Berman Doesn't know Why ST Nemesis tanked!

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Berman Doesn't know Why ST Nemesis tanked!

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n » ... tml?tid=97

Gee I wonder why? Could it be that Braga is a no-talent cunt? LOL!
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Post by Shinova »

This is Rick Berman. :roll:
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

That never stops showing conclusive evidence that rodents can outwit some human beings when it comes to media production and distribution. Dead, decaying corpses of doormice have a better chance of turning around Trek now.
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Post by Dalton »

Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Dalton wrote:Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.
Explain that to B&B and see the blank expression. Educating them on how to become better, or rather, somewhat less incompetent at their jobs would belike teaching a lion to live off tofu. It ain't practical and you'll soon waste away from your efforts.

Leave them be in their dream world, I'm amazed M:I-2 didn't flop considering they worked on that I believe, how would Roddenberry react now after seeing what these two eejits have done to Trek?
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Post by neoolong »

I wonder if they even have a marketing department.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

neoolong wrote:I wonder if they even have a marketing department.
That was converted to a cafeteria area as soon as B&B got there.

Much like how B&B's craniums were converted to extra fat storage areas after conception.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

berman is soooooo clueless, and he must be surrounding himself with yes-men. anyone remember after the 1984 preisdential election when Reagan won every state but minesota in a landslide and a prominent NYC socialite was quoted as saying "Reagan won? How can that be? nobody i know voted for him!" well berman's ignorace is simply like that. 'nobody i know thought it sucked' yeah you asstard, everyone you know either works for paramount or is another fanboy asstard!
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Fools never realize what went wrong...why should be any different with Berman.

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Post by CmdrWilkens »

I especially like the whole "One theory is we waited too long, the other theory is that we didn't wait too long." Yes Mr Berman and the color is either red or not-red as well.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Dalton wrote:Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.
But how could anyway want to see anything but my masterpieces? [/Berman]
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Post by Ingersoll »

He just thinks it was . . . Satan!

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Ingersoll wrote:He just thinks it was . . . Satan!

Just more proof that Satan is One of the Good Guys...
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Dalton wrote:Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.

It was a brilliant move.
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Post by The Dark »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Ingersoll wrote:He just thinks it was . . . Satan!

Just more proof that Satan is One of the Good Guys...
Hey, now, God gets in a good lick too:
"God had a thing about not endorsing any specific project. Kind of like that Prime Defective thing on Star Trek." Berman relates. "But in our conversation he did tell me that he liked Gangs of New York. I pointed out to God that Gangs of New York was just a shallow and historically inaccurate melodrama with really good production design. He told me that the same thing could be said about Deep Space Nine. The conversation just went downhill from there."
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

The Dark wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Ingersoll wrote:He just thinks it was . . . Satan!

Just more proof that Satan is One of the Good Guys...
Hey, now, God gets in a good lick too:
"God had a thing about not endorsing any specific project. Kind of like that Prime Defective thing on Star Trek." Berman relates. "But in our conversation he did tell me that he liked Gangs of New York. I pointed out to God that Gangs of New York was just a shallow and historically inaccurate melodrama with really good production design. He told me that the same thing could be said about Deep Space Nine. The conversation just went downhill from there."
Which one, The Real God or that Judeo-Christian tinhorn alien tyrant cunt?
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Post by Stormbringer »

Dalton wrote:Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.
Frankly it was probably what absolutely doomed the movie. Had they chosen a release date with less competition they it might have been better. It was doomed from the start but that was the worst possible release date.
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Post by Next of Kin »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
Dalton wrote:Releasing it FIVE DAYS before Lord of the Rings was NOT a good move.

It was a brilliant move.
I'm sure some executive mba made that call.
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Post by Alyeska »

The movie itself was good enough that non series fans (just general movie buffs or scifi fans) would have enoyed it. It had a compelling plot. Good action. Decent music. Relatively simple to understand and no confusing dialogue. Oh sure its not an Oscar quality movie. Hell its not First Contact, Undiscovered Country, or Wrath of Khan. But it was a fun movie to watch, something that many people would enjoy. The problem is that people were out enjoying The Two Towers a half dozen times because they wanted to watch that movie AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. However decided to release Nemesis when they did seriously screwed up. The release should have been delayed until late Janurary or early Feburary. That way Gangs of New York, The Two Towers, Die Another Day, and Harry Potter are out of the way. They were probably counting on the holiday movie rush, but they just couldn't fathom how big The Two Towers was going to be.
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Post by Dahak »

The movie sucked so much ass, I nearly got eye cancer from watching it.

The downfall of was its "script". I think it bombed was because of word of mouth from people who had to endure it and told other people to stay away from it...
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Post by Alyeska »

Dahak wrote:The movie sucked so much ass, I nearly got eye cancer from watching it.

The downfall of was its "script". I think it bombed was because of word of mouth from people who had to endure it and told other people to stay away from it...
Just because you disliked the movie does not make it a bad movie. It had generally favorable reviews and was fun to watch.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

It;s alright Berman, it's just one of those thimgs that you'll never understand, like evolution :)
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

The movie itself wasn't THAT bad. It has some lower points, some high ones, but really it was just a good popcorn flick (even if the rabid-warsie deep down inside me said: "look for errors, make sure you find every last one!").

But when I found the release date the first words that came to my mind were "oops, his brain stopped." And it had too. The fact that I saw TTT twice, once a few days after it came out, and than a week after that (it was STILL big), prove show popular it was.

Versus when I saw Nemesis, there were seven people in the theatre, and the guys who ran the show forgot about us so we had to watch the first 15 minutes of the film with the lights on. We had to complain to them twice. But I foget how long that was after it came out I saw it...
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Post by Andrew J. »

He probably know why Nemesis failed, he just doesn't want to admit it.
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