There's a big house next to my house and it was abandoned for several years but was kept in quite good conditions over years.
I was always wondering who could be the owner...
Nobody cared for the grass in front of the house so, generally I cut it.
Yesterday evening I was driving home and at the corner I spotted a big bus and several cars parking at this house.
There were approx. 30 people walking in and out of the building.
I was curious. Afterall it's in my neighbourhood.
So I parked my car at my house and walked to the people.
They were carrying big boxes to the building so I thought they the haulers.
When I got to them a women approached with a smile on his face and asked:
"Are you here for the inauguration? It will be only at 20:00..."
Now I was more curious so I asked:
"For what? For God's sake what kind inauguration are you talking about?"
The smile disappeared from her face and she said:
"Do not take God's name in vain..."
I felt something is just not right here. I become suspicious...and she continued:
"We're Jehova's Witnesses. We will inaugurate our new community building -or something- at 20:00."
I stand there and the world begun to collapse in my mind...
Things to do for today:
1. Entrench my garden
2. Lay minefields at the fence
3. Jam their communication
4. Connect the electric wire to the door bell's push button
5. Signal the local Satan sect that I'm making a barbecue party on the weekend