Don't moan about it as if it's unavoidable then, I've just won as the BE with it on.And I do know there is an automanage feature, but since the auto manage feature has almost universally sucked in every TW game to date, be damned if i'm trying it just to get bit in the arse again.
Actually my example was Poland, I was referring to the minor states, Sweden is another example, and this includes the small states. It's obviously not worth CA customising armies for fucking Hannover or Savoy or something. The only ones most people are going to be bothered about are Britain, France, Spain, Prussia and Russia.It's funny that anybody could consider fucking Prussia, France or Spain to be "whoever"
They even customised the box art for each of the major countries, which hardly indicates no effort.
A few people here seem to have been expecting some sort of realistic 18th century simulation; look elsewhere. Oh wait, there isn't such a game, on account of the audience doesn't exist. If they DID make one you'd probably STILL moan that the Prussian Guards hats were the wrong shade of beige anyway.
At it's heart, the game is a mass-seller RTS. It has to be accessible and enjoyable, so shoving complex naval crap in it is counter-productive, and the proportion of the audience who give a shit about whether the Swedish Polar Bear Patrol is correctly represented isn't enough for CA to expend the resources in including them.
Another random bug, when I set mortars to fire standard shot, they tend to hit the ground then bounce straight back up into oblivion