Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Update!)

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Majin Gojira
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Okay. I won't.

I guess making faces behind Senator Kinsey's back is another "No" in your book. At least, I hope it's not.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by al103 »

Majin Gojira wrote: I guess making faces behind Senator Kinsey's back is another "No" in your book. At least, I hope it's not.
If she will know Kinsey better? Nanoha is serious 9 y.o... but she is 9y.o. and Kinsey can make her shot him, not just make some faces... He is exactly type of person she can easily hate... and will.
Proud Nanoha/Yuuno/Fate, Caro/Elio/Lutecia, Alto/Sheril/Ranka and Honor/Hamish/Emily shipper. Last one even canon.

PS. Also support canon Nanoha/job, Honor/job and semicanon Rein/Agito.
PPS. In process of considering reborn Sankt Kaizer/reborn GEoM.
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

{{Mission 2}}
{{The Lost City}}
Slowly but surely, new allies and international aid were being transferred to the SGC to combat the growing threat of Anubis. Nanoha had contacted the TSAB, who would send over a battleship, the Asura, to aid in planetary defense as well as try to halt Anubis’ misuse of Lost Logia. However, the Asura was over a week away at top speed, and since Anubis’ attack on the SGC, he had begun stepping up his plans and gathering his fleet.

The Asura would help, but it wouldn’t solve the problem. Daniel’s research had possibly uncovered a Mulian Repository, which Daniel believed held the location of a vast repository of their technology: the Lost City. Jack wasn’t exactly thrilled by the prospect given that one had nearly killed him last time, but these were desperate times. The TSAB wasn’t too happy with the idea of searching for a Lost Logia to combat the use of Lost Logia. This was despite assurances from the SGC that they would not use any Lost Logia found unless it was absolutely necessary.

The mission was decided on rather quickly. SG-2, 3 and 5 would be backing SG-1 as well as one representative from UNIT and one from the TSAB.

Which meant Nanoha would be going with them. Jack wasn’t happy about that in the slightest and prayed that the trip was uneventful.

Dr. Elizabeth Weir, on the other hand, was nearly overcome with nervousness. She had done tough negotiations before between warring states in North Africa and other hostile situations involving opposing civilizations and societies—even those that accused her of being a continuation of the so-called “white man’s burden” method of thought. She worried, however, that she might not be up to this task. The existence of the Stargate was quite a shock: a secret program of interstellar travel and contact with alien societies and life forms was an amazing concept. Then they told her of the secrets cultures and worlds existing right under her nose on earth: costumed vigilantes; alternate dimensions; lost worlds; and magic. Real magic. To make things worse, the entire SGC had received a rundown of alien life forms that had been in contact with earth in the past that they hadn’t even heard of yet, nearly tripling the total workload.

She was going to be at the forefront of it, negotiating with alien cultures from worlds away and dealing with a mix of people who understood, at best, half the depth of what was going on at the moment.

And now she was in an elevator with Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman. Or, what she was told was Wonder Woman. The woman in the elevator with her certainly had the build of an Olympic athlete and stood a good 6ft tall. The thing that threw the image off was that the woman’s hair was cropped short and blonde. Further, she was wearing standard military fatigues with United Nations insignias. Though, to her credit, she did have a golden lasso holstered on her right, as well as large metal bracers on her forearms.

Dr. Weir swallowed as quietly as she could, but still got a glance from the amazon. The pressure of her new job couldn’t be distracted for long.

“So,” Dr. Weir said, “Are you really—”

“Yes,” She answered quickly, “But please call me Cassie. Or Captain Trevor, whichever you prefer.”

“Captain Trevor, then,” Dr. Weir said, “Sorry, but I had to ask.”

“No worries. It comes with the territory.”

Dr. Weir waited a moment before she said, “I still can’t believe all this.”

“Reality tends to be unrealistic at times,” Captain Trevor smiled lightly, “Still, you do get used to it.”

“I’m almost afraid of that,” Dr. Weir said as the elevator opened.

Taking command with a mission already in progress wasn’t an easy proposition. Especially with how the Goa’uld were described by most everyone she talked to. Accepting a large group as so blindly evil was not something she was going to take lightly.

“Refresh my memory,” Dr. Weir turned to the Amazon, “Are there any known aliens out there who aren’t outright hostile or aggressive? “

“A lot are, but we do have friends out there. It’s just that, in comparison, the indifferent, the hostile and the predatory outnumber the openly friendly.”

“Predatory?” Dr. Weir asked.

“Sorry, it’s my own definition,” Captain Trevor said, “Basically for beings that view humanity as either a resource or a literal prey item. But, really, it’s the ones that are utterly indifferent that I watch out for.”

“Why is that?”

“Indifference is a varied thing. Some races like the ones on Mars are stuck dealing with their own problems to even begin worrying about the rest of the galaxy. Others, like the Nox, are pacifists or have policies of non-interference. But the truly indifferent ones treat sentient life as we would insects.” She shuddered for a moment, “and some of them are beings of immense power.”

Dr. Weir wondered what she was getting herself into.

Nanoha was quite surprised going through the Stargate, and almost tripped coming out. Jack caught her before she fell.

