explains things.

However, I still don't agree with the way you blindly lashed out at music you clearly don't have the knowledge to dislike. If you had said, "I don't like jazz and classical music because it isn't interesting to me," this discussion would never have started in the first place because you had stated your preference, which everyone is entitled to have. I may not agree, but I can't argue if you don't find it intriguing. But to talk like you're an authority on what classical music is, make inaccurate generalizations about it, and then attempt to justify why you dislike jazz with what eight year olds like and don't like--you left yourself open for debate because you provided no support for you statements.

Whether you enjoy listening to it or not, jazz still is a thousand times more complicated than anything you listen to, and whether you enjoy classical music or not, it's still not all slow.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Jazz is great because its something different every song, unlike Metallica's "screaming incoherently for record company dollars" format.

Yoko Kanno's and the Seatbelts music never fails to entertain me.

But the burning question in all of your minds is what is Darth Vader's favorite song?

Bush- Machine Head. Yeah it fucking rocks.

Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger, Mustardplug, Less than Jake, the Aquabats,

Also Laughing Colors, a crazy East Coast band with songs such as "Mushroom" and "Lesbians on Heroin"

Spanky might know this band, North To Alaska, its a crazy indie band based in Cedar Rapids IA. One of my best friends is in it, it kicks ass.

Also, Eyes on me by Faye Wong, if you cant completely recognize that, its from Final Fantasy 8. Simple and Clean by utada Hikaru is kewl and top it off with the Beatles, Phish, Pink Floyd, bob Marley and a little Jimi Hendrix for the long drives.

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Post by Captain Kruger »

NEW ROCK: Disturbed, Sevendust, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Rammstein, Audioslave, Korn, POD, Rage Against the Machine, Mudvayne, Stabbing Westward, God Lives Underwater

OLD STUFF: Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix (occasionally — I'm getting a little tired of him), Iron Maiden (best band of the 80s, hands down), Metallica, Anthrax, AC/DC

FILM SCORES: Anything by John Williams, Hans Zimmer (particularly Gladiator and The Rock), or James Horner (BRAVEHEART!!!!). Honorable mention goes to Christopher Franke, whose work on B5 was the best music I've ever heard for a TV series.

Hard rock and classical film scores is generally all I'll spend my money on, but I can tolerate most kinds of music. The only stuff I really hate is mariachi, Tex/Mex, and the older rap that's just a beat box and a gangbanger talkin' shit.

Zaia, what instruments to you play? I always love touching base with fellow musicians. :D
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Post by The Dark »

Simon H.Johansen wrote: And as a side note, I also listen to film soundtracks of all kinds - from Queen's delightfully silly music for Flash Gordon <snip>.
Do you have Queen's Highlander soundtrack? I like it much better than Flash Gordon, particularly Princes of the Universe and Who Wants to Live Forever?. That's actually the only soundtrack I've ever gone out and gotten (though I'm a Queen freak anyway...have pretty much everything except Flash and their original album :oops:).
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Post by Zaia »

Captain Kruger wrote:Zaia, what instruments to you play? I always love touching base with fellow musicians. :D
*grin* Well, technically, I play them all! I have to, since I'm a music teacher. As for the ones I play professionally (I do gigs from time to time--now I'm performing with a local theater doing 'West Side Story'), I mostly play classical percussion & piano, although I have done a couple gigs on bari sax (jazz) and trombone. And I played oboe for about 8 years. And I sing too, and play the guitar but not very well. :D

I think that's about it....

As for what I listen to:

Classic rock: Pink Floyd, Beatles, Yes, Allman Brothers, Foundations, Alan Parsons Project, Saga, Billy Joel, The Guess Who, Supertramp, Queen, Fleetwood Mac (& Lindsay Buckingham gone solo), Quicksilver Messenger Service, CSN&Y, Led Zeppelin

Jazz/Blues: Maynard Ferguson, Harry Connick Jr., Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, anything by either Gershwin brother, Yoko Kanno/Seatbelts, Nat King Cole, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Jack Johnson (poppy jazz but still jazz, I think), classic Santana, Bela Fleck, Van Morrison

Girlie love songs (mostly 80's): Peter Gabriel, Edwin McCain, Journey, REO Speedwagon, Cheap Trick, Peter Cetera, When In Rome, Ben Folds, Chicago, Eagles

Classical/Symphonic band/Choral/Film score: James Barnes, Mark Camphouse, Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Gershwin, David Maslanka, anything from the show 'Blast!', Wagner, Eric Whitacre, Danny Elfman ("The Nightmare Before Christmas"), Howard Shore ("LOTR"), Mark Knopfler ("The Princess Bride")

Other: John Mayer, Metallica, A Perfect Circle, Tool, System of a Down, Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco, Fiona Apple, G Love & Special Sauce, Tenacious D, Dashboard Confessional, DaVinci's Notebook, Rage Against the Machine, Beastie Boys, 311, Erykah Badu, Cake, Sarah McLachlan, Linkin Park, Taxiride, Indigo Girls, Dave Matthews, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Killing Heidi, Spiderbait, Radiohead, Bree Sharp, and some of what's on the radio...
Last edited by Zaia on 2003-02-04 07:20pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »


What else can I say, everyone else is gay.
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Post by aerius »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Nirvana

What else can I say, everyone else is gay.
No No No no no...it's more like

"I think I'm dumb, I think I'm dumb, I think I'm dumb, I think I'm dumb", from Nirvana's song "Dumb". :mrgreen:

Just kidding of course, I'm in one of my weird sarcastic moods today.

As for music, take Zaia's list and replace the Jazz/Blues section with the following and you pretty much have my list.

Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix (yes he plays blues), Sarah Slean, Eric Clapton, BB King, Albert King. For me the Blues damn well better have electric guitars.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Metallica, old and new
Led Zeppelin
System of a Down(SELLOUTS!)
Black Sabbath
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Post by Isil`Zha »

Tool, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, A Perfect Circle...
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Post by Sr.mal »

Well it seems Led Zeppelin, Tool, APC, Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd are some of the most listned to so far. Interesting pop-culture would make you think its some pop or hip-hop shit. Well it seems people with a smidgeon of brains knows what good music is.
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Post by Sokar »

HemlockGrey wrote:System of a Down(SELLOUTS!)
Oh for the love of your prefered mythical deity.......why? Is it a crime to be successful and make some money......
This is why I quit listening to punk, I got tired of the poser attitudes of 'my band is more underground than your band' bullshit that permeates the entire punk scene. What are we now going to start this shit with rock and thrash bands ? I guess not everyone can be 'Fugazi' and martyr themselves for their musc......
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Post by jegs2 »

Sokar wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:System of a Down(SELLOUTS!)
Oh for the love of your prefered mythical deity.......why? Is it a crime to be successful and make some money......
This is why I quit listening to punk, I got tired of the poser attitudes of 'my band is more underground than your band' bullshit that permeates the entire punk scene. What are we now going to start this shit with rock and thrash bands ? I guess not everyone can be 'Fugazi' and martyr themselves for their musc......
I said the same of Metallica when they produced the black album, but then I was a fairly young man then and really only into speed metal. Bands "sell-out", because their purpose is to make money, which is done by broadening their fan base (as did Metallica with their release of the black album).
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Post by Sr.mal »

Bands sell out when they sign their first record contract. In reality all bands have sold out.

"I sold out long before you ever heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record, Dip shit, and you bought one." Hooker with a Penis by TOOL
Ever since I was a scumdog, I blew a cum-wad.
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Post by Sr.mal »

Sigh seems like I'm the only one who has heard of/likes King Crimson.
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