Mr Bean wrote:
The Reasons I provided are very simple, lets see if you can remeber them all this time
1. Saddam has started wars of conquest before and has repeatly in the past demosrated a want and will to conquer the Middle East
Yes. Many other countries have started wars of conquest too, some of them with US support, most not. Are we to assume that the US will go after the others, too?
2. Saddam has show himself not to be trustworthy in various ways from treaty breaking to breaking his word
If you think that Saddam is the only leader who does this, you are somewhat mistaken. The USA itself has broken treaties when it is in the country's interest to do so, as you can find out very trivially. What matters is that the other parties in the treaty have the will and ability to punish the breach; this is not true for the treaties broken by most other governments.
3. According to the 91 Treaty if he fails to fufill any part of his end of the bargien his position is forfit and he is to be removed by force
4. Saddam has demostrated the ability to fool Weapons Inspectors on a regular basies
Just out of interest, how do you know this? Do you have some channel of information besides the weapon inspectors? The weapon inspectors found plenty of chemical and biological weapons as I understand it, just no nukes. I would regard nukes as the hardest of the three to conceal.
5. Saddam had weapons in '94 '95 '96 that where ordered destroyed, they never where and when we came back in 2002 they denied having.
Yes. Iraq has large amounts of chemical and biological weapons that they shouldn't have, according to the WI report.
6. Saddam also has been aquring new weapons since he kicked out the Inspectors in 98 that he deines having despite the fact that France, NK and Co admit having sold to him
I'm surprised that NK could bear to part with any weapons. But I'd also be surprised if he wasn't buying from someone.
7. Saddam is a crimal by his own admission have killed numors people BY HIS OWN HAND in the late 80s early 90s
Yes. I hope no one is arguing that the man is not a shit. I imagine that if the expressed purpose for the war is to remove shits from power, the next country in line will be Saudia Arabia. After all, it's right next door to Iraq - very convenient for the armed forces. Or perhaps the House of Saud is useful enough to be left where they are, despite their human rights record.
8. Saddam has funneled money to various orginzations inculding HAMAS and has given money to the famailys of Sucided Bombers for "Thier Glorius Sacrifice"
Yes. Last time I checked, the UK was also a centre for terrorist funding, so you'd better take them out too.
9. Has repeatly used his own people in testing how Lethal certian Chemical and Biological weapons where incudling the Gas of the Kurds all those years ago
Iranians too. I believe the USA was on the other side at that point.
Let see if you can keep all those facts in mind this time around instead of just picking one and ignoring the rest
I like all your facts. Amazingly, I do have a point. Whilst it might be morally desirable to remove Saddam, past actions make this an extremely dubious and ill-supported position for us to take. If there's anything that recent history teaches, it's that adopting a moral foreign policy is a silly idea. A moral foreign policy only works if the foreigners are moral (sorry, couldn't resist that). Anyway, I would be happy with the argument that Saddam has defied the US, which is a precedent that it is not in the interest of the US or her allies to permit to continue. Hence invasion. I think that's the only credible reason for invasion. The oilfields don't cut it - it would take years, probably a decade, to get the Iraqi oilfields back up to decent production levels (starving people aren't usually too bothered about maintainance of equipment for export industries), and the war will cause some economic disruption, so I don't believe the economic arguments for war put forward as reasons by some of the peace lot. I don't believe the oppression and moral right arguments put forward by some of the war lot, either, as you probably guessed from the above.