SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

PeZook wrote:Tender declared by the Royal Office

The Royal Office officially declares a tender for the purchase of the following items:

1) Fleet of two (2) long-range passenger aircraft

2) Fleet of six (6) medium-range passenger aircraft
Kyoto Aviation Private Communique
FROM: T. Sakagami, CEO, Kyoto Aviation
TO: Royal Office of the Kingdom of PeZookia

To whom it may concern,

If you are looking for a quality medium-range VIP aircraft, look no further than Kyoto Aviation's own Lineage 1000. A development of our successful E-Jet family of regional airliners (specifically the E-190), the Lineage 1000 presents an economical alternative to similar aircraft offered by Boeing, Byzantine Air McMillan, and other manufacturers, offering the same capabilities at a lower cost. While the standard amenities of the craft are already very luxurious in their own right, the Lineage 1000 is highly customizable and can be modified to your exact specifications. Remember, Kyoto means quality.


Tomoyo Sakagami
CEO, Kyoto Aviation

[Please see the attached pamphlet detailing the Lineage 1000's specifications.]




The Lineage 1000 is largely based on the successful E-190 regional jet. The greatest change in the Lineage 1000's design is the additional fuel tanks in the lower deck cargo hold space, which nearly doubles the jet's range from the E-190's original specifications. The Lineage 1000 also boasts a lavish interior, divided into up to five sections including an optional bedroom, a washroom with running water, and a walk-in cargo area at the rear. It possesses a larger internal volume than comparable business jets, matched only by the (significantly more expensive!) Boeing 737 and Byzantine Air McMillan A320 family of airliners; as such, it is highly open to customization to whatever specifications you desire.


[NOTE: All specifications are given for a basic model; customization can change them somewhat.]

General Characteristics

Crew: 2-3 (pilot, co-pilot, optional flight attendant)
Capacity: 110 (single-class passenger capacity, basic E-190); 19 (basic Lineage 1000)
Length: 36.24 m (118 ft 11 in)
Wingspan: 28.72 m (94 ft 3 in)
Height: 10.28 m (34 ft 7 in)
Max takeoff weight: 55,000 kg (121,252 lb)
Powerplant: 2 x General Electric CF34-10E turbofans, 82.3 kN (18,500 lbf) each


Maximum speed: Mach 0.82 (481 knots, 890 km/h)
Range: 8,344 km (4,500 nm, 5,179 mi)
Service ceiling: 12,496 m (41,000 ft)


$42.95 million
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »


The group wandered up the hills of Costas de los Cincos Muertes, a gentle pace suitable for the rugged, untamed terrain of the jungle interior. Their routine was the same-- step, step, step, step, spin, glance behind, spin, continue. One of their ex-Shepistani operators was point, a good man-- wiry and lean, and mean as Ebola when the time was right. The rear man was Riggo, a former Old Dominion Special Forces operative who'd briefly served felony time for aggravated assault and rape before being dishonorably discharged and finding a home in the RUF. It was he who had held up a clenched fist as Jackson Blackpelt spun to check the rear. The group froze in place, then took knees in the foliage.

Blackpelt looked at Riggo, who glanced back at him, and put a single index finger pointing up in front of his forehead. 'Officer', he was asking for, which meant Jackson. The leader of RUF moved back stealthily to crouch next to Riggo.

"Company, boss," Riggo said quietly. He pointed back where they'd come. "At least a platoon-sized element, maybe more, that's all I can confirm for now."
"Baerneish regulars," Jackson saw them. He quickly assessed the situation. "They're making speed, closing the distance," Jackson said, "Which is also tiring them out in this hilly jungle shit. Trade-off. Alright." He looked back at Lukin and motioned him forward.

Lukin Grey --lithe and graceful, almost effeminate,a prettyboy in his mid-thirties who could still pass as a teenager if he had to, glided to a stop next to Jackson. "'Sup, chief?" he asked, glancing at the Baerneish troops.

"Map has a stream up ahead," Jackson said, pulling out his plastic-covered map, "We'll make speed to the stream, then split up. Lukin, you take 10 men with you and continue to our next nav point as planned. The rest of us will walk downstream to ... right there. Looks like it widens out into a pond... standing water means clay underneath and potentially lots of brush. We'll get out and loop around to meet you." Lukin nodded, and headed for the front of the line, pointing at different men on the way up. He kept Riggo with him as one of his choices.

"Leave traps?" Kelah asked as Jackson linked back up with her.
"No, they'll know we're aware of them and planning for them. They're alert enough already," he said with an easy smile. "Let's go."

The RUF moved ahead to the stream, which was about eight feet wide at it's widest, and three feet deep. It was murky jungle water, rather than the clear Alpine mountain streams that allowed observers to see the bottom. Perfect.
"Alright, they won't see any mud we kick up. Good. Let's make haste downstream; Lukin, you continue as we were and make it look like we're all still together."

"Are we gonna whack these guys?" Lukin asked.
"Nope," Jackson replied, "We're gonna be ghosts in the woods, and let their doubts do the work for us. We have other things to take care of, so for these yobos it's evasion unless we end up getting backed into a corner. Let's go."

The two groups went their separate ways, Lukin glancing at his watch. They had another six days before they were to link with the helicopter that would take them out of Costas, an unmarked Japanistan-owned bird. If we can trust the Japanistanis, he thought. But then, they'd taken a big risk and invested a lot in them so far...

RUF to evade pursuit, go on to other targets and spread fear, distrust, dissent.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Siberia, UCSR


"Buran Shuttle, report?" asked the pilot of the An-225 Mirya, who was also the mission co-commander.

"All systems go. Buran I ready for release," replied the pilot of the Buran I, the other mission co-commander.

"Mission Control, we are ready to proceed with flight test I. We await your permission," said the An-225 pilot.


"This is Mission Control. Permission is a given. You may release."

"Thank you Mirya Control. See you on the landing field."

"See you on the landing field Buran I."

"Release, in 1, 2, 3, now." The pilot flipped a switch and the Buran was released. The Buran I test vehicle was released and it glided through the air as the pilot aimed the aircraft at the landing field. Shortly later, it landed on the landing field rather flawlessly, much to the delight of the mission control engineers.




The massive rocket was hauled up to the launch pad to be made ready for launch. The lift vehicle for the Buran, it would undergo several tests, and run into a few failures before it was fully certified for launch. It would be at least 2 years before it was ready for the final tests, but nevertheless, it was time to get the rocket ready.


