UNIT high command didn't even recognise the Doctor before they were wiped out by the Slitheen.Captain Seafort wrote:As far as I remember UNIT have always been competent when they run into an alien menace that isn't immune to bullets. I'm still waiting for the Brig to show up though.Darth Nostril wrote: Nice to see UNIT being competent handling a threat to Earth, it did take the Doctors help to seal the wormhole but they were more than capable of taking out the fliers that got through.
Season Four finale their answer to alien invasion was to blow up the whole fricken planet.
It was nice to see them back in their original role, defending the Earth and putting themselves in harms way to do so, sure they were spraying bullets every which way but the alien fliers had metal exoskeletons, it took the crew serviced heavy weapons that they'd emplaced to take them down.