“Thank you, Colonel O’Neil,” She smiled looking up at him.

Nanoha raised Raising Heart into the air; it called out, “Wide Area Search.” Instantly, four pink spheres appeared around her: three darted away in different directions while the fourth remained.

“Alright people,” Jack said, “let’s go.”

The SG teams began to set up defensive lines, one soldier gave Captain Trevor an odd look as she checked over the weapon she held that was equal parts grenade launcher and machine gun. Just thinking about the kick the weapon would have gave the shoulder pain. Whatever it was, it looked like it would be at more at home mounted than in the arms of a soldier, but she slung the 30mm weapon as though it were .22.

It wasn’t that long of a hike, but Nanoha decided to fly to the location ahead of them. Jack thought she was just showing off—or having fun. He couldn’t exactly blame her for doing it that much. He would if he could.

She had landed by the time they got there; the small light probe circled the tremendous statue of a seated, Zeus-like figure.

“I’m sorry,” Nanoha said, “I hoped I could find it before you got here.”

Carter told her not to worry, but an hour later, they still hadn’t found anything. Daniel studied a column inscribed with text for what must have been the third time as Nanoha slowly traced her staff over the bulk of the structure with Carter’s instruments doing the same in the opposite direction.

Jack walked up to Daniel and said, “You know we've searched this place up and down.”

“I know.” Daniel answered as Jack glanced quickly at his watch.

“We could have Goa'uld on our collective a--,” Jack shot a glance back to Nanoha, “--er, butts, any minute now.”

“I know,” Daniel sighed, “According to the text on this column, its inside.”

“Inside you say?” Jack resisted the urge to tap the structure as he closed in on Daniel, “Well let me tell you my friend. There is no inside. There's just a whole lot of outside.”

Daniel could only answer, “I know.”

“I'm getting some strange readings coming from here.” Carter announced. Nanoha rushed over and pointed Raising Heart at the wall section Carter had been sweeping.

“Energy Source within Mu Phase space detected.” Raising Heart stated.

“So how do we get to it?” Carter turned to Raising Heart.

“Mu Phase space prevents further analysis.” It answered.

After watching the scene, Daniel turned around, glanced the nearby columns and walls. He murmured, “If I'm right ..." As he pressed against an adjacent wall and searched for something with his hands. Jack surmised that he found it (whatever it was) as the Repository warped itself into place in front of Nanoha and Carter. On instinct, Carter pulled Nanoha back as she leapt back in surprise.

“Thank you Major Carter,” Nanoha said, “but could you and your team please stop grabbing me?”

Ignoring the sentence that would sound absolutely horrible without context, Jack turned on his radio to call in their minor success so far. Finding the repository was easy compared to getting the information out of it without endangering someone’s life, or failing that, removing the repository as a whole for study.

“Warning!” Raising Heart yelled, “Multiple Goa’uld craft breaching atmosphere. One mother ship detected.”

Various expletives raced through Jack’s mind as he turned to his radio, and shouted “Trevor, dial the gate. We’ve got incoming!”

Overhead, a Deathglider slid into view and began to strafe their position. Nanoha leveled Raising Heart at the craft which stated “Restrict Lock” before pink rings wrapped themselves around the glider’s staff cannons.

The craft’s weapons flashed once, but nothing happened. They flashed again, with no effect. The Deathglider soon broke off.

“Alright let's go.” Jack flicked his hand quickly.

“We can't just leave,” Daniel protested.

Teal’c elaborated, “We must not allow this device to fall into the hands of Anubis.”

O’Neill dug out a block of C4 from his equipment, “Fine.”

Daniel rushed over to stop him and grasped his elbow to stop Jack.

“Sir,” Carter said, “if we destroy it we lose our only chance to find the Lost City.”

The pyramidal shape of an Al’kesh darkened the skies, but instead of the normal spheres of plasma Jack was used to see fall from their hull, a long rectangular capsule over twenty feet long fell and struck the ground with a massive tremor.

Whatever it was didn’t explode. Either things had turned their way, or things were going to get worse.

“Ah crap!” Jack scanned the skies and saw more ships headed for their position, “Alright then, what?”

Daniel rushed towards the repository, but Jack grabbed him before he got to close. “Jack somebody has to do it.” He huffed, “The answer is in there! Let me do it.”

“Genetic lock prevents access.” Raising Heart repeated.

Jack looked back at the repository and decided. He rushed towards the device, which reached for him and grasped his head. Jack’s eyes were flooded with an array of multicolored lights as he expected them to. He did not expect the music: a haunting, operatic chant the shook him to the core of his being.

Over the echoes of it, he barely heard the others call for him as he blacked out.

Nanoha caught him with a quick spin of Raising Heart, and gently lowered him. As she did, the rectangular capsule the Al’kesh had dropped opened with a steaming hiss. Something rose from the cylinder on branching tentacles. It was metallic gray and superficially resembled a tree with the very top cropped off by a horrific gapping orifice lined with teeth that served as the beast’s mouth. Standing up, the creature revealed itself to have four asymmetrical arms that branched into tentacles that appeared to end in tremendous suckers. Root like drapery around its feet reveled themselves as it pulled itself out of the capsule.

