If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by NecronLord »

Solauren wrote:I'd also like to point something out with Anubis's shields; they appear to be immnue to phasing technology. You'll recall the destruction of the Tolan homeworld. They were using some sort of Phased Ion Cannon technology to destroy Gou'ald ships in 2 - 3 shots.
No. The phase-weapons of mass destruction were built at Tanith's instruction to be used against Earth and other planets. This was explicitly said to be a new idea by Narim, who admittedly, may not be an expect, and that such weapons 'must be' a replacement weapon to use now that ion cannons were no longer adequate.
The only instance we've seen it hit a Gou'ald ship, it appears to ignore the shields (unless the Gou'ald were too stupid to raise shields when entering a hostile powers territory, which they are not).
Actually, yes, they are. In season 2's opening, they didn't raise their shields over Earth until they actually saw missiles coming with the mark 1 eyeball.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

Solauren wrote:I'd also like to point something out with Anubis's shields; they appear to be immnue to phasing technology. You'll recall the destruction of the Tolan homeworld. They were using some sort of Phased Ion Cannon technology to destroy Gou'ald ships in 2 - 3 shots. The only instance we've seen it hit a Gou'ald ship, it appears to ignore the shields (unless the Gou'ald were too stupid to raise shields when entering a hostile powers territory, which they are not).

When faced with Anubis's shield technology, Tolan ion cannons prove useless (and Asguard weapons prove less effective then normal).

Considering Anubis was using knowledge he got from being ascended with the Ancients (at least that he could have learned as a Gou'ald), and the amount of other Ancient refinements and technology he was using, I think it's reasonable to assume Anubis's ships had Ancient shields.

That's just it. Is there any example of similar phasing tech in SW and how if at all SW shields can cope with such a thing? Because while we know that SW shields apparently extend into Hyperspace no one can conclusively say they can defend from all alternate dimensions which is what as I understand phasing does it phases matter from a solid dimension to an ethereal one if you will...

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Batman »

Phasing technology does whatever the medium in question SAYS it does, be it shifting the phased matter to another dimension, altering their 'vibration frequency', whatever. There IS no such thing as actually defined phasing technology except possibly in-universe. And since a lot of phased matter in a lot of SciFi still INTERACTS with unphased matter/energy assuming they'll blithely be able to bypass shields which quite obviously do so too is something that the party saying it WILL be able to has to show.
Yes, it's entirely possible that WHICHEVER mechanism (if any) Ancient drones use to go through Goa'uld shields MIGHT work against Wars ones. But until you've VERIFIED the mechanism, and shown that it works on Wars shields, too, DESPITE the vast power differential, no, that does NOT mean it will work on Wars shields, too.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

Batman wrote:Phasing technology does whatever the medium in question SAYS it does, be it shifting the phased matter to another dimension, altering their 'vibration frequency', whatever. There IS no such thing as actually defined phasing technology except possibly in-universe. And since a lot of phased matter in a lot of SciFi still INTERACTS with unphased matter/energy assuming they'll blithely be able to bypass shields which quite obviously do so too is something that the party saying it WILL be able to has to show.
Yes, it's entirely possible that WHICHEVER mechanism (if any) Ancient drones use to go through Goa'uld shields MIGHT work against Wars ones. But until you've VERIFIED the mechanism, and shown that it works on Wars shields, too, DESPITE the vast power differential, no, that does NOT mean it will work on Wars shields, too.

I know but that's the point it cannot be verified either way at this point, all we can do is conjecture which is worthless. I hope that something like this comes up in Clone wars because only then we would really have a better picture of how effective/ineffective this would be.

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PREDATOR490 »

It is still rather pointless. If an ancient warship is discovered with no crew aboard the SW looters wont see the drones in action ANYWAY. They also wont see the hyperdrive in action and without the ancient gene they will have difficulty activating them.
Hence they will either end up towing it to a facility to get scrapped with the potential for some research if they see something interesting or just write the thing off as a broken heap of junk.

Assuming they DO somehow manage to operate the Ancient tech, maybe one of the crew pre-activated it for them eh ?
They still need someone to get into the chair and fire one of those drones or activate the hyperdrive. Since SW Hyperdrive concepts are what these people are brought up on they wont be 'jumping' through shit. Not until they manage to replicate the technology at least because you dont want to risk losing the only existing source of the technology do you ?