When hauled in place, mission control then initiated the count down, and the rocket was launched shortly. A first time successful launch for the rocket which would lift the Buran.


(OOC: I assume some notification was sent to relevant agencies that this is a test launch and not some ballistic missile attack)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

RogueIce wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:The aircraft landed on the airfield, to be met by President Rufus' entourage.
Midgar, Shinra Republic

President Rufus and his entourage met the aircraft as it landed on the airfield.

After the usual ceremonial nonsense, they were taken away in limos to go have various discussions. When they had settled in to a quiet conference room, Rufus allowed them to open the discussion.

I'm not feeling inspired enough tonight to kick it off. The ball's in your court.
"Well, let's cut to the chase shall we? Both of us know that there is no agenda for the coming conference, and unless some of us decide on one, this is going to be one heck of a talk shop, with tonnes of accusations thrown left and right. It will probably make the atmosphere even more poisonous than it is already now.

First thing first, the big issue is Frequesue. The CATO Frequesue members are dead against Tian Xia meddling in their vicinity, supporting of all things a dictator of some rat hole, saying it is some mandate of heaven that no one should meddle in the affairs of the country. The Duchy of Baerne did not fire even a single shot on the Costa government forces, until it was fired upon. Then along comes a Tian Xian battlegroup. If you ask me, such 'incidents' do not promote good will, nor does it even so much as suggest any neutrality in the issue, and instead suggest shades of gunboat diplomacy. Of course, Baerne should have calibrated their initial response, but their actions are neither new, and under the now defunct FTO, those were the norm. Frequesue has and shall remain a wild place lacking in civilization for many years and it takes blood to keep the local thugs in line.

Second, while we admit we admitted new members rather quickly, and we are open to possible transparency, can the MESS said to be transparent as well? We have questions as to what would happen to Sirnoth after the junta was removed? And was the use of nuclear weapons even so much as necessary? Why is Tian Xia supporting a dictator of some rat hole there? What do they gain from this? On one hand some accuse us of expansionism, and then you have this sort of behaviour?

King Paul is suggesting a kind of council for all, but let's be blunt and specific. Talk shops are only as useful as the words are made into actions or lies perpetrated to hide some unpleasant facts. Binding treaties are only as useful as who signs it, and who doesn't. For such a council to even work, a kind of detente must be achieved.

This is what we propose:
1. Regular meetings between foreign ministers to discuss various issues, and to come to a compromise on various outstanding issues within a reasonable time period. A red line between all leaders in the form of a video conference, should matters of urgency arise, should be set up.

2. Notifications that a certain nation seeking to join either alliance, be they as an observer or a full member will be delivered promptly at least 3 months before actual admittance. The decision on admission will be sent to both sides when they are made and these notifications must be at least one month before actual admittance.

4. That Tian Xia and the Frequesue nations must come into some kind of agreement in which all are treated as equals and that all respect each others' personal space, within reason. Details of which is something all of them will have to come to some agreement. It is also preferable that non-aligned nations will be part of this agreement. The issue is not a question of neutrality, but rather that no one goes barging in and then a war of words erupt.

5. A joint policing force in Costa, and an eventual election which is fair and free from any corrupting forces.

6. Finally, that Sirnorth be restored with dignity and honor with either fair and free elections or restoration of the original government. Which ever the people choose to approve preferably by referendum. We advocate a cease fire and that the junta step down at once to make way for a more legitimate government. Whether Sirnorth chooses to align itself to Old Dominion is to be left a matter between Old Dominion and Sirnorth. It's not like Lord Fairfax is going to listen to us anyway.

You are free to make your own demands on what should be done, and what should not be done. And then the haggling can start. Note that some other members of CATO might have their own demands, and this is only a baseline template.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

PeZook wrote:Tender declared by the Royal Office

The Royal Office officially declares a tender for the purchase of the following items:

1) Fleet of two (2) long-range passenger aircraft

2) Fleet of six (6) medium-range passenger aircraft
BAM would like to offer the following:


The A350XWB

Overall length: 60.7 m
Height: 17.2 m

Engines: Byzantine-Shroomanian XWB Trent
Thrust: 74,000 lb. slst
Typical seating (level 0): 270 passengers
Range (w/max. passengers): 15,400 km
Typical cruise speed: MACH 0.85
Ceiling: 43,100 ft.


Max. take-off weight: 248 tonnes
Maximum zero-fuel weight: 173.5 tonnes
Maximum fuel capacity: 129.000 Litres

Price: 200 million Solidi (As per Wiki)

We also offer the A330:

Overall length: 58.8 m.

Engines Byzantine Shroomanian Trent 700

Engine thrust range: 303-320 kN
Max Range (range mode): 7,400 km.
Max. operating Mach number (Mmo): 0.86 Mo.
Passengers: about 300 in single class configuration


Maximum takeoff weight: 227 tonnes
Maximum landing weight: 182 tonnes
Maximum fuel capacity: 139,100 Litres

Price: 170 million
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

Greenport, Duchy of Baerne
"The Java Factory" Coffeeshop


Deena Messenger loved her morning coffee. Actually, she loved her morning soy latte, but that wa sbeside the point. Every morning before classes, she would find her way to the Java Factory, the charming coffee shop that catered to the university crowd a block away from the campus. It had been among the first places she'd scouted out when she arrived in the Duchy of Baerne, fresh off the plane from Canissia, her home.

Deena sipped her latte and went over the morning emails, her favorite bloggers, and news sites. She particularly liked sites such as New Left and The Manifesto, sites chock full of discussion about human rights, fair trade, watchdogging evil multinational corporations and keeping an eye on the latest abuses against the poor and downtrodden by faceless, soulless, heartless governments. One article in particular caught her eye-- it was a small local-feed article, one not seen, probably, outside Baerneland. The headline read: "MESS DEATH SQUADS IN COSTAS?"

She read the article, eagerly taking in the information. The quiet village of Los Tigres had, apparantly, been a big supporter of the Baerneish intervention... and apparantly paid for it in blood. Their village had been wiped out, apparantly by professional troops. The only indication of who it could be was the rounds recovered from inside building, cars, and people-- "6.8mm MESS standard rounds," the article said, "fired from MESS standard assault rifles".