So taken by the sight were the explorers that it managed to stand fully erect and bellow a sound like sheet metal being torn that they did not notice the second one until it too had freed itself free.

“Xiclotl,” Teal’c gasped, “I have not seen one for many years.”

“Divine Buster,” Raising Heart announced as Nanoha directed a blast of energy directly into the face of the first creature, which toppled under the force of the blast.

Carter and Teal’c opened fire as Daniel helped Jack to his feet.

“They are unintelligent, but well armored and lack vital organs,” Teal’c explained, “We need to move.”

Already, the one Nanoha had knocked over was getting up. Teal’c staff left small welts on the creature’s skin whilst Carter’s P-90 left pinpricks in the 16ft tall monstrosities. Daniel pulled Jack to his feet and did his best to rouse him quickly, to little avail.

“Divine Shooter” Raising Heart stated, creating four small spheres of energy that shot forth from the staff, “Control Please”

Nanoha closed her eyes and sent the spheres not directly at the Xiclotl, but had them circle around the monsters. They paused and regarded the spheres for a second before attempting to lash out at them, but Nanoha moved them away before their limbs could strike.

Carter saw an opportunity, took Jack’s free arm and announced, “Let’s go!”

The four SG members ran as Nanoha floated slowly behind them. They easily snuck by the distracted horrors and managed to get a good distance away before Carter turned to Nanoha and asked, “Can you destroy the repository from here?”

“I think so,” Nanoha answered.

Raising Heart added, “Let’s do it!”

She held the staff forward and began to gather power from around her, building it into a sphere larger than she was. Eventually is drew upon and re-absorbing the divine shooter orbs into the larger sphere.

However, this drew the Xiclotl’s attention. They waddled forward as fast as they could

“Full power: STARLIGHT BREAKER!” She shouted as the bright cone of energy soared towards its target and bowled over the Xiclotl and pulverized a good section of the monument’s base, as well as the repository.

Teal’c raised an eyebrow at the destruction the little girl caused.

At his glance, Nanoha answered, “Well, there was more ambient magic out here.”
{{Battle Mastery Earned}}

Jack was awake by the time they reached the gate, but he was still rather out of it. His eyes barely caught glimpses of the neon pink ooze that leaked from the bodies of several fallen Xiclotl. He also saw the other SG teams and Captain Trevor—who held that funky glowing rope as he called it, tightly, ready to lash it out at the next attacker. And she was covered in the pink ichor. He would later learn that she had torn herself out of one of the Xiclotl, rescuing several soldiers it had swallowed whole.

But before he could even ask any questions, Jack found himself back in the SGC.

Dr. Weir was there to greet him along with several dozen other soldiers as Jack’s feet finally decided to function again.

“What happened?” She asked as the final few soldiers exited the gate.

“Things didn’t go as planned.” Jack said as Nanoha fired a Starlight Breaker through the gate, “I did it again.”
Last edited by Majin Gojira on 2010-03-27 03:29pm, edited 1 time in total.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
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Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Styphon »

Majin Gojira wrote:Certainly. It is an oblique reference to a series of Randomhouse Godzilla novels published 'round the very late 90s/turn of the millenium. Specifically, this one refers to the 3rd in the series, Godzilla at World's End. It's a okay series, nothing spectacular. The popcorn books, if you will.

There's a reason I chose this continuity over the other Godzilla continuities (all, what, 20 of them?). The reason has to do with the Starfish folk.

In other words, it's the only non-comic continuity where Godzilla gets a legit, published Crossover.
Honestly, I've always wondered why you don't just start cribbing notes from Skip Peel and use ALL the continuities at once. :P
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Styphon wrote:
Majin Gojira wrote:Certainly. It is an oblique reference to a series of Randomhouse Godzilla novels published 'round the very late 90s/turn of the millenium. Specifically, this one refers to the 3rd in the series, Godzilla at World's End. It's a okay series, nothing spectacular. The popcorn books, if you will.

There's a reason I chose this continuity over the other Godzilla continuities (all, what, 20 of them?). The reason has to do with the Starfish folk.

In other words, it's the only non-comic continuity where Godzilla gets a legit, published Crossover.
Honestly, I've always wondered why you don't just start cribbing notes from Skip Peel and use ALL the continuities at once. :P
I would, if I had heard of it before you just mentioned it :D.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by SAMAS »

Dude, you're doing the equivalent of Super Robot Wars here. Even if you had rejected it, it should have been your first consideration. :mrgreen:
Not an armored Jigglypuff

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

In my meager defense, I've only picked up 2 issues of G-Fan over the years.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Trogdor »

This fic is great fun, even though I'm unfamilar with many of the series involved. Now, for those of us who have never played Super Robot Wars, what with the whole "Battle Mastery Earned" thing that the team's gotten twice already?
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Basically, it's a way of building towards the "Best Possible Ending". It's a sort of SRW easter egg of things.

