Terran Empire - Unity (Mirror Trek AU Fan Fic)
Moderator: LadyTevar
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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You startrek fanfic is one of the best I have read, it is hard to find good quality startrek fanfiction simply because of the poor writing quality of the show itself, despite how long the show has been running for.
And then things get much harder if you want to find anything of a desent length.
And then things get much harder if you want to find anything of a desent length.
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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Chapter 19 – Weighed in the Balance…
Prescott’s Star, Subspace Corridor Loci Kappa, Battlestation Tolstoy
Brevet Commodore Vivian DaGaule sat in the command chair in the center of Tolstoy’s Ops deck. While she didn’t mind her promotion, it had made her persona non gratta amongst her former friends. They disliked the fact that she had been chosen for brevet promotion instead of them, and she just couldn’t find it in herself to blame them for their feelings. If the positions were reversed, she knew she would be just as angry and sullen with whoever else had received the unexpected promotion. Still, it was a lonely existence in spite of the perks being a Battlestation CO.
“Commodore? I have indications of an emergence locus on my scanners.”
“How big?”
“Its looking like about equivalent mass to a cruiser squadron, but we aren’t expecting any cruiser squadrons today, let alone from Deep Delta Quad Corridor loci.” The scanner tech replied with a slight frown.
“Hmmm. Better bump it up to Sector HQ for the Skippers perusal. And put the loci battlestations on yellow alert. This is likely nothing, but it’s best to be prepared.”
“Aye sir.” The crew of the massive battlestation scurried about to execute her orders. The lone melodic chime of yellow alert pulsed through the communication system of the Tolstoy and wall alert lights shifted from deep blue to amber.
“Emergence in three… two… one…”
The Imperial warship dropped out of the swirling crimson vortex of the corridor as it terminated its run at the outskirts of Prescott’s Star star system. Her IFF was immediately queried and authenticated, but it was a frantic burst transmission to the defending Battlestation’s computer systems that temporarily stayed the massive weapons systems from automatically targeting and blowing the follow on Vaadwaur ships from space.
“This is Captain Cavit of the Imperial Star Ship Voyager, ignore the alien vessels behind us, they are friends. I request an immediate connection to the System CO!”
“Hold on Captain, just who are the aliens behind…”
“There is no TIME you fool!!! I need a com channel NOW!! They’re right behind us!” Cavit interrupted desperately.
The com tech turned to look to Vivian for guidance. She had heard the entire exchange as it was put on the main viewer. There was just something in the Captain’s voice that told her he wasn’t lying.
“Put him through Ensign.”
ISS Voyager
Voyager’s main viewer was filled with a slightly frowning visage of an Imperial Captain. No, check that, Cavit thought, a Brevet Admiral from the rank pips on his collar, even though his uniform was that of a starship commander. Cavit spared a split second to mull over this strange turn of events before he started to give his warning.
“Admiral, there is a fleet following us, and they’ll be here in a few minutes. They are made up of primarily Interstellar Concordium vessels with a few Dominion ships along as well. They have enough firepower to do severe damage to this system.”
“Upload all your data to Starbase 2000 CIC immediately.” The Admiral snapped as a dawning realization of just how serious the situation was hit him with Cavit’s final words. “I assume the frigates that followed you here are friendly?” Cavit had time to nod before the Admiral continued on. “Coordinate their integration to Imperial standard com channels and IFF settings. We’ll sort out just who they are afterward. For now, I need them. I am placing you and your friends under the direct control of Loci Kappa Defense Command. Vanguard out.”
“Once this is all over, I hope we’re still around to find out just why a Captain is in charge of a Sector.” Tom said from his station. Before Scott could respond, Harry called out for his attention
“Captain, we are being hailed by Loci Kappa Defense Command, they are supplying us with course directions and they’re tying us into their Command Datalink Net.”
ISS Valley Forge, Flag Bridge
So it was now that all of Ulysses plans would be put to the test. His changes to the status quo would be weighed in the balance, their mettle tested in the crucible of battle. He had matured much in the last few months, grown into the burden of command that he had stumbled into unawares if he could shoulder its weight. He was now sure of himself, sure that he could lead his people as competently as any other commander in the fleet. What he wasn’t sure of was if his leadership had reforged Starbase 2000’s defenders into a proper weapon of war. Like an untested sword, the weapon looked sturdy, but would it last in combat?
Ready or not, war was coming to Prescott’s Star. There would be casualties, Ulysses steeled himself to that bitter pill for there were always casualties, even in a one sided battle. The question was, would any of the defenders be alive to care.
“Order a sector wide Alert. Bring all operational ships and static defenses to red alert. Send all data on our enemy from Voyager’s database to Starfleet Command and all Sector Fleet Bases.” Ulysses rattled off in rapid fire command mode.
“Skipper, Loci Kappa reports an incoming emergence locus. A big one.” Percy Davenport said
“Form up the fleet. Prepare to micro jump to staging area Frank on my command…”
“Sir, a new ship has dropped out of Loci Delta! She’s a scout, Nova Class, and she’s squealing something about a massive fleet coming down the corridor behind her.” Sarah Wendell interrupted from her station.
Ulysses eyes went round behind the concealing shroud of the Flag Bridge’s holo display. Then they narrowed in speculation. “Com, get me a figure as to just when that other fleet is going to arrive.”
“The scout, Tarantula is saying they are about ten minutes behind her, and they have close to 1000 ships.”
All the pieces fell into place in Ulysses mind. Oh it was a classic ploy, move forces to attack one enemy while another snuck around behind you to hit your rear areas. And what commander couldn’t do less than attack the massive force that would be entering Loci Kappa in mere seconds now. And once he was engaging them, the second strike would crash in behind him. Caught between two fires, his command would be in a very precarious position to defeat both at once. But by blessed chance he know knew about the other attack force. Now what to do about them…
“Order Bat Cru Div 6653 and 8217 to proceed with their escorts to staging area Frank and bolster Loci Kappa Defense Forces. Have the rest of the fleet remain here but have them launch a EW decoy to staging area Frank. Make them think we have sent all the mobile forces there save the reserve squadrons. Then I want every ship to go into stealth mode and the stations to bring on as much ECM as they muster. Order all units to engage with plan Zapata Five.”
“Hostile emergence at Loci Kappa!” Davenport said. “Loci Kappa Defense Command reports they have engaged the enemy.” As he spoke, Ulysses saw the enemy fleet emerge from the Corridor Terminus on his holo display. It was not as high a detail as it normally would be, due in part to the ungodly amount of ECM being put out in the local space around Lilith. But it was also due to the degraded Datalink Net thanks to the ISC’s own EW efforts. Still, the resolution was enough to know just how hard a time the Loci defenses were going to have. There were an awful lot of angry crimson contacts on the holodisplay.
“Sir, Kappa Defense is requesting reinforcements.”
“No.” Ulysses winced inside as he issued the denial, knowing full well what that order was going to cost.
“But sir, if they aren’t reinforced they can’t…”
“Damn it, don’t you think I know that?” Ulysses growled tersely. He gestured to the distant Loci Delta on his holodisplay. “But I can’t send them the ships. For now, at least, Kappa Defense is on their own.”
Loci Kappa, Prescott’s Star
The massive fleet of ISC vessels dropped into real space. They were to be the anvil of the carefully coordinated attack. Unity agents in place in the system had given word that the systems new CO had been shaking things up, but realistically, how much could one man do in this dumping ground for worthless officers? Not much High Command had decided, and so the increasingly concerned dispatches from Unity operatives were largely ignored. The forces allocated to the assault force were unaltered, with two thirds of them beginning their largely diversionary but quite real assault on the nearby defenses.
Plasma crisscrossed with phaser as the deadly beautiful lattice work of energy began to light the night. While the defenders were outnumbered by a considerable margin, they were mainly Battlestations. The massive, heavily shielded and armored hides were specifically designed to absorb the best efforts of an enemy fleet while remaining combat effective. And they were several times again the size of even the largest enemy vessel. Carefully choreographed fire lanced into the ISC ships selected for destruction. Phaser lance fire was backed up by standard heavy phaser array strikes and enough quantums to turn space white. The dumbbell shaped Imperial Battlestations coordinated their strikes with each other and their defensive fleets. The ships of Bat Cru Div 6653 and 8217 came as a nasty surprise. Largely ignored as inferior targets as the ISC fleet set about reducing the battlestations, they were able to fall into weapons range relatively unscathed. It was then that the newly refitted Excelsior class Battlecruisers struck their first blow. It had taken some pretty creative engineering to shoehorn a Phaser Lance into an Excelsior class Hull but the yard dogs, once sufficiently motivated, pulled off a minor miracle in proving that it could be done. The Battle Cruiser Division’s fire converged on their assigned targets, and their massed tongues of flame burned them from space.
Death stalked the space around the corridor locus, dispatched upon computer prioritized targets with a machines dispassion for the loss of life their destruction incurred. Hundreds of ISC vessels were burned from space within minutes, but that left over a thousand that continued to press home their numerical superiority. The smaller vessels pressed home their superior maneuverability and speed over their Imperial fellows. But the cake walk against substandard opponents that was expected never occurred. Instead of being an ill trained enemy with equipment in poor repair, the initial assault waves were rudely surprised by the precise weapons fire and squadron discipline the Imperials were exhibiting. It was nearly every bit as tight as their own, and in spite of their superior numbers, in the swirling fur ball that rapidly developed around the battlestations, the superior individual weight of fire that the finely linked battle stations and their defensive fleet could put out began to have a telling effect. The Bat’leth like Interstellar Concordium vessels maneuvered with reckless speed, diving in and out of the battle as Imperial battlestations hammered them with weapons fire. Unimaginable energies were thrown through space, depleting shields, paring away armor with high energy knives, punching massive, glowing wounds that penetrated deep into hulls. Here and there, Vaadwaur ships sent out their highly useful flux waves, staggering multi million ton vessels like they were so much balsa wood for a vital few moments. Engines knocked temporarily off line, the massive warships spun out of control, becoming easy meat for the titanic battlestations and their Phaser Lance armed escorts.
The Imperial Battlestation Tolstoy great mass shuddered anew as yet another wave of energetic plasma struck it through a downed shield. “Outer hull breach in deck 53 through 59, sectors 3442 through 3601. Inner hull still at full integrity and outer hull breaches have been sealed with emergency forcefields. Blast doors adjacent to damaged sections have been activated and the affected compartments have been evacuated of all nonessential personnel.” An Ensign called out a fresh damage report to Brevet Commodore Vivian DaGaule.
“Phasers 42 through 47 are down. Lances 12 through 19 are destroyed. Quantum tubes 30 through 43 and Heavy tubes 36 through 39 are gone. Shields compromised across multiple arcs portside and armor failing in sectors 13 Alpha through 41 Gamma. Regeneration ineffective Sir! There’s just too much weapons fire coming in to fast.” Another piece of bad news was fed to her. Yet even as the enemy savaged her command, her own weapons and those of her consorts flashed back defiance. Massed Lance fire snapped out and washed over a Superdreadnought. The ship was easily a match for even a Bastion, but she had been crippled in an earlier strike and she was the only one of her class present in the enemy fleet. Precisely choreographed fire, brought on target thanks to the stations datalink, caused all of the stations’ surviving weapons systems that bore on the target to fire as one. The enemy leviathan finally died in a star bright boil as its engines and weapons magazines finally let go in a cataclysmic boil of eye tearing light.
On her holodisplay, Vivian saw a gaggle of furiously maneuvering upgraded Excelsiors streak after an enemy Battleship. The vessel was already crippled, but even so it still set a deadly stream of plasma waves from its capital weaponry to one of Tolstoy sister stations. The beam was severed suddenly as the massed fire from the Excelsior wing cut the ISC ship in two, her entire front third disappearing in a plume of plasma and debris leaving behind a broken and drifting hulk that shed escape pods like tears. To her right, the Sovereign class Sojourner, her port warp nacelle a shattered, plasma leaking stump and with a large, glowing molten wound marring her ventral saucer, screamed down on a ISC Frigate wing. Even in her wounded state, all of her weapons spat death. Her twin Phaser Lances sent solid shafts of amber red light outward, piercing their targets clean through, then cutting them lengthwise as they continued on their course. Both died in terrible, short lived suns as their cores breached within instants of each other. A barrage of quantums and standard phasers scored hits on the others, eventually punching through their light defenses and turning them into so much vaporized scrap. Then the Sojourner died as a massive barrage of plasma torpedoes struck her hull. The heavy armor resisted as best it could, but space itself was blotted out by the dense barrage. The ship splintered into three main chunks, carried along the same basic trajectory thanks to simple physics. With the full weight of the fleet, the defenses might have been able to rout the enemy, but even as a fresh attack went out from Vivian’s command, the first of her multi hundred million ton sister stations died in a brilliant fireball. The tears that wetted Vivian’s eyes were not only thanks to the hideous brightness of its death.
Prescott’s Star, Subspace Corridor Loci Kappa, Battlestation Tolstoy
Brevet Commodore Vivian DaGaule sat in the command chair in the center of Tolstoy’s Ops deck. While she didn’t mind her promotion, it had made her persona non gratta amongst her former friends. They disliked the fact that she had been chosen for brevet promotion instead of them, and she just couldn’t find it in herself to blame them for their feelings. If the positions were reversed, she knew she would be just as angry and sullen with whoever else had received the unexpected promotion. Still, it was a lonely existence in spite of the perks being a Battlestation CO.
“Commodore? I have indications of an emergence locus on my scanners.”
“How big?”
“Its looking like about equivalent mass to a cruiser squadron, but we aren’t expecting any cruiser squadrons today, let alone from Deep Delta Quad Corridor loci.” The scanner tech replied with a slight frown.
“Hmmm. Better bump it up to Sector HQ for the Skippers perusal. And put the loci battlestations on yellow alert. This is likely nothing, but it’s best to be prepared.”
“Aye sir.” The crew of the massive battlestation scurried about to execute her orders. The lone melodic chime of yellow alert pulsed through the communication system of the Tolstoy and wall alert lights shifted from deep blue to amber.
“Emergence in three… two… one…”
The Imperial warship dropped out of the swirling crimson vortex of the corridor as it terminated its run at the outskirts of Prescott’s Star star system. Her IFF was immediately queried and authenticated, but it was a frantic burst transmission to the defending Battlestation’s computer systems that temporarily stayed the massive weapons systems from automatically targeting and blowing the follow on Vaadwaur ships from space.
“This is Captain Cavit of the Imperial Star Ship Voyager, ignore the alien vessels behind us, they are friends. I request an immediate connection to the System CO!”
“Hold on Captain, just who are the aliens behind…”
“There is no TIME you fool!!! I need a com channel NOW!! They’re right behind us!” Cavit interrupted desperately.
The com tech turned to look to Vivian for guidance. She had heard the entire exchange as it was put on the main viewer. There was just something in the Captain’s voice that told her he wasn’t lying.
“Put him through Ensign.”
ISS Voyager
Voyager’s main viewer was filled with a slightly frowning visage of an Imperial Captain. No, check that, Cavit thought, a Brevet Admiral from the rank pips on his collar, even though his uniform was that of a starship commander. Cavit spared a split second to mull over this strange turn of events before he started to give his warning.
“Admiral, there is a fleet following us, and they’ll be here in a few minutes. They are made up of primarily Interstellar Concordium vessels with a few Dominion ships along as well. They have enough firepower to do severe damage to this system.”
“Upload all your data to Starbase 2000 CIC immediately.” The Admiral snapped as a dawning realization of just how serious the situation was hit him with Cavit’s final words. “I assume the frigates that followed you here are friendly?” Cavit had time to nod before the Admiral continued on. “Coordinate their integration to Imperial standard com channels and IFF settings. We’ll sort out just who they are afterward. For now, I need them. I am placing you and your friends under the direct control of Loci Kappa Defense Command. Vanguard out.”
