He is giving us a sign, and showing us his infinate mercy before he sends all of us to burn in the fires of hell.HemlockGrey wrote:If Allah really Gave A Shit, shouldn't he be out Smiting The Heathen Nations, blowing up America + Israel with Thunderbolts and Lightning, etc. rather than be dicking around torching Small Mechanical Objects?
Allah strikes down the trinity of evil!!!
Moderator: Edi
Re: Allah strikes down the trinity of evil!!!
Allahu Ackbar and all that -- yeah, go catch a bomb for Allah... Saw those fruitcakes coming a mile away. No sooner did I hear about the disaster and learned that the Israeli was aboard, then I knew the Allahu Ackbar types would be calling all of that Allah's judgment on the infidel and Zionists... How predictable can they be...kheegan wrote:http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story ... 16,00.html
Allah is great!Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza today condemned the dead American, Indian and Israeli members of the Columbia space shuttle mission as a "trinity of evil" who were punished by God.
Mr Hamza - recently banned from preaching at London's Finsbury Park mosque - said Muslims would consider the crash as a "sign from God" because the first Israeli in space was killed over the town of Palestine, Texas.
The Columbia carried one Israeli, Ilan Ramon, and a Hindu, Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian-born woman in space. Five American crew members were also on board when the shuttle disintegrated over Texas on Saturday.
The one-eyed Mr Hamza, who has a hook in place of one hand, said: "The Muslim people see these pilots as criminals. By going into space they would have sharpened the accuracy of their bombs through satellites.
"These missions would increase the number of satellites for military purposes. It would increase the slavery of governance of other countries by America.
"It is a punishment from God. Muslims see it that way. It is a trinity of evil because it carried Americans, an Israeli and a Hindu, a trinity of evil against Islam.
"The fact that the motor of the craft fell on Palestine - all these are messages from God. It is a strong message, for the Israeli, to be taken up there to space and he spoke about the Holocaust, to try to make religious advancement from it and gain some moral high ground, hence you have seen this message over Palestine," Mr Hamza said.
Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader of the Muslim parliament of Great Britain, dismissed the comments as "just another of his lunatic pronouncements".
"Most Muslims will see this as a tragedy," he said. "They were very brave and courageous people."
But Anjem Choudray, UK leader of Al-Muhajiroun, a radical group which wants to turn Britain into an Islamic country, sympathised with Mr Hamza's assessment.
"We believe if anyone innocent dies, then that is something we would not wish on anyone. However, this craft did also have one Israeli army official on board, who is famous for his military escapades in Israel.
"Especially at this time, Muslims would not be shedding any tears. Ultimately, the US is a country at war with all Muslims and we know it is a sign from God."
Mr Choudray said he made a distinction between "ordinary" Britons and Americans who he invites to join Islam and live under sharia law, and those involved in war. But he said the US space programme was part of the country's military complex.
"It is linked to the military. These people would be linked to satellite systems spying on Muslims and using the same technology to bomb Muslims and ultimately to commit mass murder in Iraq. Who knows what the real function of this particular mission was? The first Israeli in space - why at this time? A military man going up with Americans into space?" Mr Hamza's frequent controversial comments have made headlines since his anti-western rhetoric came to national attention in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. There have been repeated calls for him to be deported.
The Finsbury Park mosque was raided earlier this month in connection with a terrorism investigation. In the last few years, the mosque has become a centre of radical Islam. Officials say previous worshippers include "shoe-bomber" Richard Reid and extremists who plotted to blow up the US embassy in Paris.
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You'd think that if Allah wanted to smite a symbol of America's might and arrogance, he'd have caused a CVN to mysteriously spring a leak and go down with all 6,000 people on board, not "mysteriously" (read here: from a cause initially unknown but which is very rapidly being pinpointed as we speak) make seven people go boom 200,000 feet above Texas.HemlockGrey wrote:If Allah really Gave A Shit, shouldn't he be out Smiting The Heathen Nations, blowing up America + Israel with Thunderbolts and Lightning, etc. rather than be dicking around torching Small Mechanical Objects?
