Nancy claims to be in contact with a race of beings called Zeta's. They regularly send her visions of things to come. For some time, I guess, she's been going on about Planet X and it's imminent flyby of the Earth. It's apparently going to cause a whole lotta misery for us earthlings but not actually collide with us. Allow me to present the relevant passage:
From what I can tell on the page, this is from one of the Zetas. Naturally, they're extremely advanced technology-wise, so their science must be spot wrote: Our emissary, Nancy, has relayed the vision we gave to her regarding the cataclysms. The cataclysms result from the magnetic pull of a giant comet, which is in fact a planet of your Solar System. The body of this planet surpasses, in mass, that of Earth. The comet will pass, on its first swing through your Solar System, between the Earth and the Sun. No collision is possible, as the orbits do not intersect. However, coming in from outer space as it were, the comet is not magnetically aligned with the close-knit group orbiting the Sun. The comet is aligned with the larger arena, where it spends most of its cycle, some 3,657 years, on average. As the comet approaches your Solar System, it speeds up, so it retains its magnetic alignment when whizzing through. Being of greater mass than the Earth, it is not affected by Earth's magnetic alignment. The Earth is not so fortunate.
How much would the magnetism of a planet sized comet larger than the Earth really effect our orbit or the position of the poles? If I recall my high school sciences correctly, they're just big balls of ice and cosmic dust, shouldn't we worry more about the gravitational effects?
During her interview, she talked about the Earth's spin actually stopping, tectonic plates colliding, and a mere 90% fatality rate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the Earth stops spinning, it's pretty much bye-bye gravity and atmosphere, hello total extinction of life, no?
Something else to consider; in spite of their extremely advanced technology, the Zetas can't give a better date for this cataclysm than late spring or early summer of this year, whereas we can currently predict solar eclipses decades into the future. Take that, alien boy!
All in all, just another crackpot theory on the end of the world mixed with healthy doses of government and scientific community cover-ups, but I was curious as to just how much extra bs all y'all can find in this "alien" info.