NecronLord wrote:Cykeisme: I hope you don't mind that I don't reply to you in detail, it's not that I'm ignoring you, it's that WR seems to have said about everything I'd say. The mechanics of the webway are almost entirely unknown. But we certainly know that their ships and suchlike contain web-portals, and they seem to be able to produce them. As mentioned, wraith-gates are portable ones.
There are limitations (WR came up with one I wasn't aware of) there of course, but we can only really speculate on what they are.
Of course, if DoW is to be taken as evidence, and I'm somewhat tempted, then they can definately create web portals.

I'd guess that if they could, they probably would be very cautious about deploying them, since allowing anyone to get their hands on one would be a huge problme for the Eldar (especially Chaos - I can certainly see them wanting to avoid that) Hell, we know they willingly shut down/destroy warp portals than usually allow others to use them.
The way it says 'new planets' I would think it is intended to mean that the Eldar have actually set up new gateways on worlds previously untouched, but one could assume it merely means Maiden worlds here, and that the gates on them were built by the Eldar Empire.
I vaguely recall other sourecs mentioning colonies, though I'm not sure if I've posted those yet or not. I'll have to do some digging.
There's not much to say here, other than 'I agree with you.'
Back in 2nd edition, I think it was mentioned that waystones come from hazardous expedtions into the eye to find them, where they're naturally occuring ('tears of Isha' which might gel nicely with 'Nurgle keeps Isha in a cage' in the new edition).
I can't remember offhand evidence either way, but I've generally assumed they can make them, since its implied they make the dreamstones and the waystones are related. It could be that they do both if the means of creating waystones is difficult and/or time consuming (or the ability to do so is rare?) and that the rate of production is slower than their population growth. In a way, waystones seem to suffer from the same thing as Space Marines (They're rare but somehow they still seem to keep going through them like water that they need to be able to produce them to some degree ot keep from losing them.)
Agreed, simply because the Eldar have had far longer to work out the details of their technologies
Not only that, but they've learned the folly of messing with the warp and put more effort into safeguarding it. (That includes both the webway and things like power generation.) But it also requires a more willing use of psykers, and the Imperium's mindset really isn't going in that way (yet).
If anything, I tend to attirbute failures to properly utilize Eldar tech more due to Imperial arrogance than anything else (up to and including the Emperor. Especially the Emperor.)
I find that hard to credit; they must certainly have computational devices (sighting systems and genetic scanners are mentioned in their weapons description for the 3rd edition codex, for example)
Do you have those quotes handy (before I try digging to see if I have them) and are there any other sources offhand you could think of? Not that I think you are lying, but "scanners and sights" don't necesarily mean computers. I suppose it might be possible given the early Rogue Trader era stuff, back then things were alot more "generalized" (shuriken weapons weren't restricted to "eldar only, for example" nor was gravtech.)
Nowadays I vaguely recall they use alot of their own "spirits" to supplement those functions. as I remember Eldar vessels tend to have their own infinity circuits as does the Craftworlds and really high end stuff like Exarch armour (and I'm willing to bet the Avatar of Khaine runs along those lines too.) And the Wraithguard of course.
Most importantly, they must have had sophisticated computational-equivalents in order to build robot armies capable of functioning without direction.
they can do this? Where are you pulling this from, if I may ask?
The big reason I tend to doubt them having computers is the fact that the Eldar, despite having a low birthrate and considering their numbers to be valuable (EG Mr Eldrad "Sacrifice millions of huumans to save one Eldar" Ultrhan) and the risk from Slaanesh they face, would logically want to deploy any sort of automated or robotic troops en-masse if they had them. That doesn't conclusively rule out the possibility, of course, but its a rather hard thing to excuse (I don't think you could accuse the Eldar of stupidity nor laziness the way you could, say, the Empire for not properly using automted/robotic tech we know they have.)
It is possible, I'd think, that they have nothing humans would recognise as a computer (err, cogitator) or perhaps not have programmable computers (this might be workable, if one is able to rely on wraithbone components to interpret psychic commands, forming some kind of unnatural language programming) per se. But they clearly have devices that fill many of the functions of computers.
Perhaps, but none save the tau (and perhaps the Necrons) have anything we really recognize as a computer. Imperial "macine spirits/AIs" tend to be rather odd and alot of their "robotics" seems to have certain elements (even if minimal ones) of organic components. Plus they all tend to be very warp-linked.
Absolutely. Of course, I would call many things used by the tyranids 'technology' or at least 'biotechnology' too.
True, but I tend to call it warp magic.