"Carriers dispense fighters, which dispense assbeatings." - White Haven
| Hyperactive Gundam Pilot of MM | GALE | ASVS | Cleaners | Kibologist (beable) | DFB |
If only one rock and roll song echoes into tomorrow
There won't be anything to keep you from the distant morning glow.
I'm not a man. I just portrayed one for 15 years.
| Hyperactive Gundam Pilot of MM | GALE | ASVS | Cleaners | Kibologist (beable) | DFB |
If only one rock and roll song echoes into tomorrow
There won't be anything to keep you from the distant morning glow.
I'm not a man. I just portrayed one for 15 years.
Unfortunately, fundies will take what they can get. They will use this as a sign. Not the fact that their people have slid from a prominent culture and civilization that put Europe to shame in its educational and artisitc endevaors and have now become a horde of mud hut dwelling screaming idiots who go to the streets to support whatever cause can place them deeper in the shithole they have sunk into.
Its a damn shame what has happened to them and these fundie assholes are using religion to continue to oppress their own people. For those who try to blame the west for the ME's problems, look no further than their own people. No one oppresses better than your own. In Saudi Arabia the divide between rich and poor is VAST. They treat their own peopole like garbage yet bask in their wealth and oppulence. The oil wealth that could have been used to educate and help the poor has instead been used to buy fleets of Benzes, private planes and yachts.
The women are forced to be second or third class cirtizens. Immigrants are imported for labor and they do not embrace the idea of seperation of church and state that lefties love so much. Islamic fundies are all about that their religion is the true religion and all others are pale imitations. There are movements abroad to create muslim nations wherever they may be a prominent minority. Engalnd is currently experienceing an organized movements from the fundies to make it into some sort of muslim state.
They do not play well with others, they could care less about sucess, scientific endeavors. If it were up to them, they would still be living in the tenth century eating shit and living in dust. Their people are in shit and instead of helping themslelves, of inspiring their own people to get up and do something, they tell them to strap bombs to themselves and go blow up the Great satan because they are successful and we are not. Kill them for being rich and advanced. We're not so everyone else must be as we are Allah Ackbar!!
Allah will not strike down the Great Satan, Allah will not help his people rise out of the slums and shitholes they find themsleves in, Allah will not stop the endless cycle of petty dictaors and tyrants, Allah will not stop the nearly feverish pace to build WMD so that they can lash out like a spoiled child at those that made something of themselves. Allah will not bring peace and understanding to the "Arab Street".
No allah will smite a space shuttle and kill seven astronauts because that's what's best for his followers.
Its sad...very very sad.
Its a damn shame what has happened to them and these fundie assholes are using religion to continue to oppress their own people. For those who try to blame the west for the ME's problems, look no further than their own people. No one oppresses better than your own. In Saudi Arabia the divide between rich and poor is VAST. They treat their own peopole like garbage yet bask in their wealth and oppulence. The oil wealth that could have been used to educate and help the poor has instead been used to buy fleets of Benzes, private planes and yachts.
The women are forced to be second or third class cirtizens. Immigrants are imported for labor and they do not embrace the idea of seperation of church and state that lefties love so much. Islamic fundies are all about that their religion is the true religion and all others are pale imitations. There are movements abroad to create muslim nations wherever they may be a prominent minority. Engalnd is currently experienceing an organized movements from the fundies to make it into some sort of muslim state.
They do not play well with others, they could care less about sucess, scientific endeavors. If it were up to them, they would still be living in the tenth century eating shit and living in dust. Their people are in shit and instead of helping themslelves, of inspiring their own people to get up and do something, they tell them to strap bombs to themselves and go blow up the Great satan because they are successful and we are not. Kill them for being rich and advanced. We're not so everyone else must be as we are Allah Ackbar!!
Allah will not strike down the Great Satan, Allah will not help his people rise out of the slums and shitholes they find themsleves in, Allah will not stop the endless cycle of petty dictaors and tyrants, Allah will not stop the nearly feverish pace to build WMD so that they can lash out like a spoiled child at those that made something of themselves. Allah will not bring peace and understanding to the "Arab Street".
No allah will smite a space shuttle and kill seven astronauts because that's what's best for his followers.
Its sad...very very sad.
Wherever you go, there you are.
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Ripped Shirt Monkey - BOTMWriter's Guild Cybertron's Finest Justice League
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