“Once this is all over, I hope we’re still around to find out just why a Captain is in charge of a Sector.” Tom said from his station. Before Scott could respond, Harry called out for his attention
“Captain, we are being hailed by Loci Kappa Defense Command, they are supplying us with course directions and they’re tying us into their Command Datalink Net.”
ISS Valley Forge, Flag Bridge
So it was now that all of Ulysses plans would be put to the test. His changes to the status quo would be weighed in the balance, their mettle tested in the crucible of battle. He had matured much in the last few months, grown into the burden of command that he had stumbled into unawares if he could shoulder its weight. He was now sure of himself, sure that he could lead his people as competently as any other commander in the fleet. What he wasn’t sure of was if his leadership had reforged Starbase 2000’s defenders into a proper weapon of war. Like an untested sword, the weapon looked sturdy, but would it last in combat?
Ready or not, war was coming to Prescott’s Star. There would be casualties, Ulysses steeled himself to that bitter pill for there were always casualties, even in a one sided battle. The question was, would any of the defenders be alive to care.
“Order a sector wide Alert. Bring all operational ships and static defenses to red alert. Send all data on our enemy from Voyager’s database to Starfleet Command and all Sector Fleet Bases.” Ulysses rattled off in rapid fire command mode.
“Skipper, Loci Kappa reports an incoming emergence locus. A big one.” Percy Davenport said
“Form up the fleet. Prepare to micro jump to staging area Frank on my command…”
“Sir, a new ship has dropped out of Loci Delta! She’s a scout, Nova Class, and she’s squealing something about a massive fleet coming down the corridor behind her.” Sarah Wendell interrupted from her station.
Ulysses eyes went round behind the concealing shroud of the Flag Bridge’s holo display. Then they narrowed in speculation. “Com, get me a figure as to just when that other fleet is going to arrive.”
“The scout, Tarantula is saying they are about ten minutes behind her, and they have close to 1000 ships.”
All the pieces fell into place in Ulysses mind. Oh it was a classic ploy, move forces to attack one enemy while another snuck around behind you to hit your rear areas. And what commander couldn’t do less than attack the massive force that would be entering Loci Kappa in mere seconds now. And once he was engaging them, the second strike would crash in behind him. Caught between two fires, his command would be in a very precarious position to defeat both at once. But by blessed chance he know knew about the other attack force. Now what to do about them…
“Order Bat Cru Div 6653 and 8217 to proceed with their escorts to staging area Frank and bolster Loci Kappa Defense Forces. Have the rest of the fleet remain here but have them launch a EW decoy to staging area Frank. Make them think we have sent all the mobile forces there save the reserve squadrons. Then I want every ship to go into stealth mode and the stations to bring on as much ECM as they muster. Order all units to engage with plan Zapata Five.”
“Hostile emergence at Loci Kappa!” Davenport said. “Loci Kappa Defense Command reports they have engaged the enemy.” As he spoke, Ulysses saw the enemy fleet emerge from the Corridor Terminus on his holo display. It was not as high a detail as it normally would be, due in part to the ungodly amount of ECM being put out in the local space around Lilith. But it was also due to the degraded Datalink Net thanks to the ISC’s own EW efforts. Still, the resolution was enough to know just how hard a time the Loci defenses were going to have. There were an awful lot of angry crimson contacts on the holodisplay.
“Sir, Kappa Defense is requesting reinforcements.”
“No.” Ulysses winced inside as he issued the denial, knowing full well what that order was going to cost.
“But sir, if they aren’t reinforced they can’t…”
“Damn it, don’t you think I know that?” Ulysses growled tersely. He gestured to the distant Loci Delta on his holodisplay. “But I can’t send them the ships. For now, at least, Kappa Defense is on their own.”
Loci Kappa, Prescott’s Star
The massive fleet of ISC vessels dropped into real space. They were to be the anvil of the carefully coordinated attack. Unity agents in place in the system had given word that the systems new CO had been shaking things up, but realistically, how much could one man do in this dumping ground for worthless officers? Not much High Command had decided, and so the increasingly concerned dispatches from Unity operatives were largely ignored. The forces allocated to the assault force were unaltered, with two thirds of them beginning their largely diversionary but quite real assault on the nearby defenses.
Plasma crisscrossed with phaser as the deadly beautiful lattice work of energy began to light the night. While the defenders were outnumbered by a considerable margin, they were mainly Battlestations. The massive, heavily shielded and armored hides were specifically designed to absorb the best efforts of an enemy fleet while remaining combat effective. And they were several times again the size of even the largest enemy vessel. Carefully choreographed fire lanced into the ISC ships selected for destruction. Phaser lance fire was backed up by standard heavy phaser array strikes and enough quantums to turn space white. The dumbbell shaped Imperial Battlestations coordinated their strikes with each other and their defensive fleets. The ships of Bat Cru Div 6653 and 8217 came as a nasty surprise. Largely ignored as inferior targets as the ISC fleet set about reducing the battlestations, they were able to fall into weapons range relatively unscathed. It was then that the newly refitted Excelsior class Battlecruisers struck their first blow. It had taken some pretty creative engineering to shoehorn a Phaser Lance into an Excelsior class Hull but the yard dogs, once sufficiently motivated, pulled off a minor miracle in proving that it could be done. The Battle Cruiser Division’s fire converged on their assigned targets, and their massed tongues of flame burned them from space.
Death stalked the space around the corridor locus, dispatched upon computer prioritized targets with a machines dispassion for the loss of life their destruction incurred. Hundreds of ISC vessels were burned from space within minutes, but that left over a thousand that continued to press home their numerical superiority. The smaller vessels pressed home their superior maneuverability and speed over their Imperial fellows. But the cake walk against substandard opponents that was expected never occurred. Instead of being an ill trained enemy with equipment in poor repair, the initial assault waves were rudely surprised by the precise weapons fire and squadron discipline the Imperials were exhibiting. It was nearly every bit as tight as their own, and in spite of their superior numbers, in the swirling fur ball that rapidly developed around the battlestations, the superior individual weight of fire that the finely linked battle stations and their defensive fleet could put out began to have a telling effect. The Bat’leth like Interstellar Concordium vessels maneuvered with reckless speed, diving in and out of the battle as Imperial battlestations hammered them with weapons fire. Unimaginable energies were thrown through space, depleting shields, paring away armor with high energy knives, punching massive, glowing wounds that penetrated deep into hulls. Here and there, Vaadwaur ships sent out their highly useful flux waves, staggering multi million ton vessels like they were so much balsa wood for a vital few moments. Engines knocked temporarily off line, the massive warships spun out of control, becoming easy meat for the titanic battlestations and their Phaser Lance armed escorts.
The Imperial Battlestation Tolstoy great mass shuddered anew as yet another wave of energetic plasma struck it through a downed shield. “Outer hull breach in deck 53 through 59, sectors 3442 through 3601. Inner hull still at full integrity and outer hull breaches have been sealed with emergency forcefields. Blast doors adjacent to damaged sections have been activated and the affected compartments have been evacuated of all nonessential personnel.” An Ensign called out a fresh damage report to Brevet Commodore Vivian DaGaule.
“Phasers 42 through 47 are down. Lances 12 through 19 are destroyed. Quantum tubes 30 through 43 and Heavy tubes 36 through 39 are gone. Shields compromised across multiple arcs portside and armor failing in sectors 13 Alpha through 41 Gamma. Regeneration ineffective Sir! There’s just too much weapons fire coming in to fast.” Another piece of bad news was fed to her. Yet even as the enemy savaged her command, her own weapons and those of her consorts flashed back defiance. Massed Lance fire snapped out and washed over a Superdreadnought. The ship was easily a match for even a Bastion, but she had been crippled in an earlier strike and she was the only one of her class present in the enemy fleet. Precisely choreographed fire, brought on target thanks to the stations datalink, caused all of the stations’ surviving weapons systems that bore on the target to fire as one. The enemy leviathan finally died in a star bright boil as its engines and weapons magazines finally let go in a cataclysmic boil of eye tearing light.
On her holodisplay, Vivian saw a gaggle of furiously maneuvering upgraded Excelsiors streak after an enemy Battleship. The vessel was already crippled, but even so it still set a deadly stream of plasma waves from its capital weaponry to one of Tolstoy sister stations. The beam was severed suddenly as the massed fire from the Excelsior wing cut the ISC ship in two, her entire front third disappearing in a plume of plasma and debris leaving behind a broken and drifting hulk that shed escape pods like tears. To her right, the Sovereign class Sojourner, her port warp nacelle a shattered, plasma leaking stump and with a large, glowing molten wound marring her ventral saucer, screamed down on a ISC Frigate wing. Even in her wounded state, all of her weapons spat death. Her twin Phaser Lances sent solid shafts of amber red light outward, piercing their targets clean through, then cutting them lengthwise as they continued on their course. Both died in terrible, short lived suns as their cores breached within instants of each other. A barrage of quantums and standard phasers scored hits on the others, eventually punching through their light defenses and turning them into so much vaporized scrap. Then the Sojourner died as a massive barrage of plasma torpedoes struck her hull. The heavy armor resisted as best it could, but space itself was blotted out by the dense barrage. The ship splintered into three main chunks, carried along the same basic trajectory thanks to simple physics. With the full weight of the fleet, the defenses might have been able to rout the enemy, but even as a fresh attack went out from Vivian’s command, the first of her multi hundred million ton sister stations died in a brilliant fireball. The tears that wetted Vivian’s eyes were not only thanks to the hideous brightness of its death.
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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Chapter 20 – Weighed in the Balance…
IBS Tolstoy
“Get those fresh power leads in here!” a voice shouted somewhere on the shattered deck. Marines in full power armor strained to drag the heavy cables through the rubble towards the quantum launcher. It was lucky, it had been only on the edge of a weapons strike rather than a few feet over. It had only had its power cut off by the deadly attack, not total vaporization like its nearest neighbor. The Marines dragged the unwieldy EPS lines to the inert launcher, passing by a gaping, multi deck crater in the stations surface. Emergency forcefields shimmered as they kept in atmosphere and kept out the hard radiation that bathed the still white hot alloy and armor beyond. Phaser beams and plasma torpedoes screamed back and forth beyond the crater, almost to fast to see, soundless in the empty void of space. Perhaps that was what made this place so creepy. There was terrible amounts of energy being set loose only a few feet from the station, but aside from the odd shudder, the station was being left largely alone for the time being. The infrequent groans, pops and screeches of the nearby decks as they fought against their weakening supports was bad enough, picked up through the replenished atmosphere by the Marines external audio mikes.
The crewman who was furiously running diagnostics on his launcher called out again over his shoulder. “Hook em up, we may have been lightly singed by that near miss, but we can still fire once we have the juice by God!” His uniform and hair sill smoked slightly in places, and his face had horrible looking burns, but the antiballistic fabric and emergency forcefield of his uniform had kept the worst of the nearby explosion at bay.
The Marines finally butted the torso thick power leads up to the appropriate junction on the side of the quantum tube. After a few seconds more of grunting and straining with their synthetic muscles, they managed to seat the cables firmly into their sockets. The Marine signaled his Damage Control Team leader.
“Sir, the leads are in place. Commence power up at your discretion.” After the acknowledgement from the far end, the cables came alive, buzzing quietly as energetic plasma began to course through them, feeding the systems of the launcher with their needed energy. Telltale lights sparked to life as main power war restored. The crewman entered a blur of commands on his panel, his keystrokes causing quiet beeps and chirps. Seconds later, a soft, subsonic hum was heard as the launcher once again sent a burst of quantum torpedoes at its tasked targets. The Marines, their job done, turned around and went to their next assignment. There was reported to be some crew trapped in behind a pile of fallen debris and only a power armor’s synthetic muscles could shift some of the larger, heavier pieces.
ISS Valley Forge
“Sir, reports coming in that the EW drones have reached staging area Frank.”
“Order them to proceed to Loci Kappa under low grade ECM. I want the enemy to get a good look at em, but not enough to see through their ruse.” Ulysses said.
Commissar Stevens walked through the holographic shroud that largely concealed Ulysses while providing him with the unfettered view of the battlefield he needed to coordinate his fleet.
“Mr. Vanguard, I think you should deploy…” her speech was stopped mid sentence as Ulysses raised a hand palm up.
“Miss Stevens, while you may be my political watchdog, your grasp of tactics isn’t that good. Going to Loci Kappa’s aid is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. I don’t intend on playing to the tune they pipe because it’s a good way to get dead. Just sit down and shut up, I don’t have the time to explain it all to you now.” Ulysses said.
The very nerve of this man, thinking he can talk to a Section 31 officer in such a disrespectful manner, Stevens thought. Then she was interrupted by a call from her left.
“Here come the enemy forces through Loci Delta…” Davenport said. After a few seconds, CIC began to assign numbers and class to its plot. “Sweet Mary Mother of God!”
There were similar expletives uttered throughout the fleet as the tactical plot resolved itself. Although the new enemy fleet was only half as numerous as their first one, they were very top heavy in hull class. 80% of them were Dreadnoughts or Superdreadnoughts with the rest being Battleships. They cut through the Loci forts like a hot knife through butter, leaving shattered, savaged battlestations in their wake and taking only light casualties in return. They immediately engaged high warp directly towards what their sensors told them was an Imperial fleet at staging area Frank. Caught thusly between the two opposing forces, they would have been picked apart in detail, allowing the enemy to close and pick apart the orbital forts around Lilith at their leisure. Ulysses merely turned an I told you so look on Stevens, and she meekly backed out through the holodisplay. She may not like her inexperience in tactical battles being shown in front of the entire crew of the Flag Bridge, but she knew that any further interference now would be counterproductive to winning the coming engagement. She would deal with Captain Vanguard’s insubordination after the battle was done.
“Orders to all fleet units, engage on course 445 mark 320 and drop out of FTL at…” Ulysses consulted the path the rapidly advancing Enemy fleet, designated Force Beta by CIC, was cruising down. It was a simple least time, high warp course that would avoid the effects of the anti-warp field being emitted by the battlestations. “…system coordinates 442.515.870. Deploy into formation Theta Two and bring your anti-warp generators online.”
Force Beta was rapidly approaching Lilith’s general area, their flight path designed to skirt as tightly as possible the warp bubble destroying field. It was a relatively minor matter to pop directly in front of them, presenting a road block that would have to be dealt with before they could advance. The Imperial fleet, 1700 strong, formed up into a concave, ovoid wall, spreading around the main axis of advance for Force Beta. Lighter units were the farthest out, ready to swoop in on the exposed flanks of the enemy when they were yanked out of warp. EW drones of all types were deployed to confuse enemy sensors as much as possible. The heavy hitters of Ulysses fleet were placed in the middle with their support cadre of Aegeans, Nebulas Steamrunners and Akiras tucked in the relative safely behind them. But the support ships weren’t the only thing hiding in the great capital ships sensor shadows. Ulysses and his staff had thought up a little surprise for an invading fleet to encounter.
It all happened in seconds, leaving virtually no time for Force Beta to react. They had thought that the Imperial fleet was safely drawn towards Loci Kappa, not lying in wait near Lilith. They barely brought their full EW online and didn’t have time to reinforce their forward shield arcs before they were dragged from warp.
“Fire!” Ulysses barked as CIC threw targeting brackets around the primary targets. Ulysses’ ships opened fire with everything they had. Fire support ships cut loose with their torpedo biased armaments, filling space with wave after wave of blue/white Quantum Torpedoes and the reddish orange of Heavy Torpedoes. But the broadsides were even denser than would usually be the case, for Ulysses chose then to unleash his surprise.
