Murazor wrote:The intent of the original thread seems to be about the technical perspective, since no one has bothered to deny that the ICS books have great artwork.
The problem I find with discussing "technical" matters in this context is that it a.) requires people to be very well read on the EU which is rare (I've read everything novel-related up to LOTF, for example, so I am quite familiar with many aspects of the EU on a technical standpoint) and b.) it often depends on the person's knowledge. The more knowledgable about things a person is the better they are at grasping or analyzing techni8cal implications (I know for example that I dont have some of the knowledge that some people, like Mike or Ender do, and that limits my ability to do analysis, and to comment on it, properly.)
More often than not you'll have people falling into either or both category, and that will invariably shape their "view" on Star Wars (or other sci fi). Sci fi analysis isn't a simple thing to do, its incredibly time consuming and complex, but many people insist on trying ot simplify something you can't really simplify.
Regarding the second question, it is more about whether the ICS works in combination with the rest of SW media (both movies and EU) or if it stands out as an outlier.
The E U doesn't even work with itself always. Its a massive kludge. This is what happens when you have too many authors trying ot present
their own views on SW as opposed to say waht Lucas does (wo doesnt help matters, I should add.) KJA had his own view, Kube MacDowell (Iblack fleet Crisis) had his own view, Zahn did, the lay who wrote Children of the Jedi and Planet of Twilight did, ,etc. et.c etc...
Authors always bring their own viewpoints into canon, you can't get away from that and its not just restricted to the ICSes (though usualyl when you get ICS you suually find its talking about the AOTC: ICSes and Curtis in particular.)
I have this same particular problem in 40K, but its less pronounced because its more of a fragmented society than SW is.
In these cases you really need to take a VERY VERY Broad approach in your look at the EU as a whole. You can't just look at particular novels, or books, or anything. Its not neccesarily particular or individual sourecs that give the authenticity (the numbers in the ICS HELP, of course, but they aren't the be-all/end all. They're just the simplest/most direct reference, and even then you need to do a bit of extrapolation.) These aren't things you can simplify into a "yes/no" answer or even a single post response (though I know many people will regardless, - its like po litics that way.)
Murazor wrote:The only guy whom I do mention is the OP creator in Spacebattles. Considering that I am quoting him verbatim and that is unusually stern in matters involving plagiarism, I decided to play it safe.
Call me a pussy, if you must.
I don't think you can really be accused of "plagarism" if you aren't trying to pass the work off as yourself or your own views or judgements or whatever. People cut/paste referencee what others say elsewhere all the time. Hell, *I* do it. As long as you give credit (or at least note that its not your work but you aren't bringing up names for some valid reason) it should be okay.
And if bringing up the issue with the Acclamators is a way of asking my position, let me quote my post in the Spacebattles thread.
Me wrote:Voted No.
Not because I hate the ICS or something like that. I actually own the OTL ICS and was never involved in the original STvsSW debate that the AotC ICS killed for all intents and purposes. But because I don't feel that the ICS is a good match with the rest of SW and particularly the EU.
I wouldn't mind if it did. I actually write my fics using the ICS paradigm. But as things stand, I must say that the PT ICS do not match very well at all with about 99% of the Expanded Universe.
I have to ask, how
much of the EU have you read, and here I include comic books, technical guides (essential guides, SWTJ,) game stuff (video and or RPG sources), etc. etc. As I noted above, exposure really influences that, as does personal knoweldge/education (I know you do some quasi-analysis, I'm sure you know how time consuming it is and how difficult it can be to explain something to a dense person.)
Regarding the Acclamators, I can think of a number of reasons for the apparent lack of naval weaponry seen in The Clone Wars so far, from a simple screw-up of the animators (the design of the Munificent bridge was completely different in the movies, IIRC) to an unarmed version of the Acclamator frame (I know that there are at least a couple of known Acclamator variants and Anakin's Venators were supposed to deal with the blockade on their own, so if the landing ships weren't expected to take part in the naval action, it is reasonable that Windu would pick the versions of the ship that offer the most internal space devated to transport of troops/weapons).
Acclamators in AOTC didn't appear to have weaponry either. One might assume they eitehr retract in, or there are some variants that may not be armed. Or perhaps the ships that landed weren't carrying heavy guns (there was a battle in space, perhaps there were armed vessels up there)