But today, I have recieved word from the head of the project. He had recieved an email from Wizards of the Coast today, the contents of which follow:
We have contacted Mr. Salvadore about this, and he replied personally, but unfortunately, he has no control over this. This means that hundreds of hours of work put in on models, music, voicing, and script-writing have been towards a lost cause.--You can't use any of our copyrighted graphics, but you can take the stories and rewrite them in such a way that they can't really be considered copying. You can use certain plot elements and themes from the books.
--Unfortunately, you cannot use the names and events for something that will be publically distributed, even if it is not for profit.
Words can't really say how I feel right now, much less how my friend, who had spearheaded all this, feels... I just needed to type this down, and have someone see it.