The only explanation I've thought of that doesn't make Saren and Sovereign look like complete retards is that Saren didn't want to help Sovereign kill everyone and was stalling as long as possible. By keeping Sovereign focused on finding the Conduit (something which only a few objects/people could help him find), he bought himself time to figure out the indoctrination. By the time he was completely dominated (which seemed to be around Noveria), he didn't have any other choice. Then again, how they found Ilos without Liara still confuses me. I assume the Geth may have found it on their own.Tolya wrote:Im still not convinced. Saren, being a Spectre, could do it before the Council was alerted to his actions. He could go anywhere and do everything. So why couldn't he just take a hike to the council chambers at night when most of the inhabitants were asleep, hijack the citadel station and open it for Sovereign?
The other issue could have been C-Sec. Although Commander Shepard (even before becoming a Spectre) could go anywhere on the Citadel, that seems to be a game contrivance. Anderson was shot by a C-Sec officer (if you so choose) by being in an area you could walk to 100 times without even seeing a C-Sec officer. Saren may have had issues accessing the Citadel control system for the amount of time needed to let Sovereign in and close the station. We also don't know if the standard Citadel fleet couldn't have handled Sovereign without the Geth fleet there to kick ass. The human fleet tore him up, but this wasn't the entire Alliance armada from what I know. Although I think they do call it a "Sector Fleet," but I never read up on the fluff for that.
So, basically what it boils down to is if Saren fails, Sovereign has to fight off an entire fleet by himself, kills any chance at a surprise attack (which is stupid because just being in existance and using Mass Relays should have had a task force trying to find out what that big fucking ship is), and the Reapers are stuck out in "Dark Space" while he's being hunted down. Even if he succeeds, the amount of time needed to bring in the other reapers could give the organics the time they need to wipe out data and abandon the citadel. Whether or not the council would be smart enough to wipe the computers isn't known, but Sovereign likely didn't want to take the chance.
Since the connecting relay was a "scale model" of a full-sized relay on display at the Presidium, they may have been linked together only. But this doesn't explain why the Prothean scientist couldn't just ride it back to Ilos.White Haven wrote:And that's ignoring the whole 'We made all the original Mass Relays, bitches' bit. Big whup, there's one you didn't make, but you know how they work, probably better than the Protheans ever hoped to. Build a fucking Conduit of your own and aim it at Citadel Station if it's that important to you.