NecronLord wrote:Spurious. The physics of the shields is going to be about the same. Goa'uld ships even contain items of older Ancient technology, duplicated. (Transporter rings). A craft from a different universe with different development is going to be very much more different.
And this makes it superior/invulnerable how? Just being 'different' isn't enough, especially when you don't know how the drones work, or really how SW shields work, the principle the drone uses to bypass the shields
could be something both shielding systems have in common, it could be as simple as 'drone detects energy field, drone performs tiny itty-bitty micro-jump through shields and continues on it's merry way', it could be some technobabble frequency stuff, it could phase slightly out of this reality and simply ignore the prescence of
anything in it's path. You don't know, I don't know, no-one knows. However, the observed ability of the drones is that they
do go through shields, SW ships have not demonstrated resistance to this form of technology, so to assume they are somehow 'immune' simply because you wish them to be is not sound reasoning.
To try and even begin to come up with counter-arguments, you have to rely on assumptions with little or no proof that Goa'uld systems
must be similar to Ancient ones, and SW systems
must be radically different (in a superior way, not an inferior way that would leave them vulnerable I might add), and that the drones
must be a specifically calibrated weapon unable to adapt to various environmental factors. And why all these unfounded
must statements? Because you're trying to make the facts fit the assumption (that SW shield are immune to drones), which is the wrong way around.