Not at all, but for an ex-FBI genius, trained in all manner of surveilance, PLUS knowing the LAPD cop thinks he smells, to not notice any tail or even suspect one means he either a fucking imbecile, or he noticed and didnt care. He didn't even bother to mention to Sarah the LA police were possibly looking into connections between the parties, and had already ID'd Derek. Jesus, he didn't even react when Sarah told him there was another Terminator out there, apparently after either the little girl or Weaver.
If John hadn't had to run and evade, I don't doubt for a moment he would have ordered Cameron to rip his fucking head off, or done him in himself.
And not to mention the teeny thing of lying about Cromarty/John Henry.
Hope it's not the end of the series, although they certainly seem to be setting themselves up for that if need be

"Of course, what would really happen is that in Game 7, with the Red Sox winning 20-0 in the 9th inning, with two outs and two strikes on the last Cubs batter, a previously unseen meteor would strike the earth, instantly and forever wiping out all life on the planet, and forever denying the Red Sox a World Series victory..."