In the games, you'd be given a task IE: Shoot down a boss who flees if brought to a certain amount of HP; Complete the stage/defeat the boss/reach point B in X turns; etc. If you do that, you get a point. get enough points and you get a special final level/true endgame boss.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by montypython »

Majin Gojira wrote:Basically, it's a way of building towards the "Best Possible Ending". It's a sort of SRW easter egg of things.

In the games, you'd be given a task IE: Shoot down a boss who flees if brought to a certain amount of HP; Complete the stage/defeat the boss/reach point B in X turns; etc. If you do that, you get a point. get enough points and you get a special final level/true endgame boss.
Not to mention extra points for upgrades and such. :)
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Ford Prefect »

I really feel sorry for Jack in this story.
What is Project Zohar?

Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by SAMAS »

Why's that?
Not an armored Jigglypuff

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Styphon »

Majin Gojira wrote:In my meager defense, I've only picked up 2 issues of G-Fan over the years.
This makes me wish my collection of G-Fans wasn't in storage right now (my damn ex-roommates have the only key to the storage unit)... and that I had a scanner, or money with which to ship them, or something... :oops:
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Ford Prefect »

SAMAS wrote:Why's that?
It seems self-evident to me that he's not having the best possible week. :)
What is Project Zohar?

Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by FA Xerrik »

Upgrades? Special points? Are our heroes going to be Leveling Up over the course of this story? I have the sudden image of Col. O'Neill engulfed in a column of light, then debating with Teal'c over which new skill to select.
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Two words: Crossover Powerups. Feel free to try and suggest a few.


GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD! I keep typing Dr. Weir as "Dr. Weird." And upon restrospect, I ask "Why?"
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
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Mission 3: Tempting Fate

Post by Majin Gojira »

{{Mission 3}}
{{Tempting Fate}}

Jack wasn’t happy. After the mandatory medical checkup, he learned that Bra’tac had come through the gate with some very bad news: Anubis had assembled his fleet. It would arrive in the solar system in three days.

Three days before the Asura would arrive.

Part of the reason for this development was in part their fault. The discovery, download from and then destruction of the repository of the Mulians lead Anubis to believe that the SGC knew the location of the Lost City. They still only had the Prometheus and a few dozen F-303’s to defend the earth with from the SGC. The Japanese were reluctant to lend what they had, as it required the use of the banned Nekketsu engines. The Gotengo had just entered dry dock to be refitted as a spacecraft, a process that would take a month if they rushed it. Mechagodzilla was complete, but the control system was so complex they had yet to find a pilot who could handle it. The Russians had promised to help, but would be withholding MOGUERA unless absolutely necessary. Then there was Wonder Woman’s “Jet,” a modified Mulian transport/all purpose small craft. They actually had access to that one, but it was still a single fighter.

But that was the future. At the moment, when the world was counting down to its eventual enslavement, he was in a meeting regarding the possible suspension of further gate activity while everything was sorted out. The Lost City may have been on earth, but with Jack’s brain full of Mulian data and the gate closed, their options of dealing with it would become severely limited. Prometheus had to stay in-system, and the F-302s were too small to have a hyper-drive installed. That left Wonder Woman’s Jet, and that was only good for short hyperspace travel at best.

SG-1, Master Bra’tac, Captain Trevor and Nanoha were already seated when the final two participants to arrive: Dr. Weir and, to Jack’s dismay, Vice President Kinsey. With them were two Secret Service agents.

He expected Kinsey to begin with some jab against SG-1, but instead, the first words out of his mouth were: “Who is that?”

Nanoha stood up and saluted with an infectious smile, “TSAB Liaison Nanoha Takamachi with Raising Heart, sir, willing to help out however we can.”

Raising Heart blinked, “Hello, Mr. Vice President.”

Kinsey scowled and motioned to one of the secret service agents, “Get this little girl out of here.”

Jack inwardly cringed: hell had just frozen over. He and Vice President Kinsey agreed on something, even if it was on principle alone. Thankfully, where Jack treated the situation with concern and a dash of humor, Kinsey’s voice dripped with contempt.

Before the Secret Service goon could move, Dr. Weir interrupted, “Excuse me, but Liaison Takamachi is standing in for one of our new allies. She needs to be at this meeting.”

“Besides,” Capitan Trevor added, “even I couldn’t move her without causing serious property damage.”

“Yes,” Kinsey growled, “Your record is about as unbelievable as Colonel O’Neill’s.” Kinsey sat across from the sextet with Dr. Weir next to him after she attempted some cordial introductions.

“I understand that there’ve been a lot of changes,” Dr. Weir began, “and we have a difficult situation ahead of us.”

“Which is why I’ve taken it upon myself to come down here and see what Mr. Bra’tac has to say personally.” Kinsey said.

“Master Bra’tac,” Jack corrected, “Master.”

After a superficial apology, Kinsey said, “So you believe the Goa’uld Anubis is planning to attack?”

“You may be certain of it.” Bra’tac answered.

“I’ll say this, the timing is impeccable. The moment we suspend Stargate activity,” Kinsey motioned to Jack, “you pull this out of your hat.”

Nanoha let out an audible gasp before Jack responded, “Mr. Vice President, if you’re suggesting that we’d make something like this up—”

“Yes Colonel, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” Kinsey barked.

