Short update today. All I got done last week was the UFO clearance anyway.
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UFO Crash Clearance
Squad: Rhoenix, Weemadando, Heavy Zablorg, Stark, MJ12-1, MJ12-4, MJ12-5, Guppyshark, Vanas, Wautd
Laser HWP: Hawkwings
With the UFO shot down in eastern Siberia, we were expecting to face fierce snow and yummy vodka on touching down.
What the christ. Its T-shirt weather here.
Hawkwings spotted this floater dithering about in the oddly verdant woods, but the laser cannon proved ineffective due to difficult line of sight. Wautd, Vanas, and Zablorg dealt with the situation in the traditional X-COM manner. We burned the forest down.
As the team approached the downed scout UFO, we took a lot of fire from multiple angles. After a short but intense firefight, we spotted a Floater here, taking cover by the wall of the UFO . . . .
. . . and another on top of the UFO. Hawkwings got the one up top, blowing its head off with a giant laser beam o death, while Weemadando picked off the one on the ground, which had shrugged off autocannon shot from Wautd and Zablorg.
The teams split up to search the woods and circle around the crashed saucer. We stacked up on opposite sides of the door, ready to strike, when a Floater popped out.
Now, beforehand, I took the precaution of having my people drop all their heavy weapons and switch to laser pistols.
Everyone except Zablorg, who was waaaaaaaaay in the back.
Zablorg, with his lightning reflexes and minimal brain power, fired a single quick autocannon shot that hit the floater square in the noggin. Said floater was two feet away from a nice, tight cluster of X-COM personnel.
Weemadando was blasted unconscious. MJ12-4 and Rhoenix were not so lucky, absorbing copious amounts of shrapnel to important sections of their bodies. In the subsequent assault on the interior of the UFO, Guppyshark rushed inside and stabbed the floater in the scrotum with his/her shock prod. It didn't seem to be affected, so Guppy dove aside, and the floater blew him/her away with reaction fire. MJ12-5 leapt in after him/her and shoved his stun prod into the floater's eye socket, which dropped it.
Post Mission Analysis: Goddamn reaction fire. At this rate we'll be killing more of our own people than the aliens. The MJ12s in particular have been suffering a brutal attrition rate, but that's what they're there for.
Thankfully, the casualties were worth it. We managed to secure not only another live alien to play with - er, interrogate, but we also managed to recover a working UFO power source
and UFO fuel. We predict that both of these recoveries will become absolutely critical in the coming months.
Also, Zablorg finally did make Captain, though whether that was entirely accidental or due to previously unforseen calculating, cunning, and intellect is unknown. Nearly everyone was wounded by his brainstorm anyway (except Zablorg himself) so next mission should see the deployment of our new batch of rookies . . . .