Okay, I actualyl got around to watching what SST told me to watch and... that's fucking it??
From mym viewing of the scene this is the following:
1.) Yes, they do jump in very close. Its hard to actually judge given the shakycam, camera angles, and the generall darkness of everyhting (They seem to like dark and shadows, or maybe its just the quality of the clip) but maybe a 2 km range or so is likely - that's about as best as you're going to get though.
Mind you, this assume sthe Galactia is as large as I've seen some people claim, which is based on "out of universe" data. I've also heard they state a distance in the episode (a click or something) and if thats the case then the distance (an the Size of the Galactica) are going to be alot smaller.
As it is I'll give a pass on the demands for scaling since I doubt anyone else could have done a bette guess than I could without actually doign a frame by frame pixel scaling (and not even then.) But then again I better not be getting asked for anythig more precise either, since that would involve alot more work and I'll get pissed off.
2.) They can, for all I see, just sit there for seconds taking abuse while they wait for the defenses to get hacked (even though for some reason there's a deay in them TRYING to hack it, where they continue to take abuse.) They just sit there doing nothing while taking said abuse.
And for some reason the Colony doesn't launch fighters until AFTER their guns go down. I'm not entirely sure if there is a plausble reason for this given or just stupidity.
3.) They eventually DO ram the station, without noticably jarring it, ,but don't seem particularily damaged structurally, and the Colony doesnt even seem to be significantly moved by the station (Yet they are by nukes, which puzzles me to no end) I see nothing in this mind, that indicates an Omega would NOT be able to do that. Nothing about the station or the incident as described suggests it is exceptionally well armored or durable (or that its side is particularily thick - form what Ic an tell of the Galactica ramming it, its probably not very thick skinned OR structurally durable. Which if its meant to be hidden, may not be all that surprising)
Given the things an Omega HAS rammed, its quite possible they can pull off what the Galactica does and not be destroyed. If anything I'm certin they have to be careful NOT to ram it at too high a speed since there's a good risk they could end up knocking the station off axis.
Now, to establish the possible accuracies and distances a Jump point can accurately form...
Walkabout the episode, the Narn Cruiser comes out of a jump point practically on top of a shadow cruiser and manages to spear it just as it passes by pursing the white star (34:30 or thereabouts) - well within a few km of the target.
Also a Narn Cruiser in
And Now for A Word comes out within a few km of a Centauri cruiser to do battle at 36:45 - indeed they come out within close range of B5 itself and they simply pass it by
The Narn and EA are roughly comparable in firepower, technology, etc. (and to the Centauri) in capability (indeed, much of EA tech is BASED on Narn/Centauri tech purchased during the various early Wars, like the E-M War) so its a reasonble benchmark.
other examples include the Agamemnon coming out right behind a Streib cruiser in "All Alone in the Night" which I can't find/check yet, and examples of the Centauri doing so (In the Beginning) - the Centauri are possibly a bit more advancecd than EA in some ways but they're not Dramatically more advancecd than the Narn and less so than the Minbari, so they're reasonably accurate as well.
All in all I don't see what the hell is supposed to be so special about what the Galactica did in that scene that is suppsed to be all that hard for anyone else to pull off, or why it has to be 100% as accurate as the Galactica. No, the Omega won't be coming out at a perfect stop a few km from the station, but they don't HAVE to come ot at that exact spot since its bloody unlikely they're just going to "sit there and take it" for seconds. you can come out at speed from a jump poit with weapons firing (it's been done before) and in the lnks above the accuracy is close enough for their purposes. Especially since the formation of the jump gate itself will arguably destroy anyhing nearby dangerous right on top of it (and possibly close by, but the exact damage mechanism of "proximity" I should note is debatable, since as I noted you can open it pretty close to the surface of Mars and not blast/melt/vaporize anything noticably.)
And given the siz of a jump point relative to a ship (the jump point itself is going to be kilometers across) inaccuracies are going to be less than a full diameter and an Omega, coming out at speed, can compensate esily (again they're not just going to sit there and take abuse.)
And its possible they'll have fighters deployed (which can supplement the defenses, or at least sufficient distraction - those cannon rounds aren't going out any worse han what B5 has demonstrated gunnery-wise)
And i anyone asks "why won't the cylons keep shooting with the ship close by" I can give a good reason for that - B5 ships can and nd will blow up catastrophically if you do that indiscriminately - either the weapons array (As established in Legend of the Rangers by G'Kar) taking too muh damage or a hit in the wrong location - or the reactors going up (Severed Dreams, ItB, etc.) and if the ship goes up in close proximity t the Colony the conlony is fucked. I assum ehte Cylons would at least know this beforehand, otherwise this is going to be impossible for the Cylons to win without killing themselves.
Hell, Sheridan could just as well openly proclaim that fact as a threat.
I am left wondering if we know exactly how many troops the colony itself has inside, sincee that's going to be a big factor in defense. The Omega could quite possibly (likely) carry more troopers overall, than the galactica could muster, and the only figures I get from the wiki or other are "hundreds" of which is unsourced.
I'll try to get a more precise PPG figure (for metal) by looking at the door scene.