As for the overall usage of drones. Shield piercing or not, these things do not have equal punch to regular SW weaponary found on big ships of equal size to the Ancient Warships. Assuming these things could be replicated and distributed, research is eventually going to be conducted on defending against them which would result in even thicker armor plating for warships capable of deflecting drone attacks. Although SW armor should be heavy enough to repel a drone attack and the forementioned PD systems and ECMs are going to make drones less effective against capital ships.

IF a Star Wars crew manages to replicate drones then they would be better putting the shield piercing tech into their normal munitions or upscalling the drone tech into carrying more destructive payload which IMO stops making them 'superior ancient weapon' rather than 'shitty ancient weapon with superior trick we can steal'.
If the technology becomes universal then research on making shields resist drones is likely to occur, failing that, thicker armor, better counter measures and more point defence weaponary.
Overall, I highly doubt it would cause epic implications for the SW universe compared to the faster hyperdrives or potential ancient technology stored in the ships memory. A.K,A Ascension, Rings, Atlantis, Stargates etc.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by fuzzymillipede »

General Zod wrote:Even with these examples, there's nothing suggesting these would prevent any kind of tactical advantage whatsoever given they're situational specific.
Weren't Gravity Well Projectors a plot point in several Star Wars stories? The ability of a Stargate hyperdrive to ignore these artificial gravity wells would provide significant tactical applications.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Stargate Nerd »

NecronLord wrote:
Solauren wrote:I'd also like to point something out with Anubis's shields; they appear to be immnue to phasing technology. You'll recall the destruction of the Tolan homeworld. They were using some sort of Phased Ion Cannon technology to destroy Gou'ald ships in 2 - 3 shots.
No. The phase-weapons of mass destruction were built at Tanith's instruction to be used against Earth and other planets. This was explicitly said to be a new idea by Narim, who admittedly, may not be an expect, and that such weapons 'must be' a replacement weapon to use now that ion cannons were no longer adequate.
I think Solauren meant that the Tollan Ion Cannon's might have had some sort of shield piercing function.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by An Ancient »

Batman wrote:Wars (capital ship) shields ARE radically different in that they are orders of magnitude more powerful than SG shields.
Unfortunately, that really isn't that much of a factor unless you're argueing drones brute-force their way past SG-verse shield, they seem to side step them entirely (unless you have Ancient tech), otherwise you'd have the situation wherein a single drone is capable of overloading a capital ships shields.

Analogy, if I am tunneling to get out of prison, it doesn't matter if the surface wall is made out of marshmallow, brick, granite or iridium, I'm circumventing it, not punching through it.
Batman wrote: I also don't think we've ever seen skintight ship shields when in Wars for most ships they seem to be the norm.
Onus to prove that drones would be able to penetrate Wars shields is on the people who claim they CAN. NecronLord is perfectly correct to point out that since most of the shields in the series are closely technologically related (and appear to behave in much the same way) to assume they can penetrate any other shields is preposterous, especially when you have no fucking clue as to how they did it.
See below partially, but also, given that the stated ability of drones is to go through shields, that's their given basis, it would actually be up to SW to prove that they can't go through. We don't know how they did it, but there is no real reason to say that unknown method wouldn't work on SW shields, they might, they might not, but you can't say either way with much certainty except for taking the base position, which is they can.
NecronLord wrote: And then there's the fact that I'm talking about physics; in SG, there is, as far as we know, one way to make an energy shield. It's logical to presume that any species' shields follow the same physical principles. It is not the same when dealing with a different setting; a (Doctor Who) Dalek's personal force shields and a (warhammer) refractor field. Though obviously, they're both close enough for a wheel to be a wheel and a hammer to be a hammer, they come from universes with different physics, presumably their more sophisticated technologies have different functions.
Actually in the SG-verse there are multiple shielding technologies:
-Asguard, Goa'uld and Human shields do not appear to need any significant activation time, and are not visible until they interact with something. These 'flare' with their own 'shield colour' and the weapon they are taking the impact of. Further, they have a uniform colour and appear to be classic 'bubble' shapes.
-Tok'ra and some Goa'uld shields (The ones SG-1 ran through) have an 'ice crystal' appearance, only seem to generate in vertical planes, have noticable deformation and take time to 'raise' (literally).
-Ancient shields are adjutable in geometry, appear to take time to 'raise' but constrict in to a central point. They have a largely uniform appearance (albeit clear distortion, no colour) and are always visible.