She had no idea what, exactly, the technical details were-- but it didn't matter, did it? The rest of the article reminded the average angry Baerneish citizen that the MESS-backed forces in the Coastan government had been more than willing to commit atrocities by firing chemical weapons at Baerneish peacekeepers, unprovokied, and even attack the civilian capital of the Duchy itself. Was it really such a stretch to assume that a death squad would try to eliminate as many of the Duchy's supporters as possible, in anticipation of a future peace accord?

Deena knew some folks back in Canissia that would eagerly accept the story; she also remembered that tall, handsome PeZookian fellow she'd hooked up with while backpacking through Khitan. They'd kept in touch in Friendbook... Deena quickly copied the article and shotgunned it out to at least two-dozen people, where in student leftist circles it began to draw some attention, and spread virally.

As intended, the RUF's activities eventually find a useful domino to be the first to fall.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »


The launching of the newest Royal Navy Roll-On/Roll-Off ship, the RNS Jonathan Finney, was a delightful bash. The Finney, named after a Second War of the World Army private that earned the Cross of Valor for heroics on the battlefield, was the latest in a series of recent launchings of ships that had been approved under the King's heavily-amended Naval Spending Bill. Smaller ships that had been under construction for some time-- a pair of Frigates and Corvettes-- had already been launched, but now the bigger vessels were taking their places in the fleet.

Admiral Paolo M. Randolf spoke at the ceremony, recited a list of deeds that Privaye Finney had achieved, and the ship was launched, with all the bands and wine-bottle-smashing glory that typically accompanied such things. While the Navy was, overall, happy, and the dockworkers who built the ships were as well, there was a tense air of uncertainty among them as well.

The King's desired spending bill had originally included two new carriers, but they had been cut-- a move the Parliament now seemed to regret. Talk had been made of funding a new carrier, a larger, heavier Ford-class, but so far no money had actually been budgeted. The shipyards for such a carrier were being expanded, but at a slow pace-- in fact, the first new carrier would be contracted form Wilkonia.

The Air Force had enjoyed a quiet expansion with a whole wing of drone fighters-- the Army had been expanded by an entire Corps, with the Legion Etrangere... but the Navy was concerned-- had they been forgotten in the budget process? And what would happen to the older Carriers when the new ones were built to replace them-- eventually..?

Fiding a buyer for the old carriers would go a long way towards financing the Fords....
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by RogueIce »

((OOC: Well, I wasn't expecting it all at once, but we'll roll with this.))
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:"Well, let's cut to the chase shall we? Both of us know that there is no agenda for the coming conference, and unless some of us decide on one, this is going to be one heck of a talk shop, with tonnes of accusations thrown left and right. It will probably make the atmosphere even more poisonous than it is already now.

"First thing first, the big issue is Frequesue. The CATO Frequesue members are dead against Tian Xia meddling in their vicinity, supporting of all things a dictator of some rat hole, saying it is some mandate of heaven that no one should meddle in the affairs of the country. The Duchy of Baerne did not fire even a single shot on the Costa government forces, until it was fired upon. Then along comes a Tian Xian battlegroup. If you ask me, such 'incidents' do not promote good will, nor does it even so much as suggest any neutrality in the issue, and instead suggest shades of gunboat diplomacy. Of course, Baerne should have calibrated their initial response, but their actions are neither new, and under the now defunct FTO, those were the norm. Frequesue has and shall remain a wild place lacking in civilization for many years and it takes blood to keep the local thugs in line."
"I suppose one thing we all have to understand here is how Tian Xia views itself regarding Frequesue. Namely, that they consider themselves as much a part of the continent as San Dorado, Baerne, and the others. You could debate that one to death if you chose, but simply dismissing it will get you nowhere, not with them. If you look at it from that perspective, some of their actions make sense. This is what I have gathered from my conversations with the Huang Di on the matter.

"Now, this is my speculation only. But I'd imagine some of that Costas situation is a mix of principle, and no doubt some annoyance. The Tian Xia mission into the CFR is what was blamed for sending the NFT and Baerne into CATO, is it not? The FTO having failed at keeping 'outside influence' and all that. And then later, Baerne intervenes in the Costas. CATO-backed Baerne. To the Tian Xians, I can imagine this being a slap in the face. They are told their intervention was bad, foreign influence, and so on. But after Baerne joins an outside alliance, their intervention is good, and why should anyone be mad? Now, this is all only my personal theory, but it makes a certain amount of sense if you see it from the POV that Tian Xia is a part of the continent.

"To be blunt, if you're going to tell the Huang Di that they are not allowed to intervene in a situation on a continent they consider themselves a part of, because they are 'foreign', but that CATO members can do so at will, even though CATO is an outside alliance, I think you will get a very cold reception. At best."
"Second, while we admit we admitted new members rather quickly, and we are open to possible transparency, can the MESS said to be transparent as well? We have questions as to what would happen to Sirnoth after the junta was removed? And was the use of nuclear weapons even so much as necessary? Why is Tian Xia supporting a dictator of some rat hole there? What do they gain from this? On one hand some accuse us of expansionism, and then you have this sort of behaviour?"
((OOC: I have no idea why you included that Tian Xia bit, since it makes no sense in context with Sirnoth, so I'll just ignore that.))

"Have you ever asked these questions of the Old Dominion yourselves? Transparency is well and good, but it doesn't mean we should send detailed memos outlining our every decision. A little warning here and there is a good first step. But those details will have to be worked out, I am sure.

"Regarding the Old Dominion's use of nuclear weapons, I can say this to you becase we are alone. We think of them as big bad weapons, due to our past experiences. This world has not had such similar experience, and as we have seen with Tonkin, and even with Indhopal, there is more willingness to use them here. As to why the Old Dominion employed them, I imagine it had to do with the chemical attacks used by the junta to expedite their genocide. He did not consider himself to have the assets in place to defeat the Sirnothi Navy, allowing him to make landings of ground troops, quickly enough using conventional means. He really is racing against the clock in trying to stop the junta from killing off the Dominionite and Shepistani populations. It was not an easy choice for him, but it was the lesser of two evils at the time.

