erik_t wrote:Changing jobs to "contract labor" is the biggest fake-accountant-savings-metric in all of Christendom.
Actually it isn't. Not in Defense.
"Hi there Private Shepilov! We know you signed up to kill commies and fight the enemies of democracy! Now mop that floor!"
Likewise for seamen:
"We told you you would see the world in the Navy, and you will! You will see exotic locales from the deck of a ship as you chip paint!"
If you unload as much of the non critical crap onto contractors, you free up military personnel for more "killy" tasks, and morale and retention rises; people tend to re-enlist if they're doing things more fun than chipping paint, waxing floors, etc. The extra costs involved in paying contractors vs using military labor is more than offset by not having to train new people as often due to lessened turnover.
As for the "contractor" bit; I get the feeling that a lot of it will go towards reversing the decline in DoD Personnel strength levels:
People who work for the DoD but are not employed by the Army, Navy, or Air Force:
FY 1950 1,750
FY 1950 1,750
FY 1951 2,166
FY 1952 2,253
FY 1953 1,986
FY 1954 1,893
FY 1955 1,954
FY 1956 1,899
FY 1957 1,655
FY 1958 1,646
FY 1959 1,756
FY 1960 1,865
FY 1961 1,960
FY 1962 21,457 <----------Holy Christ on a Rocket powered rubber crutch!
FY 1963 33,123
FY 1964 37,796
FY 1965 42,278 <-------Doubled since FY62!
FY 1966 68,927
FY 1967 79,134
FY 1968 77,252 <-----Nearly Doubled Again Since FY65!!!!!
FY 1969 73,975
What event caused this massive increase in DoD employment?
With his presence leaving DoD in 1968 after putting his imprint on the FY69 plan, guess how long it took for DoD employee count to double again?
FY 1992 143,257
However, there is hope....
As of January 2006, the "Other DOD Employee" level is down to just 96,207. We're finally erasing the stains of McNamaraism from the Pentagon slowly.