The rancor was soooo many times scarier, IMHO.
They are probably the best thing in the LOTR movies thus far, that is the scariest guys yet. Boba Fett is better than them on so many levels though.
Big black ugly orcs & lots of them!
Stormies wiht big laser guns and lots of em!
All SW has is a heaping helping of weird aliens.
Huge armies of big black ugly orcs attacking small fortresses!
Giant metal monsters crushing the Rebel shield generator!
Ent's kicking the shit out of small ugly goblins!
Reek and Acklay kicking the shit out of small ugly droids.
Sorry but for me Star Wars is way better than PJ's LOTR. There a good movie, but nothing can be the mythology that SW is. then again, there's always that rabid-Warsie in all of us that tells us to say these things.