"And, as I recall, King Paul has made a trip down there, has he not? I'm sure the situation in Sirnoth would be one of their topics of conversation. Perhaps we will learn more when next we see him? Or the question could be asked at the conference, whether officially or unofficially."
"King Paul is suggesting a kind of council for all, but let's be blunt and specific. Talk shops are only as useful as the words are made into actions or lies perpetrated to hide some unpleasant facts. Binding treaties are only as useful as who signs it, and who doesn't. For such a council to even work, a kind of detente must be achieved."
"I would agree there. I know Arik has been speaking of a United Nations, and amongst us we know why he chose the words he did. But we also know that organization, on Earth, was not exactly the most effective."
"This is what we propose," concluded Heraclius as he handed Rufus a sheet of paper:
1. Regular meetings between foreign ministers to discuss various issues, and to come to a compromise on various outstanding issues within a reasonable time period. A red line between all leaders in the form of a video conference, should matters of urgency arise, should be set up.

2. Notifications that a certain nation seeking to join either alliance, be they as an observer or a full member will be delivered promptly at least 3 months before actual admittance. The decision on admission will be sent to both sides when they are made and these notifications must be at least one month before actual admittance.

4. That Tian Xia and the Frequesue nations must come into some kind of agreement in which all are treated as equals and that all respect each others' personal space, within reason. Details of which is something all of them will have to come to some agreement. It is also preferable that non-aligned nations will be part of this agreement. The issue is not a question of neutrality, but rather that no one goes barging in and then a war of words erupt.

5. A joint policing force in Costa, and an eventual election which is fair and free from any corrupting forces.

6. Finally, that Sirnorth be restored with dignity and honor with either fair and free elections or restoration of the original government. Which ever the people choose to approve preferably by referendum. We advocate a cease fire and that the junta step down at once to make way for a more legitimate government. Whether Sirnorth chooses to align itself to Old Dominion is to be left a matter between Old Dominion and Sirnorth. It's not like Lord Fairfax is going to listen to us anyway.

"You are free to make your own demands on what should be done, and what should not be done. And then the haggling can start. Note that some other members of CATO might have their own demands, and this is only a baseline template."
Rufus simply nodded his head. "And I'm sure other members of the MESS will do the same. I will look this over and pass it along to my allies and, with your permission, President Garrett. As host of the conference, this will at least give him a baseline of thought, assuming he doesn't have his own ideas already. Which, knowing him, he just might." He handed the sheet of paper to a staffer summoned by a buzzer, who quickly departed and secured the door once again, allowing the conversation to continue.

Discussion begins between Heraclius, Shady, and Rufus. Rufus gives copy of the Byzantine/UCSR (I'm assuming you two agreed on this?) to various MESS members and, in theory, Cascadia.

PS: Fingolfin, at some point you and I need words alone.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

NFT Headquarters, downtown San Dorado City

“… and finally, there is an issue of an apparent atrocity perpetrated on the Costa.”


“Yeah. Some village got wiped out in the middle of the night. Men, women, children. Word through the grapevine is casings were retrieved in 6.8 MESS standard caliber.”

“Why is this in this conference?”

“Well, considering the Tensions…”

“Granted, but Charlie, it’s the Costa de las Cinco Muertes. Atrocities are a dime a dozen down there. Sweet Lady, atrocities are the reason the place is named the way it is. One more massacre is hardly the stuff of Syndicate-level briefings.”

“I understand where you’re coming from Sidney, but all things considered… This doesn’t bear the marks of a hit by bandits, and considering the timing… I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Hmm, I see your point. Alright, tell intel to keep a look out and let the troops in the buffer zone know. Any more of these show up and I want to know about it right away.”

“Yes, sir.”

“If there’s nothing else? Right, this meeting is adjourned. See you tomorrow.”

Result: NFT troops and intelligence assets on the Costa will be paying closer attention to the goings-on, but le terreur warrants nothing else at this stage.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense

Coalition rings in New Year with liberation of Neunkirchen

The Sirnothi 3rd Infantry Division retreated out of Neunkirchen, a suburb of Württemberg, as the Old Dominion 1st Armored Division engaged them as part of a broad-front offensive towards Württemberg by the OD II Corps. The Augustine II Rifle Guards Division continued to disembark at the Port of Baden, as Coalition forces came under criticism for deciding on a ground assault on Württemberg rather than Al-Dathesda first.

Several thousand refugees, of all ethnicities but primarily those of Dominion and Sheppish origin, have fled to Coalition-controlled Baden. Even more are still making their way there, as withering coalition air attacks provide cover for them to escape...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Raj Ahten »

Major New Defense Spending in Indhopal?

Fenraven is abuzz with rumors of new defense projects. Unlike previous year's budgets, this one is entirely black and covered by the state secrets act. Previously only the ISIA;s and certain covert military units had their budgets concealed. IT is known that Indhopal's air defense network is to be completely redesigned from the ground up. Most Signifigantly though sources inside Parliament also indicate Indhopal will be working to produce its own version of the Silver Streak. Defense analysts think it likely that Indhopal will simply produce the system under liscensce from San Dorado.

(Seige Tank I'm going to buy those systems we talked about via PM)

What's in the Black Budget:
-2 vigilant class SSGN's
-4 Barracuda class SSN's
-A comprehensive redesign of the air defense network to turn it into an integrated system with hardened radars, anti satellite and ABM capabilities will be started.
-The last of the Gripen's that don't have AESA radars will get them.
-The mirage Fighters will be upgraded with better engines, datalinks, and radars over the next couple of years.
-The army will receive robots and a variety of comms and sensor gear to keep them current with latest developments.
-Indhopal will start work on its own squadrons of Silver Streak's.
(Please note not all of this is slated to be completed next year, simply started.)
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Ralson Concerns Ltd. World Headquarters, borough of Delta City, San Dorado City


The atmosphere at the top floors of the world headquarters of Frequesue’s largest arms manufacturer was ecstatic, no downright euphoric. Sure, the megacorp had made some extremely profitable deals in its time: selling an entire F-171B wing to PeZookia, the rearming of Coilerburg, or dealing arms to the Winter Army in return for blood diamonds.

Nothing, however, came close to the hyperorder of military gear that Indhopal had just put in.

They wanted missiles. Rockets. Radar sets for aircraft and hardened ground stations. Launch equipment. Titanium frames. Electronics and other parts for submarines. Aircraft engines. Battle computers. Data management systems. And orbiters, entire squadrons of orbiters, and all the equipment required to operate them.

For the latter they wanted a license to be sure, but that contract alone singlehandedly turned the Silver Streak project, previously a major net loss, into a profitable venture.

And Ralson Concerns, only just recovering from the blood-letting that was the disbandment of all joint FTO programs, suddenly found itself confronted with an imminent cash-flow of billions of dollars.

