I don't know how reliable The Sun is. The report seems a bit confused, as it describes three years as a single "season". Nonetheless it would be nice if they could recover more episodes.Zimbabwe 'hoarding lost 'Who' episodes'
Friday, February 20 2009, 6:25am EST
By Lara Martin
Zimbabwe has been accused of hoarding long-lost episodes of Doctor Who, reports The Sun.
The BBC destroyed several early editions of the cult show in the 1960s and 1970s in order to make room for new programming.
However, the African nation is believed to have bought the first season of the programme, which ran from 1963 until 1966 and starred William Hartnell.
"We have looked all over the world for missing Doctor Who episodes but there are still some broadcasters we have not spoken to," revealed an unnamed BBC source. "Zimbabwe could prove a problem as there is so much red tape."
President Robert Mugabe has banned BBC personnel from entering the country, which has reportedly led the corporation to fear that they might never retrieve the missing serials.
Around 108 out of 752 episodes are believed to be missing. The most famous and sought-after is episode four of The Tenth Planet, which depicts Hartnell transforming into the second Doctor, Patrick Troughton.
Previously forgotten episodes have been uncovered in New Zealand, Hong Kong and through private collections. In 1983, two early outings were found at a car boot sale being sold for £8 each.
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