Nanoha almost shouted, “H-How could you say that!”

“Because, ya know, that’s exactly what we do;” Jack snapped at Kinsey, “We sit around on our …butts and create scenarios that put the planet at risk.”

“Oh, I think you’d do just about anything—”

“Gentlemen,” Dr. Weir said, “For the purposes of this discussion let’s assume that Master Bra’tac is in earnest and that the threat is real.”

“Do you even know what the threat is?” Daniel asked, “Anubis is half ascended: with the knowledge and technology at his disposal to wipe us all from the face of the Earth.”

“Worse, he’s adopted the old ways of the Goa’uld,” Bra’tac added, “Calling forth minions not seen in this part of the galaxy in at least sixty years. That means foes you have not before faced. Of course, I will tell you what I can.”

“Despite this,” Carter said, “We believe that there may be alien technology within our reach that could defeat Anubis.”

Kinsey chuckled darkly, “So now you're pulling a ray gun out of your hat.”

“Weapons capable of defending this planet,” Teal’c said.

Kinsey shifted in his seat from frustration, “I can't believe we're sitting here listening to this.”

“Mr. Vice President,” Dr. Weir said, “on his last mission—”

“Oh' I am aware of the events that once again compromised Colonel O'Neill's invaluable judgment,” Kinsey growled, “and the fact that on his last official mission, he has incurred the wrath of humanity's worst enemy on behalf of us all.”

Jack frowned, “Wait a minute; I thought you didn't buy into the whole invasion thing.”

“Also,” Captain Trevor added, “In light of Anubis’ experiment in dimensional shifting, the faster we move on this, the better. We understand the need to simplify things for the change in management and partial re-training of several large groups, but we cannot let this threat go on unabated.”

“Let’s make this simple:” Jack said, “If we come up with some Lost City-related or Anti-Anubis mission that requires the gate use, we’d like to use. Otherwise, you can keep it shut. Sound good? All compromisey?”

“NO!” Kinsey barked.

“Who are you, really?” Jack scowled, “And why are you here?”

Dr. Weir blinked hard and answered, “I will consider it.”

The meeting wrapped up shortly thereafter. Bra’tac and Teal’c would be heading to Chulak to see if they could procure some means of defending the earth there. They knew they’d need every warm body and machine they could throw at it.

Dr. Weir left first, with Kinsey close behind her. When the door behind them closed, Nanoha finally blinked. Jack hadn’t really realized it until now, but Nanoha had been coldly staring daggers into Kinsey’s throat for almost half the meeting. Her gaze was more intense than the one he had seen in her when she defeated the Kull Warrior. This girl kept giving Jack chills.

Jack had been expecting the process of Mu-awakening to be slow and ponderous. Thankfully, he still managed to watch The Simpsons in relative peace. The first night of the download, his mind was again full of songs. There were few if any real words, just notes, and even full chords sung with inhuman reverberations.

The second night after the meeting, the dream music began to slowly creep into his waking activity. From it, images and thoughts began to appear in his mind. It was somewhat similar to the last time it happened, but the songs were definitely a new twist on the whole experience. The song never repeated nor did it get annoying (which Jack thought was a miracle). Though at one point, it did sound an awful lot like the Stone Cutters anthem.

Captain Trevor had left to prep her ship. Even with all the possible technologies the Mu had built, she figured they were going to need it. It was definitely a strange ship, and it probably had seen better days. It was semi-cylindrical and a faded gunmetal gray. The front of the ship was cut from the tube at a flat angle, and the rear of the ship was absolutely flat, which made cargo loading rather easy. It had been loaded with many bits of odd equipment over the years, each leaving their mark.

By the time she arrived, Teal’c and Bra’tac had returned with a commandeered Goa’uld transport ship, a Tel’tak. That’s when something clicked inside of Jack’s head and he began to collect various items that he had no idea what they were for. When asked, all he could say is “I don’t know.”

When asked why he was taking a Naquadah generator into the Tel’tak and modified its ring transporter, he said “I don’t know.”

When asked why he took a second Naquadah generator into the Invisible Jet, and hooked into only one system, he said “I don’t know.”

When asked why he was forging a strange curved bead (Daniel called asked if it was a magatama) from gold, silver and copper, he gave up and tried to say “Because it’s pretty” but it came out in Mu the first time through.

Before leaving for the day, he grabbed one last thing, and he really, truly wished he could have grabbed something else. He needed Nanoha Takamachi.

Working at a breakneck speed, Jack still realized that he had a buffer of 40 minutes at best, including flight time. By then, however, English speech was lost on him, and Raising Heart did not have Mulian in her system. So Jack was reduced to tapping his friends on the shoulder and various arm motions along with the occasional descriptive word that Daniel could piece together the meaning of.

So it took 5 of his precious few remaining minutes to gather SG-1, Bra’tac and Captain Trevor to the airstrip where their commandeered and inherited craft awaited. The craft were already prepped and ready for launch as they headed towards them, but before they got within 100 feet of the craft, a patch of reality in front of them rippled and pulled apart. Naturally, this stopped them dead in their tracks as one figure, then a second, stepped forward.

