It started out with this:
And turned in to this:Atheism is for smart people?
What an insane concept. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to simply shrug off religion as "bullshit". Before you enter the world of ignorance just keep in mind that theism is far more complicated, thought out, and logical that dumbasses that hide behind science to disprove faith (which in itself is downright childish).
I don't think making fun of atheism is religious prejudice. It's making fun of animals.
If strange events are called an "act of God", then why aren't normal ones either?
Oh and another thing. Children and humans are naturally born with the belief in diety unless trained out of it. Religion can be traced back as far back as human existance itself.
But no scientific standard can be proven. None of it. To believe in science is like believing in a relegion.
This is a response to a rebuttal that I made.You strike me as incredibly gullible if you don't understand that this is how science works. Evidence being exactly what I said before: just look through a textbook and see how many theories are taught in it. I see the value of teaching theories to grad students and people who will actually become scientists and further study these theories. But there's absolutely no reason to teach the Theory of Evolution to millions of grade school children with so little evidence supporting it.
And finally we end up with this atrocity:quote:
Hmm so life can't just spontaneously pop-up out of nowhere? Congratulations science has said that for over a century. It truly is nice to hear from a Christian who does not believe in creationism.
Perhaps you would like to tell us how no spontaneous creation=no evolution though. Anyone who even knew what they were talking about would recognize that evolution has absolutely nothing to do with the first life form. Evolution simply deals with what happens after that first life appears. The currently accepted model for the formation of the first life is called Abiogenesis.
To be blunt, I'm doubting your mental process at this point. I have professed that I believe in Creationism. It's scientists who don't believe in it, yet this very scientific principle requires His existence. Re-read the boldened part, and if you don't immediately recognize how this absolutely has to point to God's hand in the creation of the first Earthly being, then just sit down before you hurt yourself.
This pretty much sums up the stupidity some people have over there.Scientists definitely try to answer everything that can be questioned, ever, everywhere. Sometimes they don't answer things so much as they just question previous answers for no good reason. Scientists are rage-filled answer war monsters, and don't you forget it.