Tractor beams pulled their charges from concealment, swinging Type-V Orbital Weapons Platforms into clear attack lanes. These torpedo turrets added their warheads to the volleys, thickening them to over twice what they would have normally been. What would have been a significant nuisance, but a nuisance none the less otherwise became a serious threat to the enemy capital ships. In a capital ship slugging match, torpedoes usually lacked the strength to get through an active shield, used instead to weaken points in the shield to better allow follow up phaser and lance strikes to punch through. But if used in sufficient numbers, they could eventually pare away even a superdreadnought’s shields. A great wave rushing in like the evening tide crashed in on the designated targets. Zero point energy incursions and large scale matter/antimatter fireballs pockmarked the enemy fleet at the knife range of two light seconds. Dozens of starships died in the opening volley, and it was only the beginning.
“Engage with the Lances Mr. Davenport.”
“Aye sir!” Percy said eagerly.
Type-X OWPs swung from behind their mother ships and birthed fire even as the first return fire came from the ISC fleet. The Imperial’s shipboard launchers spoke with the OWPs, and united they sent a tidal bore of destruction down on Force Delta. Shields were smashed flat, armor was splintered and vaporized. One after the other, in a rapidly growing stream, the ISC capital ships fell out of formation after taking catastrophic damage. The range was close enough for the Imperial’s primary weapons to be brought into play. PPC and phaser beam fire sprouted from their armored emplacements, turning the intervening space between the ISC and Imperial fleet’s star bright with released energy.
Ulysses felt the Forge rock under him as she took hits from Plasmatic Pulsar Device emplacements and Plasma torpedoes. He saw the ships forward shields flare nearly out of existence, and almost gave the order to divert power and reinforce them. But the Valley Forge was no longer under his direct control. His need to act as Fleet Admiral had necessitated giving control of his ship over to P’tel, and he had every confidence in her ability to keep his ship and her crew alive. Even as he brought his eyes away from the bridge tactical repeater he saw his ship’s representation on his command holodisplay swing into a hard 180 degree about face, bringing her nearly as heavy aft weaponry and fully charged shield to interdict fresh enemy fire. The ship didn’t change position in the formation at all. Good job Miss Sulu, Ulysses thought. His ship rocked again, harder this time, as more enemy fire homed in on her. He forced himself to ignore it and concentrate on the Fleet’s attack. His hands flew like a symphony conductor’s as he tasked and retasked the targeting priorities. His own ships began to die, as he knew was inevitable with the weight of fire coming in from the enemy. He showed no emotion as the death and damage reports began to come in. There would be time for grieving later, but not now. Now he needed a clear head, one that made their sacrifice worth something. For if he couldn’t hold the enemy, or at least cripple them enough to keep them from taking out Lilith’s orbital forts, their sacrifice wouldn’t be worth it. He had already taken a large bite out of Force Beta, but their own return fire had punched holes in his own ranks.
On the holodisplay, Force Alpha was now attempting to disengage from the battle around Loci Kappa and come to the aid of Force Beta. They had largely reduced the battlestations there to impotence and the defending fleet was only harrying them now, staying in range enough so that Force Alpha couldn’t jump to warp but not close enough to get fried easily.
Ulysses fleet was taking a pounding, but he was giving as good as he got. Two of his squadron mates died in rapid succession, the Muteki and Thanatos now nothing more than mangled wrecks shedding life pods. Ulysses winced inside. They had been good ships with good crews. Now they were gone, taking lord knew how many of their crews with them. Thousands of Cobras streaked in and out of the fleet battle like bulls to the matador, chewing on vulnerable ships with their PPCs. Squadrons died by the handful, but there were a lot of fighters, and with virtually no escorts along and the other ships concentrating on the Imperial capital ships, the ISC fleet began to feel the sting of the Cobra’s venom. Many of the fleet’s Soulwolfs were assigned sniper duty, operating in the flanks of the ISC fleet, coordinating their fire via Datalink Net in order to keep redundant fire to an absolute minimum. Achilles class ships spun like dervishes to keep a fresh undamaged shield arc facing the enemy, all the while firing a vortex of PPC bolts at the enemy.
Finally it happened, Force Beta began to unravel. It started in dribs and drabs at first, a ship here and there falling astern, then swinging around and streaking away for Loci Delta. But soon, there were entire squadrons breaking and fleeing back towards the subspace corridors. Seeing their fellows break and run, Force Alpha did the same, falling back through Loci Kappa and its now near totally shattered defenders.
“Orders to the Fleet. Pursuit course on Force Beta. Aim for their engines, I want as many of them disabled as possible.” With those orders, Ulysses settled into his command chair, fairly deflating. He heard a muted cheer course throughout his ship, one reinforced by the cheering on the Flag Bridge. What had become a largely orderly retreat was quickly turned into a near rout. The ISC ships had been strung out to much by their delay in ordering a retreat. The ones that had broke first were now quite far in front of their peers who had stayed longer. This allowed the combined fire from the Imperial fleet to pick them off piece meal. By the time the last ISC ship reached the Locus, only 231 ships had escaped from Loci Delta while 1305 had escaped through Loci Kappa. Total ISC losses numbered 1464 ships, mostly of capital ship classes. In return they had destroyed 452 ships and 25 Battlestations. While those losses were bad, the losses to the ISC fleet had been far worse in comparison. Loosing nearly ¾ of the capital ships in your attacking fleet for the destruction of only a handful of enemy capital ships and battlestations wasn’t a good day if you were the ISC.
“Deploy SAR forces immediately, I want every lost escape pod and spaced crewman found ASAP. And that includes those of our enemy, make that abundantly clear to all teams. Then order the fleet to return to Lilith orbit. Order all salvageable vessels to towed back to Lilith with us. We need to get a priority list organized as to who needs the repairs the most. I want to be as ready as we can be for a fresh attack. Send a message off to Starfleet Command. Initial assault on Prescott’s Star repulsed with minimal losses. Request immediate reinforcements and recommend that all Sector Fleets be placed on heightened alert.” Ulysses said. “Attach the tactical battle logs and send it.”
“Aye sir.”
“If anything odd happens, I’ll be in my ready room.” Ulysses said as he got up and strode off of the Flag Bridge without a backward glance
IBS Tolstoy
“Get those fresh power leads in here!” a voice shouted somewhere on the shattered deck. Marines in full power armor strained to drag the heavy cables through the rubble towards the quantum launcher. It was lucky, it had been only on the edge of a weapons strike rather than a few feet over. It had only had its power cut off by the deadly attack, not total vaporization like its nearest neighbor. The Marines dragged the unwieldy EPS lines to the inert launcher, passing by a gaping, multi deck crater in the stations surface. Emergency forcefields shimmered as they kept in atmosphere and kept out the hard radiation that bathed the still white hot alloy and armor beyond. Phaser beams and plasma torpedoes screamed back and forth beyond the crater, almost to fast to see, soundless in the empty void of space. Perhaps that was what made this place so creepy. There was terrible amounts of energy being set loose only a few feet from the station, but aside from the odd shudder, the station was being left largely alone for the time being. The infrequent groans, pops and screeches of the nearby decks as they fought against their weakening supports was bad enough, picked up through the replenished atmosphere by the Marines external audio mikes.
The crewman who was furiously running diagnostics on his launcher called out again over his shoulder. “Hook em up, we may have been lightly singed by that near miss, but we can still fire once we have the juice by God!” His uniform and hair sill smoked slightly in places, and his face had horrible looking burns, but the antiballistic fabric and emergency forcefield of his uniform had kept the worst of the nearby explosion at bay.
The Marines finally butted the torso thick power leads up to the appropriate junction on the side of the quantum tube. After a few seconds more of grunting and straining with their synthetic muscles, they managed to seat the cables firmly into their sockets. The Marine signaled his Damage Control Team leader.
“Sir, the leads are in place. Commence power up at your discretion.” After the acknowledgement from the far end, the cables came alive, buzzing quietly as energetic plasma began to course through them, feeding the systems of the launcher with their needed energy. Telltale lights sparked to life as main power war restored. The crewman entered a blur of commands on his panel, his keystrokes causing quiet beeps and chirps. Seconds later, a soft, subsonic hum was heard as the launcher once again sent a burst of quantum torpedoes at its tasked targets. The Marines, their job done, turned around and went to their next assignment. There was reported to be some crew trapped in behind a pile of fallen debris and only a power armor’s synthetic muscles could shift some of the larger, heavier pieces.
ISS Valley Forge
“Sir, reports coming in that the EW drones have reached staging area Frank.”
“Order them to proceed to Loci Kappa under low grade ECM. I want the enemy to get a good look at em, but not enough to see through their ruse.” Ulysses said.
Commissar Stevens walked through the holographic shroud that largely concealed Ulysses while providing him with the unfettered view of the battlefield he needed to coordinate his fleet.
“Mr. Vanguard, I think you should deploy…” her speech was stopped mid sentence as Ulysses raised a hand palm up.
“Miss Stevens, while you may be my political watchdog, your grasp of tactics isn’t that good. Going to Loci Kappa’s aid is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. I don’t intend on playing to the tune they pipe because it’s a good way to get dead. Just sit down and shut up, I don’t have the time to explain it all to you now.” Ulysses said.
The very nerve of this man, thinking he can talk to a Section 31 officer in such a disrespectful manner, Stevens thought. Then she was interrupted by a call from her left.
“Here come the enemy forces through Loci Delta…” Davenport said. After a few seconds, CIC began to assign numbers and class to its plot. “Sweet Mary Mother of God!”
There were similar expletives uttered throughout the fleet as the tactical plot resolved itself. Although the new enemy fleet was only half as numerous as their first one, they were very top heavy in hull class. 80% of them were Dreadnoughts or Superdreadnoughts with the rest being Battleships. They cut through the Loci forts like a hot knife through butter, leaving shattered, savaged battlestations in their wake and taking only light casualties in return. They immediately engaged high warp directly towards what their sensors told them was an Imperial fleet at staging area Frank. Caught thusly between the two opposing forces, they would have been picked apart in detail, allowing the enemy to close and pick apart the orbital forts around Lilith at their leisure. Ulysses merely turned an I told you so look on Stevens, and she meekly backed out through the holodisplay. She may not like her inexperience in tactical battles being shown in front of the entire crew of the Flag Bridge, but she knew that any further interference now would be counterproductive to winning the coming engagement. She would deal with Captain Vanguard’s insubordination after the battle was done.
“Orders to all fleet units, engage on course 445 mark 320 and drop out of FTL at…” Ulysses consulted the path the rapidly advancing Enemy fleet, designated Force Beta by CIC, was cruising down. It was a simple least time, high warp course that would avoid the effects of the anti-warp field being emitted by the battlestations. “…system coordinates 442.515.870. Deploy into formation Theta Two and bring your anti-warp generators online.”
Force Beta was rapidly approaching Lilith’s general area, their flight path designed to skirt as tightly as possible the warp bubble destroying field. It was a relatively minor matter to pop directly in front of them, presenting a road block that would have to be dealt with before they could advance. The Imperial fleet, 1700 strong, formed up into a concave, ovoid wall, spreading around the main axis of advance for Force Beta. Lighter units were the farthest out, ready to swoop in on the exposed flanks of the enemy when they were yanked out of warp. EW drones of all types were deployed to confuse enemy sensors as much as possible. The heavy hitters of Ulysses fleet were placed in the middle with their support cadre of Aegeans, Nebulas Steamrunners and Akiras tucked in the relative safely behind them. But the support ships weren’t the only thing hiding in the great capital ships sensor shadows. Ulysses and his staff had thought up a little surprise for an invading fleet to encounter.
It all happened in seconds, leaving virtually no time for Force Beta to react. They had thought that the Imperial fleet was safely drawn towards Loci Kappa, not lying in wait near Lilith. They barely brought their full EW online and didn’t have time to reinforce their forward shield arcs before they were dragged from warp.
“Fire!” Ulysses barked as CIC threw targeting brackets around the primary targets. Ulysses’ ships opened fire with everything they had. Fire support ships cut loose with their torpedo biased armaments, filling space with wave after wave of blue/white Quantum Torpedoes and the reddish orange of Heavy Torpedoes. But the broadsides were even denser than would usually be the case, for Ulysses chose then to unleash his surprise.
Tractor beams pulled their charges from concealment, swinging Type-V Orbital Weapons Platforms into clear attack lanes. These torpedo turrets added their warheads to the volleys, thickening them to over twice what they would have normally been. What would have been a significant nuisance, but a nuisance none the less otherwise became a serious threat to the enemy capital ships. In a capital ship slugging match, torpedoes usually lacked the strength to get through an active shield, used instead to weaken points in the shield to better allow follow up phaser and lance strikes to punch through. But if used in sufficient numbers, they could eventually pare away even a superdreadnought’s shields. A great wave rushing in like the evening tide crashed in on the designated targets. Zero point energy incursions and large scale matter/antimatter fireballs pockmarked the enemy fleet at the knife range of two light seconds. Dozens of starships died in the opening volley, and it was only the beginning.
“Engage with the Lances Mr. Davenport.”
“Aye sir!” Percy said eagerly.
Type-X OWPs swung from behind their mother ships and birthed fire even as the first return fire came from the ISC fleet. The Imperial’s shipboard launchers spoke with the OWPs, and united they sent a tidal bore of destruction down on Force Delta. Shields were smashed flat, armor was splintered and vaporized. One after the other, in a rapidly growing stream, the ISC capital ships fell out of formation after taking catastrophic damage. The range was close enough for the Imperial’s primary weapons to be brought into play. PPC and phaser beam fire sprouted from their armored emplacements, turning the intervening space between the ISC and Imperial fleet’s star bright with released energy.
Ulysses felt the Forge rock under him as she took hits from Plasmatic Pulsar Device emplacements and Plasma torpedoes. He saw the ships forward shields flare nearly out of existence, and almost gave the order to divert power and reinforce them. But the Valley Forge was no longer under his direct control. His need to act as Fleet Admiral had necessitated giving control of his ship over to P’tel, and he had every confidence in her ability to keep his ship and her crew alive. Even as he brought his eyes away from the bridge tactical repeater he saw his ship’s representation on his command holodisplay swing into a hard 180 degree about face, bringing her nearly as heavy aft weaponry and fully charged shield to interdict fresh enemy fire. The ship didn’t change position in the formation at all. Good job Miss Sulu, Ulysses thought. His ship rocked again, harder this time, as more enemy fire homed in on her. He forced himself to ignore it and concentrate on the Fleet’s attack. His hands flew like a symphony conductor’s as he tasked and retasked the targeting priorities. His own ships began to die, as he knew was inevitable with the weight of fire coming in from the enemy. He showed no emotion as the death and damage reports began to come in. There would be time for grieving later, but not now. Now he needed a clear head, one that made their sacrifice worth something. For if he couldn’t hold the enemy, or at least cripple them enough to keep them from taking out Lilith’s orbital forts, their sacrifice wouldn’t be worth it. He had already taken a large bite out of Force Beta, but their own return fire had punched holes in his own ranks.
On the holodisplay, Force Alpha was now attempting to disengage from the battle around Loci Kappa and come to the aid of Force Beta. They had largely reduced the battlestations there to impotence and the defending fleet was only harrying them now, staying in range enough so that Force Alpha couldn’t jump to warp but not close enough to get fried easily.
Ulysses fleet was taking a pounding, but he was giving as good as he got. Two of his squadron mates died in rapid succession, the Muteki and Thanatos now nothing more than mangled wrecks shedding life pods. Ulysses winced inside. They had been good ships with good crews. Now they were gone, taking lord knew how many of their crews with them. Thousands of Cobras streaked in and out of the fleet battle like bulls to the matador, chewing on vulnerable ships with their PPCs. Squadrons died by the handful, but there were a lot of fighters, and with virtually no escorts along and the other ships concentrating on the Imperial capital ships, the ISC fleet began to feel the sting of the Cobra’s venom. Many of the fleet’s Soulwolfs were assigned sniper duty, operating in the flanks of the ISC fleet, coordinating their fire via Datalink Net in order to keep redundant fire to an absolute minimum. Achilles class ships spun like dervishes to keep a fresh undamaged shield arc facing the enemy, all the while firing a vortex of PPC bolts at the enemy.
