Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Darkevilme »

I died in service of earth with a handful of floaters sent to hell ahead of me? cools. I'd ask for project Lazarus or whatever its called to reassemble what's left of me but there's others still waiting for their names to be added to the cannonfodder list. Good luck xcom team....and i still think things would of worked better if we'd of gotten armour and used more area affect weapons.
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by PeZook »

You should research personal armor (AKA "The Gimp Suit") and then go for the heavy plasma.


Also, PeZook is so gonna mock troopers wearing personal armor :D
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Rekkon »

Hooah! This job is not so hard. It seems sane people can do it after all. I claim my victim's weapon to mount on my wall. Aside from being a trophy, perhaps it will fool the crazies into thinking I am enough like them to leave me alone.
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Coalition »

Peptuck wrote: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b148/ ... ymarch.jpg

Current plans call for the establishment of a fourth base in the Western Hemisphere. We suspect the aliens will begin operations there once they realize Asia is so securely protected, and with the United States and Canada as major funders, we‘ll need to protect them eventually to keep the cash flowing. Alternately, we could establish a fourth base in Africa to cover that continent, probably somewhere in the center of the continent to expand radar coverage over the whole area.
Given the spike in South America (and South Atlantic too?), I'd recommend a base near Brazil. My character requests permission to be the Interceptor assigned to the base, so I can get the kills, and enjoy the Brazilian beauties.
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by phred »

You need to research armor first. Then, WEAPONS LOTS OF THEM!!!! If a plane can dump six missiles into a UFO of any size and have something left over, they arent powerful enough.

I also second that motion on a base in Brazil, or Panama if they wont let you build there
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Karrick »

Peptuck wrote:Karrick was promoted to sergeant, in spite of the fact that all he did was strut about with his backpack full of rockets and yelled threateningly at the local wildlife. High Command is considering reprimanding him for use of insufficient force against said wildlife.
"I'M COMING FOR YOU, WILDLIFE! ...ohgodohgodpleasedon'ttouchme!"

In my defense, if there were geese I would have shot them. I hate geese. Nasty, vicious, stupid animals. I must not have seen any, or we'd be selling our new stock of homemade goose-flails and goose-chucks.

I throw in the Florida Keys (or closest available tropical island) as a suggestion for next base. Margaritaville anyone?
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Eulogy »

Signing up as a Psi-Guy/Bombardier!
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Sign me up as a medic/ expendable Stun prod laspistol man.
Seriously X-com has been eating my brain thanks to this thread. IT is the middle of March and I have shot down two or three floater/snakeman scouts, smashed a floater base, and finished a snakeman terror mission with three chrysalids with my rookie team and only one loss.
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Damn and the Shack outside LaGrange Texas, or that Brothel in Mexico with the Vampire Ho s made really good offers too.

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Academia Nut »

Do you know what the best way to get blaster launchers is in this game?

Watch the aliens blow themselves up with them.

Seriously, the aliens don't seem to get the fact that they can't fire blaster launchers through grav lifts. It's hilarious, although a bit of a pain in the ass if you're trying to take a base commander alive and he vapourizes his command centre around himself. Similar issues with battleships too really.

Although the game makes you wonder at the thinking of the aliens. I mean, there's like ten soldiers out there and they consistently beat the shit out of the aliens who should have every advantage. They really should be all like: "Where the fuck are these monkeys coming from? They've blown up a fuck load of our ships and they just get stronger and stronger. What the fuck?"

Bah. This game is addictingly fun, and the proclivity to bomb regions into smoking ruin is well worth it. Keep up the good work keeping those aliens from tainting our precious bodily fluids Peptuck!
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Funny, that's how I get my shock launchers too. It's really funny watching floaters take out half their own Terror mission squad.

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by The Defenestrator »

Academia Nut wrote:Seriously, the aliens don't seem to get the fact that they can't fire blaster launchers through grav lifts. It's hilarious, although a bit of a pain in the ass if you're trying to take a base commander alive and he vapourizes his command centre around himself. Similar issues with battleships too really.
I don't think it's the grav lifts that are he problem, since I've fired through them before. It's caused by a bug where if you set a waypoint for a blaster bomb directly above or below the last one, it'll fly south instead.
:| Have a day.

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Woo. I have a kill and a capture to my iron-clad name. :D
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Peptuck »

April saw some new developments.


Two grounded scout UFOs were detected, one in France and another in Siberia. Strike teams were dispatched to deal with them.