Their dichotomy was extreme: the first was a small child, 10 years old or so, with white hair, a face utterly devoid of expression and the irises of his eyes were a flat, pale blue that showed neither expression nor emotion; the second was a huge, muscular man almost 7ft tall in what appeared to be modified Kull Warrior armor: heavily reinforced and encased in metallic plates that seemed to support hidden servo motors. The helmet had been replaced with a different, stylized, almost samurai-like facemask that left his mouth partly exposed, but covered his eyes behind dark goggles. The facemask was largely a dark shade of red, with two spikes of blue emphasizing his cheekbones pointing downwards. The helmet, while larger, seemed to be better designed to protect the head from physical impacts. On the shoulders of the giant were strange, a set of three red and white spikes pointing downward. Other spikes protruded upwards from the tips of his toes, and some others from the shin. The fingers were encased in claw-like tips and the forearms were greatly reinforced.

Nanoha had already transformed by the time the second figure stepped out and had her wand at the ready. The others similarly readied their available weapons.

Carter had already readied the Kull Disruptor attachment; a new weapon to combat the armored warriors she, her father and the Tok’ra Selmak had developed; when the boy spoke.

“Greetings,” he said calmly, “I am Fate Averruncus. My employer wishes to delay your trip slightly.”

“And your friend is?” Captain Trevor asked.

The man growled.

“Grumpy,” Averruncus answered, “I do not wish to cause you harm, but I will if necessary to complete my mission.”

“How do you plan to stop us?” Teal’c asked.

“I was hoping we could have some tea,” Averruncus snapped once and a table with enough chairs for the whole group appeared between them, with a full tea set upon it, “please, sit, and I shall explain everything.”

It took a moment before Jack sat down. The others joined him, but they kept a hand on their weapons.

“Thank you,” Averruncus said, “My employer has asked that we delay your arrival in Antarctica.”

Carter blinked, “Wait—you know where Jack’s taking us?”

“Yes,” Averruncus answered, “he knows what you are going to find there and wants you to unearth it. He has a vested interest in the system’s reactivation. However, he has also allied himself with Anubis. In order to maintain the façade that he is working with Anubis, he has sent us here supposedly to ‘stop you.’”

Averruncus took a sip of tea and continued, “We would fight half heartedly, eventually flee back into dimensional space when a certain time has been reached, delaying you, but still allowing you to reach your destination in time and hopefully achieve what my employer hopes you will. That proposition, to me, is rather dull and uncivilized. I’d much rather reach an agreement regarding the delay time. I propose that instead of having a meaningless bout of violence, we wait here and enjoy this wonderful tea for the next 30 minutes. The alternative is that I turn the lot of you to stone for the time period instead. I’d rather not waste the magic or damage your ships unless absolutely necessary.”

Putting down his cup, Averruncus face remained as blank as it had been when he first appeared, “The choice is simple: either we sit and have tea or my associate and I severely injure everyone here.”

A long moment passed before Jack reacted. At first his eyes widened as he realized what Averruncus had just done. He stood up, spread his arms and did something none of his allies expected: he sang. It was only one chord, and it was a chord they were sure no human could produce—as it created a wave of force that knocked back the chairs, the table, Averruncus and the hulking dark warrior all off their feet.

Captain Trevor charged the dark warrior, as Nanoha took off after Averruncus as he flew into the air. The others grabbed their weapons and opened fire on the Warrior. Teal’c was rather surprised Bra’tac’s staff bolt was not completely dissipated by the armor. Instead, it only partly shimmered and then left a small scorch on the black armor. He could see the bullets were similarly leaving minor scuffs on the warrior. When Captain Trevor got within melee range, her bracers sparking with electricity, she slammed a fist into his solar plexus and a burst of lightning shot from her fist, but he remained standing tall.

When the giant kicked her away, Captain Trevor expected that she would knocked back a good deal by the blow. She did not expect to be taken off her feet and catapulted a good 15 yards by the blow. That was enough for her to flip over midway through and land on her feet. Upon landing, she still found herself clutching her stomach. Even with the arm bracer’s shield, that had hurt. From that blow, she knew that as she was now, there wasn’t much of a chance of winning. And that if he managed to get a hand on one of the humans, the might die from the trauma his fist could cause.

That did not mean she was going to give up. After all, there was still a chance.

She brought her hands to her belt and clicked two hidden triggers. The belt was not a normally functional piece of equipment. Like her bracers, it was a Mulian artifact disguised as a mundane leather belt with a bronze buckler. Her grandmother called it Hyppolite’s Girdle. While the bracers acted as deflectors and enhanced her movement, the belt was an added layer of shielding and, to a decent degree, strength enhancement.

And she would need every edge she could get against this foe. Even with her enhanced speed augmented further by the bracers, he was almost keeping up with her. She could count on one hand the number of humans that could do that. The fact that he was wearing powered armor was certainly making her job more difficult.

Captain Trevor charged the giant again, this time with her lasso in hand.

She ducked his punch, slid by him and lashed the lasso at his far leg. She quickly stood and with a roar she flung the giant into the air before slamming him sharply into the ground, cracking the tarmac beneath him.

