Favorite nBSG scene

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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Skylon »

A lot have been mentioned...

I'm really surprised the entire "One Year Later" sequence from the season 2 finale hasn't been mentioned. I don't think I went through so many consecutive shocks in such a short time in a TV show. As if Baltar's presidency wasn't enough, we get a sudden jump-cut to Baltar's presidency going to shit, Galactica and Pegasus falling apart, Starbuck friends with Tigh, but pissed at Lee (and married), the Chief and Cally hitched (with the Chief organizing a strike) and then, when taking all this in, out of the blue...HOLY SHIT! The Cylons show up, what's left of the fleet runs like hell, leaving most of humanity to surrender to the Cylons.

Nope, things never felt so dire for our heroes as they did at that point.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by AK_Jedi »

I agree with everything people have said so far. Also, the scene where Baltar talks to his own head Baltar for its sheer weirdness. The scene where tigh declares marshal law in season 2 is powerful, mostly for the buildup to it for the whole episode.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Sidious »

Resurrection Ship Pt. 2 - seeing Galactica and Pegasus working together, just shredding those Basestars was awesome. For character moments I thought the end of Maelstrom was heart wrenching. Adama, just staring at the figurehead Starbuck gave him for his model ship he has worked so hard on. Then smashing the model to pieces in rage and grief.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Sarevok »

Razor was the high point of Galactica and is full of awesome moments. If I had to pick one after careful deliberation I decide it to be the Cylon assault on Scorpion fleet docked in orbit above Picon. It's like Micheal Bay's Pearl Harbor, but only more historical :). Watching Cylon Raiders light up the defenseless Battlestars undergoing repair and refit with nuclear weapons was both chilling and awe inspiring. The terror, confusion and shock was Peagasus was incredible as the crew scrambled to get FTL working before a nuclear weapon finished them off too. Seeing Peagasus desperately breaking away from the burning wreckage of Scorpion fleet was a very memorable scene in my opinion.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by White Haven »

As much as I loved Pegasus pt1 for its Adamaness and history's most angry violin music, I have to say that Cally's death is to date my favorite moment. Not because of any intense hatred for her character, but the sheer tension of the scene and the gutshot when it all gets turned on its head.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Crazedwraith »

Nit pick: There was no Pegasus Pt1 there was just Pegasus part only. The second and third parts are called Resurrection Ship. A nit pick I know but its been annoying me for a while.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by White Haven »

As such from this day on you shall be known as 'Crazedwraith Pt1' until such time as you explode or we all die under mysterious circumstances.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Glom »

DrMckay wrote:Exodus:

Adama's speech:

"This is the Admiral.
You've heard the news. You know the mission. You should also know that there is only one way that this mission ends, and that's with the successful rescue of our people off of New Caprica.
Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together you accomplished a feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the Gods once knew.

I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting."
I got a chill just reading that.

Many other obvious ones mentioned: the standoff between Adama and Cain at the end of 'Pegasus', the standoff between Apollo and D'Anna at the end of 'Revelations', the death of Ellen in 'Exodus part 2'.

I also nominate the death of Starbuck in 'Maelstrom' as the most powerful moment of the series. It's one of those episodes I can't just watch casually. I have to watch it as an "event" for fear of not giving it the appreciation it deserves.

Then there's the moment Tyrol pistol whipped Balter at the end of 'Eye of Jupiter'. That was so cool, "Welcome home, Mr. President." SMACK!!

Also I loved the sequence where Roslin tried to get information out of Balter by faking an execution. It was fun watching Mary McDonnell giving it on reheat.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Dienonychus »

I really liked Roslin refusing to surrender to Zarek a few minutes ago. That was a bag of pure awesome.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by LadyTevar »

For a scene I knew had to be coming, but was still shocking all the same --
Zarek, walking out of the Quorum room, and speaking only two words to the soldiers stationed outside.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Anguirus »

^ That hit me right in the guts...but my FAVORITE scene from that ep might be Gaeta's and Baltar's last scene.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Admiral Drason »

I'm going to go with Adama's Speech from Exodus part 1, and the Husker Hailmarry from Exodus part 2.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by tim31 »

Anguirus wrote:^ That hit me right in the guts...but my FAVORITE scene from that ep might be Gaeta's and Baltar's last scene.
"It stopped!"