That's just the main races. Ori shields seemed to share some features of both Ancient and Asguard/Goa'uld/Human designs. In fact, the use of doors and/or 'Ice' shields in Goa'uld ships seems to indicate they are not using Ancient derived shields as they need two seperate technologies for their ships and corridors.
Stargate Nerd wrote: You can correct me if I'm wrong but I've always been under the assumption that armor is stronger the denser the material used is and that organic matter doesn't match metal in durability. Based on that assumption I think it's safe to assume that drones that have trouble penetrating really thick self generating organic armor would be equally troubled when faced with a set of armor that has to be able to protect a Star Destroyer from 3 digit Gigatons and higher level weaponry for at least a short while.
Not quite, structure or the material matters a great deal when it comes to strength, 50g of iron stretched over 1.3m would not resist a 10kg point load in the middle, 50g of balsa wood can if you build it into a requisite structure, but iron is 'stronger' than balsa. Furthermore, compounds are often greater than the sum of their parts anda lot of 'organic' stuff is compounds. Also, diamond is not a metal, but is in some ways stronger than any metal, yet all diamond is is structured carbon, which can also make pencil lead.

Moreover, drones have displayed little compunction in going straight through Naquadah, which when used in Goa'uld ships is a very dense metal several metres thick.
NecronLord wrote: Aside from the crystals they use,
Actually radically different, the Goa'uld use crystals that look like natural quartz, the Ancients largely use crystals that are clearly artifically shaped for ease of use, the only Goa'uld to use those kind was Anubis, no real surprise there. You could argue both are using crystal tech, but then you could argue on the same basis that a Roman sword and an M1 Abrams use 'metal tech' and are therefore comparable.
NecronLord wrote: and the transporter rings,
Granted, but that was specifically stated to have been nicked from Ancient sites.
NecronLord wrote: and the fact that the knowledge of the ancients lets a character open the hood of a tel'tak and start modifying it proficiently, and hell, that he knows what the power cell of a staff weapon would be capable of...
The Ancient's supposedly discovered secrets of the universe, having that knowledge probably would let you understand any tech you came across. A person with a degree in modern mechanics can still make a simple steam engine or hand pump work, knowledge of far superior technology gives you easy use of less advanced tech.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by NecronLord »

An Ancient wrote:Actually in the SG-verse there are multiple shielding technologies:
-Asguard, Goa'uld and Human shields do not appear to need any significant activation time, and are not visible until they interact with something. These 'flare' with their own 'shield colour' and the weapon they are taking the impact of. Further, they have a uniform colour and appear to be classic 'bubble' shapes.
-Tok'ra and some Goa'uld shields (The ones SG-1 ran through) have an 'ice crystal' appearance, only seem to generate in vertical planes, have noticable deformation and take time to 'raise' (literally).
-Ancient shields are adjutable in geometry, appear to take time to 'raise' but constrict in to a central point. They have a largely uniform appearance (albeit clear distortion, no colour) and are always visible.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Well, not quite, but it's getting there.

The Ancients' shields have also used the 'slowly raising' effect - Lost City Part 2, on Taeonas - and have also been bubbles. Similarly, similar effects have been seen for Atlantis itself. Atlantis' shields go up in the same manner as goa'uld ones. Oh, and Ancient drilling platform's internal shields do the same thing in Submersion too. Those were a vertical plane, too. Were they a completely different technology from the other ancient shields?

Has it not occured to you that when you generate a flat shield, you get a flat surface, but when surrounding something, you get a circle?

Jesus. Is this solely based on the colours they glow?
That's just the main races. Ori shields seemed to share some features of both Ancient and Asguard/Goa'uld/Human designs. In fact, the use of doors and/or 'Ice' shields in Goa'uld ships seems to indicate they are not using Ancient derived shields as they need two seperate technologies for their ships and corridors.
Err, right.

