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Post by haas mark »


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Post by Mr Bean »

From a avarage IQ of 100 being an AOL memeber on avarage knocks another 20 off the top

USA Today Polls and Newsweek Polls show 80%+ Support for going with another 60%+ saying even without the UN

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Go for it.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

*recoils in horror at the sight of AOL*

But seriously, Smack Iraq.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Just for people to understand here

Polling AOL users is like Polling fokes who devote 10% of their income to lottery tickets

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Post by Ted »

Mr Bean wrote:Its AOL
From a avarage IQ of 100 being an AOL memeber on avarage knocks another 20 off the top

USA Today Polls and Newsweek Polls show 80%+ Support for going with another 60%+ saying even without the UN
Actually, USA Today had a poll with only 30% for a war without the UN, 30% for no war at all, and 40% UN support.

This was on Monday, or last Friday.
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Post by kojikun »

I say we conspire with various nations to make it look like Iraq launched SCUDs one them. Then declaring war would be defensive. No problem. Just dont get caught
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I'm more surpirsed at the 15% undecided group. Can't AOLers grow a spine, or at the very least fashion one out of some carboard tubes, thumb-tacks, and masking tape?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Actually, USA Today had a poll with only 30% for a war without the UN, 30% for no war at all, and 40% UN support.

This was on Monday, or last Friday.
Only without the UN? I find that highly unbelivable considering USA Today has run the same poll for the past eight months

Same questionss

Should the US take action in Iraq?

Should we still go if the UN does not support it?
Yes we should go even without the support of the UN
No we must have UN support

After the State of the Union adress "Yes" was at 81% and Even without the UN was nearly sixty percent

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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote:I'm more surpirsed at the 15% undecided group. Can't AOLers grow a spine, or at the very least fashion one out of some carboard tubes, thumb-tacks, and masking tape?
Here's one I prepared earlier?

Personally I say let the inspectors finish thier work....then consider opening a can of whoop ass.....its not like shrub has the moral high ground really.....I mean he's in power in equally dubious means....and he's got massive stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction....and he's got a lot of people on staff who made a hobby of screwing with soverign nations in the umm....other than a couple of atrocities he's right up there with saddam.....
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I say let the inspectors finish their work in Iraq. If no WMDs are found, remove Saddam from power in a way without war, such as a diplomatic solution, or military troops to enforce fair elections. If WMDs are found, action should be taken.
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Post by Mr Bean »

You seriously think 20 Guys in some Vans are gonna find WMD?

Escpilly when they annoce where they are going to the Iraq goverment everytime they leave the Hotel?
Nevermind they need a couple of YEARS to search the entire country, nevermind the Moble labs that picutres were release of today

You don't go to all this fucking trouble to hide shit that does not exist

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Post by Stravo »

Ahem....I'm an AOL user, Bean. :wink:

And I say we HAVE to go in but that view is very well documented.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Ahem....I'm an AOL user, Bean
My respect for you <--------|--->
After that comment <------|----> :P

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I am temporarily using AOL until I get cable back
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Today at the UN, Colin Powell bitchslapped Iraq. He might as well have given the Iraqi delegate the finger while tossing water on him.
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Post by Kuja »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Today at the UN, Colin Powell bitchslapped Iraq. He might as well have given the Iraqi delegate the finger while tossing water on him.
I caught a bit of that. It was interesting.
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Post by Kuja »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Today at the UN, Colin Powell bitchslapped Iraq. He might as well have given the Iraqi delegate the finger while tossing water on him.
I caught a bit of that. It was interesting.
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Post by Ted »

Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
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Post by Baron Mordo »

Mr Bean wrote:Polling AOL users is like Polling fokes who devote 10% of their income to lottery tickets
Now that's a tithe.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Hey, I AM an AoL user! So fuck off. I also did not catch that pole. Shoot em all, and let God sort em out.

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Post by Captain tycho »

Mr Bean wrote:
Ahem....I'm an AOL user, Bean
My respect for you <--------|--->
After that comment <------|----> :P
My respect for you: <------------|-->
And then after that comment: <--|--------> :D
Sorry man.
AOL users suck.
Except you.
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