Finally it happened, Force Beta began to unravel. It started in dribs and drabs at first, a ship here and there falling astern, then swinging around and streaking away for Loci Delta. But soon, there were entire squadrons breaking and fleeing back towards the subspace corridors. Seeing their fellows break and run, Force Alpha did the same, falling back through Loci Kappa and its now near totally shattered defenders.
“Orders to the Fleet. Pursuit course on Force Beta. Aim for their engines, I want as many of them disabled as possible.” With those orders, Ulysses settled into his command chair, fairly deflating. He heard a muted cheer course throughout his ship, one reinforced by the cheering on the Flag Bridge. What had become a largely orderly retreat was quickly turned into a near rout. The ISC ships had been strung out to much by their delay in ordering a retreat. The ones that had broke first were now quite far in front of their peers who had stayed longer. This allowed the combined fire from the Imperial fleet to pick them off piece meal. By the time the last ISC ship reached the Locus, only 231 ships had escaped from Loci Delta while 1305 had escaped through Loci Kappa. Total ISC losses numbered 1464 ships, mostly of capital ship classes. In return they had destroyed 452 ships and 25 Battlestations. While those losses were bad, the losses to the ISC fleet had been far worse in comparison. Loosing nearly ¾ of the capital ships in your attacking fleet for the destruction of only a handful of enemy capital ships and battlestations wasn’t a good day if you were the ISC.
“Deploy SAR forces immediately, I want every lost escape pod and spaced crewman found ASAP. And that includes those of our enemy, make that abundantly clear to all teams. Then order the fleet to return to Lilith orbit. Order all salvageable vessels to towed back to Lilith with us. We need to get a priority list organized as to who needs the repairs the most. I want to be as ready as we can be for a fresh attack. Send a message off to Starfleet Command. Initial assault on Prescott’s Star repulsed with minimal losses. Request immediate reinforcements and recommend that all Sector Fleets be placed on heightened alert.” Ulysses said. “Attach the tactical battle logs and send it.”
“Aye sir.”
“If anything odd happens, I’ll be in my ready room.” Ulysses said as he got up and strode off of the Flag Bridge without a backward glance
Last edited by HappyTarget on 2003-02-07 04:34am, edited 1 time in total.
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
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- Location: Michigan USA
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First off, I want to thank you guys for your support. It really means a lot to me and fuels my writing. Thankyou all very much, and I hope the latest two chapters nudge the bar a few inches higher for the next time.Is this the complete fanfic? Because in the first post you put a link, however it doesn't work for me.

This is the second story (still a work in progress) set in my Terran Empire universe.
Odd, but the link does indeed seem to be broken. Try this one:
http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... adid=34826
and see if it works better for ya.
- Subnormal
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- Joined: 2002-07-25 12:54am
- Location: Third Orbital of the Sol System, North American Continent, USA, Pennsylvania,
That is a lot of shit, you must have lots of sparetime.
The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.
--Albert Einstein
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
--George Carlin
--Albert Einstein
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
--George Carlin
- HappyTarget
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I'm assuming/hoping that you mean shit in the positve sense? If not, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I would apprecitate some reasons why so that I can improve my writing. Do bear in mind that RTW was only my first work of public fiction with Unity being my second. Any means of improving my work would be greatly appreciated.That is a lot of shit, you must have lots of sparetime.
I worked on TE: RTW on and off for close to a year starting ~June 2001. I do have some spare time, but not an overabundance of it. I spend a few hours hammering away at the next chapter till its done, but I don't spend all of my time typing by any stretch of the imagination. If I did, I would already be on the thrid story I have quasi planned for the Terran Empire.
- Illuminatus Primus
- All Seeing Eye
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He means shit = good. No worries.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

- HappyTarget
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Chapter 21 – When the Bow Breaks
Imperial Palace, Moscow, Terra
The vast forest of super strong alloy and transparent aluminum that were modern sky scrapers housing billions enfolded the newly completed Imperial Palace. These artificial tree trunks stretched their roots deep underground into the supporting bedrock and their branches high into the nebulous atmosphere of the stratosphere. Enclosed walkways connected the structures at regular intervals, allowing for the oldest method of transportation to be employed for nearby commutes and errands so as not to overly tie up the transporter net. Swimming in between these geometrically ordered trunks were level upon level of air car and shuttle routes. The plethora of small craft resembled leaves, but ones aligned in perfectly straight ranks rather than the chaotic mass of a normal tree.
Emperor Jack Chambers the First finished his contented stare at his new capital city through the perfect one way glass of his throne room’s ceiling and went back to the daily grind of being a supreme ruler. Of course, his current task was much more fun than the normal decisions he made. He was like a kid in a candy store, for as Emperor of the Terran Empire, he had more power than even his wildest fantasies had prepared him for.
This power gave him the ability to activate programs that had long lain dormant under the Terran Council’s inept and inefficient leadership. The schematics for a vessel bigger than even a Bastion class Monitor, and also considerably greater in firepower, were displayed on a PADD in on his desk. There was also a plan that was somewhat insane. A disgruntled Krenim scientist had approached an Imperial envoy claiming that he could produce an immensely powerful weapons system. His own government had been to timid to fund his experiments, but the Terran Council had taken him in, even if they had only given him minor funding and support. They had apparently not given much credence to his claims but on the off chance that they proved true, didn’t want him in the employ of one of the Empire’s enemies. That lack of funding was about to change. If the effects of this weapons system were indeed as good as his claims, he would get as much funding as he needed. Commander Bruce Maddox had requisitioned fresh funding for his work at the Daystrom Institute of Technology. He was attempting to replicate the construction of a D-class Soong type android and not having much luck. While Jack, like any student of history, was against a true, wide spread artificial intelligence given its past in the empire, he was willing to give more funding if it meant more D-class androids could be created for Section 31. If only Soong hadn’t died before creating only a handful of the D-class, and if only his most promising students hadn’t proved so inept at duplicating his work. Then there would be plenty of loyal soldiers to fill out both the special ops branch of Section and the shortage of skilled personnel on a starship. But looking back on the M 5 incident, the relative lack of Imperial AI’s could be seen as a god send. When an AI can go bonkers and destroy 12 Constitutions before finally being brought down, having one on every ship doesn’t look as good in practice as it did on paper.
The old regime had also been far to penny pinching with its budget for Section 31. How were the watchers supposed to be effective if they had insufficient and sub standard tools to work with. Unsurprisingly, Section’s budget would be greatly increased, and it would have its discretionary powers widened as well. The old regime had been hesitant to grant Section broad powers, fearful that a powerful enough organization would one day challenge them for control of the Empire. Jack had no such fears, for he knew where everyone of the Section department heads and many of their underlings secrets were buried. They wouldn’t dare try anything with him, for none of them would come out unscathed. But, Section connections had helped him seize power, even if they had been duped into doing so. It was sort of a backhanded thank you to his old associates there that he reward their help. But it was also a very strong desire to strengthen his hold on power that made him increase Section’s powers and budget. Section would be his eyes and ears, with greater freedom than ever before to scour out dissent to Imperial rule.
Jack shifted gears, switching to fleet deployments. Second Fleet, which had been virtually stripped down to a task force thanks to repairs and the drawing off of able ships for reinforcements was ready to receive new build ships. The shipyards at Alpha Centauri, Vulcan and Sol had been putting in massive amounts of overtime to get the ships built, but now their hard work was about to pay off. With the ships of Second Fleet, the Empire would once again possess an advantage over its enemies. It was nearly time to begin obliterating the so called Grand Alliance one faction at a time. While they might have been able to get more ships than expected from their hidden, Orion Cartel supplied shipyards, they hadn’t really captured many Imperial yards intact. They couldn’t hope to out produce the Empire’s industry once it got up to speed. While it had been plugging away ever since the Imperial/Borg war, there hadn’t been the sincere urgency to turn out ships like there was now that the Grand Alliance was a very real and evident threat. There was nothing like a credible threat to ones life to spur activity.
Second Fleet’s command staff were cause for concern. While there had long been suspicions that they had sympathetic leanings towards the pacifistic teachings of the traitor Spock, there had never been any actual proof uncovered. Not even the particularly dogged Commissar he had assigned her had been able to find anything seditious. And without that proof, Jack was hesitant to purge one of the best Fleet commanders in Starfleet. Possible personal leanings aside, Jack was perfectly willing to wait till the Alliance was crushed before the made his move against T’var and her senior staff.
An alert chimed on Jack’s personal office’s communications console, and an aide immediately brought up the message on his board.
“Your Highness, I have an incoming message from Starbase 2000 to all Starfleet ships and bases. It is a combat alert!”
“Does the message give any specifics as to just who is launching the attack and why it warrants an Empire wide combat alert?” Jack asked as he strode over to look at the message on the aide’s terminal.
“No your Highness.”
Jack frowned then began to pace. About 15 minutes went by, then the com board lit up. It was only a handful of contact reports at first, but they grew into a steady widening river as bases and colonies all through the Delta Quadrant signified that they were under attack.
“Who launched the attack?! The Voth?!” Heaven help us if those isolationist dinos decide they want a bigger piece of the local neighborhood than they already possessed Jack thought, his mind going a mile a minute. Their tech is so far advanced from ours, we wouldn’t stand a chance! Hell, even the Krenim Imperium is a threat, current fleet strengths in the Delta Quadrant being what they are.
Then installations and colonized systems along the Gamma Quadrant came under attack. A Starbase in the Delta Quadrant punched through the jamming to get a frantic call off. The incoming call was fed to the Imperial Palace as well as Starfleet Command
“They’re too many of them!” the panicked officer on the other end of the com wailed through the static of interference. The com signal was barely getting through, the amount of jamming that would take would have to be enormous. “We can’t hold them off much longer!!” Her words were punctuated by a violent shaking of the starbase and sparks and smoke flying down around her. Grabbing the console for support, she went on. “Send reinforcements imm…” The com screen flared white for a brief instant, then the com screen flashed to the Imperial seal. Two blinking words flashed under it: Connection Lost.
“What the HELL is going on? I want information NOW!”
“The listening post near Epsilon Bootis managed to get this image before it went offline your Highness”. The holodisplay shifted to show a vast armada of alien ships. “Starfleet Intelligence is putting it at 99% chance that 1/3 of this fleet are Dominion ships. The other 2/3s, within 87% certainty, are Interstellar Concordium vessels. The total number of hulls in this single fleet is over 4000.”
The doors to the Emperor’s personal office opened just then, and Jack looked up distractedly to see his daughter enter, then shifted his attention back to the holodisplay that now showed an expanding crescent of attacked systems along the Delta and Gamma Quadrants. “What ever it is Dorothy, it will have to wait. There is a crisis developing”
“I know.” There was a wet crunch behind him that didn’t sound right. Turning around again with a perplexed frown, he caught sight of his two personal guards as they fell soundlessly to the ground, they heads a shattered, bloody mess. Jack’s eyes bulged in surprise as what he thought was his daughter extended her arms. The amber, transparent fluid like arms struck the aide’s skull, punching though it like it was wet tissue paper. “Your Highness, allow me to convey the respects of the Galactic Unity.” Jack was still staring stupidly at the changeling that had so perfectly replaced his daughter when the twin liquid arms encircled his neck then tightened, growing strong as steel cables. Jack was lifted off the ground, his hands frantically clawing on the immovable binds that began to crush his neck, his feet flailing in the air feet off of the ground. “This is just the beginning of the end for your Empire, but you won’t be around to see the end. It is unfortunate, for I personally would like to see you suffer till the bitter end. But I have my orders, so the least I can do is make you suffer a bit before I kill you now.” And then the changeling smiled as the mimicked face of Jack’s daughter fell away to the more customary visage of a Founder.
Grand Alliance Combined Command Council, Location Classified
“Look, all I know is that something major is going on. All Starfleet assets along our boarder have gone to a heightened state of alert.” The Cardassian delegate, Legate Dammar, said to the assembled members of the GA Command Council. “We have received communications from our assets in place within the Terran Empire that something is launching a major offensive along their Gamma and Delta Quadrant holdings. This concurs with our observed sudden spike in communications going to and from the outlying holdings of the Terran Empire. Something big is in the works.”
The Romulan representative, Admiral Jarok nodded his agreement. “I have also received word that something major is occurring in the outlying Terran Empire sectors…” Just then the double doors that led to the Council Chamber swung open to admit another being.
“I’m sure that all of you have by now heard of the growing assault on Terran space.” Peter O’tole said. “I am here to tell you just what is going on. As of 0600 hours local time, the Terran Empire is at a state of war with the Galactic Unity. It is they who have so graciously given sufficient resources to build your hidden building slips, and it is they that now call on you to assist them in taking out the Terran Empire once and for all time.”
General Worf looked up from a report he was perusing from his seat at the oval table. “While I am all for removing the Terrans as a threat to the existence of the Klingon Empire, what are this Galactic Unity’s plans for after they have defeated the Terrans?”
“Why, then all peoples will live in peace under the banner of the Galactic Unity. It is now time for all of your peoples to repay the debt of honor you owe to the Galactic Unity for their assistance in helping to free you from the Terran boot heel!”
Worf laughed heartily, his long mane of brown hair shaking as his pointed teeth showed from behind his lips. “We did not just escape from one boot heel to be placed under another. If your masters can get rid of the Terran Empire, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. But the Klingon Empire is no ones slave any longer. We shall live as WE chose to live, not how the Galactic Unity chooses for us to live.” There were nods of agreement from around the table as each of the other delegates cast their support behind Worf’s assertion.
“Be wary of what you chose here, while the Galactic Unity will welcome the willing with open arms, even the unwilling will be made to see the light.” Peter said with a slight frown. He had underestimated his control over these pawns. He had spent to much time with their overly grateful political masters, and not enough time shaping his thoughts towards the support of their military officers. While the politicians on the Klingon High Council, Romulan Senate, Cardassian Detapa Council, and the others had been malleable enough, those actually in charge of their empire’s arms were made of sterner stuff. They might even be willing to go against their political masters should the need arise. He had never thought that virtually to a man, the military leaders of the GA might be true, died in the wool patriots.
“Ah, so now the helpful Galactic Unity shows its true colors!” Worf growled.
Oh boy had he miscalculated, Peter thought. His masters in the GU would not be happy, but they had planned for this very eventuality just in case. They were nothing if not thorough.
“Take some time to think it over, I will be back in two days for your reply. Perhaps once you see just how powerful the Galactic Unity is, you will be more eager to support it.” Then Peter pressed a button on one of his armband. Seconds later, a transporter beam caught him and he disappeared from the room in a swirling purple shimmer.
Imperial Palace, Moscow, Terra
The vast forest of super strong alloy and transparent aluminum that were modern sky scrapers housing billions enfolded the newly completed Imperial Palace. These artificial tree trunks stretched their roots deep underground into the supporting bedrock and their branches high into the nebulous atmosphere of the stratosphere. Enclosed walkways connected the structures at regular intervals, allowing for the oldest method of transportation to be employed for nearby commutes and errands so as not to overly tie up the transporter net. Swimming in between these geometrically ordered trunks were level upon level of air car and shuttle routes. The plethora of small craft resembled leaves, but ones aligned in perfectly straight ranks rather than the chaotic mass of a normal tree.