The Siberia UFO was standard fare. X-COM suffered zero casualties, brought down six floaters, and inflicted horrific ecological damage on the Russian landscape.

The France UFO was something different. We realized this as soon as the assault team disembarked.


These things had never been seen before. the troops dubbed them "snakemen" during the brief and one-sided battle. Rekkon continued proving his worth while also proving these new aliens were as vulnerable to exploding death as anything else.


We had no idea of their capabilities, so we took no chances, leveling every building we saw.


It turned out that these new xenos monstrosities were well aware of X-COM's proclivities with regards to high explosive, which became apparent when we breached their medium scout UFO.


Robo-Vendetta proved his cybernetic augmentations here, gunning down all three snakemen with two bursts of autofire from his laser rifle. A pretty awesome piece of badassery.


Incidentally, PeZook dropped the UFO in Siberia after it lifted off. Most of the floater crew were wiped out in the crash, and the survivors were too dazed to put up much of a resistance.

Laser cannon and artifact sales contributed heavily to our income this month, which was good news, as the money finally enabled us to build a new base.


Per Doctor Bear's suggestion, we relocated the Perseus facilities to Texas, and began construction of a monitoring base there. We're planning for this to expand into an interception base as well.

More excellent news came from Doctor Surlethe's team.


This "hyperwave decoder" will enable us to detect and decrypt alien communications. It is believed that the design of the aliens' vessels and the nature of hyperwave transmission will allow us to zero in on the aliens with near perfect clarity, unlike the dodgy nature of our standard radar. In other words, not only will we be able to determine the species and intentions of the invaders, but we will be able to do this with a close o 100% success rate; a UFO that enters the coverage of a base equipped with a hyperwave decoder will be detected, instantly.

Doctor Bear theorizes that the aliens' belief in humanity's inferior technology and overall intellect - indicated in his interviews with the various prisoners, who all seem to hold a negative view of the human species' capabilities - may mean that the xenos do not believe it possible for us to understand, adapt to, and exploit their technologies. As the hyperwave decoder will no doubt prove, this is an erroneous assumption.

Decoder construction has begun at Skynerfed, though other bases will no doubt receive their decoders in time. These facilities are quite expensive, and with all the new construction going on, we won’t have the funds to supply every base with these facilities for some time.


On the 12th of April, another large UFO was spotted operating over the Indian Ocean. Recognizing the danger these craft represented, all X-COM craft were scrambled.


As the UFO approached Saudi Arabia, both Phred and Coalition’s interceptors reached it first. They trailed it across the Middle East until PeZook’s interceptor could arrive, and then all craft moved to engage the UFO.

Due to the shorter range of Phred’s laser cannons, he bravely moved forward to draw fire from the other two interceptors, while they unleashed their Avalanche missiles. As the heavy air-to-air ordnance hammered the UFO, it seemed as if we would bring down the monster.

Then . . . .


Zablorg readied his autocannon, loading it with new, special ammunition: incendiary shells. He turned to face the men and machines assembled outside the launch hangar, looking over them.

“GET TO DA SKYANGER,” he ordered, his glorious, flowing locks waving in the air. “WE GOTS A TEENY WEENY ITTY BITTY PILOT TO AVENGE!”

The troops let out a hearty, drunken cheer, the HWP began doing a donut around the hangar bay, and the mechanics just sobbed as they imagined having to clean up this mess.

Zablorg simply smiled as he watched his men file past, and he flicked the shiny pins on his jumpsuit’s collar.


Commander Zablorg. Truly, no more terrifying sight could await the wretched xenos.

Note: Salutes to Phred, the first X-COM pilot to die in service to humanity. Your mad lazor skills will be remembered for a few weeks. Pay no attention to the remains recovered from his ejector seat being shipped to Texas....
X-COM: Defending Earth by blasting the shit out of it.

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by PeZook »

Dude...why the hell did you send out a laser-equipped interceptor after a large UFO?

Avalanche missiles outrange the weaponry on those things!

Why do you even use las-interceptors at all?

*becomes mighty suspicious of X-COM command*

There is something fishy going on here!
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by weemadando »

Peptuck wrote: Robo-Vendetta proved his cybernetic augmentations here, gunning down all three snakemen with two bursts of autofire from his laser rifle. A pretty awesome piece of badassery.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. He did not survive that. I think we have a collaborator!
Note: Salutes to Phred, the first X-COM pilot to die in service to humanity. Your mad lazor skills will be remembered for a few weeks. Pay no attention to the remains recovered from his ejector seat being shipped to Texas....
Fuck the pilot! Do you know how much that Interceptor costs!