“Sweet Lady” murmured Jenny Ralson, daughter of Sam Ralson and heir apparent of what was arguably the most tainted of all of San Dorado’s many blood-stained megacorporations. She rubbed her forehead and twirled round in her father’s massive leather chair. “What are we to do with all this money?”

Her second in command Jesse T. Cody shrugged. “Build weapons of course. Lots and lots of weapons. What else?”

Jenny Ralson leered nastily. Her father had taught her well.

It was going to be an excellent New Year.


Result: A very happy new year from the coasts of San Dorado :D.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Pegasus finishes with a splash

After almost a dozen days in orbit and having set the current record for simultaneous persons in space Pegasus 10 has returned to Nova Terra succesfully ending the Pegasus program on a note of foreign co-operation and scientific endeavour. The mission itself involved 8 crewmembers four of whom were only added to the roster in the past three months. Two of them, Maj. William Culling, Royal Cascadian Air Force, and Lt. Luo Xiao-Li, Royal Cascadian Navy, were the first astronauts aloft from the fledgling Cascadian Space Agency. While not yet a full partner to the MSA and its member agencies the CSA provided additional financing for Pegasus 10 which allowed for a fully crewed Terran Departure Stage to be launched on the second launch of the mission. Piloted by Commander José Jiménez of the Old Dominion the second vessel served as the docking partner to the primary mission craft led by Lieutenant Commander Raquel Luna of the Royal Canissian Navy.

Once the two ships mated on the third day of the mission the two crews began a series of experiements, most of which haev been relayed through partnership agreements with the FASTA, on crew phisiology over long duration missions. Planners were happy to have been able to include several prototype fitness equipment devices in the extra payload space offered by the dummy TDS on the second launch. Officials at both the MSA and FASTA have expressed concerns over long term human habitation in space and both have been working feverishly to both discover and combat hurdles to long duration missions.


Upon splashdown in the Atlantic all astronauts were returned to HIS WHORE Tammy Sytch (LHD-76) after which they served as guests of honor for the official decomissioning of the last Pegasus capsule. While the basic design will be mostly unchanged for the upcoming Daedalus missions the maximum crew size has been reduced to 6 in order to accomodate more life support and human habitation neccessities in both stages of the system. MSA mission planners at the Johnson Space Center look forward to next month's inagural, unmanned, mission in that series.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

Selene 5 scrubbed

Due to the lack of a Lunar Module for an unmanned Selene 5 test mission, FASTA flight planners have made a decision to scrub the mission. According to the FASTA press release, a mission not involving the Lunar Module would not justify the cost, as one of the primary goals of Selene 5 was validation of LM systems.

However, according to reporters on site, assembly of the Selene 5 launch vehicle has not been aborted. The starship, along with its Saturn III launch vehicle, are still stored at Jerusalem's VAB, surrounded by heavy security.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Midgar, Shinra Republic
The Meeting
RogueIce wrote: "I suppose one thing we all have to understand here is how Tian Xia views itself regarding Frequesue. Namely, that they consider themselves as much a part of the continent as San Dorado, Baerne, and the others. You could debate that one to death if you chose, but simply dismissing it will get you nowhere, not with them. If you look at it from that perspective, some of their actions make sense. This is what I have gathered from my conversations with the Huang Di on the matter.

"Now, this is my speculation only. But I'd imagine some of that Costas situation is a mix of principle, and no doubt some annoyance. The Tian Xia mission into the CFR is what was blamed for sending the NFT and Baerne into CATO, is it not? The FTO having failed at keeping 'outside influence' and all that. And then later, Baerne intervenes in the Costas. CATO-backed Baerne. To the Tian Xians, I can imagine this being a slap in the face. They are told their intervention was bad, foreign influence, and so on. But after Baerne joins an outside alliance, their intervention is good, and why should anyone be mad? Now, this is all only my personal theory, but it makes a certain amount of sense if you see it from the POV that Tian Xia is a part of the continent.

"To be blunt, if you're going to tell the Huang Di that they are not allowed to intervene in a situation on a continent they consider themselves a part of, because they are 'foreign', but that CATO members can do so at will, even though CATO is an outside alliance, I think you will get a very cold reception. At best."
"That whole situation could have been handled a lot better. In my opinion Tian Xia should have tried a diplomatic solution first, before sending in carrier battlegroups and trying to force things to go the way they wanted. The Huang Di could have, should have, contacted the Baernish or CATO and tried to find a peaceful solution that would work in everybody's favor. You must understand that it is very hard for our Frequesan friends to tolerate the actions of Tian Xia, when all their actions are that of forcefully trying to get things to be done their way, and not even once attempting to talk with their neighbors and solving problems with diplomacy, instead of rattling sabers."
RogueIce wrote:"Have you ever asked these questions of the Old Dominion yourselves? Transparency is well and good, but it doesn't mean we should send detailed memos outlining our every decision. A little warning here and there is a good first step. But those details will have to be worked out, I am sure.

"Regarding the Old Dominion's use of nuclear weapons, I can say this to you becase we are alone. We think of them as big bad weapons, due to our past experiences. This world has not had such similar experience, and as we have seen with Tonkin, and even with Indhopal, there is more willingness to use them here. As to why the Old Dominion employed them, I imagine it had to do with the chemical attacks used by the junta to expedite their genocide. He did not consider himself to have the assets in place to defeat the Sirnothi Navy, allowing him to make landings of ground troops, quickly enough using conventional means. He really is racing against the clock in trying to stop the junta from killing off the Dominionite and Shepistani populations. It was not an easy choice for him, but it was the lesser of two evils at the time.

"And, as I recall, King Paul has made a trip down there, has he not? I'm sure the situation in Sirnoth would be one of their topics of conversation. Perhaps we will learn more when next we see him? Or the question could be asked at the conference, whether officially or unofficially."
"A little warning or just a call to, let the other side know what is going on; will make for a good enough start, I'm sure.", President Shady paused for a moment, recalling something from his distant past, the old world, "And as for the Sirnoth situation...the Genocide must be stopped."

"As both of you know, I come from a country of the old world which has seen an attempted genocide of my people, as such I have a zero tolerance policy towards it. In my opinion the Old Dominion is justified in using every means at it's disposal to stop the Genocide of the Shepistani and Dominionite populations and to bring those responsible to justice. If they must use Nuclear weapons to achieve this, then so be it. Although I think it would be in everybody's best interest that the use of nukes is minimized as much as possible.