Emperor Jack Chambers the First finished his contented stare at his new capital city through the perfect one way glass of his throne room’s ceiling and went back to the daily grind of being a supreme ruler. Of course, his current task was much more fun than the normal decisions he made. He was like a kid in a candy store, for as Emperor of the Terran Empire, he had more power than even his wildest fantasies had prepared him for.
This power gave him the ability to activate programs that had long lain dormant under the Terran Council’s inept and inefficient leadership. The schematics for a vessel bigger than even a Bastion class Monitor, and also considerably greater in firepower, were displayed on a PADD in on his desk. There was also a plan that was somewhat insane. A disgruntled Krenim scientist had approached an Imperial envoy claiming that he could produce an immensely powerful weapons system. His own government had been to timid to fund his experiments, but the Terran Council had taken him in, even if they had only given him minor funding and support. They had apparently not given much credence to his claims but on the off chance that they proved true, didn’t want him in the employ of one of the Empire’s enemies. That lack of funding was about to change. If the effects of this weapons system were indeed as good as his claims, he would get as much funding as he needed. Commander Bruce Maddox had requisitioned fresh funding for his work at the Daystrom Institute of Technology. He was attempting to replicate the construction of a D-class Soong type android and not having much luck. While Jack, like any student of history, was against a true, wide spread artificial intelligence given its past in the empire, he was willing to give more funding if it meant more D-class androids could be created for Section 31. If only Soong hadn’t died before creating only a handful of the D-class, and if only his most promising students hadn’t proved so inept at duplicating his work. Then there would be plenty of loyal soldiers to fill out both the special ops branch of Section and the shortage of skilled personnel on a starship. But looking back on the M 5 incident, the relative lack of Imperial AI’s could be seen as a god send. When an AI can go bonkers and destroy 12 Constitutions before finally being brought down, having one on every ship doesn’t look as good in practice as it did on paper.
The old regime had also been far to penny pinching with its budget for Section 31. How were the watchers supposed to be effective if they had insufficient and sub standard tools to work with. Unsurprisingly, Section’s budget would be greatly increased, and it would have its discretionary powers widened as well. The old regime had been hesitant to grant Section broad powers, fearful that a powerful enough organization would one day challenge them for control of the Empire. Jack had no such fears, for he knew where everyone of the Section department heads and many of their underlings secrets were buried. They wouldn’t dare try anything with him, for none of them would come out unscathed. But, Section connections had helped him seize power, even if they had been duped into doing so. It was sort of a backhanded thank you to his old associates there that he reward their help. But it was also a very strong desire to strengthen his hold on power that made him increase Section’s powers and budget. Section would be his eyes and ears, with greater freedom than ever before to scour out dissent to Imperial rule.
Jack shifted gears, switching to fleet deployments. Second Fleet, which had been virtually stripped down to a task force thanks to repairs and the drawing off of able ships for reinforcements was ready to receive new build ships. The shipyards at Alpha Centauri, Vulcan and Sol had been putting in massive amounts of overtime to get the ships built, but now their hard work was about to pay off. With the ships of Second Fleet, the Empire would once again possess an advantage over its enemies. It was nearly time to begin obliterating the so called Grand Alliance one faction at a time. While they might have been able to get more ships than expected from their hidden, Orion Cartel supplied shipyards, they hadn’t really captured many Imperial yards intact. They couldn’t hope to out produce the Empire’s industry once it got up to speed. While it had been plugging away ever since the Imperial/Borg war, there hadn’t been the sincere urgency to turn out ships like there was now that the Grand Alliance was a very real and evident threat. There was nothing like a credible threat to ones life to spur activity.
Second Fleet’s command staff were cause for concern. While there had long been suspicions that they had sympathetic leanings towards the pacifistic teachings of the traitor Spock, there had never been any actual proof uncovered. Not even the particularly dogged Commissar he had assigned her had been able to find anything seditious. And without that proof, Jack was hesitant to purge one of the best Fleet commanders in Starfleet. Possible personal leanings aside, Jack was perfectly willing to wait till the Alliance was crushed before the made his move against T’var and her senior staff.
An alert chimed on Jack’s personal office’s communications console, and an aide immediately brought up the message on his board.
“Your Highness, I have an incoming message from Starbase 2000 to all Starfleet ships and bases. It is a combat alert!”
“Does the message give any specifics as to just who is launching the attack and why it warrants an Empire wide combat alert?” Jack asked as he strode over to look at the message on the aide’s terminal.
“No your Highness.”
Jack frowned then began to pace. About 15 minutes went by, then the com board lit up. It was only a handful of contact reports at first, but they grew into a steady widening river as bases and colonies all through the Delta Quadrant signified that they were under attack.
“Who launched the attack?! The Voth?!” Heaven help us if those isolationist dinos decide they want a bigger piece of the local neighborhood than they already possessed Jack thought, his mind going a mile a minute. Their tech is so far advanced from ours, we wouldn’t stand a chance! Hell, even the Krenim Imperium is a threat, current fleet strengths in the Delta Quadrant being what they are.
Then installations and colonized systems along the Gamma Quadrant came under attack. A Starbase in the Delta Quadrant punched through the jamming to get a frantic call off. The incoming call was fed to the Imperial Palace as well as Starfleet Command
“They’re too many of them!” the panicked officer on the other end of the com wailed through the static of interference. The com signal was barely getting through, the amount of jamming that would take would have to be enormous. “We can’t hold them off much longer!!” Her words were punctuated by a violent shaking of the starbase and sparks and smoke flying down around her. Grabbing the console for support, she went on. “Send reinforcements imm…” The com screen flared white for a brief instant, then the com screen flashed to the Imperial seal. Two blinking words flashed under it: Connection Lost.
“What the HELL is going on? I want information NOW!”
“The listening post near Epsilon Bootis managed to get this image before it went offline your Highness”. The holodisplay shifted to show a vast armada of alien ships. “Starfleet Intelligence is putting it at 99% chance that 1/3 of this fleet are Dominion ships. The other 2/3s, within 87% certainty, are Interstellar Concordium vessels. The total number of hulls in this single fleet is over 4000.”
The doors to the Emperor’s personal office opened just then, and Jack looked up distractedly to see his daughter enter, then shifted his attention back to the holodisplay that now showed an expanding crescent of attacked systems along the Delta and Gamma Quadrants. “What ever it is Dorothy, it will have to wait. There is a crisis developing”
“I know.” There was a wet crunch behind him that didn’t sound right. Turning around again with a perplexed frown, he caught sight of his two personal guards as they fell soundlessly to the ground, they heads a shattered, bloody mess. Jack’s eyes bulged in surprise as what he thought was his daughter extended her arms. The amber, transparent fluid like arms struck the aide’s skull, punching though it like it was wet tissue paper. “Your Highness, allow me to convey the respects of the Galactic Unity.” Jack was still staring stupidly at the changeling that had so perfectly replaced his daughter when the twin liquid arms encircled his neck then tightened, growing strong as steel cables. Jack was lifted off the ground, his hands frantically clawing on the immovable binds that began to crush his neck, his feet flailing in the air feet off of the ground. “This is just the beginning of the end for your Empire, but you won’t be around to see the end. It is unfortunate, for I personally would like to see you suffer till the bitter end. But I have my orders, so the least I can do is make you suffer a bit before I kill you now.” And then the changeling smiled as the mimicked face of Jack’s daughter fell away to the more customary visage of a Founder.
Grand Alliance Combined Command Council, Location Classified
“Look, all I know is that something major is going on. All Starfleet assets along our boarder have gone to a heightened state of alert.” The Cardassian delegate, Legate Dammar, said to the assembled members of the GA Command Council. “We have received communications from our assets in place within the Terran Empire that something is launching a major offensive along their Gamma and Delta Quadrant holdings. This concurs with our observed sudden spike in communications going to and from the outlying holdings of the Terran Empire. Something big is in the works.”
The Romulan representative, Admiral Jarok nodded his agreement. “I have also received word that something major is occurring in the outlying Terran Empire sectors…” Just then the double doors that led to the Council Chamber swung open to admit another being.
“I’m sure that all of you have by now heard of the growing assault on Terran space.” Peter O’tole said. “I am here to tell you just what is going on. As of 0600 hours local time, the Terran Empire is at a state of war with the Galactic Unity. It is they who have so graciously given sufficient resources to build your hidden building slips, and it is they that now call on you to assist them in taking out the Terran Empire once and for all time.”
General Worf looked up from a report he was perusing from his seat at the oval table. “While I am all for removing the Terrans as a threat to the existence of the Klingon Empire, what are this Galactic Unity’s plans for after they have defeated the Terrans?”
“Why, then all peoples will live in peace under the banner of the Galactic Unity. It is now time for all of your peoples to repay the debt of honor you owe to the Galactic Unity for their assistance in helping to free you from the Terran boot heel!”
Worf laughed heartily, his long mane of brown hair shaking as his pointed teeth showed from behind his lips. “We did not just escape from one boot heel to be placed under another. If your masters can get rid of the Terran Empire, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. But the Klingon Empire is no ones slave any longer. We shall live as WE chose to live, not how the Galactic Unity chooses for us to live.” There were nods of agreement from around the table as each of the other delegates cast their support behind Worf’s assertion.
“Be wary of what you chose here, while the Galactic Unity will welcome the willing with open arms, even the unwilling will be made to see the light.” Peter said with a slight frown. He had underestimated his control over these pawns. He had spent to much time with their overly grateful political masters, and not enough time shaping his thoughts towards the support of their military officers. While the politicians on the Klingon High Council, Romulan Senate, Cardassian Detapa Council, and the others had been malleable enough, those actually in charge of their empire’s arms were made of sterner stuff. They might even be willing to go against their political masters should the need arise. He had never thought that virtually to a man, the military leaders of the GA might be true, died in the wool patriots.
“Ah, so now the helpful Galactic Unity shows its true colors!” Worf growled.
Oh boy had he miscalculated, Peter thought. His masters in the GU would not be happy, but they had planned for this very eventuality just in case. They were nothing if not thorough.
“Take some time to think it over, I will be back in two days for your reply. Perhaps once you see just how powerful the Galactic Unity is, you will be more eager to support it.” Then Peter pressed a button on one of his armband. Seconds later, a transporter beam caught him and he disappeared from the room in a swirling purple shimmer.
Whoa. Nice writing. I never expected to see a fan-fic about the Mirror Universe in Star Trek.
Is Jack Chambers really dead? Or his daughter Dorothy? I remember that changelings almost always kill the person they're imitating. The only exceptions I can remember is Martok and Gowron.
Will Section 31 decide to use a virus on the Changelings like in the "canon" Trek universe?
This story is keeping me at the edge of my seat, trying to guess what's going to happen next. Keep it up!

Is Jack Chambers really dead? Or his daughter Dorothy? I remember that changelings almost always kill the person they're imitating. The only exceptions I can remember is Martok and Gowron.
Will Section 31 decide to use a virus on the Changelings like in the "canon" Trek universe?
This story is keeping me at the edge of my seat, trying to guess what's going to happen next. Keep it up!

- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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Glad you like it!Whoa. Nice writing. I never expected to see a fan-fic about the Mirror Universe in Star Trek.

Quite probably, but it won't spread near as fast even if they get a chance to use it, as most Founders are isolated from eachother and the new great link is well protected and deep in the Gamma Quad. IIRC the only reason it worked in cannon was because they gave it to Odo and he then subsiquently entered the Great Link, infecting all the others. Without access to a similar means of pathogen introduction, there will only be limited success with a bio attack, and even then it takes a long time to finally kill a Founder with it.Will Section 31 decide to use a virus on the Changelings like in the "canon" Trek universe?
Is Jack Chambers really dead? Or his daughter Dorothy? I remember that changelings almost always kill the person they're imitating. The only exceptions I can remember is Martok and Gowron.

I'd like to take this opportunity to appologise to Subnormal for misconstruing his comment. Sorry I was so touchy about my work, and I hope to continue to live up to/exceed your expectations.
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
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- Location: Michigan USA
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Well, I partly set up their firepower levels with just such a comparison in mind (though the highend numbers sometimes used in both TOS and the odd time in DS9 also gave me a basis that is somewhat backed up by fact). While for the most part, the Terran Empire verse's firepower is slightly behind that of the ICS numbers, they do have weapons systems that should give em a fairly level playing field (like phasers that visibly propagate at C just like in TOS, better tactics, more extensive use of ECM tech, use of possible ground combat tech, ect. I also have some totally made up weapons systems that are about to be unleashed from Imperial R&D that should make the mix even more interesting.I just read up to the timeline stuff, but I bet you must be writing some great stuff with that kind of plot! A fic about SW vs this ST AU would be fantastic... raw power of the Empire vs the insidious and cunning Starfleet ( ) --especially as I know much less about ST than SW

As for Imperial Starfleet's tactics, I just looked at how I would run a war of continued expansion and what worked best in historical conflicts (mainly Nazi Lightening War tactics, and that knowing your enemies strenghts and weaknesses lets you exploit the latter and minimise the former).
Hope you enjoy the meat and potatoes of the story once you get into it!

Last edited by HappyTarget on 2003-02-21 12:05pm, edited 1 time in total.
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
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Chapter 22 – Recon In Force
Imperial Space, Near the B’hava’el System
The Enterprise Battlegroup was on manuvers near the along the Cardassian/Imperial frontlines. Light raids were still sporadically launched by both sides, but till an appreciable fleet was built up, neither side possessed sufficient firepower to take and hold fresh systems without leaving others severely depleted in their mobile picket forces. That wasn’t a smart move, for both the Grand Alliance and the Empire had very good intelligence of each other’s space. The slightest sign of weakness would be pounced on merely to destroy infrastructure and ships even if the planet couldn’t be held. And there certainly couldn’t be any sign of weakness this close to the frontline of the war, especially since then Captain now Vice Admiral Ben Sisko had fought tooth and nail to halt a determined Cardassian advance on this sector.
Riker thought to himself, we should have exterminated the Cardassians when we had the chance, then we wouldn’t have the problem we’re now saddled with. We’re nearly completely encircled by hostile enemies, and they are nearly as strong together as we are alone. For now at least, for Second Fleet was only beginning its build up when the Enterprise and her fellow Sovereign class wing mates had shipped out to go on patrol along the Cardassian Front. Starfleet Command had left it up to Riker’s discretion weather or not the Battlegroup would attack the Cardies or not. He was most certainly authorized to engage any target of opportunity that presented itself, but he wasn’t to hazard his command needlessly. The bad hit morale would take with the destruction of the Enterprise would be a bad blow, especially if she died at the hands of the Grand Alliance.
His wool gathering was disrupted by a chime from his com. “Riker here, what is it.” He said after he swatted his combadge lazily.
“Admiral, there has been an Empire wide combat alert announced.” Lore’s voice said.
“Source?” The Admiral replied, the chance for combat piquing his interest. So far the patrol had been as uneventful as one before the recent unpleasantness with the Empire’s subject species. The Cardassians seemed to be unwilling to attack, perhaps they heard that the Enterprise was coming and wouldn’t dare attack her. Riker smiled at the thought, personally swelling his already puffed up ego even more.
“Starbase 2000 Sir, in the Delta Quadrant.” Lore replied nearly as soon as he finished.
“I know where the damned base is Captain!” Riker snapped.
“Yes sir, I apologize for seemingly implying different.” Thomas doubted that the golden android really was sorry, but his hollow words had been delivered quick enough to allow it to slide. Especially since Riker really didn’t know where the base was. Lore had been under his command long enough to supply little useful tidbits of information like that to his superiors that weren’t bright enough or just to lazy to keep them in their own memory. It was one of the useful tricks he had picked up during his career in Starfleet to help him advance in a society that was largely anti AI. Not that Lore could really blame them, with over 12 colonized worlds having their atmospheres burned away and their surfaces turned into a ebon, glassed version of Luna, before the errant M 5 computer and the old ISS Essex that housed her were finally brought down. The final death toll had been over a billion. No, the humans had every right to fear AIs, not that it made their fear of his own self more palatable, but at least Lore could understand their point of view.
