Hillary wrote:Close but no banana - his initial plan failed and he was flapping until the Doctor told him how to rectify the situation. Even if he had worked it out eventually, it would have been too late to stop the swarm getting through.
Because of course, this supposed genius is too dump to just try cranking the power up to maximum. The only thing the Doctor did to help him was say "loop it back through the integrator" which honestly, is meaningless, and given that the guy managed to come up with a valid way of closing the thing beforehand (which the Doctor is awed by and considers genius) without the Doctor business distracting him, there's no reason to think he wouldn't have pulled it off.
There's also the issue that the swarm would build up the wormhole again anyway - so stopping them once wouldn't necessarily send them away forever. The Doctor will redirect the wormhole to solve the problem for good.
And when it keeps coming back, they can fire a Z-bomb through...
Of course, on a simpler level, you're assuming that these things are perpetual motion machines - how many times do you think they can do their generate a wormhole trick without feeding? Because there's two flies and some guys in a bus left on that planet...
However, as UNIT has shown it takes roughly a minute to kill each one, it would take them 2 years at that rate to blow up a million - and you can't expect them to all simply hang around in the sky waiting to be hit by the big guns.
And of course, UNIT couldn't call in reinforcements.
The fact that UNIT could blow up a spaceship with nukes is irrelevant to this threat.
Why? Fire a Z-bomb (Human doomsday weapon from
Tenth Planet set in 1986, of which they had several, used to destroy Mondas, the cyberman homeworld) through the wormhole, and the entire planet on the far side will be destroyed let's see the swarm survive
Yes, compared to Sontarans and Slitheen. Telepathic flies who had to march the Doctor and Lara back to their ship to read their minds rather than doing so on the spot. I concede you have a point about me complaining of silly monsters in Doctor Who

Close, but no banana.
device he put on in the ship was a 'telepathic translation', they were not telepathic.
Genii Lodus wrote:They weren't telepaths themselves but had magical telepathic translators. Not sure why the fly never took one with it when it went to capture the Doctor and Lara-alike. Perhaps it didn't want a conversation or was just confused or was thinking about garbage?
It wasn't originally planning on taking captives. It probably intended to just shoot them in the head until the Doctor started begging for mercy. Then it took them back to the ship to interrogate.