I am sure that once the matter is resolved, Sirnoth can have a Democratic Election and elect a new government that will be more capable than the last. I am sure King Paul will be more informed on the situation there, after his visit to the Old Domionion, as such I feel that further discussion of the matter should perhaps be done at the upcoming Cascadian Conference."
RogueIce wrote:"I would agree there. I know Arik has been speaking of a United Nations, and amongst us we know why he chose the words he did. But we also know that organization, on Earth, was not exactly the most effective."
"I guess it's up to us to make this version of the UN effective, it could prove to be just the thing we need."
RogueIce wrote:Rufus simply nodded his head. "And I'm sure other members of the MESS will do the same. I will look this over and pass it along to my allies and, with your permission, President Garrett. As host of the conference, this will at least give him a baseline of thought, assuming he doesn't have his own ideas already. Which, knowing him, he just might." He handed the sheet of paper to a staffer summoned by a buzzer, who quickly departed and secured the door once again, allowing the conversation to continue.
"Rufus, dearest of all my friends...", Shady smiled, "I must now tell you the reason as to why I joined Heraclius on this visit."

President Shady leaned back in his comfy chair, with a rather serious expression on his face.

"I will be completely honest here, tensions have run high, too high. We cannot allow this course of events to be continued. You were there with me, when we fucked up last time, when we watched the world burn around us. We have been given a second chance, and we must not fuck it up again. I believe that we must take action to ensure that history does not repeat itself, whatever that action may be. Transparency and communication will make a good start, the upcoming conference could prove very useful in achieving that. What I'm trying to say is, that we must find a way to trust each other and become friends once again."

OOC:[I'm mostly in agreement with what Heraclius said, especially if I haven't addressed the matter myself, but there are some subtle differences in here.]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense
Gas War Begins in Sirnoth

A Coalition spokesperson has confirmed that Coalition forces have exchanged chemical attacks with Sirnothi forces part of the Cortes Regime.

"Mustard and Chlorine Gas shells were fired on elements of the ODA 1st Armored in an attempt to stall the advance towards Württemberg. Coalition forces responded with VX Nerve agents on a sector of the Sirnothi line north of Württemberg."

When asked about the limited response, the Coalition spokesperson said: "We are attempting to limit non-combatant deaths, and so will only respond to chemical attacks in kind sparingly. But we will not allow the Sirnothi forces of Cortes a free pass."

Old Dominion and other MESS forces have gained ample expierience in NBC enviroments, thanks to security operations in the Shepistani Quarentine Zone. OICAS began it's intervention after Cortes began the slaughter of the Dominionite and Sheppish minorities with chemical agents...[More]
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Row Yer Boat


Blues Brothers Shipyards, La Palma

Escorted by loud applause from the crowd on the quayside and a superb rendition of As Time Goes By by the Navy Marching Band NFN Seahorse slowly pulled away from the dock. The stately frigate cut through the waves sharply, maneuvering out the busy harbor before settling next to her two escorts, the Crimson Dubloon-class NFN Black Pearl and the Formidable-class NFN Red Moon.

Together the three stealth frigates would make a trip from La Palma to Fallston to celebrate the introduction of the Seahorse, first ship of the brand-new Seahorse-class of dedicated ASW frigates.

Designed in cooperation with Constantinople Shipyards the new ships were stacked with the latest and greatest of high technology. Seahorse was the first NFN ship to incorporate elements of S-500F-F, and carried two point defense systems: lasers and RAM. The SURTASS II sonar vastly improved its detection capabilities over older platforms, a modern active/passive torpedo protection system improved survivability when confronted with enemy submarines, and perhaps most importantly the ship was armed with Klub II-A anti-ship missiles, produced under license in Coilerburg.

The North Frequesuan Navy was slated to receive a whole batch of these ships. Five over the next five years, and then another five of the air defense variant. Eventually they would replace the Crimson Dubloon-class first generation stealth frigates, but that moment was a long way off. For the foreseeable future the three classes of ships would ply the seas together, all but invisible to enemy surface radar.

Result: New toys!
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Raj Ahten »



"Good day, Mister Hokuzai," the Indhopali foreign ministry official greeted.
"Good day," the Japanistani visitor said, a charmingly disarming fellow. Not like I expected at all, the Indhopali man said. The Indhopali representative was nervous-- his name was David Ferrows, and he was a deputy sub-assistant to the Foreign Minister's office-- low enough on the totem pole that he could be "expendable" if political circumstances required it. He showed the Japanistani man to a seat where they could talk.

"So, what brings you to Indhopal today?" Ferrows asked.
"Mutual concerns," Mister Hokuzai said, "Our government views, with great concern, the expansion of foreign imperialist powers in the midst of once-neutral and serene Frequesue. While Japanistan may seem far away and unconcerned, we feel that we cannot sit by idly and let the bully forces of the world dictate to those who are smaller, just because they can."

"I can't say I find much fault with that way of thinking," Mr. Ferrow said, "Was Japanistan offering some sort of... mediation?"
"Mediation can be had," Mr. Hokuzai said, "But one needs to mediate from strength, or one is simply in a position to insist that demands are dictated politely, and nothing more. The forces of Imperial Japanistan stand ready to lend materiel assistance, training, and logistics as needed to make the bandit kingdoms of the world think twice before issuing their threats."

"Materiel support..?" Ferrow asked. He had his own wish list, but was it what the mysterious Japanistani visitor also had in mind?
"Tanks, planes, trucks, what need you... training cadre. We have 15,000 men ready to take part in training excersises with your country, and indeed with any Frequesuean nation interested in hosting them. We can draw up terms of lease for bases and docks, as well. Trust me, with Japanistan as your partner and ally, you can put a stop to the rapacious land grab perpatrated by the bandit kingdoms."

"I... I will have to talk with my superiors about this," Ferrow said.
"I am in town all week," Mr. Hokuzai said, smiling politely.

Indhopal offered assistance in the face of Imperialist Colonialist powers.
Indhopal's leaders knew they needed to be cautious around Japanistan. Many didn't trust them at all given their imperialistic behavior in the past and their international pariah status. Indhopal was in a tight spot these days though and no offer of aid could be discounted out of hand. Mr. Hokuzai got his response.

President Raj Ahten invited the delegate to his offices where they also met with key members of parliament. The President greeted Mr Hokuzai politely and thanked him for his offer of assistance. He also said that at this time Indhopal would have to decline such direct assistance, as Indhopal's citizens would never accept foreign troops based on their soil no matter if they were friendly or not.

