Glasnost and perestroika, really? Apparently Rush is a hardline totalitarian. Damn that Glasnost!RUSH: Thank you, Victor, and we're going to continue our fight here against glasnost and perestroika from the Obama administration.
Are you sure that wasn't the section meant to be absurd? Because this just shows he's got no idea what he's talking about. Again. And then there was the section where they all complained about how 24, softcore right-wing pornography that it is, incldued a PSA where the people at 24 asked their viewers to join Jack Bauer to fight against global warming. They were all pretty steamed about that. Damn them and their radical climate change agenda, asking for support! As Rush said a viewer stated, "I won't watch 24 again!""Glasnost can also refer to the specific period in the history of the USSR during the 1980s when there was less censorship and greater freedom of information."
"The perestroika reforms began the process leading to the dismantling of the Soviet-era command economy and its replacement with a market economy."
Put into the context, then, we have an insane fatass complaining about how his favorite show had a PSA asking for support to save the environment, and talking out of his fat ass and using terms he doesn't even have the barest understanding of. In that context, yes, perhaps I shouldn't take Rush's words seriously--but not for the reason you assert. Is he always wrong?
In any case, I'm forced to agree that the piece was a meanspirited piece of farce. Look at the Gergan/Sharpton bit:
I have no idea if he took Sharpton in-context, but I think this is an instance of Poe's Law, not of actual Rush Limbaugh expousing a position that they're poor, innocent sailors--and how do I wish it was. I mean, look at this, and then ask if he's really being serious:SHARPTON: The so-called pirates, they call themselves voluntary Coast Guard in Somalia, which may be more apt.
RUSH: Well, there you have it, from one of America's true leaders of the civil rights movement, the black community, they're not even pirates. They are voluntary coast guards. So in fact what we have here, according to the Reverend Sharpton, these young kids, black Muslim kids, three of which were ordered shot by President Obama on Sunday afternoon, they're just a voluntary Coast Guard trying to protect Somalia, they're just patrolling off the coast of Somalia as sort of a voluntary National Guard, so-called pirates, they're not really pirates, according to reverend Sharpton. He's confirming me, Mr. Snerdley. Don't look so incredulous. They're just community organizers and they have decided to organize out on the high seas as a means of protecting their beloved country, is all this is about.
RUSH: No, you don't understand. You don't understand. I'm glad you called and said this to give me the opportunity to explain. We don't have enemies. Well, we have enemies, but we have enemies because of us. We have made them our enemies by being a superpower, by having such a big military, by having such a big economy, by having so much prosperity, by having so much freedom, by feeding the world, by outperforming every other civilization in the history of human existence. We are the problem. We have only been able to do this, you see, by stealing from the Somalis and stealing from the Kenyans. We have stolen all of the resources of the world to use ourselves in a selfish effort to make ourselves bigger than anybody else. And so it is guilt that forces us to send food and good wishes to our enemies like this. This is the way the left thinks. Remember, the United States is the problem in the world.