i think this guy's been posted on FOXNEWS.com or something
oh surprise surprise here's chuck asay being a total shithead again
Last edited by Uraniun235 on 2009-04-03 03:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar? "On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it."- RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
I liked Penny Arcade's take on political cartoons better though
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar? "On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it."- RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
The webcomic model won’t work for editorial cartoons. A successful webcomic is what they call a destination location in the retail world. That is to say it is a place people go out of their way to visit. Someone needs to choose to visit your site and that just wouldn’t work for editorial cartoons. People read editorial comics because they are already getting the paper. If you want to maintain the retail analogy it’s like they are in the mall already so they may as well stop by they house of crap. Would that store ever survive outside the mall? No. It’s the same for editorial cartoons. They could never survive on the web because no one would log on to their machine in the morning and say “hey I really want to see a drawing of a wheelbarrow that represents stem cell research crashing into a boat labeled pork barrel spending.” Hey no stealing that idea by the way, that’s mine;)
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar? "On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it."- RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
The first two are really crappy - one has a spelling mistake (hadful of others), the second one spells the name of the NSDAP wrong.
And don't get me started on the other things in which he rapes history.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
------------ My LPs
i think i prefer shock and awe when we were killing brown people than today when we are being meanies to rich old white mangs
only nazis give welfare to old farts and jobs to people
real americans dont go to school dont go to work and die young
"DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source) shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN! Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people - PeZook Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
The Hitler and Mussolini pics can be taken two different ways. The intended meaning is probably "Hitler and Mussolini had ideas that the left-wingers support, so left-wingers are fascist Nazis!", but it could easily backfire and make it look like they're making Hitler and Mussolini out to be not as bad as they seem (after all, they kept listing all of their positive changes to the government, especially for Hitler).
It would be funny if someone took their "Look, all of these things we listed are left-wing ideas!" bits and decided that the left has the better ideas, which would do the exact OPPOSITE of what they intend.
The webcomic model won’t work for editorial cartoons. A successful webcomic is what they call a destination location in the retail world. That is to say it is a place people go out of their way to visit. Someone needs to choose to visit your site and that just wouldn’t work for editorial cartoons. People read editorial comics because they are already getting the paper. If you want to maintain the retail analogy it’s like they are in the mall already so they may as well stop by they house of crap. Would that store ever survive outside the mall? No. It’s the same for editorial cartoons. They could never survive on the web because no one would log on to their machine in the morning and say “hey I really want to see a drawing of a wheelbarrow that represents stem cell research crashing into a boat labeled pork barrel spending.” Hey no stealing that idea by the way, that’s mine;)
Except he's wrong; it worked for John Cox and Allen Forkum until they decided to stop doing political cartoons altogether.
The webcomic model won’t work for editorial cartoons. A successful webcomic is what they call a destination location in the retail world. That is to say it is a place people go out of their way to visit. Someone needs to choose to visit your site and that just wouldn’t work for editorial cartoons. People read editorial comics because they are already getting the paper. If you want to maintain the retail analogy it’s like they are in the mall already so they may as well stop by they house of crap. Would that store ever survive outside the mall? No. It’s the same for editorial cartoons. They could never survive on the web because no one would log on to their machine in the morning and say “hey I really want to see a drawing of a wheelbarrow that represents stem cell research crashing into a boat labeled pork barrel spending.” Hey no stealing that idea by the way, that’s mine;)
Except he's wrong; it worked for John Cox and Allen Forkum until they decided to stop doing political cartoons altogether.
I was curious about those guys so I went to their site. On their farewell post:
For better or worse, I've always had to approach the editorial cartoon work as a "part time" career. I never quit my "day job" as co-owner of a small newspaper publishing business. The editorial work, though intellectually rewarding, is not very financially rewarding. Furthermore, researching the cartoons, writing/designing them, managing the blog, publishing the books, marketing them, and running the business side all take an enormous amount of time.
If I'm not mistaken, I think the PA guys work/make a living on comic stuff full time. This guy needed a day job to get by because the editorials weren't pulling in enough. I think the ideal for cartoonists "making it" online is closer to PA and not the "this is what I do in my free time" version.
Along with the guy in the thread Uranium linked to raving about how HBO would be a great model for comics, I love Obama's head on this comic:
The cartoons in the OP may be an attempt to answer the observation that calling Obama a fascist and a communist is a contradiction, as fascism is generally interpreted as a right-wing movement. The cartoons make the Nazis and the Fascists seem liberal rather than conservative.
"Can you eat quarks? Can you spread them on your bed when the cold weather comes?" -Bernard Levin
"Sir: Mr. Bernard Levin asks 'Can you eat quarks?' I estimate that he eats 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 quarks a day...Yours faithfully..." -Sir Alan Cottrell
Elohim's loving mercy: "Hey, you, don't turn around. WTF! I said DON'T tur- you know what, you're a pillar of salt now. Bitch." - an anonymous commenter
LMSx wrote:
Along with the guy in the thread Uranium linked to raving about how HBO would be a great model for comics, I love Obama's head on this comic:
I love it because thanks to that cartoon I instantly see Obama able to step in at a moments notice and take over for Ranger Smith and foil Yogi's latest attempt at pic-a-nic basket thievery.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
LMSx wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, I think the PA guys work/make a living on comic stuff full time. This guy needed a day job to get by because the editorials weren't pulling in enough. I think the ideal for cartoonists "making it" online is closer to PA and not the "this is what I do in my free time" version.
Krahulik goes into more detail on this: they don't make money off of the comic itself. The comic is a free giveaway. What the comic does is bring people to the website and build a fanbase for the comic, and to a lesser extent the author and artist themselves.
PA's (and, in fact, most webcomics') income comes from three sources:
1) Advertising revenue
2) Special commission projects (basically comics to advertise upcoming products or services, or to indulge individual tastes)
3) Merchandising
Editorial cartoonists could potentially tap into some of these sources of revenue with varying success, but I think they'd be at a disadvantage since most of them don't have recurring characters that people can come to adore. I have to admit it would be enormously satisfying to see Ted Rall try and fail to market a plushie based on his proudest creation, Generalissimo Bush.
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar? "On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it."- RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
Don't forget games and gigs. Penny Arcade are bookable at this point and useful as media personalites(As their podcast for Wizard's are evidence of) and their games of the very long title names. While not blockbuster triple A titles, they do turn a profit even at 19.99$ a pop.
Speaking of which, considering the serious discussion that's sprung up on how Political Cartoonists will survive, off to N&P.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
Hur hur, because remember everyone... Obama is a Brainwashing Communist! SOCIALISM! = Evvvvvvvvilll!
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan Read "Tales From The Crossroads"! Read "One Wrong Turn"!
wait, we just replaced an Eight Year reign of a governemtn where the Vice President had actual assassination squads (ala South America), and our ICE actually made immigrants "Dissappear" because they wer related to someone . And these numb nuts think that Obama is a fascist. What are they smoking, and please don't share it's ovciously killing too many brain cells.
The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Am I mistaken in thinking that farming is already subsidised by Tax dollars in the US?
Member of the Unremarkables Just because you're god, it doesn't mean you can treat people that way : - My girlfriend Evil Brit Conspiracy - Insignificant guy
Seriously, why does people have such a naive view that politics is something as simple as ABC or 1+1=2? It seems to me that a lot of right-wingers views politics in a very childish and black and white manner. They would never consider the fact that political policies cannot be viewed in a black and white manner, and the issue of political policy is extremely complex.
Seems to me that most Republicans ALWAYS falls into the black and white fallacy trap.
Humans are such funny creatures. We are selfish about selflessness, yet we can love something so much that we can hate something.