He did say that relations between their two nations had been cold for far too long. President Ahten offered to resume trade relations that had been cut for many years. More importantly he brought up the possibility of intelligence cooperation to combat crime and terrorism as well as share "information of interest" to both parties.

The President also invited the Imperial Navy to make a tour of friendship to Indhopal's ports and that Indhopal's navy would reciprocate the show of friendship.

Indhopal declines to have bases in its territory but opens up to the possibility of friendly relations and intelligence sharing with Japanistan.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

SinTEK facility codename Big Wheel, South-Western Coilerburg

Located at an abandoned spur from the Rotherburg-to-Berlaymont rail line was the SinTEK facility code-named Big Wheel. The cluster of massive interconnected bunkers was the remnant of a megalomaniac pet project of long-gone Coilerburg dictator Iler, an attempt to build an impregnable fortress from which the despot had planned to rule over Greater Coilerburg.

But Coilerburg had lost Iler’s War, and construction of the citadel had faltered. Then the dictator was assassinated, and in the following decades of instability the project had been abandoned and subsequently forgotten. Until agents of the San Dorado megacorp had stumbled upon it by accident.

Now the bunkers housed Big Wheel, a facility as secure as SinTEK could possibly make it, and a sight that would have made Iler himself proud.

The ancient, half-buried concrete fortress lay at the heart of five hundred square kilometers of megacorp-owned land declared off-limits to any visitors and accessible by invitation only. A complex web of sensors and electronic scanners spiraled outward for kilometers from Big Wheel itself. Armed guard patrols in combat vehicles and on helicopters made regular sweeps across the prairie-covered hills. UAVs scoured the skies, searching for intruders with unblinking camera eyes. The whole area was dotted with fortified bunkers holding remote-operated missile launchers and all sorts of automated defense systems.

A dark green corporate helicopter plastered with the stark white SinTEK logo surged through the air, the monotonous whup-whup-whup of its blades indifferent to the electronic challenges with which the craft was bombarded ever since it had entered the invisible security perimeter around the facility.

Aboard Jenna Davis, acting CEO of SinTEK, looked on approvingly as her pilots fired off passwords and layers of security grudgingly parted before the helicopter. She ignored the warning lights indicating they were being tracked by multiple targeting radars, and instead focused her attention on the swiftly approaching facility.

Big Wheel was not the first black facility SinTEK operated; that dubious distinction belonged to codename Red King. But where the latter facility focused exclusively on chemical and genetic weapons research, this place was developing whole new generations of military-grade augmetics. As a recent deal with Miratia proved there was profit be made of civilian biomechanics all right, but like all megacorps SinTEK knew that the real money was in military applications. And the artificial limbs, wetware chipsets and sensory devices SinTEK made available on the civvie market paled in comparison to what the unscrupulous researchers of Big Wheel could do.

Bioelectric enhancements. Artificial muscles. Nuclear-powered motors similar to the small reactors that ran sonar buoys and deep-space probes. Carbon-steel armor. It was really rather remarkable what you could graft to the human body even with the relatively crude man-machine interfaces they'd developed thusfar.

Unfortunately all test subjects so far had had... negative psychological reactions to the enhancement process. That was a polite way of saying they had gone stark raving mad. Something to do with the sensation of metal rubbing against internal organs, or not recognizing your own reflection in the mirror, the psychologists attached to Big Wheel theorized. Davis smiled wryly. It didn’t really matter. She was shaping the future of infantry warfare here, one psychologically instable cyborg death machine at a time, and the simple fact of the matter was that you just couldn’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs. Sooner or later they were bound to get it right. And until they did, the civilian spin-offs of Big Wheel's black research projects would continue to pay handsomely for most of the facility's steep operating costs.


Coast off Paradise Island, off North Velaria

The inhabitants of Tarfaya came out en-masse to line the streets of their small village. They were mostly the young and old, most of the able bodied men and women were off to work in the fields surrounding the hamlet.

The first noise was sound of engines, then the column of trucks and APCs came into view as it made its way into town from the coast. The soldiers were singing a raucous marching song and the crowd broke out into applause and cheers even though –or perhaps because- they did not understand the words being sung. The column swung into town as the first Gazelle scout helicopter beat overhead.

For the first time since its inception the NFT Foreign Legion was on the move.

The 2nd Foreign Infantry Brigade could at best be called ‘motorized’, and was by any modern standard equipped with woefully antiquated gear. The soldiers were a colorful patchwork of nationalities in basic, old-fashioned combat uniforms, looking borderline irregular with their beards and customized uniforms. They rode on ancient trucks, and their armored support was made up of AMX 10 variant infantry fighting vehicles, built in the nineteen sixties and pulled from dusty warehouses in San Dorado and Coilerburg.

But the Legion didn’t need particularly high-tech tools to still be vastly better equipped than the typical Velarian militia. The old equipment was more than enough to ensure technological parity, and modern communications gear, proper training and almost universally battle-hardened nature of the Frequesuan recruits would do the rest.

Of course they didn’t need their lethal skills just yet. These lowlands surrounding Paradise Bay were comparatively civilized territory sprinkled with farms and small towns that thrived by providing the colonists with foodstuffs and other mundane requirements. But the band of civilization was razor thin, and soon enough the legionnaires’ search for the crashed orbiter would take them into the jungles of inner Velaria.

Once in there they would need their survival skills, as well as the aerial support of the helicopters stationed at Paradise Island, and anything the Canissians and Cascadians could provide. But for now, they savored the curious attention of the local populace. As they column wound through Tarfaya the soldiers broke into a new song, the anthem of the exiled Omagans of the Legion.

“Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien...”

Result: Foreign Legion moves out in search of the crashed Bellerophon orbiter. Also, introduction of the SinTEK Big Wheel facility & its purpose.

OOC: The foreign legion movement takes of course place in unreal time. In ‘real time’ the Bellerophon ordeal is already resolved.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Zor »

Union Press

International Police Conference begins


Legion Motors High Speed Cruiser, Displayed at the Police Conference

Buy'n Large Conference Center, Port Victory-Today, with promp and cerimony began the International Police Conference in Port Victory began. Over 4,000 Officers, experts and a few members of the press have arrived for this occasion. The Conference began with several discussions of Zorian Police Proceedure and methods followed by a Rundown of Zorian Equipment, several demonstrations of Zorian Police Proceedure in some 20 scenarios by Zorian Rapid Responce units and Regular Beat Officers and after that by several lectures and presentations by both Zorian and Non Zorian Police officials. Among these being law enforcement experts several chiefs of Police, including that of the Stasograd Militia, Byzantine Police Chief and controversial Law Enforcement expert Eric Matsukawa. Events are expeted to be ongoing for another four days and many visiters have discribed it as informative.