And what the hell has happened to me? Did I die at some point?
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Peptuck »

BULL FUCKING SHIT. He did not survive that. I think we have a collaborator!
First burst of autofire went at the snakeman on the left facing him. One shot hit it, killed it, and the next two hit the snakeman next to him. Then Vendetta turned and shot the other one in the back, like any good human being.

Correction: I had him switch to his laser pistol right after I took that screenshot. I had all the guys carrying them for close combat. That was why Vendetta was able to get off so many shots.
And what the hell has happened to me? Did I die at some point?

The nurses are still pulling shrapnel out of your ass from when Zablorg shot up the whole squad.

Point of irony, Zablorg is the only one aside from MJ12-1 from that mission who is fully healed.

X-COM: where friendly fire is the fastest way to getting promoted.
X-COM: Defending Earth by blasting the shit out of it.

Writers are people, and people are stupid. So, a large chunk of them have the IQ of beach pebbles. ~fgalkin

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by weemadando »

Peptuck wrote:
BULL FUCKING SHIT. He did not survive that. I think we have a collaborator!
First burst of autofire went at the snakeman on the left facing him. One shot hit it, killed it, and the next two hit the snakeman next to him. Then Vendetta turned and shot the other one in the back, like any good human being.

Correction: I had him switch to his laser pistol right after I took that screenshot. I had all the guys carrying them for close combat. That was why Vendetta was able to get off so many shots.

Changing your story now comrade? Perhaps you should speak to to our internal investigations division regarding your alien friends?
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Peptuck »

weemadando wrote:
Peptuck wrote:
BULL FUCKING SHIT. He did not survive that. I think we have a collaborator!
First burst of autofire went at the snakeman on the left facing him. One shot hit it, killed it, and the next two hit the snakeman next to him. Then Vendetta turned and shot the other one in the back, like any good human being.

Correction: I had him switch to his laser pistol right after I took that screenshot. I had all the guys carrying them for close combat. That was why Vendetta was able to get off so many shots.

Changing your story now comrade? Perhaps you should speak to to our internal investigations division regarding your alien friends?
Sounds like someone wants to go scouting on the next terror mission. :P
X-COM: Defending Earth by blasting the shit out of it.

Writers are people, and people are stupid. So, a large chunk of them have the IQ of beach pebbles. ~fgalkin

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by weemadando »

Fuck no, I'm a Captain now. That means I get a meatshield. Who's the latest robo-recruit?
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Karza »

weemadando wrote:Fuck the pilot! Do you know how much that Interceptor costs!
Not all that much for us, they're on lease :P . But still, laser cannons exist for bringing in cash, no sane person ever arms a craft with them. Avalanches and Plasma Beams outrange all but the battleship UFOs, and I can't actually recall ever even trying to shoot down those. They're invariably on some mission that results in them landing sooner or later, and while the resulting ground encounter tends to be nasty, the reward is well worth it.

Never could figure out why the aliens on those bigger ships won't use their superior acceleration and speed to just close the distance and blast the interceptor to dust :) .
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Temjin »

Karza wrote:Not all that much for us, they're on lease :P . But still, laser cannons exist for bringing in cash, no sane person ever arms a craft with them. Avalanches and Plasma Beams outrange all but the battleship UFOs, and I can't actually recall ever even trying to shoot down those.
He's using a bit of stuff that doesn't get used that often.

And frankly, for me at least, that's the charm of this.

If he was just doing what the normal standard experienced x-com player was doing, this would be boring as hell (for me at least), especially since x-com isn't that balanced a game. Instead we get to see him using weapons and researching stuff I never bothered with, since all the strategy guides I ever read said it was useless (eg, researching the various alien species, using heavy lasers and laser cannons).

Without even knowing how much experience Peptuck has with game, for me it really feels like I'm experiencing X-Com again for the first time.
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by MKSheppard »

Here is a scientificially accurate smiley based on XCOM:

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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by wautd »

Oi oi, looks like I've made sergeant already. In just one mission as far as I know. Not too shabby 8)

edit: offcourse, there's about as much sergeants in X-Com than there are corporals in the Ankh-Morpork Watch which makes it a little less special. I don't suppose I can get a little crown above me 3 stripes?
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Re: Let's Play X-COM: UFO Defense!

Post by Maxentius »

Oh my god I'm still alive, what a fucking miracle that is.
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