Thanas wrote:
The complex and convoluted nature of T:SCC may make it interesting but it also makes it off putting to people who arent interested in that.
Inorder to actually get it you have to watch the rest of it AND potentially the movies which makes late comers to the franchise lagging behind.
Nice, but none of that proves your claim that the show is not a decent series. In case you do not know it, decent is an indicator of quality. You might have meant "the concept does not make for good serialization".
The show is too dark, too complex and comes with a sizeable amount of baggage from the movies that has to be addressed. Nevermind the numerous threads that vanished from Season 1 to Season 2.
Granted, having complex and suspense works but when nearly every fucking episode raises more questions than it answers and leaves various things unrevealed in an already non-linear story between future / past / present and alternate futures / past and present. That is simply far too excessive and makes it hard to follow for very little benefit.
Having to wait years to finally undestand what the fuck is going on is not the kind of series >I< would consider decent.
Thanas wrote:
They have done well with the budget they have had but the low key scale of the series thus far hasnt brought that to light except in places like the CGI.
As the series goes on the pressure to get bigger and better scenes is going to increase with expectations of larger fights and this series has already been sent to the graveyard to die. Complex and convoluted apparantly arent doing well from Fox's perspective and they are the ones with the power.
Did you miss the S1 finale? Please point out to me why there was not a huge fight in it? Plus, Weaver's rampage from the last episode would be quite at home in T2, methinks.
Weaver's rampage was hardly impressive. The majority of it was off screen compared to the movies and the series has taken a rather limp wristed approach to the gore and violence.
As for 'huge fight' - They have had battles suitable for the SCALE of the show thus far but I find it unlikely they are going to be able to REALLY have large scale fights with plasma guns in the street like T3 or T2 Cyberdyne standoff with a minigun, do you honestly see this show doing this ?
Are we going to see the Connors and co. in other countries fighting HK drones over Big Ben etc. ?
Or is this series going to try and convey a world wide apocolypse against a Skynet machine that is in a war with all of humanity from sunny deserts and streets of LA ?
Like I said, the concept of the movies is an impending world wide war against machines with the fate of the world resting on every mission, not back alley brawls against random-terminators-of-the-week between scenes of Lena / Summer fan service and Connor's repetative whining.
At this point I find Weaver more compelling and hope she kills them all rather than bear the thought of having multiple seasons of Connor acting like Buffy.
Thanas wrote:
I did not say it had to.
Summer Glau is by far the most noticable character in this series thus far with a fair amount of the screen time going to her. Not surprising since I have heard it mentioned the part was written specifically for her because the guy wanted to work with Summer Glau.
Regardless, the plot has remained the same as T1-2
What? How can you say that?
The plot IS the fucking same as T1-T2, Skynet goes nuts - Judgement Day - John Connor is the saviour of humanity - Time travel attempts to alter the future and prevent Judgement Day.
The implementation may be the different but it is the same goal, unless your honestly going to tell me you see it likely the writers would do something as bold as John Connor getting killed or completely going against the movies depiction of the future. Otherwise, this series is pretty much doomed to a known end.
If this series continues, John Connor is going to end up the leader of the resistance and do all these wonderful things etc.
Albeit, with a lot of fucking whining inbetween at this rate and angst 'growing up crap'.
Thanas wrote:
and has reduced it to a watered down series version with terminator-of-the-week using time-travel of-the-week to kill-somebody-of-the-week. Very repetative already without going into even more seasons of it.
Yeah, how nice of you to ignore the numerous episodes in which a terminator of the week did not appear. Or in which it was not there to kill someone.
The movies depicted the use of time travel and Terminator missions as being something vital and epic in implmentation. This series treats it casually with wave after wave of characters coming back to carry out this and that. Not only does that weaken the idea that time travel is hard to accomplish it also makes the Terminators being slaughtered weaken the idea of them being something to be really afraid of.
Are we going to be subjected to more seasons of simply watching Action Barbie fighting the same battles against an endless line of T-888s. Are we actually going to start seeing T-Xs, T-101s. T-800s etc. ?
The fact that the series needs regular jumps from the future to keep the sense of 'danger' and 'suspense' going because they have nothing else to actually do with the series does not bode well for it.
It's not like we can have John Connor helping old ladies cross the street since at 'any moment' a Terminator could magically appear and gun him down or so the pacing and message of the series would convey. Hence, there is almost no room for fillers to break up the pacing and without a decent amount of stage setting they are going to find it hard to setup a present day villain to fight rather than rely on the future Skynet angle to keep the series going.
So far that is all they have done.
Thanas wrote:
There has been nothing very inspirational or new in this series to define it and the action is not up to the level of the movies so that leaves it failing at being a self standing series and a suitable match up to the movies.
Really? I guess we are watching a different show then. "Nothing new" indeed.
Oh I'm sorry, it's not like we havent seen mass murdering machines, liquid metal mass murdering machines, time travel, nuclear apocolypse and 'teaching the machine to be human' before, right ?
I do not consider adding a little bit of trivia or tacked on details like Derek Reese being the brother of Kyle very inspirational or new but if thats what you think. Suit yourself.
If or when this series actually decides to try something actually different from the movies wether it be breaking away from the established future ideals or upping the scale into being a proper 'fight for humanity' rather than 'fight for America with some other nationalities briefly mentioned' I might consider it original.