You're ignoring much more fundamental differences between say, the personal defence shield for goa'uld use, and other goa'uld shields... in favour of talking about what colour they light up?
Moreover, drones have displayed little compunction in going straight through Naquadah, which when used in Goa'uld ships is a very dense metal several metres thick.
... Goa'uld ships are made out of naquadah now?
Actually radically different, the Goa'uld use crystals that look like natural quartz, the Ancients largely use crystals that are clearly artifically shaped for ease of use, the only Goa'uld to use those kind was Anubis, no real surprise there. You could argue both are using crystal tech, but then you could argue on the same basis that a Roman sword and an M1 Abrams use 'metal tech' and are therefore comparable.
Wrong. They both use both types. You can see flat, shaped crystals in Anubis' ship (Descent) and Cronos' (Double Jeopardy take a look; oh my, it's the exact same glass props used on Anubis' ship in Descent!) while 'quartz' crystals have been seen in ancient devices on various occasions including DHDs (Torment of Tantalus not the best screencap I'm afraid, but if you turn up the contrast you should see them, 48 hours) and Atlantis' shield controls (Return Part 2 - though they're squared off the ends here, the red things are control crystals, because we see one of has been replaced with the 'kill all replicators' crystal).
The Ancient's supposedly discovered secrets of the universe, having that knowledge probably would let you understand any tech you came across. A person with a degree in modern mechanics can still make a simple steam engine or hand pump work, knowledge of far superior technology gives you easy use of less advanced tech.
Oh yes. And he'll know the exact output of a staff weapon's power cell, too, enough to know it'll work in one shot without having to test it. That's like asking me to tell you the exact weight of a medieval spear just by looking at it. I could probably guess, but there's no way in hell you'd get me to stake my life on it. Now if it were simply a power-cell design used by the ancients...
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Darth Hoth »

An Ancient wrote:See below partially, but also, given that the stated ability of drones is to go through shields, that's their given basis, it would actually be up to SW to prove that they can't go through. We don't know how they did it, but there is no real reason to say that unknown method wouldn't work on SW shields, they might, they might not, but you can't say either way with much certainty except for taking the base position, which is they can.
A textbook case of the Burden of Proof fallacy. Look especially at the second example.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

To An Ancient: I think it was made more than clear that at this point there is absolutely no way to prove the efficiency or lack thereof the drones as a weapon system against Wars shields. We can conjecture until hell freezes over but that is all it would be conjecture. At the end is the same as 2 kids arguing who is right when in reality no one is because it is an unknown.

However the reliability of SGverse hyperdrive cannot be denied though and most haven't...

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Batman »

An Ancient wrote:
Batman wrote:Wars (capital ship) shields ARE radically different in that they are orders of magnitude more powerful than SG shields.
Unfortunately, that really isn't that much of a factor unless you're argueing drones brute-force their way past SG-verse shield, they seem to side step them entirely (unless you have Ancient tech), otherwise you'd have the situation wherein a single drone is capable of overloading a capital ships shields.
No I'd not. All I'd have is the situation where a drone can punch a hole through capital ship shields. Which is something that happens every time they take damage despite the shield still nominally being up.
Analogy, if I am tunneling to get out of prison, it doesn't matter if the surface wall is made out of marshmallow, brick, granite or iridium, I'm circumventing it, not punching through it.
And you know they're NOT punching through it because of...? And incidentally as per your anology they'd have to collapse the surface wall IN ITS ENTIRETY to get through it, which is garbage-punching a hole through it is quite enough.
Batman wrote: I also don't think we've ever seen skintight ship shields when in Wars for most ships they seem to be the norm.
Onus to prove that drones would be able to penetrate Wars shields is on the people who claim they CAN. NecronLord is perfectly correct to point out that since most of the shields in the series are closely technologically related (and appear to behave in much the same way) to assume they can penetrate any other shields is preposterous, especially when you have no fucking clue as to how they did it.
See below partially, but also, given that the stated ability of drones is to go through shields, that's their given basis, it would actually be up to SW to prove that they can't go through.
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT. WRONG. They have the ability to somehow, go through Goa'uld/Ancient technology shields of a given resilience.
You're saying that since a 9mm bullet can go through 3mm of plywood it's on ME to prove that it CAN'T go through 750m of granite.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the party making the positive claim.
We don't know how they did it, but there is no real reason to say that unknown method wouldn't work on SW shields, they might, they might not, but you can't say either way with much certainty except for taking the base position, which is they can.
The base position is that we haven't the foggiest actually. You're blithely assuming that Wars shields work the same as Stargate shields when even if they DO the vast resilience differential ALONE may easily be enough to deny them shield penetration.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by An Ancient »

NecronLord wrote:That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Well, not quite, but it's getting there.