That fear was what, among other things, made his ‘brothers’ in the D-class special ops Androids so scary. It was more what the public’s imagination made up than any official mission logs or factoids the Empire’s government had let slip for propaganda purposes that contributed to their mythos, just like the Furies.
“Wait a minute,” Riker said after a moments thought, “that’s the base that that little upstart Vanguard got sent to isn’t it?” The name seemed to surface from a half remembered report he had read a few days ago, something about nearly every flag rank officer in the entire sector being killed.
“Yes Admiral, Brevet Admiral Ulysses Vanguard is currently in charge of the entire sector around the Starbase. It is on his authority that the alert was issued.”
On the Enterprise’s Main Bridge, Lore’s exquisite hearing picked up Riker’s mumbling something about wet behind the ears upstart presuming that he could issue a Empire wide alert to possible hostilities with a major power.
Lore stamped down on his initial impulse to point out that being assigned command, however temporary, by the Emperor himself gave the ‘wet behind the ears upstart’ all the authority he needed. That also said nothing about the Lion of Terra he had been awarded, for Starfleet Command didn’t hand those things out like combadges. As much as he would personally love to show up his immediate superior, doing so would have an extremely detrimental effect on his further promotion. He was to wise on how to play the game to make that mistake. Instead he pretended not to hear Riker’s comment.
“Orders sir? Shall we take any special action over this alert?”
“No, anything happening out in the Delta quadrant can’t affect us here. Maintain scans of any Cardassian patrols nearby that we can take out. The Enterprise has spent too long in Sol system. With the upcoming offensive against the GA, I want to ensure our combat skills are every bit as good in actual practice as they are in the sims.”
“As the Admiral commands.”
The next hour, nothing unusual happened. Then in a sudden, widening flood, fragmentary reports and coms began to fill the subspace and hypercom channels. It took a while to sort them out into something resembling a complete picture, but it was rapidly clear that the Empire was under large scale attack.
“I want everything we have on the tactical abilities of the, what did they call them?” Riker said as further frantic coms were picked up by his ship.
“The Interstellar Concordium Tom.” A feminine voice said from behind him, while at the same time he felt a deceptively pleasant sort of pressure inside his head. Riker immediately schooled his expression to its usual cocky smile, hiding his surprise as Commissar Troi entered the Flag Bridge. That woman could sneak up on an Andorian neo-leopard. Riker focused on his anti-esper training, activating the learned techniques that were part of every Starfleet officers basic training. Eventually the pressure abated, but not before there was something of an amused laugh sent into his brain. Yes, Deanna had always enjoyed playing mind games. Originally Riker had been intrigued by it, but that was a long time ago. Now it was a potentially hazardous threat to his position.
“Yes, the Interstellar Concordium, that’s it.” Riker agreed. “I want a report on the past and projected current abilities ASAP.”
A young officer scurried to accommodate his Admiral’s wishes, scurrying out the door to head to CIC to get their analysis and access the library computer for historical battle logs to add to the report.
He was barely out the door when the red alert klaxon began to toll.
“Admiral,” Lore said, “sensors have spotted what appears to be a scouting party at extreme range. CIC puts it as 30 Jem’Hadar Destroyers and a double pair of Battlecruisers.”
“Finally some action! Order the Battlegroup to come about onto a heading…” Admiral Riker consulted his tactical repeater, “330 mark 23 and engage formation Riker Alpha at maximum warp. Riker to Commander LaForge, is there a volatile nebula nearby, or perhaps some way we could hack into the Dominions computer systems?” Both the Dominion and Imperial ships were brought out of warp by the activation of the Enterprise’s warp field inhibitor as their vectors intercepted. Knowing Riker’s preference towards a technological solution to combat, LaForge already had some possibilities lined up. He didn’t even start into his list before a burst of hearty laughter cut him off. Riker looked irritatedly at the source of the interruption. Deana could barely contain her mirth, but finally brought it back under control. The Enterprise shook as the first Dominion fire hit her.
“For the love of God Tom! Shoot them!”
Riker just looked back with a look of slight incomprehension. Troi rolled her eyes, he might have become even better looking since they had been together, but he was still dense as a brick in a combat situation. It was only due to the fact that he kissed all the appropriate asses in Starfleet Command that he had risen as high as he had.
“Oh Hell!” Troi said with another snort of laughter. She strode over to the communications console on the Flag Bridge. “This is the Flag to all units. Fire at will!”
Enterprise Main Bridge
“… Fire at will!” Troi’s voice said from the bridge speakers. Finally someone in command prodded some sense into Riker. Things on Enterprise just hadn’t been the same since Picard had been executed for treason. While Riker was an adequate officer in many respects, his combat instincts left much to be desired. Lore had been on the verge of ordering the Battlegroup to open fire on his own, and was thoroughly relived that someone higher up had done it for him.
Commander Yar needed no further prodding. The Enterprise had been steadily accruing shield damage while Riker made up his mind as to how to attack. The Battlegroup’s Sovereigns and escorting Defiants finally swung to the offense. The nimble and tough Defiants broke formation to chase down the Dominion Destroyers. The beetle shaped craft were every bit as maneuverable as their Imperial counterparts, but during the Imperial/Dominion war, they had proven easy meat to the one-two punch of PPC fire and Quantum torpedoes.
“CIC says the Dominion ships have higher capacity shield grids than known variants. They recommend concentrating fire to expedite taking them out.” Natasha said to the direct link to Flag Bridge even as she and the other Sovereigns birthed a firestorm of phasers targeting the first Dominion Battlecruiser. The 10 Prometheus class escorts the fleshed out the Battlegroup opened fire on the other enemy Battlecruiser, causing both Dominion vessels to be bathed in fire sufficient to rapidly shear away their shields.
Enterprise Flag Bridge
Riker was quietly seething that Deanna would usurp his rightful authority. He nearly missed Cmdr. Yar’s communiqué.
“Defiants coordinate fire in wing pairs, All Sovereigns and Prometheus’s, coordinate fire on the lead Battlecruiser.” He ordered, his anger leaking into his voice. Troi merely looked on with a twinkle in her eyes as she leaned against the communications console for support.
The pair of Battlecruisers had swung about in an attempt to outrun the sleek and Deadly Imperial Battleships. They had not been upgraded with the ISC’s new damper though, that was why they were in a scouting party and not part of the main offensive fleet. They were still faster than the Sovereigns that pursued them, but it was only by a slim margin. They were bathed in hellfire as Natasha and her fellow tactical officers unloaded their weapons into them. Volley after volley of deadly blue/white orbs spat from the Sovereign’s multiple foreword tubes and from the ventral turret. ECM caused only a handful to break lock, but the engagement range was so short that guidance corrections could be transmitted from the more powerful sensors and ECCM equipped motherships. None of the torpedoes missed their mark, crashing in on the helpless Battlecruisers like an avalanche. They were followed by every facing phaser array lancing into them. The discrepancy of allied firepower to enemy shield and armor strength was too great. The Imperials didn’t even need to fire the twin phaser lances the packed under their saucers, which would have been overkill on such overmatched opponents.
The Defiants chased down the Destroyers, tag teaming them with concentrated fire as they bobbed and weaved in evasive pursuit patters. Even though they proved tougher than earlier versions, they were still only Destroyers and they still were lacking in weapons upgrades. Their lone forward phased polaron beam and single fore and aft torpedo tube were no match for the more heavily armed and armored Imperial Destroyers. Double quad streams of amber PPC bolts backed up by triple torp quantum barrages punched through Dominion shields to gnaw at their lightly armored hides. Once this happened, the ships usually died rapidly, for they were not as toughly built as their Imperial opponents. The Dominion had always emphasized numbers over individual combat capability. It was a sound tactic given the near limitless supplies of troops they could grow, and was most evident in the design of their Destroyers. They were nimble, but weakly armed and armored, quickly built, useful in swarming tactics and the inevitable suicide runs the Jem’Hadar employed whenever they got the chance.
Though they had a slight numerical advantage over their Imperial opponents, they were at a distinct disadvantage where it really counted - tonnage. They were fighting against ships that were considerably outside their weight class, and thus the outcome was a forgone conclusion. The quartet of sleek Dominion Battlecruisers died in short order, forming star bright funeral pyres as their warp cores let go. Large chunks of their hulls remained, only to be largely claimed by secondary explosions as EPS grids and internal magazines let go.
The heavies in the enemy RIF squadron dispatched, the Imperial Battleships and Destroyers began to lend a hand with their powerful phaser arcs to the Defiants. The tough little ships had already taken a large bite out of the Jem’Hadar Destroyers, with more than half of their number atomized and fragmented wreckage. The enemy, sensing that the battle was well and thoroughly lost, spun almost as one to execute suicide runs on the Imperial capital ships. While this increased their threat level by several orders of magnitude, it also sent them into more predictable courses. Nearly all were flayed short of their intended targets.
Two Jem’Hadar Destroyers survived the storm of energy weapons and torpedo fire, though largely hulks by the time they impacted, to hit their targets. Their beetle like hulls, already venting plasma with molten pits on their outer surface from successful weapons strikes, slammed into a lone Sovereign almost side by side on her engineering hull. The kinetic strike of something that massive traveling at close to .7 c was bad enough for the already weakened shields, but combined with the near simultaneous detonation of the pairs warp cores and internal AM stores and torpedo magazines, proved deadly. Even ablative armor can only stand so much punishment, and the combined factors nearly proved too much for the ships defenses. Slipstream One was exposed to space and largely gutted. The core went critical, melting down to slag and taking quite a few of the surrounding compartments out with it. A giant, irregular, molten wound opened up on the engineering hull of the once proud ship. Bodies and other debris streamed aft of the stricken vessel like blood before internal bulkheads and emergency forcefields slammed the breach off from the rest of the ship. Running lights and the blue glow from her slipstream nacelles died as she lost over half of her power and a good portion of her secondary hull and its vital power distribution trunks. The ship slowed to a stop relative to the nearby stars as her Impulse drive went offline.
Then after a few seconds, Slipstream Two shouldered the full load for the surviving ship and the surviving engineering and damage control teams diverted power around destroyed compartments. Running lights came back on, as did the ships massive twin impulse engines, but her slipstream nacelles remained dark and dead, the port one trailing drive plasma from a large fracture about a third of the way up from the secondary hull juncture.
“Admiral, Vengeance reports that she has multiple hull breaches across her engineering hull and that her port warp pylon is fractured along the 27 frame.” One of the Flag Bridge officers reported to Riker even as his tactical plot subdivided to show the damage to his fellow ships. The Vengeance was the most badly hurt, but a number of the Defiants had also sustained moderate damage as they engaged over a third again their number before the rest of the Battlegroup lent them a hand.
“Order SAR teams out.” Riker ordered. “Once they have completed their search patterns, lock on the Vengeance with a tractor beam and engage for Bajor at max sustainable slipstream velocity.” There was a slight frown on his face as Thomas computed just how the word the damage to the Vengeance and other ships in his command for his after action report to Starfleet Command. Troi’s mind showed her an image of a hamster running furiously in its exercise wheel as she scrutinized her former lover from across the Flag Bridge. With another guffaw of laughter, she sauntered sultrily off of the bridge.
Imperial Space, Near the B’hava’el System
The Enterprise Battlegroup was on manuvers near the along the Cardassian/Imperial frontlines. Light raids were still sporadically launched by both sides, but till an appreciable fleet was built up, neither side possessed sufficient firepower to take and hold fresh systems without leaving others severely depleted in their mobile picket forces. That wasn’t a smart move, for both the Grand Alliance and the Empire had very good intelligence of each other’s space. The slightest sign of weakness would be pounced on merely to destroy infrastructure and ships even if the planet couldn’t be held. And there certainly couldn’t be any sign of weakness this close to the frontline of the war, especially since then Captain now Vice Admiral Ben Sisko had fought tooth and nail to halt a determined Cardassian advance on this sector.
Riker thought to himself, we should have exterminated the Cardassians when we had the chance, then we wouldn’t have the problem we’re now saddled with. We’re nearly completely encircled by hostile enemies, and they are nearly as strong together as we are alone. For now at least, for Second Fleet was only beginning its build up when the Enterprise and her fellow Sovereign class wing mates had shipped out to go on patrol along the Cardassian Front. Starfleet Command had left it up to Riker’s discretion weather or not the Battlegroup would attack the Cardies or not. He was most certainly authorized to engage any target of opportunity that presented itself, but he wasn’t to hazard his command needlessly. The bad hit morale would take with the destruction of the Enterprise would be a bad blow, especially if she died at the hands of the Grand Alliance.
His wool gathering was disrupted by a chime from his com. “Riker here, what is it.” He said after he swatted his combadge lazily.
“Admiral, there has been an Empire wide combat alert announced.” Lore’s voice said.
“Source?” The Admiral replied, the chance for combat piquing his interest. So far the patrol had been as uneventful as one before the recent unpleasantness with the Empire’s subject species. The Cardassians seemed to be unwilling to attack, perhaps they heard that the Enterprise was coming and wouldn’t dare attack her. Riker smiled at the thought, personally swelling his already puffed up ego even more.
“Starbase 2000 Sir, in the Delta Quadrant.” Lore replied nearly as soon as he finished.
“I know where the damned base is Captain!” Riker snapped.
“Yes sir, I apologize for seemingly implying different.” Thomas doubted that the golden android really was sorry, but his hollow words had been delivered quick enough to allow it to slide. Especially since Riker really didn’t know where the base was. Lore had been under his command long enough to supply little useful tidbits of information like that to his superiors that weren’t bright enough or just to lazy to keep them in their own memory. It was one of the useful tricks he had picked up during his career in Starfleet to help him advance in a society that was largely anti AI. Not that Lore could really blame them, with over 12 colonized worlds having their atmospheres burned away and their surfaces turned into a ebon, glassed version of Luna, before the errant M 5 computer and the old ISS Essex that housed her were finally brought down. The final death toll had been over a billion. No, the humans had every right to fear AIs, not that it made their fear of his own self more palatable, but at least Lore could understand their point of view.
That fear was what, among other things, made his ‘brothers’ in the D-class special ops Androids so scary. It was more what the public’s imagination made up than any official mission logs or factoids the Empire’s government had let slip for propaganda purposes that contributed to their mythos, just like the Furies.
“Wait a minute,” Riker said after a moments thought, “that’s the base that that little upstart Vanguard got sent to isn’t it?” The name seemed to surface from a half remembered report he had read a few days ago, something about nearly every flag rank officer in the entire sector being killed.
“Yes Admiral, Brevet Admiral Ulysses Vanguard is currently in charge of the entire sector around the Starbase. It is on his authority that the alert was issued.”
On the Enterprise’s Main Bridge, Lore’s exquisite hearing picked up Riker’s mumbling something about wet behind the ears upstart presuming that he could issue a Empire wide alert to possible hostilities with a major power.
Lore stamped down on his initial impulse to point out that being assigned command, however temporary, by the Emperor himself gave the ‘wet behind the ears upstart’ all the authority he needed. That also said nothing about the Lion of Terra he had been awarded, for Starfleet Command didn’t hand those things out like combadges. As much as he would personally love to show up his immediate superior, doing so would have an extremely detrimental effect on his further promotion. He was to wise on how to play the game to make that mistake. Instead he pretended not to hear Riker’s comment.
“Orders sir? Shall we take any special action over this alert?”
“No, anything happening out in the Delta quadrant can’t affect us here. Maintain scans of any Cardassian patrols nearby that we can take out. The Enterprise has spent too long in Sol system. With the upcoming offensive against the GA, I want to ensure our combat skills are every bit as good in actual practice as they are in the sims.”