I thought the transition from the scene with Baltar and Gaeta to Zarek and Gaeta was just beautifully done.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by charlemagne »

Roslin's "I'm coming for you" speech from "Blood on the Scales" really rivals some of the best Adama speeches.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by tim31 »

Just rewatched S4E1 "He That Believeth In Me". This is not so much a scene as a moment.

STARBUCK: Chief, I want my post-flight checklist so I can hit the showers.

TYROL: (softly) I don't have one for you.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by wautd »

The Pegasus kicking the bejebus out of a cylon basestar and ramming into another.
(or the same, can't remember)
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Agent Fisher »

wautd wrote:The Pegasus kicking the bejebus out of a cylon basestar and ramming into another.
(or the same, can't remember)

And then exploding and one of the flight pods hitting another, killing that one too.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Sarevok »

Eh the Pegasus death scene was not particularly memorable. Infact it felt like a let down when you imagine the type of final moment the Pegasus could have had. There was no sacrifice no real loss involved as Apollo and Co just fled the ship. In my fankwank version Pegasus is commanded by Admiral Caine, back from a coma, on one final mission. The events play out exactly as the episode but a paralyzed Caine sits on the captains chair surrounded by a handful of diehard loyalists as the Pegasus goes down guns blazing against impossible odds.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by DrMckay »

There is no captain's chair in CIC. Cain wants people to stand, remember?
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Gandalf »

I think my favourite may be Roslin's speech in Blood on the Scales. Roslin's at her most watchable when she's angry.
wautd wrote:The Pegasus kicking the bejebus out of a cylon basestar and ramming into another.
(or the same, can't remember)
I think the best part of that sequence was the Pegasus' entrance. Galactica was massively outgunned, and the basestars were closing in. The camera pulls away with sad music. Then Pegasus come in guns blazing, like a big damn hero.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Jade Falcon »

It's corny in a way, but in Razor, where Starbuck is trying for her quick landing and the old style Raider follows her in, she flips her Viper over, fires and the wreckage pins her craft to the deck.

This video has some good moments.

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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Sarevok »

Jade Falcon wrote:It's corny in a way, but in Razor, where Starbuck is trying for her quick landing and the old style Raider follows her in, she flips her Viper over, fires and the wreckage pins her craft to the deck.

This video has some good moments.

Seeing a single 50 year old Cylon Raider making frakking Starbuck of all people run away was hilarious. The whole time I was thinking starbuck finally stopped playing the Battlestar mod for Freespace 2 and flew a real world mission where cheat codes do not work. :lol:
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Chris OFarrell »

Pegasus has two of my favorite scenes in it. The opening sequence with the Pegasus reveal was epic. And Adama and Cain going head to head at the end, from 'Marine Strike force' to the final drum beats as the Galactica comes about, with clouds of Vipers heading right for each other....

They just outdid themselves on that episode...
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Captain Kruger »

For combat scenes, it's Pegasus' death. I know the whole 'heroic ramming scene' thing is a little overdone, but damn it she's my favorite sci-fi warship of all time and it was sweet to see her give one last 'fuck you' to the Cylons when they had her cornered.

For character scenes...too many to mention. Pretty much anything with Adama or Roslin putting the foot down. And Tigh is just pure badass grit.
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Re: Favorite nBSG scene

Post by Crazedwraith »

I'm not a big fan of Pegasus' death, the initial rolling in looking badass with all the guns blazing looks badass enough but the ramming is kinda eh, it sort of slows down really badly upon impact and then the bag end explodes spectacularly for no apparent reason.
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