The Ancients' shields have also used the 'slowly raising' effect - Lost City Part 2, on Taeonas - and have also been bubbles. Similarly, similar effects have been seen for Atlantis itself. Atlantis' shields go up in the same manner as goa'uld ones. Oh, and Ancient drilling platform's internal shields do the same thing in Submersion too. Those were a vertical plane, too. Were they a completely different technology from the other ancient shields?
I take it you didn't notice the difference in that the Ancient's shield are all similar in appearance, and I already stated they use the 'raise' effect. The Goa'uld ship shields however, do not have the 'ice' effect nor the visible distortion in the field when impacted that Goa'uld corridor shields do.
NecronLord wrote: Jesus. Is this solely based on the colours they glow?
No, and you know it.
NecronLord wrote: ... Goa'uld ships are made out of naquadah now?
Yes, or did you miss episodes like Orpheus or the one with the X301 where they mentioned and showed mines used for excavating naquada for the contruction of Ha'tak vessels?
NecronLord wrote:Wrong. They both use both types. You can see flat, shaped crystals in Anubis' ship (Descent) and Cronos' (Double Jeopardy take a look; oh my, it's the exact same glass props used on Anubis' ship in Descent!) while 'quartz' crystals have been seen in ancient devices on various occasions including DHDs (Torment of Tantalus not the best screencap I'm afraid, but if you turn up the contrast you should see them, 48 hours) and Atlantis' shield controls (Return Part 2 - though they're squared off the ends here, the red things are control crystals, because we see one of has been replaced with the 'kill all replicators' crystal).
Primarily, however, the quartz style crystals are the domain of the Goa'uld, the flat shaped ones pirmarily the domain of the Ancient/Anubis.

The crossover isn't exactly unprecedented, the computers in a lot of millitary hardware these days would be obsolete on the modern consumer market, but are used because they're less finicky and have been developed to be very survivable. So using older, more refined and proven tech would make sense on something like a DHD, and remeber Atlantis is millions of years old, it's bound to have some legacy systems hanging around.
NecronLord wrote: Oh yes. And he'll know the exact output of a staff weapon's power cell, too, enough to know it'll work in one shot without having to test it. That's like asking me to tell you the exact weight of a medieval spear just by looking at it. I could probably guess, but there's no way in hell you'd get me to stake my life on it. Now if it were simply a power-cell design used by the ancients...
The Ancients worked with naquahda, give a scientist a potato battery and with a few minutes he can probably tell you within a few tenths of a volt how much power you'll get from it, with your brain power stupidly souped up by the Ancient database, figuring out stuff like that would be childs play, or need I remind you O'Neill also did other things the Ancients would never have experienced, like programming human computers, first time, and you aren't about to argue O'Neill was a computer genius before he look into the headgrabber.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by An Ancient »

Darth Hoth wrote: A textbook case of the Burden of Proof fallacy. Look especially at the second example.
You could quite easily switch that around, so far Ancient drones have been seen to have no problems with a variety of shields they have encountered, you assert that SW shield are superior and therefore immune. This a positive statement, the burden of proof is now on you. Prove that SW shields are superior, in what manner, and how they will defeat the drones.

Anyway, as PunkMaister said, we can't prove it either way, but as Chris said, the instictive reaction of 'In abscence of any credible evidence, Star Wars must win!' is really a bit annoying, and no better than a lot of Trekkies with their technobabble solutions to everything.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

An Ancient wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: A textbook case of the Burden of Proof fallacy. Look especially at the second example.
You could quite easily switch that around, so far Ancient drones have been seen to have no problems with a variety of shields they have encountered, you assert that SW shield are superior and therefore immune. This a positive statement, the burden of proof is now on you. Prove that SW shields are superior, in what manner, and how they will defeat the drones.

Anyway, as PunkMaister said, we can't prove it either way, but as Chris said, the instictive reaction of 'In abscence of any credible evidence, Star Wars must win!' is really a bit annoying, and no better than a lot of Trekkies with their technobabble solutions to everything.

You are missing the point!
Right now there is no shred of evidence to point either way. What you are doing is just arguing over something that there is no way to prove and thus only make conjectures about.