With but a thought, the lasso snaked itself across the armor and looked for the joints it could find. It found one near the wrist, and then went to the cuff to find skin. Once it did, Wonder Woman sent an electrical charge through the lasso and into her opponent.

His body convulsed at the shock, but he still managed to grasp onto the lasso. With a flick of her wrist, the lasso released him before he could grab onto an end of it and returned to her hands.

He stood up with barely a visible scratch. She expected as such. Any damage done by the lasso would be hidden by the armor, though she hoped that the armor’s systems were at least mildly impaired by the shock. She was rather disappointed when he stood up with relative ease. Only a slight quiver hinted at the damage she had done. He hid it well, which hindered her ability to gauge the attack’s effectiveness. That left her only one option: continue the all-out assault.

With the two finally having slowed down, two web-like bursts from Kull Disruptors struck the man in the chest. Carter and Teal’c’s aim had been right on. But the man only staggered.

“Interesting,” He finally spoke, “I did not expect that. But against someone like me, it will be of no use.”

In the air, Nanoha chased after Averruncus. She launched several small spheres of pink-colored magic at the boy, only to see them dissipate off a strange shield that encircled the boy.

“It would appear,” He grunted, “that the sound waves slightly disrupted my primary barrier. No matter.”

He dove towards Nanoha, power glowing around his fist. He wasn’t surprised when she deflected his fist with her staff. He was slightly surprised when the kick he aimed at her jaw was stopped by a glowing shield. His third strike was similarly blocked, but still had enough force to knock Nanoha a good distance back.

“Divine Buster,” Raising Heart announced, as the beam of pink enveloped Averruncus.

Nanoha gasped when Fate’s quickly manifested shield absorbed the blow.

“Very good,” He said, “I did not expect to meet someone so young with your amount of power. If I wasn’t prepared, that would have hurt. But now it’s time for you to sleep.”

Nanoha easily sensed the gathering power around him as he began an incantation, “Little King, Eight-Legged Lizard, Master of the Evil Eye. Give the poisonous breath that steals time: ‘Breath of Stone.’”

Nanoha did not waste the incantation time, and fired off three rounds of Divine Shooters at Averruncus, He casually dodged most of them, and the ones that did strike were absorbed by the strange barrier that surrounded him. The pale power gathered in two pointed fingers in his right hand and with a simple thrust, it bolted towards Nanoha.

But she was behind him before it was even halfway there, and rammed Raising heart into his back.

“Flash Move,” Raising Heart said before Nanoha launched a Divine Buster into the small of his back. The light again covered his form, but she could feel that he was no longer pressed against Raising Heart.

When the light faded, she saw that Averruncus had been knocked back almost a 10 yards and stood floating in midair. He looked unhurt from the front, but smoke wafted from his back.

“That,” He said, “was not nice.”

He raised his hand, pointed two fingers at Nanoha and fired a second bolt of pale light. Nanoha raised her hand to defend herself moments before the bolt struck. The shield absorbed most of it, but shattered when a second bolt struck it, with minor parts of the pale light hitting her final defensive layer: her Barrier Jacket.

She fell from the sky, landing on her feet but quickly falling to her knee and clutching her chest. It was intentional, as it allowed her to dodge the third bolt. Her bow had shattered itself to protect her.

“You are one very interesting girl,” Averruncus landed near her, “Normally, that spell can completely ignore magical defenses. But yours are quite interesting. You put up an amazing effort, but now—”

Nanoha jammed Raising Heart into his chest: “Bind!” Raising Heart shouted.

Averruncus’ arms and legs were encircled in pink binders.

“This won’t hold me for very long. A minute at…” Averruncus eyes widened slightly as Nanoha gathered power from the air.

“Thank you for the magic,” Nanoha smiled as she raised her staff into the air, preparing to slam the gathered power around her.

With a mighty shout of “STARLIGHT BREAKER!” she slammed her staff into the power and into Averruncus. Pink beams of light shown and flew from his form, one of them striking and knocking over the tall man.

In his stagger, Captain Trevor charged her bracers and belt, curved her body for maximum impact and delivered a shocking uppercut to the man. He flew off his feet and into several other deflecting bolts and shockwaves from Nanoha’s blast. Captain Trevor was almost blasted off her feet by the concussive force of it. Of the others, only Jack and Teal’c remained standing, Teal’c held onto Bra’tac whose age was catching up to him for the first time in a long while.

When the blast subsided, Averruncus had been knocked over, his form scuffed and bruised on the ground. The binders completely gone: absorbed and destroyed by the Starlight Breaker.

Then there was a flash of white, and the sun shifted over a dozen degrees in the sky.

Averruncus slowly rose with a slight scowl on his face, “Turning my power against me?” he growled, “I can count only a few times I have been blasted like that. But our mission is over. It appears we’ve won.”

“Master!” Raising Heart said, “Temporal shift has occurred. Time Lost: 6 Hours.”

“Six Hours?!” Carter turned from the tall man upon hearing this.

Jack grimaced. Averruncus pulled out a strange device from his shirt which looked like a pair of hourglasses bound by their sides, broken and leaking sand. He crushed it in his hand, and it shattered into glowing sparks.