Zorian Faiths abroad continue to expand

Today the official reports of the Expansion of Zorian Norse and Shinto faiths aborad from the Assembly of Shinto Shrines and the Association of Norse Preists have come in, indicating a growth of the foreign faithful to 400,000 Zorian Norse and 325,000 Zorian Shinto abroad. In praticular, growth has been large in Cascadia, Canessia, Shroomania, Serenity, Langley, Tian Xia, San Dorodo and PeZookia in Recent years, with their most recent sucsess in the growth of Zorian Norse faith being in San Dorodo, which has balooned to 30,000 followers in the last two years.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Raj Ahten »

Klavostani Mercs Say They Are Open for Business!

Colonel Ali, head of the Klavostani Regency Council's contracting division said that despite the change of government in Klavostan the country's security professionals were open for business.

"With the Sultan's rightful heir now under the watchful eye of the Regency Council we are ready to deliver a full spectrum of military and security services to the world."

Results: Klavostani mercs are available for whatever the plot demands; except for operations against Indhopal or Tonkin that don't pay really well and are very covert in nature.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »

Headline, San Dorado Times


Emperor Heraclius I of Byzantium is the winner of the much talked-about online bow statue contest for S.S. Tyrannic, one of two record-sized cruise ships under construction by the Blues Brothers-SchromCorp shipbuilding consortium.

Shortly after the keel of the massive ships were laid down SchromCorp announced that the bow statue for its ship would be one of the vessel’s namesake, Queen Asphixia. Blues Brothers however hosted an internet poll in order to determine whose visage would decorate the bow of Tyrannic.

For a while it appeared that Tian Xian despot Huang-Di Beowulf was going to win the contest, with emperor Heraclius, prime minister Shroom the 777th of Shroomania and king Arik Coyotus of Canissia being runners-up, followed closely by a host of international celebrities including the Latin Patriarch of Shepland Gregory XIX, the famously hot wife of lost Canissian astronaut Wolf Thideaux, sultan Saladin IV of Syria, and Baernish tv-icon Mr. Rodger. A massive eleventh-hour voting effort orchestrated by Byzantine and Arabian websites however managed to give the ruler of the Empire a decisive last-minute lead.

The bow statue of S.S. Tyrannic will be an eight-meter-tall, gilded, larger-than-life affair, accused by some sour art experts of being ‘exceptionally tacky’. It is designed by the critically acclaimed Shroomanian post-postminimalist sculptor Karl Hungus, most famous for his massive Johnson Jetty monument in Comberth Harbor, a 8500 ton work of art made of basalt, earth and salt in the form of a giant dick.

Construction on the Queen Asphixia and Tyrannic liners is slated to take another year. Upon launch both vessels will have the distinction of being the longest, widest, tallest and largest ocean liners in the world - at some 350 meters in length and with a gross tonnage exceeding 160 thousand tons. Equipped with their nuclear power plants, their endurance will be markedly greater than that of traditional fossil-fuelled cruise ships, allowing them to voyage around the seven seas for much longer periods of time.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Shroom Man 777
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Shroomanian Scientific Society

A MacMillan-made 'Nano-Nose' cybernetic prosthetic prototype.

The MacMillan Megacorporation has announced the development of its latest line of cybernetic 'wetware' components. A cybernetic nose designed to replicate normal olfactory functions in those who have had the misfortune of losing either their noses or their sense of smell from accident or disease.

The 'Nano-Nose' makes use of cutting-edge nanotechnology and highly miniaturized sensors lining the interior of the synthetic nostrils, connected with nerve-interfaces to transmit sensory signals to the olfactory lobe of the brain. Unlike artificial eyes, where cameras and lenses merely transmit images, or cybernetic ears that interpret sound waves, the Nano-Nose's sensors have to chemically interpret and 'smell' the particles that enter it before transmitting the data to the normal parts of the human brain.

Because the sensory process of smell is similar to that of taste, the MacMillan Megacorporation has a simultaneous project working on an artificial tongue.

However, the artificial tongue project is slightly more complicated than the 'Nano-Nose' in that it will make use of artificial musculature technology in creating a synthetic tongue that will also be lined with cybernetic chemical receptors able to taste food. The artificial musculature will also allow the artificial tongue to perform the full range of motions its biological counterpart is capable of.

Art-tongue proof of concepts have included forked variations proposed to be able to directionally taste the air like snakes and lizards. MacMillan is also working on other projects designed to artificially emulate non-human senses, such as the echolocation of dolphins and the tactile electrosensitivity seen in sharks and rays. The latter project is being performed in the joint Shroomanian-Byzantine 'Deep Blue Sea' underwater oceanographic research facility.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Shroom Man 777
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Mushroom Military Messenger

The design of the joint-CATO Continental-class catamaran carrier.

The Sovereign Navy has issued a contract to Comberth Harbor, SchromCorp and the MacMillan Megacorporation to begin construction of the new joint-CATO designed Continental Class carrier from 2018. Meanwhile, the Navy indicated that a new nuclear-powered destroyer tentatively designated 'Constitution'-class is in design stage and should also commence construction around the same time as the construction of the first Continental class carrier for the Navy, alongside the 'Contradiction'-class nuclear cruisers. Construction of the Continental class carrier is anticipated to last 8 years, with the carrier entering full commissioning only in 2028 earliest. The nuclear 'Constitution'-class destroyer and 'Contradiction'-class cruiser are expected to require a significantly shorter construction time, however.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Karmic Knight
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Karmic Knight »

MESS Standard Missile - 4 Family Purchased as the Commonwealth Anti-Air Missile

A Missile Battery on theShroom the 777th

The Second major contract of the New Commonwealth Defence program has been signed, the first of the New Year. The Contract is going to various MESS military companies that produce the SM-4 family of missile.[more]

Commonwealth Navy to Lease Modern Nuclear Destroyers

The Commonwealth Navy has modern nuclear warships, or at least, they will be leasing three of them from Tian Xia. [more]
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.