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Batman »

An Ancient wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: A textbook case of the Burden of Proof fallacy. Look especially at the second example.
You could quite easily switch that around, so far Ancient drones have been seen to have no problems with a variety of shields they have encountered, you assert that SW shield are superior and therefore immune. This a positive statement, the burden of proof is now on you.
Blatant lie. We're saying they very well MAY be since we haven't the foggiest on how drone shield penetration works and Wars shields behave significantly different from SG shields AND are orders of magnitude more powerful. YOU are saying drones WILL be able to penetrate Wars shields. Burden of proof is on YOU.
Prove that SW shields are superior, in what manner, and how they will defeat the drones.
Orders of magnitude power differential.
Anyway, as PunkMaister said, we can't prove it either way, but as Chris said, the instictive reaction of 'In abscence of any credible evidence, Star Wars must win!' is really a bit annoying, and no better than a lot of Trekkies with their technobabble solutions to everything.
Ahem. YOU're the one saying Ancient drones would be able to defeat Wars shielding due to technobabble.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Alyeska »

An Ancient wrote:
Darth Hoth wrote: A textbook case of the Burden of Proof fallacy. Look especially at the second example.
You could quite easily switch that around, so far Ancient drones have been seen to have no problems with a variety of shields they have encountered, you assert that SW shield are superior and therefore immune. This a positive statement, the burden of proof is now on you. Prove that SW shields are superior, in what manner, and how they will defeat the drones.

Anyway, as PunkMaister said, we can't prove it either way, but as Chris said, the instictive reaction of 'In abscence of any credible evidence, Star Wars must win!' is really a bit annoying, and no better than a lot of Trekkies with their technobabble solutions to everything.
The Burden is on you. So put up or shut up. Unlike your time on SB.com, such bullshit will not fly here. Your call Ancient.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

One thing though in regards to SG shields, does anyone know with absolute certainty just how powerful or powerless they might truly be? Say for example the Ori planet crushing shield that can crush a planet like a grapefruit now I'm no expert but I'd say it takes far, far, far more strength than to crush a grapefruit in question or even a car or quite possibly a whole aircraft carrier for that matter.

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Alyeska »

PunkMaister wrote:One thing though in regards to SG shields, does anyone know with absolute certainty just how powerful or powerless they might truly be? Say for example the Ori planet crushing shield that can crush a planet like a grapefruit now I'm no expert but I'd say it takes far, far, far more strength than to crush a grapefruit in question or even a car or quite possibly a whole aircraft carrier for that matter.
They are as strong or weak as the plot requires.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

Alyeska wrote:
PunkMaister wrote:One thing though in regards to SG shields, does anyone know with absolute certainty just how powerful or powerless they might truly be? Say for example the Ori planet crushing shield that can crush a planet like a grapefruit now I'm no expert but I'd say it takes far, far, far more strength than to crush a grapefruit in question or even a car or quite possibly a whole aircraft carrier for that matter.
They are as strong or weak as the plot requires.
Well isn't that true of just about every Scifi show with some type of fancy shields on it. Still the point is that pretty much like the drones the effectiveness of SGverse shields Vs those of Wars is pretty much up in the air. Save off course planetary shields like those from Wars and given what we saw the Ori did with their planet crushing version type it is not outside their technological prowess either.

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by Alyeska »

PunkMaister wrote:Well isn't that true of just about every Scifi show with some type of fancy shields on it. Still the point is that pretty much like the drones the effectiveness of SGverse shields Vs those of Wars is pretty much up in the air. Save off course planetary shields like those from Wars and given what we saw the Ori did with their planet crushing version type it is not outside their technological prowess either.
Stargate is a particularly bad offender.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PREDATOR490 »

PunkMaister wrote:One thing though in regards to SG shields, does anyone know with absolute certainty just how powerful or powerless they might truly be? Say for example the Ori planet crushing shield that can crush a planet like a grapefruit now I'm no expert but I'd say it takes far, far, far more strength than to crush a grapefruit in question or even a car or quite possibly a whole aircraft carrier for that matter.
Ancient shields found on an Ancient warship in the OP would be of little use to SW unless you want a counter to the potential 'tech trick' of drone weapons. In which case, drones lose all any use in SW once Ancient shields are adopted in response to drone weapons being used.
SW already has shields that offer protection against their weapons and trying to adopt a brand new, unproven alien tech compared to centuries proven SW tech seems pointless unless they offer something SW shields do not. I cant think of anything they do that SW shields do not except the interesting effect pumping more power into ancient systems causes. A ZPM powered ANYTHING in SG is more powerful than normal so with the SW power generation Ancient shields could potentially become very effective in SW.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by PunkMaister »

Alyeska wrote:Stargate is a particularly bad offender.
Can't argue with that, still even then it is unquestionable that they can produce shields capable of crushing a planet like a grapefruit. So the question is just how much power for example at least that takes and how it compares to SW shields.

