It happened...

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It happened...

Post by HemlockGrey »

...Dad found remnants of some questionable things I thought I'd knocked off the comp.

I got the lecture. The whole 'demeaning' angle. He's going to harp on this for weeks. In fact, he's probably got some sort of camera aimed at the computer right now. Bah.

Of course, I thought, you know, maybe, if this ever happened, the parents would be cool about it, and just accept it, but, then again, these are the people who, when I go over to my friend's house, demand to know the order of events in which we're going to hang out, speak to their parents, meet them, and talk awhile before letting me out of the fucking house.
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Post by Temjin »

Wow.... And you still have access to the computer after your dad found out? I'm impressed.
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Post by Sr.mal »

Thats why it pays to own your own computer and set up passwords.
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Post by Dalton »

My father regularly leaves porn he printed out right by the computer.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

My parents once found porn magazines below my bed (I was 15), and just laughed. I was greatly embarassed, obviously. Well, and my father leaves tapes full of porn all around the house.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Do your parents allow you to come here?
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Blech. If my mother ever finds out I will be strung up and crucified with rusty needles, as she's a psychologist.
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Post by Exonerate »

I just delete the stuff and remove all traces when I'm done with it.
Never been close to being discovered...

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Post by HemlockGrey »

I did the same, but I left on there.

The day will come for you, too, Exonerate...
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I have hardly anything like that (most are rather tasteful), but I don't think my parents would care too much if they knew or found out.
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Post by Alex Moon »

Sucks to be you man. :cry: It makes me glad that my mom was pretty cool about porn on the comp.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Hell, I'm not even allowed to have instant messenger. I'm frankly not surprised at their reaction.
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Post by Alex Moon »

HemlockGrey wrote:Hell, I'm not even allowed to have instant messenger. I'm frankly not surprised at their reaction.
Wow, they're strict. :shock:
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Post by Ghost Rider »

That seriously blows.

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Post by Shinova »

HemlockGrey wrote:Hell, I'm not even allowed to have instant messenger. I'm frankly not surprised at their reaction.

Eech... :x

That's overkill.
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Post by Kuja »

My parents don't give a damn.
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Post by Captain tycho »

It pays to be 34 with a high speed connection who has his own apartment and no parents around. :P
Sorry 'bout that man.
Just how old are you, BTW?
If you were 17+ I don't see why your parents would be mad...
after all, then you would be nearly an adult.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I don't look at porn, because my computer's too slow for it, and I have found that I can masturbate without help, but if I did, I would look at it when I was alone house, cover my tracks by using a search engine, and not storing it on my computer, just looking at it once.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

HemlockGrey wrote:Hell, I'm not even allowed to have instant messenger. I'm frankly not surprised at their reaction.
Man, what was it?
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Post by Captain tycho »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:I don't look at porn, because my computer's too slow for it, and I have found that I can masturbate without help, but if I did, I would look at it when I was alone house, cover my tracks by using a search engine, and not storing it on my computer, just looking at it once.
Hell, I just go to a site, look at some pics and maybe a vid or too that I don't download, and that is it.
Although I really don't need to be careful, seeing as my gf doesn't live with me yet, and doesn't care about me watching porn anyway.
It's a habit, I guess.
So, was it really nasty hardcore porn or just women in bikinis?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

It wasn't like RayCav's raincoat shit, was it?
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Post by Captain tycho »

Do tell, Hemlock.
I can offer some advice as an older adult, if you need any.
Personally, as long as kids aren't looking at really hardcore stuff at like 10-14, I'm fine. It's totally natural for a male (or female) to look at nude pics. It's a totally natural thing, like masturbating and sex.
I may sound like a parent explaning sex to you, ( :D ) but it's just some advice.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I feel for you, man. Happened to me twice. Very embarrassing, and I got grounded for it. But since I got my own computer, I've made sure to delete every trace of where I've been, and I keep any saved porn in a hidden folder in the WINDOWS directory. No way in hell anybody's gonna look through that.
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Post by Ted »

I've got two users on my family comp, one for me, one for the family. Password protected and all.
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Post by Gandalf »

I think if my mum found out she might be relieved, I once saw a pamphlet she had that said, "Is My Son Gay?"

As for the security issue, I have my own access, to wipe one's tracks, just go to internet options, clear history and clear temp internet files, if you're really worried delete cookies too.
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