Broomstick wrote:Isil`Zha wrote:I can do it with my Dervish in ~30 minutes - by far the easiest class to make that run with (literally constant speed-buff, an anti-KD enchant, and Vow of Silence to prevent the Ice Imps and Ice Golems from casting anything on you.)
What is this "dervish" profession? Since I only have a trial copy of
Prophecies I don't really have any access to it. What's the idea behind it?
Oh sorry - Factions has 2 additional professions - Assassins and Ritualists, and Nightfall has Dervishes and Paragons - in addition to all the professions found in proph - as well as each of them having their own set of skills.
The Dervish is, for all intents and purposes, a "Mage Knight." They use Scythes that have a huge damage range, but also can hit the hardest (max is 9-41, where for example, a sword for a Warrior maxes out at 15-22.) Their armor is the same as a ranger, but they have higher energy regen to support their enchantment casting - Dervishes use a lot of self enchantments to protect themselves and do damage. Also, Dervishes gain health and energy whenever an enchantment ends on them. They also have skills to transform into Avatars of the various gods in GW lore (which grants various bonuses while the form lasts.)
You can only create the four classes I mentioned above in their respective versions of GW - however, all versions of GW provide quests to get your character to each of the other GW continents - which is why I would be able to help you out with my Dervish in Proph.
The slow leveling didn't bother me - I just figured it was par for the course of any RPG.
Some RPG's level faster, some slower. Actually, with WoW I'm now getting dissatisfied because it seems you level
too fast these days and don't really have time to get into the story/background, or do some of the instances before you blow past the levels they're intended for.
Well that's the thing - the fast leveling is
necessary in Factions and Nightfall, as the game quickly ramps up to requiring max characters.
One thing I've hated in WoW was people offering their high level characters to drag me through an instance as a "favor". It's invariably been a miserable experience with them doing all the killing, me getting little experience points, and being rushed through so fast that I have trouble keeping up and have no clue what the hell is going on. Do that too much in WoW and you wind up with a level 80 and no clue how to really use it. Yes, sometimes the grind really is pointless, but some grinding is what teaches you how to use your character, lets you try out different things so you learn what's most efficient when, and yeah, get a little lore.
Right, that's the equivalent of "running" in GW - people "run" you through missions or areas. I don't do that. As for the grind being necessary to know how to use your character, I don't have a problem with that. The grind I was talking about that I don't like was "post-story" stuff where you're just grinding for stuff that's pretty much nothing but bragging rights. And there's a lot of grinding for that in GW because money is always a bitch to build up (the highest gold drops you'll see by the toughest enemies will be on the order of 130-160 gold, that will be split 8 ways.)
GW definitely does have a different rhythm. It may be that after my first character I won't want to grind the immediate post-Searing stuff, but for my first one I probably should do it, if only to commiserate with everyone else who went through it.
That's what I did, and I definitely encourage a first-time player to do the same.
Really, this reminds me of discussions in WoW with one group thinking the secondary professions are boring as shit and the other half enjoying the hell out of them and talking about how to make money off them. I expect to find similar differences of opinion in GW. Certainly there's a divide between the PvE crowd and the PvP only crowd, I can tell that just from the way the character creation is set up and reading a bit of history about the game.
Oh definitely, there's a huge difference between the PvE and PvP crowd - so much so that about a year ago they started splitting skill updates - changing how certain skills work in PvE and PvP.
I do use my secondary class, but usually for specialized builds now - my Warrior had 2-3 skill slots dedicated to his secondary for more than half the game, but then my play-style changed. The way I was doing my warrior's secondary was inefficient anyway - putting way too many attribute points into the elementalist skills that I rarely used (like Meteor Shower - I had to stick runes on to get my Warrior's energy up to 26 so I could use the 25 energy cost Meteor Shower.) Hell, I have an awesome Necromancer build whose skill-bar is half Assassin skills.