“As the Admiral commands.”
The next hour, nothing unusual happened. Then in a sudden, widening flood, fragmentary reports and coms began to fill the subspace and hypercom channels. It took a while to sort them out into something resembling a complete picture, but it was rapidly clear that the Empire was under large scale attack.
“I want everything we have on the tactical abilities of the, what did they call them?” Riker said as further frantic coms were picked up by his ship.
“The Interstellar Concordium Tom.” A feminine voice said from behind him, while at the same time he felt a deceptively pleasant sort of pressure inside his head. Riker immediately schooled his expression to its usual cocky smile, hiding his surprise as Commissar Troi entered the Flag Bridge. That woman could sneak up on an Andorian neo-leopard. Riker focused on his anti-esper training, activating the learned techniques that were part of every Starfleet officers basic training. Eventually the pressure abated, but not before there was something of an amused laugh sent into his brain. Yes, Deanna had always enjoyed playing mind games. Originally Riker had been intrigued by it, but that was a long time ago. Now it was a potentially hazardous threat to his position.
“Yes, the Interstellar Concordium, that’s it.” Riker agreed. “I want a report on the past and projected current abilities ASAP.”
A young officer scurried to accommodate his Admiral’s wishes, scurrying out the door to head to CIC to get their analysis and access the library computer for historical battle logs to add to the report.
He was barely out the door when the red alert klaxon began to toll.
“Admiral,” Lore said, “sensors have spotted what appears to be a scouting party at extreme range. CIC puts it as 30 Jem’Hadar Destroyers and a double pair of Battlecruisers.”
“Finally some action! Order the Battlegroup to come about onto a heading…” Admiral Riker consulted his tactical repeater, “330 mark 23 and engage formation Riker Alpha at maximum warp. Riker to Commander LaForge, is there a volatile nebula nearby, or perhaps some way we could hack into the Dominions computer systems?” Both the Dominion and Imperial ships were brought out of warp by the activation of the Enterprise’s warp field inhibitor as their vectors intercepted. Knowing Riker’s preference towards a technological solution to combat, LaForge already had some possibilities lined up. He didn’t even start into his list before a burst of hearty laughter cut him off. Riker looked irritatedly at the source of the interruption. Deana could barely contain her mirth, but finally brought it back under control. The Enterprise shook as the first Dominion fire hit her.
“For the love of God Tom! Shoot them!”
Riker just looked back with a look of slight incomprehension. Troi rolled her eyes, he might have become even better looking since they had been together, but he was still dense as a brick in a combat situation. It was only due to the fact that he kissed all the appropriate asses in Starfleet Command that he had risen as high as he had.
“Oh Hell!” Troi said with another snort of laughter. She strode over to the communications console on the Flag Bridge. “This is the Flag to all units. Fire at will!”
Enterprise Main Bridge
“… Fire at will!” Troi’s voice said from the bridge speakers. Finally someone in command prodded some sense into Riker. Things on Enterprise just hadn’t been the same since Picard had been executed for treason. While Riker was an adequate officer in many respects, his combat instincts left much to be desired. Lore had been on the verge of ordering the Battlegroup to open fire on his own, and was thoroughly relived that someone higher up had done it for him.
Commander Yar needed no further prodding. The Enterprise had been steadily accruing shield damage while Riker made up his mind as to how to attack. The Battlegroup’s Sovereigns and escorting Defiants finally swung to the offense. The nimble and tough Defiants broke formation to chase down the Dominion Destroyers. The beetle shaped craft were every bit as maneuverable as their Imperial counterparts, but during the Imperial/Dominion war, they had proven easy meat to the one-two punch of PPC fire and Quantum torpedoes.
“CIC says the Dominion ships have higher capacity shield grids than known variants. They recommend concentrating fire to expedite taking them out.” Natasha said to the direct link to Flag Bridge even as she and the other Sovereigns birthed a firestorm of phasers targeting the first Dominion Battlecruiser. The 10 Prometheus class escorts the fleshed out the Battlegroup opened fire on the other enemy Battlecruiser, causing both Dominion vessels to be bathed in fire sufficient to rapidly shear away their shields.
Enterprise Flag Bridge
Riker was quietly seething that Deanna would usurp his rightful authority. He nearly missed Cmdr. Yar’s communiqué.
“Defiants coordinate fire in wing pairs, All Sovereigns and Prometheus’s, coordinate fire on the lead Battlecruiser.” He ordered, his anger leaking into his voice. Troi merely looked on with a twinkle in her eyes as she leaned against the communications console for support.
The pair of Battlecruisers had swung about in an attempt to outrun the sleek and Deadly Imperial Battleships. They had not been upgraded with the ISC’s new damper though, that was why they were in a scouting party and not part of the main offensive fleet. They were still faster than the Sovereigns that pursued them, but it was only by a slim margin. They were bathed in hellfire as Natasha and her fellow tactical officers unloaded their weapons into them. Volley after volley of deadly blue/white orbs spat from the Sovereign’s multiple foreword tubes and from the ventral turret. ECM caused only a handful to break lock, but the engagement range was so short that guidance corrections could be transmitted from the more powerful sensors and ECCM equipped motherships. None of the torpedoes missed their mark, crashing in on the helpless Battlecruisers like an avalanche. They were followed by every facing phaser array lancing into them. The discrepancy of allied firepower to enemy shield and armor strength was too great. The Imperials didn’t even need to fire the twin phaser lances the packed under their saucers, which would have been overkill on such overmatched opponents.
The Defiants chased down the Destroyers, tag teaming them with concentrated fire as they bobbed and weaved in evasive pursuit patters. Even though they proved tougher than earlier versions, they were still only Destroyers and they still were lacking in weapons upgrades. Their lone forward phased polaron beam and single fore and aft torpedo tube were no match for the more heavily armed and armored Imperial Destroyers. Double quad streams of amber PPC bolts backed up by triple torp quantum barrages punched through Dominion shields to gnaw at their lightly armored hides. Once this happened, the ships usually died rapidly, for they were not as toughly built as their Imperial opponents. The Dominion had always emphasized numbers over individual combat capability. It was a sound tactic given the near limitless supplies of troops they could grow, and was most evident in the design of their Destroyers. They were nimble, but weakly armed and armored, quickly built, useful in swarming tactics and the inevitable suicide runs the Jem’Hadar employed whenever they got the chance.
Though they had a slight numerical advantage over their Imperial opponents, they were at a distinct disadvantage where it really counted - tonnage. They were fighting against ships that were considerably outside their weight class, and thus the outcome was a forgone conclusion. The quartet of sleek Dominion Battlecruisers died in short order, forming star bright funeral pyres as their warp cores let go. Large chunks of their hulls remained, only to be largely claimed by secondary explosions as EPS grids and internal magazines let go.
The heavies in the enemy RIF squadron dispatched, the Imperial Battleships and Destroyers began to lend a hand with their powerful phaser arcs to the Defiants. The tough little ships had already taken a large bite out of the Jem’Hadar Destroyers, with more than half of their number atomized and fragmented wreckage. The enemy, sensing that the battle was well and thoroughly lost, spun almost as one to execute suicide runs on the Imperial capital ships. While this increased their threat level by several orders of magnitude, it also sent them into more predictable courses. Nearly all were flayed short of their intended targets.
Two Jem’Hadar Destroyers survived the storm of energy weapons and torpedo fire, though largely hulks by the time they impacted, to hit their targets. Their beetle like hulls, already venting plasma with molten pits on their outer surface from successful weapons strikes, slammed into a lone Sovereign almost side by side on her engineering hull. The kinetic strike of something that massive traveling at close to .7 c was bad enough for the already weakened shields, but combined with the near simultaneous detonation of the pairs warp cores and internal AM stores and torpedo magazines, proved deadly. Even ablative armor can only stand so much punishment, and the combined factors nearly proved too much for the ships defenses. Slipstream One was exposed to space and largely gutted. The core went critical, melting down to slag and taking quite a few of the surrounding compartments out with it. A giant, irregular, molten wound opened up on the engineering hull of the once proud ship. Bodies and other debris streamed aft of the stricken vessel like blood before internal bulkheads and emergency forcefields slammed the breach off from the rest of the ship. Running lights and the blue glow from her slipstream nacelles died as she lost over half of her power and a good portion of her secondary hull and its vital power distribution trunks. The ship slowed to a stop relative to the nearby stars as her Impulse drive went offline.
Then after a few seconds, Slipstream Two shouldered the full load for the surviving ship and the surviving engineering and damage control teams diverted power around destroyed compartments. Running lights came back on, as did the ships massive twin impulse engines, but her slipstream nacelles remained dark and dead, the port one trailing drive plasma from a large fracture about a third of the way up from the secondary hull juncture.
“Admiral, Vengeance reports that she has multiple hull breaches across her engineering hull and that her port warp pylon is fractured along the 27 frame.” One of the Flag Bridge officers reported to Riker even as his tactical plot subdivided to show the damage to his fellow ships. The Vengeance was the most badly hurt, but a number of the Defiants had also sustained moderate damage as they engaged over a third again their number before the rest of the Battlegroup lent them a hand.
“Order SAR teams out.” Riker ordered. “Once they have completed their search patterns, lock on the Vengeance with a tractor beam and engage for Bajor at max sustainable slipstream velocity.” There was a slight frown on his face as Thomas computed just how the word the damage to the Vengeance and other ships in his command for his after action report to Starfleet Command. Troi’s mind showed her an image of a hamster running furiously in its exercise wheel as she scrutinized her former lover from across the Flag Bridge. With another guffaw of laughter, she sauntered sultrily off of the bridge.
About time!
Finally we get a more detailed description and knowledge of the Mirror Universe Enterprise-E.
That evil Troi gives me the creeps. When I think of the normal Troi versus evil Troi....
I wonder, why doesn't the Empire has betazoids as commissars on all their ships? It'd help to sow out dissent. I wonder how Ulysses would fare if his commissar was a betazoid, or if it was Evil Troi sitting in Ulysses bridge?
Interesting idea, no?
Finally we get a more detailed description and knowledge of the Mirror Universe Enterprise-E.
That evil Troi gives me the creeps. When I think of the normal Troi versus evil Troi....

I wonder, why doesn't the Empire has betazoids as commissars on all their ships? It'd help to sow out dissent. I wonder how Ulysses would fare if his commissar was a betazoid, or if it was Evil Troi sitting in Ulysses bridge?
Interesting idea, no?

Actually, he was in the presence of a telepath before - she tried to probe him, and he stopped her cold, and that was one of the more powerful telepaths around 
It is in the first part of this Fanfic, the link is on this page, but here it is again:
http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... adid=34826

It is in the first part of this Fanfic, the link is on this page, but here it is again:
http://kier.3dfrontier.com/forums/showt ... adid=34826
- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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They could, but given that Imperial Starfleeters are given training in how to resist all but the most thorough (Think day long session, involving various drugs as well as a high powered telepath) mind probes, they wouldn't be of much use. Especially with Ulysses, as his secret Elaurian side gives him a pretty decent defense against telepathic probing. This was further enhanced by now Fleet Admiral T'var when she took him under her wing and taught him about the teachings of Spock.I wonder, why doesn't the Empire has betazoids as commissars on all their ships? It'd help to sow out dissent. I wonder how Ulysses would fare if his commissar was a betazoid, or if it was Evil Troi sitting in Ulysses bridge?
Interesting idea, no?
They are basically trained like Gul Ducat was, able to resist even a mind probe from a Vulcan with ease. This is good, considering the number of telepathic races they have encountered (basically most of those shown in cannon)
The main reason Troi can fiddle with Riker's mind like that is because they used to be lovers. She knows him quite well, and since she like's toying with her playthings... well you get the picture!

Oops. My bad.
Thanks for pointing that out, D Turtle.
This makes me wonder....
Phaser Lance – Essentially just a massively oversized phaser. Similar to the one under the future Enterprise-D’s saucer section in TNG “All Good Things”. Capable of punching through to the core of a planet in a single sustained shot, causing massive damage. Requires half a minute recharge time after full power continuous firing. Due to the large size of this weapon, only larger capital ships can mount it (Galaxy Class and upwards). Anything smaller than an Akira is completely destroyed by one shot, and most things the size of an Akira up to a Sovereign being hit by this weapon will suffer moderate to heavy damage and total loss of facing shields. Normal yield per beam is ~1000 GT.
How will this particular weapon fare aganist the Star Wars Empire?
Thanks for pointing that out, D Turtle.
This makes me wonder....
Phaser Lance – Essentially just a massively oversized phaser. Similar to the one under the future Enterprise-D’s saucer section in TNG “All Good Things”. Capable of punching through to the core of a planet in a single sustained shot, causing massive damage. Requires half a minute recharge time after full power continuous firing. Due to the large size of this weapon, only larger capital ships can mount it (Galaxy Class and upwards). Anything smaller than an Akira is completely destroyed by one shot, and most things the size of an Akira up to a Sovereign being hit by this weapon will suffer moderate to heavy damage and total loss of facing shields. Normal yield per beam is ~1000 GT.
How will this particular weapon fare aganist the Star Wars Empire?

- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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^ Some more goodies on the TE uni for your perusal Eaglewood, as well as all other interested parties. (for the large part totally made up by me, but for cannon ships I did try and stay close to their stats):
First off, a little fleet outline shown to approx scale (its rather big, so consider yourself warned 56kers!):
http://happytarget.50megs.com/terran%20 ... rison2.jpg
Manuver class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Shield class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Energy Weapon class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Torpedo Weapon class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Bastion Class Monitor (U)
70 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 1
Energy Weapons class 1
Torpedo Weapons class 1
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
4x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
2x Phaser Lance Type I aft
2x Heavy Photon Tube fore
1x Heavy Photon Tube aft
20x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Turrets
100x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
25x Quad Pulse Phaser Cannon Turrets
5000x Cobra Fighters
Multiphaseic cloaking device
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Enhanced structural integrity field
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Fleet suppression
Bastion Class Monitor
65 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 5
Shield class 1
Energy Weapons class 1
Torpedo Weapons class 1
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
4x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
2x Phaser Lance Type I aft
2x Heavy Photon Tube fore
1x Heavy Photon Tube aft
20x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Turrets
100x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
25x Quad Pulse Phaser Cannon Turrets
3000x Cobra Fighters
Multiphaseic cloaking device
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Enhanced structural integrity field
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Fleet suppression
Wraith (U) Super Dreadnought
74 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 2
Energy Weapons class 1.5
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
3x Phaser Lance Mk II foreword (port and starboard lances aligned 30 degrees off centerline)
1x Phaser Lance Type II aft
1x Heavy Photon tube foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube Aft
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets fore
2x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets aft
25x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
22x Phaser Arrays Type XV
50x Cobra Fighters
Phase cloaking
Standard cloaking
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic main and flag bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Shield strength 2x standard Wraith
Anti cloak sensor system
Enhanced SIF
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Wraith Super Dreadnought
69 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 2.5
Energy Weapons class 2
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube Aft
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets fore
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets aft
20x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
22x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
50x Cobra Fighters
Standard cloaking device
ECM drone racks
Holographic or standard wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Sovereign Class Battleship (U)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 2.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turret fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
10x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
7x Phaser Arrays Type XV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Sovereign Class Battleship
72 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 2.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Warp Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turret fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
7x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Galaxy Class Battleship (U)
73 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
10x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
9x Phaser Arrays Type XV
10x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Planetary assault, Ship of the Line
Galaxy Class Battleship
70 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Warp Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
9x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
10x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Planetary assault, Ship of the Line
Nebula Class Battlecruiser (Weapons Pod)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield Class 3.5
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
5x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
5x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Fire Support Ship
Nebula Class Battlecruiser (SWAC)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3.5
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class NA
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Spaceborn Warning and Control
Ambassador Class Battlecruiser
76 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
Warp Drive FTL
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIII
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Role – Light Battlecruiser
Excalibur Class Fleet Carrier
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
(Carrier Variant)
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 4
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
7x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
200x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Holo Main, Flight Ops and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
(Assault Carrier Variant)
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
2x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
9x Phaser Arrays Type XV
150x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Holo Main, Flight Ops and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Role – Fleet Fighter Carrier
Ark Royal Class Light Carrier
74 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4.5
Torpedo Weapons class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
5x Phaser Arrays Type XII
50x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Role – Light Fighter Carrier
Prometheus Class Battlecruiser
Note: Although MVAM does allow a Prometheus
to maneuver to attack an enemies blind spot or downed
shield, it does lower the overall shield strength of the
resulting 3 ships.