“Yes. By the time you arrive in Antarctica, Anubis will already be in orbit. But do not worry,” Averruncus said, “He won’t start orbital bombardment immediately. Still, I would hurry.”

Averruncus calmly walked over to the large man, who was staggering up.

“Wodan, dissuade them from following,” He said.

Wodan grimaced as he pulled off the center spine of his shoulder spikes—which pulled the other two with it. He grasped it in his large hands as it morphed itself into a platform resembling the hilt of a sword.

Carter and the others were about to get up when Wodan boomed, “I AM WODAN YMIR: THE SWORD OF RAGNAROCK!

As he spoke, the hilt let forth a tremendous column of blue flames that reached almost 20ft into the air and over six inches thick.

He braced himself and swung with all his might, as though the blade would benefit from his mass. For some reason that Carter would wrack her brain over later, it did.

Wodan swung with all his might, striking Captain Trevor first. Jack was next, his had raised and glowing. Nanoha had a erected a shield around the others and held out her palm with a pink circle extending from it. The flames struck them all, shattering the shields and flinging the entire group several yards into the air.

Jack looked up to see the Averruncus open a doorway to wherever they had come from. Before Wodan and Averruncus left through another tear, he could hear Wodan say one last thing: “There is nothing my blade cannot cut.”

Jack got to his feet and went to check on his allies. SG-1 and Bra’tac were fine, but Nanoha was out cold. She had taken the hit for everyone but himself and Captain Trevor. Her shirt had shattered, leaving only the black undershirt in form. This might have just saved her life. Captain Trevor had a shallow cut across her abdomen. She reconfigured the Girdle to hold the wound closed with its force field. They didn’t have time to find someone else with Mu Phase to pilot the Invisible Jet.

Jack hadn’t known how, but when the blade came at him, he bent the flames away and over him, but could only maintain it for the distance around himself. He couldn’t speak it, but as he carried the unconscious Nanoha into the Tel’tak, he knew that when this was over, he’d find that man Wodan and the boy, Fate. Find their boss and make them all pay.
{{Battle Mastery Earned}}
Last edited by Majin Gojira on 2010-03-27 03:33pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by SAMAS »


Wodan FUCKING Ymir?

You're bringing the Originals into this?

Holy Hero Senki Batman! .
Not an armored Jigglypuff

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Just Wodan. Other characters will be borrowing character themes and concepts from the OG series, but with a different bent. I had thoughts for three other inclusions (Masaki Andho, Shu Shirakawa and Gilliam Yeager), but none really connect with the storyline. If this story gets completed and I feel like writing a sequel then Gilliam might make an appearance.

But Wodan's really not the man from the OG series at all. He's the Sword of Ragnarok here. Not the Sword of the Magus. I'll be hammering that in a bit with the next chapter.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Ford Prefect »

Regardless, I think having Wodan Ymir in it is good. I was actually thinking 'why does this description sound so familiar?'

That said, Sword of the Cosmos isn't quite an impressive on a human scale. Maybe you'll satisfy all OG fans and actually have him dual wield his shoulder bits. :wink:
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by SITB »

Since Wodan is here, are you going to explain why Fate moveset is apparently a combination of him and Sanger?
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

I might just make it worse.

Though to be fair, Zest from Ace is closer to Zengar/Ymir. Just as Signum is Lamia Loveless and Caro is Kushuha. For the love of mike, the last two pairs actually share the same Voice Actors.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by SAMAS »

Ford Prefect wrote:Regardless, I think having Wodan Ymir in it is good. I was actually thinking 'why does this description sound so familiar?'
I actually missed the description, because I skipped ahead to see if the white-haired kid really was who I was afraid it was (and he was). I'm surprised nobody got turned to stone.
That said, Sword of the Cosmos isn't quite an impressive on a human scale. Maybe you'll satisfy all OG fans and actually have him dual wield his shoulder bits. :wink:
Speak for yourself. Although I guess it could have been upped to 40ft. I work around shipping containers all the time, and 20 feet kind of loses it's luster after a while.

Also, where is Tetsuya during all this? Did he go back to Japan in case Great Mazinger was called up, or did he leave earlier?
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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by Majin Gojira »

Tetsuya is coming back in the next mission, returning in a manner most befiting his character. Like Xanatos and Hypolita, he didn't hang around after the tour. Nanoha, being the only one from the TSAB around, didn't have the option of leaving, nor would she escew helping others.

I was tempted to turn Bra'tac to Stone, but decided against it.
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Post by al103 »

Heh. I just imagined Tertium vs Hayate... Water/Stone user vs Ice/Stone user...

Also have some stupid thought about Battle Moon Wars OGs... Especially Haruna... Do want. Haruuuuuuuunaaaaaaaa :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv:
Proud Nanoha/Yuuno/Fate, Caro/Elio/Lutecia, Alto/Sheril/Ranka and Honor/Hamish/Emily shipper. Last one even canon.

PS. Also support canon Nanoha/job, Honor/job and semicanon Rein/Agito.
PPS. In process of considering reborn Sankt Kaizer/reborn GEoM.
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