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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by General Zod »

PREDATOR490 wrote: I cant think of anything they do that SW shields do not except the interesting effect pumping more power into ancient systems causes. A ZPM powered ANYTHING in SG is more powerful than normal so with the SW power generation Ancient shields could potentially become very effective in SW.
There's a ridiculously simple, almost stupidly simple explanation for this. It's not that the ZPMs make the technology more powerful by magic or anything. It's that the technology didn't have enough power before, so they weren't able to use their maximum capabilities without a greater power source to draw on, like the ZPM. But these are incredibly rare so you don't get to see Ancient tech used at its maximum capacity often.
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Re: If Ancients (SG) tech is found in the SW galaxy....

Post by NecronLord »

An Ancient wrote: I take it you didn't notice the difference in that the Ancient's shield are all similar in appearance, and I already stated they use the 'raise' effect. The Goa'uld ship shields however, do not have the 'ice' effect nor the visible distortion in the field when impacted that Goa'uld corridor shields do.
Goa'uld ships' shields have varied. I suggest you watch the battle in Serpent's Lair for the most obvious example. Also, Reckoning, where yes, they most certainly have a 'visible distortion in the field when impacted.'
No, and you know it.
My mistake, it's based on the 'ice crystals' effect.
Yes, or did you miss episodes like Orpheus or the one with the X301 where they mentioned and showed mines used for excavating naquada for the contruction of Ha'tak vessels?
... And you assume that because purified naquadah is used, that must be the hull material?

What the hell? I don't want to know how long you think it must take to build them, with a few hundred jaffa working to purify the ore for the hull by hand. The idea that naquadah purification is required to construct them isn't unreasonable (they need fuel to build the damn things, and it's doubtless used in many components) but the idea that the whole ship is made of it? That's your supposition and nothing more.

The only time naquadah (alloy, mind ye!) has been mentioned as a hull material was for the O'neill class. And we know for a fact that the 303 didn't use that material.
Primarily, however, the quartz style crystals are the domain of the Goa'uld, the flat shaped ones pirmarily the domain of the Ancient/Anubis.
No, not really. We still see the quartz ones used in Anubis' ships too (to the point that its central computer is a massive chunk of the stuff) and we saw a whole stack of flat ones in Cronos' ship. I wouldn't say there's any reason to think that most goa'uld ships would not contain both.

Anyway, your argument that one type of crystal is exclusive to the ancients and not the goa'uld has been blown out of the water, what with the picture of thirty or so of them, and all you're doing now is ass covering.
The Ancients worked with naquahda, give a scientist a potato battery and with a few minutes he can probably tell you within a few tenths of a volt how much power you'll get from it, with your brain power stupidly souped up by the Ancient database, figuring out stuff like that would be childs play, or need I remind you O'Neill also did other things the Ancients would never have experienced, like programming human computers, first time, and you aren't about to argue O'Neill was a computer genius before he look into the headgrabber.
Actually, for all his pretend ignorance, the mere fact that he knows how to render ancient mathematics into readable modern form (if base eight) algebra suggests that he most certainly does know (perhaps unconciously) a fair bit of mathematics. If he didn't, he would have just written it out on the board in ancient mathematical notations, which would have been... mighty useless.

As for the computer, there's no real reason that should work; and to be honest, do we actually know that he did more than lock everyone out (something he does know the concept of, he is clearly trained in operating computer security, witness his proficiency in various autodestruct sequences) and then punch at the nice keyboard conviniently labelled in stargate letters? Carter says the screen is filled with machine code, but it clearly isn't; machine code does not work that way, unless perhaps he was reprogramming the stargate itself, which would presumably have very different instruction sets.
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