As a result, MVAM is only useful in certain situations.
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2 (joined configuration)
Shield class 3 (joined configuration)
Energy Weapons class 3.5 (joined configuration)
Torpedo Weapons class 3 (joined configuration)
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
MVAM Section 1
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
2x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
2x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
4x PPC fore
MVAM Section 2
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
MVAM Section 3
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4.5
Torpedo Weapons class 5
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
3x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Heavy Battlecruiser, Hunter Killer
Akira Class Heavy Cruiser (U)
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
6x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube port and starboard
4x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Fire Support Ship, Hunter Killer
Akira Class Heavy Cruiser
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
6x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube port and starboard
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Fire Support Ship, Hunter Killer
Excelsior Class Cruiser (U)
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 5
Torpedo Weapons class 4
Warp Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I fore
4x Phaser Arrays Type XII
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Bridge display
Ablative armor
Role – Scout and Patrol Cruiser
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 4
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
1x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM Drone Racks
Wrap around panel Bridge displays
Enhanced sensor arrays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Scout Cruiser
Intrepid Class Light Cruiser
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM Drone Racks
Standard Panel Bridge display
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Hunter Killer
Steamrunner Class Light Cruiser
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
4x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tubes fore
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Fire Support Ship
Soulwolf Class Heavy Destroyer
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
5x Phaser Arrays Type XV
4x PPC fore
1x Phaser Lance Type II fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Holo Bridge Display
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Hunter Killer
Achilles Class Destroyer
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 5
15x PPC Turrets
20x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Wrap around panel Bridge display
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Point Defense, Fighter Suppression
Aegean Class Destroyer
76 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XII
6x PPC Turrets
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Standard panel Bridge display
Remote shield reinforcement ability
Role – Fleet Support Ship
New Orleans Class Destroyer
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 5
Warp Drive FTL
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIII
3x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
3x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Fire Support Ship
Saber Class Frigate
79 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
3x Phaser Array Type XIV
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
Enhanced sensor array
Role – Recon and Patrol Ship
Defiant Class Frigate
80 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x PPC fore
3x Phaser Arrays Type XII
(Hunter Killer Configuration)
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
(Patrol Ship Configuration)
Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Hunter Killer, Patrol Ship
Nova Class Frigate
79 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x PPC fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
7x Phaser Arrays Type XII
(Hunter Killer Configuration)
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
(Patrol Ship Configuration)
Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Patrol Ship, Hunter Killer
Norway Class Frigate
73 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2.5
Shield Class 5
Warp Drive FTL
3x Phaser Arrays Type IX
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
Light Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge Display
Large shuttlebay for class
Role – Patrol and Police Frigate
Viper Class Assault Shuttle
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 0.5
Shield class 5.5
3x PPC fore
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Hyper Velocity Missile Racks fore
Light Ablative armor
Holo cockpit display
70 Power Armored Infantry capacity
Standard Cloaking Device
Ramjet/Turbine air breathing stealth engines
Swing Wings for low speed stealth approaches
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Cobra Class Space Superiority Fighter
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 0.5
Shield class 5.5
(Standoff Attack load out)
2x PPC
12x Quantum Torpedoes
(Close Attack load out)
6x PPC
(Space Superiority load out)
2x PPC
30x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedoes
Light Ablative armor
Holo cockpit display
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Danube Class Runabout
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 5.5
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Launcher fore
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Launcher aft
2x Phaser Arrays Type IX Fore
Light Ablative armor
First off, a little fleet outline shown to approx scale (its rather big, so consider yourself warned 56kers!):
http://happytarget.50megs.com/terran%20 ... rison2.jpg
Manuver class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Shield class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Energy Weapon class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Torpedo Weapon class - Good(1) > Bad(5)
Bastion Class Monitor (U)
70 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 1
Energy Weapons class 1
Torpedo Weapons class 1
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
4x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
2x Phaser Lance Type I aft
2x Heavy Photon Tube fore
1x Heavy Photon Tube aft
20x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Turrets
100x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
25x Quad Pulse Phaser Cannon Turrets
5000x Cobra Fighters
Multiphaseic cloaking device
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Enhanced structural integrity field
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Fleet suppression
Bastion Class Monitor
65 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 5
Shield class 1
Energy Weapons class 1
Torpedo Weapons class 1
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
4x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
2x Phaser Lance Type I aft
2x Heavy Photon Tube fore
1x Heavy Photon Tube aft
20x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Turrets
100x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
25x Quad Pulse Phaser Cannon Turrets
3000x Cobra Fighters
Multiphaseic cloaking device
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Enhanced structural integrity field
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Fleet suppression
Wraith (U) Super Dreadnought
74 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 2
Energy Weapons class 1.5
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
3x Phaser Lance Mk II foreword (port and starboard lances aligned 30 degrees off centerline)
1x Phaser Lance Type II aft
1x Heavy Photon tube foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube Aft
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets fore
2x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets aft
25x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
22x Phaser Arrays Type XV
50x Cobra Fighters
Phase cloaking
Standard cloaking
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
ECM drone racks
Holographic main and flag bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Shield strength 2x standard Wraith
Anti cloak sensor system
Enhanced SIF
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Wraith Super Dreadnought
69 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 2.5
Energy Weapons class 2
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube foreword
1x Heavy Photon tube Aft
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets fore
4x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turrets aft
20x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
22x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
50x Cobra Fighters
Standard cloaking device
ECM drone racks
Holographic or standard wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Anti cloak sensor system
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Sovereign Class Battleship (U)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 2.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turret fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
10x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
7x Phaser Arrays Type XV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Sovereign Class Battleship
72 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 2.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Warp Drive FTL
2x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Turret fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
7x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Ship of the Line
Galaxy Class Battleship (U)
73 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
10x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
9x Phaser Arrays Type XV
10x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Planetary assault, Ship of the Line
Galaxy Class Battleship
70 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3
Warp Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I foreword
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
9x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
10x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Wrap around panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Auto modulating regenerative shield grid
Role – Planetary bombardment, Planetary assault, Ship of the Line
Nebula Class Battlecruiser (Weapons Pod)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield Class 3.5
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
5x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
5x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Fire Support Ship
Nebula Class Battlecruiser (SWAC)
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 3
Shield class 3.5
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class NA
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Long range anti cloak sensor system
Role – Spaceborn Warning and Control
Ambassador Class Battlecruiser
76 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
Warp Drive FTL
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst Fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIII
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Role – Light Battlecruiser
Excalibur Class Fleet Carrier
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 3
(Carrier Variant)
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 4
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
7x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
200x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Holo Main, Flight Ops and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
(Assault Carrier Variant)
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
2x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
9x Phaser Arrays Type XV
150x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Holo Main, Flight Ops and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Role – Fleet Fighter Carrier
Ark Royal Class Light Carrier
74 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 4
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4.5
Torpedo Weapons class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
5x Phaser Arrays Type XII
50x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Role – Light Fighter Carrier
Prometheus Class Battlecruiser
Note: Although MVAM does allow a Prometheus
to maneuver to attack an enemies blind spot or downed
shield, it does lower the overall shield strength of the
resulting 3 ships.
As a result, MVAM is only useful in certain situations.
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2 (joined configuration)
Shield class 3 (joined configuration)
Energy Weapons class 3.5 (joined configuration)
Torpedo Weapons class 3 (joined configuration)
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
MVAM Section 1
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 3.5
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
2x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
2x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
4x PPC fore
MVAM Section 2
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 3.5
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Burst fire Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
MVAM Section 3
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4.5
Torpedo Weapons class 5
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
3x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Heavy Battlecruiser, Hunter Killer
Akira Class Heavy Cruiser (U)
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 3
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
6x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube port and starboard
4x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo/dual PPC turrets
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Fire Support Ship, Hunter Killer
Akira Class Heavy Cruiser
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
6x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube port and starboard
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Main and Flag Bridge displays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Fire Support Ship, Hunter Killer
Excelsior Class Cruiser (U)
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 5
Torpedo Weapons class 4
Warp Drive FTL
1x Phaser Lance Type I fore
4x Phaser Arrays Type XII
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM drone racks
Standard panel Bridge display
Ablative armor
Role – Scout and Patrol Cruiser
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 4
Quantum Slipstream Drive FTL
5x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
1x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM Drone Racks
Wrap around panel Bridge displays
Enhanced sensor arrays
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Scout Cruiser
Intrepid Class Light Cruiser
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Energy Weapons class 4
Torpedo Weapons class 2
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
ECM Drone Racks
Standard Panel Bridge display
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Role – Hunter Killer
Steamrunner Class Light Cruiser
75 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2
Shield class 4
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XIV
4x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tubes fore
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Fire Support Ship
Soulwolf Class Heavy Destroyer
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
5x Phaser Arrays Type XV
4x PPC fore
1x Phaser Lance Type II fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk II
Holo Bridge Display
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Hunter Killer
Achilles Class Destroyer
78 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 5
15x PPC Turrets
20x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Turrets
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Wrap around panel Bridge display
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Role – Point Defense, Fighter Suppression
Aegean Class Destroyer
76 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
6x Phaser Arrays Type XII
6x PPC Turrets
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Burst Fire Tube aft
5x Cobra Fighters
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators Mk I
Standard panel Bridge display
Remote shield reinforcement ability
Role – Fleet Support Ship
New Orleans Class Destroyer
77 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 5
Warp Drive FTL
4x Phaser Arrays Type XIII
3x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
3x Quantum Torpedo Tubes aft
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Fire Support Ship
Saber Class Frigate
79 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
3x Phaser Array Type XIV
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
Enhanced sensor array
Role – Recon and Patrol Ship
Defiant Class Frigate
80 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube aft
4x PPC fore
3x Phaser Arrays Type XII
(Hunter Killer Configuration)
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
(Patrol Ship Configuration)
Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Hunter Killer, Patrol Ship
Nova Class Frigate
79 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1.5
Shield class 4.5
Warp Drive or QSS Drive FTL
5x PPC fore
2x Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
7x Phaser Arrays Type XII
(Hunter Killer Configuration)
Standard Cloaking Device
EMC Drone Racks
Ablative armor
Ablative armor generators
Standard panel Bridge display
(Patrol Ship Configuration)
Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge display
Role – Patrol Ship, Hunter Killer
Norway Class Frigate
73 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 2.5
Shield Class 5
Warp Drive FTL
3x Phaser Arrays Type IX
1x Quantum Torpedo Tube fore
Light Ablative armor
Standard panel Bridge Display
Large shuttlebay for class
Role – Patrol and Police Frigate
Viper Class Assault Shuttle
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 0.5
Shield class 5.5
3x PPC fore
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Tubes fore
4x Hyper Velocity Missile Racks fore
Light Ablative armor
Holo cockpit display
70 Power Armored Infantry capacity
Standard Cloaking Device
Ramjet/Turbine air breathing stealth engines
Swing Wings for low speed stealth approaches
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Cobra Class Space Superiority Fighter
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 0.5
Shield class 5.5
(Standoff Attack load out)
2x PPC
12x Quantum Torpedoes
(Close Attack load out)
6x PPC
(Space Superiority load out)
2x PPC
30x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedoes
Light Ablative armor
Holo cockpit display
Standard cloaking device
Holographic chameleon outer hull mesh
Danube Class Runabout
81 PSL max rated STL velocity
Maneuver class 1
Shield class 5.5
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Launcher fore
2x Phalanx Micro Quantum Torpedo Launcher aft
2x Phaser Arrays Type IX Fore
Light Ablative armor
- Illuminatus Primus
- All Seeing Eye
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- Joined: 2002-10-12 02:52pm
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I wish you wouldn't let the vs. debates pollute the storyline. The idea that the same kind of ships as the real universe suddenly can unleash gigatons and take gigatons is very unrealistic, esp. given it took SW over 25,000 years to reach the technology it has. It is stronger than Trek for a reason: it is enormously older. The idea Trek could have made similar bounds in a few hundred years is kind of wankery.HappyTarget wrote: Well, I partly set up their firepower levels with just such a comparison in mind (though the highend numbers sometimes used in both TOS and the odd time in DS9 also gave me a basis that is somewhat backed up by fact). While for the most part, the Terran Empire verse's firepower is slightly behind that of the ICS numbers, they do have weapons systems that should give em a fairly level playing field (like phasers that visibly propagate at C just like in TOS, better tactics, more extensive use of ECM tech, use of possible ground combat tech, ect. I also have some totally made up weapons systems that are about to be unleashed from Imperial R&D that should make the mix even more interesting.
But I love the storyline, I just feel you would've done best to not allow the vs. debates to affect your firepower ratings and power of Starfleet ideas.
Also it really is basically impossible for as much power as your mirror Trek uses to be generated by normal M/AM annhiliation.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

- HappyTarget
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 439
- Joined: 2003-01-29 08:24pm
- Location: Michigan USA
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Well, from my pov it really hasn't polluted the story line. I love Star Wars, and I wanted to create a Trek universe that was more like the Galactic Empire.I wish you wouldn't let the vs. debates pollute the storyline. The idea that the same kind of ships as the real universe suddenly can unleash gigatons and take gigatons is very unrealistic, esp. given it took SW over 25,000 years to reach the technology it has. It is stronger than Trek for a reason: it is enormously older. The idea Trek could have made similar bounds in a few hundred years is kind of wankery.
Like I said before, I'm basically taking the high end of TOS numbers and using them as a baseline. Things like the Connie depopulating a planet in minutes, and considering that the quickest way to get through a theatre shield would be to cut through the far side of the planet (only reason given that they didn't was because said assault would kill Kirk and Spock). This gives a ridiculously high firepower levels, which I used as my base. Given a third of a galaxy to draw from, and near 300 years of constant warfare, I feel secure that weapons of war would evolve from that basis into something similar to what I have stated.
Also it really is basically impossible for as much power as your mirror Trek uses to be generated by normal M/AM annhiliation.
My warp cores are not normal M/AM annhiliation warp cores. As has been hinted at in some cannon eppisodes, Dilithium has a larger part to do with the power generation than merely sitting there looking pretty. Also, given that I am using high end TOS for a base, and they used a warp core for power, there's apparently a lot more going on in the core than mere M/AM reactions.
About the only thing that can't be reasoned away is the Heavy Photon. I just pulled a number out of my but for that one, did no calcs to see just how much a near 95% directed M/AM annilation would cause.
And its slowly becoming a moot point, because most ships are being switched over to slipstream cores. ([Shrug] Its sci-fi with quasi science, not hard science sci-fi. As long as you are enjoying the stories, that's all that really matters)
Well the vs. debates only affected my take on firepower numbers slightly. Its mainly that I took the largest numbers for firepower shown in canon, then developed them with over 300 years of constant refinement. Some of the things I have planned for them to do required a high end figure for weapons to compete on a near level playing field, hence why I took the path I did.But I love the storyline, I just feel you would've done best to not allow the vs. debates to affect your firepower ratings and power of Starfleet ideas.